Cute tech

can we have a thread about cute tech?
there is too much gross nerd stuff on tech atm

>>>/g/ would be a more appropriate for you. It's a fucking botnet anyways.

Cute tech is always massively under-speced.
I had a weeb gf who bought this shit. Enjoy your 1gb RAM

because it is made for little girls and not 30 year old neckbeards who want to run templeOS with 64 gigs of RAM

Do you need heavy specs for facebook?

Yeah I get that, but between 1gb and 64gb there is an actual usable minimum.
Not so little the OS starts swapping before it even booted.

You joke but isn't the facebook phone app over 300mb install footprint, and an absolute hog?

You literally need nothing more than 1GB if you install linux. If you installed arch/gentoo you could get that down to 512mb and still be browsing kikebook in all the modern desktop glory.
You only ever need more for vidya, vidya editing, and compiling. Anything else is just you doing it wrong.

fb needs at least 1gb

Could you open a single tab of a facebook page and take note of the ram usage on your system?

For shits and giggle I logged into a facebook. Used not more than 800MB of ram. That was with all my other shit open too. You are doing it wrong you faggot.



Women use facebook fag. You literally can't stop them using legal means.

You can stop them using rape.


If this was true I would be the facebook killer.



found the win10 user

All modern websites contain tetration towers of circlejerk abstraction layers and cancerous bloat. Consider the fact that tumblr lets people write their own layouts with embedded JS.

I guess you could be like that one guy who made his Thinkpad white. That was fancy.


Where did it all go wrong?


This thread is pure /g/. That's because /g/ and Holla Forums are the same thing.

I can shitpost and watch 720p videos just fine on an atom with 1GB memory