Any other leftists who kind of want trump or another right-wing president?
I feel like it's what it will take for people (especially minorities) to actually wake up.
Any other leftists who kind of want trump or another right-wing president?
I feel like it's what it will take for people (especially minorities) to actually wake up.
If Hillary wins I don't want to have to deal with all the "if trump won things would be better…" shit, and trump winning would certainly prove how he won't improve the lives of people.
Otherwise it would be bad. Luckily I'm not in the USA.
There is no way in hell he is going to win the election anyways. Its just not going to happen. The rest of the election is going be all about all the bad things he said to make Hillary look better. Hillary will be president. Don't waste your time caring about these bullshit elections.
What? By 'wake up' I meant realize how much the system actually despises them.
Fair enough.
Trump will do all of zero things people think about him.
He's not going to build a wall. There is literally no way that congress will pass a bill that suddenly eats up over 3% of the entire national GDP.
There is no way they are going to declare war on Mexico, a major trade partner, to try to force them to fork over what would be an even bigger share of their entire GDP
His anti-immigration shit is literally going to be waiting for the illegals to leave on their own at the -4% net rate they're going at, then at the end of it loudly proclaim how he solved the issue.
The greatest serious threat a Trump presidency poses is probably bombing and pissing off the Middle East more and inspire more terror attacks.
Trump is a disinterested shithead who would surround himself with advisers and do whatever they told him.
Last time that a president did that it was Bush and we will be living with his fuck up for the next 100 years.
Trump being president would completely destroy all the momentum the left created with B████ and we'd be right back to left versus right. Actual leftist policies would be bunched together with neo-liberal bullshit again and it would be dismissed just as fast as it used to be. He isn't anti-establishment he's just cosplaying one. He's a complete buffoon and he's proven this time and time again
As AWFUL as Hilary is at least with her in the seat the left can make far better criticism and actions against neo-liberals. Trump promises not only to be a worse president but one that regresses the left.
Yes, I think the USA needs sacrificing at the altar.
Hilary is a neoliberal you fucking shill.
kind of.
only because he would be entertaining and most likely a failure
I want him to win just to see Holla Forums's despair when he completely fuck things up. Although knowing Holla Forums as I do I think they will just gonna pretend their support and enthusiasm for him weren't real and they'll backpedal and try to rewrite history as they do with everything spouting that they never liked him until it becomes "true".
They are tied in the latest polls.
There's a lot of people angry with the system right now and even with all the bullshit Trump said I believe he still have a huge chance of winning.
Eh, he's gonna be Bush 2 at worst, and that's being very pessimistic.
Just like Holla Forums did with he who cannot be named? Although I know it was mostly dank memes 2bh
People who keep saying this haven't been watching the polls. They just haven't.
I wan't trump to win the election because he is most likely to get assassinated.
3% of the GDP ? Are you kidding ? There is a wall in place for large parts already, fill in the gaps and increase surveillance.
And then operation wetback II.
And IDK how it will be possible to bomb the middle east even more. You might recall him saying that he wants the USA to be more isolationist. That doesn't really work out together as well eh ?
You sound ridiculously uninformed.
Go over to Holla Forums and look at the clinton foundation thread.
When that shit gets mainstream… Bill clinton with epstein on the pedojet to lolita island is just the tip of the ice(((berg)))
No, i'm not a misanthrope.
It won't hit mainstream unless we actually do something about it.
True, but no media channel will pick up on it. Unless Trump drops the bomb. The FBI obviously doesn't have the balls to do it. The Clintons, Obama, Soros, now hold control over all institutions and their assorted power. When this power comes up for grabs, it's gonna be interesting. The unnamed one didn't have the mental fortitude to even enter the Arena, it is better this way.
Acceleration is a doomed endeavor in the modern era of mass media brainwashing and Cold War resentment.
Someone link Trump the archived thread.
You aren't wrong but you don't have to name drop Soros where he isn't relevant just to fit in
Believe it or not, but George Soros is closely linked. Especially Alex Soros, BLM
(Deray), Dorsey, Lynch form an integral part of this ring of decisionmakers.
This. She lied when she said that she had doubts about TPP/TTIP. She wants em both and will brazenly lie to your face to get them.
Didn't the German left say it would be better that even Hitler wins than their opponents since it will make the proletariat wake up? Zizek said something similar in a video.
Exactly. If it works anything like when Labour win in the UK, a Democratic victory will throw a bucket of cold water over any left wing activism.
Is that bad? Leftist activism is joke in itself. dozens of splintergroups all loudly proclaiming they own the truth.
He would either back away from all the election promises he made and be a gigantic pushover (most likely) or ruin the country's economy with things like his 45% tariff proposition and set the stage for the collapse of the entire world market.
I hope he does the latter if he is elected, it would be a lot more beneficial to us if he were to just outright ruin everything, one step closer to throwing capitalism in the trash.
I think that a Hillary win will help wake some liberals up. If Trump wins it's just "fucking B████bros didn't fall in line, Hillary would have been an awesome president xD"
because screw criticizing yourself for not getting shit done when shit is bad enough already
you can make the same argument if hillary wins
just stop trying to complain about the inevitable excuses whichever way this goes,
focus on getting your own shit together and done
Fuck no, it doesn't work, it just makes things fucking worse. Britain elected the tories, now they're fucking up Britain and no other party can challenge them. Australia elected the Liberals, look at how Abbot fucked up the entire country in just a few years. Look what happened when we elected Bush. Every time major countries elect far right wingers to punish lefties for some reason, it just fucks everything up even more and we never get back to where we were. Even now, the effects of Reagan's' presidency are still felt as a kind of political background radiation that permeates the entire fucking country.
Yeah no shit. And because of recent events people finally are realizing the difference between a neo liberal and a leftist.
Or they'll say The Establishment/Liberals/Jews prevented Trump from achieving his beautiful vision for the country. Holla Forums is too smug and insecure to admit they're wrong about anything, to the point where it's become a fucking meme.
The polls are going to change radically once the general election campaigning goes into its full swing, especially once we see some head-on debates.
Granted, that doesn't necessarily mean anything good or bad for either candidate. Just that the polls aren't close to being end game accurate.
Trump's chances are going to come down hard on minority voter turnout. Which might actually be pretty good, since minorities love Clintons and fear what Trump is offering.
The sheer number of latino an African American voters going against Trump has made him being elected virtually impossible.
People are talking about Arizona turning blue.
Well, putting aside the misery he would inflict upon his subjects…
I'm neither Muslim or living in the US, so assuming he doesn't annex the great lakes region and start pumping out water to Las Vegas - I would expect it to be one hell of an entertaining ride.
I disagree.
It would be nice for him to take the fall for the upcoming economic crash.
i lik tremp
I lik ur post.
me on the left
Anyone looking forward to the new face of the American Government shouldn't post here
gud jab spee
-t. /monster/
Not gonna happen, people here are huge Trumbo supporters.
Is it true that Enver Hoxha is still wordfiltered on this board?
Trump himself isn't the problem, it's his cult of personality. He appeals to people that want a God Emperor to make them feel safe from the marauding hordes. This means that without him, they'll just sit around and complain like the pussies they are.
Haha autocorrect cause I've been talking about that movie. Trump supporters. Definitely not Trumbo supporters.
Holla Forums BTFO
Elite pedophile rings, all the more reason to hate the upper-class.
kek. I wanted to make that joke
this. as much as i dislike obama, im so sick of hearing people on the right act like if a republican were president terrorism and social strife would vanish.
Except Trump actually did that. And he was friends with Epstein as well, largely, to a bigger extent. Four women have now come forward that he himself and epstein had sex with them when they were minors, not only minors, but about twelve years old.
If Trump was to dig into Epstein, he'd have to open his own skeleton closet since he was heavily tied to him.
lol exactly. That's why neither camp is commenting on it. Its sad really. If one of them was just even a little less crooked that would be game changing
exchange between epstein and a lawyer:
Q: Have you ever had a personal relationship with Donald Trump?
A. What do you mean by "personal relationship," sir?
Q. Have you socialized with him?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Yes?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Have you ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18?
A: Though I'd like to answer that question, at least today I'm going to have to assert my Fifth, Sixth, and 14th Amendment rights, sir.
me to budy
stupid ashol pakis lik clenten
And here I thought we like big infrastructural project.
Considering there's a financial depression coming which will make the 29' look like an average market hiccup, the wall isn't that bad of an idea to provide jobs when businesses are laying off.
And he proposed many other infrastructural projects because of the same cause.
This guy ain't perfect but Hillary will cause a WW with Russia and merge the whole North America, flooding the rich countries with cheap labour which will even worsen the crisis.
Not even mentioning that her BFF Huma is a Saudi agent.
I'll take a shady businessman that just might do something right over a psychopathic brain damaged cunt that laughs about pedos getting scot free and champions marxism based on fictional mental illnesses and race relations.
hay budy
yu lik criket?
Trump has already been accused of raping a 13 year old girl at one of Jeffrey Epstein's parties in a federal lawsuit.
Bill Clinton and Trump both have strong ties to Pedofork Island and Trump has been personally implicated.
The mainstream media has not talked about this, and it never will.
I kinda wanna watch the world burn.
The Hispanic vote does not matter. Let me copy/paste a bit of an essay I wrote on this:
Do you have any evidence for this? I'm not finding any.
I'm not an American but I honestly just think it's crazy he's gotten this far, the dude has no political experience, hasn't held public office etc.
All he has to his name is supposedly a lot of money, a shitty reality TV show and a ton of failed business ventures. Hasn't he been to court a stupid amount of times and destroyed local small-businesses in his past as well? All I've ever heard of Trump before being a Republican candidate was that he was a huge asshole who is only rich because he was born rich.
Suddenly he's the right-wing poster boy all over the world and it just came out of nowhere.
To me as an outsider he just looks like a popular face that the Republican Party has propped up simply because he has gotten a lot of crazy support, and nothing more.
And what do you think Trump dismantling NATO will do to Europe?
End of EU. And then internal wars. We are long overdue, either way.
Even if we don't touch Eternally Balkan, Poland and Romania want a few pieces of Ukraine (Romania also wants Moldova and Transnistria) - with the local population being overwhelmingly pro-, while only NATO/EU stops Estonia and Latvia from going full Nazi (and Russia or Belarus beating nine kinds of crap out of them for this).
Even Western Europe is mostly held civilized by the presence of NATO. Should it go away we'll get Spanish separatists as well as internal clusterfuck in Germany/France. And then there is this Greece/Turkey thing.
Whatever will generate the most butthurt from the most horrible people on the planet, I'm the most okay with.
I volunteered for B████ but it seems the DNC is determined to be hated.
What are you talking about? Minorities are already awake with BLM and the recent shootings
I just saw Trump's RNC speech on YouTube.
He is charismatic as fuck.
I think he's going to win. Hillary Clinton can't top that shit.
I don't think Trump is really going to make America Great Again. But as a NEET, I can understand Trump's appeal with the downtrodden.
Hearing Trump's speech gets you all fired up. I felt inspired to want to run as an independent NEET MP on a left-wing populist platform hearing his speech. I'm a socdem. But I don't give a single fuck about immigrants and SJW issues. I want them to stop bringing so many immigrants in here. They are taking our jobs. Fuck internationalism. I grew up with a first-world standard of living. I want the third-world to stop diluting our wages and killing our jobs.
And naturally I want to hold Porky accountable too. We need a $15USD/hr minimum wage, a 30 hour work week and economic sanctions on porky for trying to skirt my labour laws. The bourgeois SJWs can continue to vote for their SJW parties. The real proles will vote for their NEET Messiah.
ya I think he's going to win too. I'm actually kinda rooting for him at this point. Hillary is the worst of the worst
It's weird how the far-right proles stop at just scapegoating immigrants, visa workers and outsourcing though. A real populist would hold the corporate elites accountable too. Trump has no plans to increase the minimum wage. No plans to shorten the work week not even from the Democrats even though automation has reduced our need for labour considerably and the labour force participation rate is in the low 60s…
The unions fought for the 40 hour work week a long time ago. Why is no one fighting for 30 or even 35 when we have such a low labour force participation rate?
We need to being unions back! That's why we're regressing! I'm sure of it. It was the unions who fought for so much of what we enjoyed in the past. My dad was a union worker. But union workers these days are a bunch of cowardly cuckolds. My uncle's union threatened to strike. But my uncle didn't want to strike because the older workers like him had a good deal. The strike threat came about because it was the young union workers who weren't satisfied with their shitty deals. The old union workers have sweet grandfathered deals. While the new union workers get the shaft.
Actual montage of USA under Trump presidency
Well now that you mention it