Alex just said on the show that it would be a great idea, with the latest leaks, to start a false-meme campaign.

It should be a #HillarySteppingDown campaign or something. They're using false memes on the population against our God Emperor, we should use some too.

Spread the O'Keefe video along with the "ANNOUNCED HILLARY STEPPING DOWN" false/forced meme.

I don't have links because it was just said 120 seconds ago.

bump for decent idea
I wanted to start a bunch of psyops against the dems, they are more susceptible to it. Like on nov8 we start a "vote from home on twitter" campaign. We can really screw with them big.


in what way is this helpful

in what way is alex jones helpful

do you not remember when they tried to do that with trump and the "trump is disqualified" thing?
It can work, only because libtards are fucking dumber then a rock.

This is a good idea though acting as if we are calling her to step down would be better. Hell, pretending to be Bernouts and presenting all the info while calling on her to step down would lodge the information in people's minds. We can use the wikileaks information, especially the stuff that outright suggests treason and theft.

I made a thread about this like yesterday or the day before.
With all the emails and shit being leaked it's the perfect time to run a disinfo Op if we want to.

I think there are cons to the approach but if we are going to do it now is the very best time.

I like "Arrest Warrant Issued for Hillary Clinton" better

well lets get it running then

This man is trying to discredit O'Keefe by tying to to falsehoods. Ignore him.

This would take away the legitimacy of the keefe videos and give the ctr shills more talking points that would put a doubt seed inside normies head.




Crt please

Fuck off LCD

must be a good idea, we've got CTR going retarded in here

I was thinking "Clintons flee the country" (they're always in hiding anyway)

This. It's the Wikileaks October Surprise all over again.


>alex fucking jones?

Nice attempted psyop.

On us.
