We need to see if there is any connection to the people that rushed Trump during a rally.
This is just the first of many and it's already completely NUCLEAR.
This is open proof that the DNC has been rigging the entire game, inciting violence at rallies, paying "protestors" and breaking dozens of laws the whole time.
Even if Cunton herself doesn't burn for this, her campaign will.
Expect suicides via 12 shotgun blasts to the back of the head soon
This is far from a nuclear attack, but this is seriously terrible. So many laws broken. Collusion between DNC, SuperPACS, HRC Campaign and outside agitators. We need constant coverage. Starting with Drudge, Breitbart, Daily Caller and WND. Lets start phone bombing news networks to ensure coverage.
Can i get a TL;DR on this. Skippad through it and saw nothing. Is it created by CTR to drown the important stuff?
It's actually better than that, it's not aimed DIRECTLY at Cunton, but at her CAMPAIGN BASE.
All the little rats on this video are going to disappear real fucking quick now leaving dozens of scrapped projects behind and completely fucking the logistics up
TLDR you are fucking stupid
Calling half of Iowa and Wisconsin racist was the most cringy.
Still nothing on Drudge or Inforwars. They sincerely need to outsource their editorial direction to Holla Forums - its been almost a hour since this was out.
nice post namefag.
Just tell me what in the video that was more than NOTHING, retard
watch it and kill yourself right after you waste of space
Chekd and filtered
wasted trips. lurk more. no one here capitalizes insults for emphasis. hidden and reported.
I've watch enough. It was boring BS with nothing meaningful. Prove me wrong, faggot
Wew looks like the shills are here already.
Fuck off kikes, you're not sliding this one.
Is anyone saving this just in case?
Have already. First action.
Locating social media accounts for all those shown in the video. Business names and business addresses will be posted.
Nice try. Now just tell me what is so damn important in this video.
Good man.
Watch it you nigger. There's too much to tl'dr it.
here we go again with CTR trying to slide the thread. little cucks underpayed and mocked by their employers, jew nerds without any skills.
The "deepthroat" of our time exposes the corruption in the DNC.
High level DNC operatives caught on camera talking about bussing people to Trump rallies to agitate, about super PAC corruption, about centralized agitator training operations.
Now watch it you braindead kike, this shit is important and directly implicates DNC.
right again, it was fucking nothing
unless he has a video of shillary saying something this doesn't mean shit
Jesus fuck, CTR must be desperate.
Bump. Apparently the CTR rats are still here. You would think after getting exposed, doxed, finding out your boss thinks youre a group of freaks, and trolled, you would leave your minimum wage job.
Let's see what the people have to say about that, shall we?
You keep calling me CTR, but how about someone actually point out what it is that is os damn important instead.
Is this a CTR plot to have us spamming a pointless video to hide the real stuff, like Kennedys attempt to pressure FBI?
I would call it a tactical nuclear strike indeed. It shows links of collusion between the Clinton campaign and these communist faggots who are instigating riots around the country.
This is great but is tomorrow or Wednesday the "nigger video"? It needs to be out before the last debate.
In the time you've spent shitting up this thread you could've watched it you mongoloid.
now I get why even CTR employers despise those little virgin kikes. they really have no skills
I agree this is not a nuclear strike on a capital city. This is far from nothing though. Either your very young, a sperg, or a shill. This is enough to subvert or derail the news cycle for 24-48 hours.
Clinton is legally responsible for her campaign you dumbfuck. If there is collusion between her staff and riot instigating Marxist faggots she is culpable.
Thanks for colonoscoping the rectum.
Fucking this.
Thanks for actually answering and not hiding behind "it's the CTRs" like the rest here.
I doubt they are high, but sure, maybe. Bussing people to rallies and training is nothing. That's what I would expect. We already know about the Super PAC connection to Hillary from mails. This video isn't a effective message to the public either.
trump just shared this on facebook
I wish the election was tomorrow. This 39,005D chess match is killing me.
there is a pretty fucking huge difference between knowing it (even if there are proofs such as the wikileaks mails) and showing it on camera. and that means that many shitty news orchestrated by the media about trump supporters punching sweet old ladies were total bullshits and it was actually the clinton campaign that was putting all of them in dangers.
ofc you are either CTR or retarded. Most likely both.
Hopefully the Clinton shitting on blacks video is out tomorrow. Wednesday would be too late before the debate, Tuesday is just right in tandem with this tape.
Yep NOW it's a tactical nuclear strike for sure
Well, we will see if they chose to show this. It isn't exactly Hillary calling people nigger.
I can't wait for this video to get """"debunked"""", should be a million laughs. Deceptive editing paid for by Russians, maybe?
pls CTR stop
Yeah, but most of the Democratic base supports violent disruption. So do non-Whites – that's what their entire existence within this country is: a violent disruption of White society.
Maybe it's because this is Holla Forums, but I'm really, really struggling to see anything noteworthy here apart from particular low-level individuals getting outed. The use of these tactics is not new for the postwar Democratic party and is largely just preaching to the choir at this point. The non-White invading hordes who are being brought into the country explicitly for these purposes [and the purposes outlined in the earlier O'Keefe video about voter fraud] and they have now reached majority status in the US.
O'Keefe means well, but the guy is symptomatic of the "right wing" in America. Scared, weak, and forever clinging to the great article/essay/debate that will magically flip the switch for low-IQ subhumans [and the presupposition that flipping the switch in these mongrels would be desirable in the first place]. They'll do anything to never fight, because they aren't confident they'll win.
Wew. So I just finished the video. Every time I think we've hit bedrock on their bullshit, one of them drops another crate of dynamite down the shaft. Look how proud they are as they describe their actions.
Guys, he's a shill. Arguing with him is playing into his hands. Filter and move on.
Please don't tell me that Lego is actually (((Lego))).
I don't think so, its Norwegian. I just saved it because I thought it was a funny merchant.
Thank the Lord for that.
Fuckin' saved.
what people?
the ones who will vote Trump anyway?
you think somebody who is ready to accept firebombing election offices as a legitimate tactic cares about this shit?
and who is going to cover it?
all those networks in the bag for Hillary?
Oy v-vey what ever will we do without those key Firebomber-American votes!
B-better just go h-home go- GUYS!
Keep peddling but you're going nowhere.
Nigger please. Eat a bullet.
Danish, actually.
Holy fuck, CTR is really coming down hard on this. Must be important
What a low-energy kike we have here, folks. Sad!
Oh fug you're right.
A feebleheeb.
Is the view count frozen for the video?
Danish you Swine!
In all seriousness they're going to claim deceptive editing. James O'Keefe has had problems with this before so before the media starts reporting on it they'll probably ask to see the unedited tapes. Until then you'll be hearing all manners of shit to discredit James O'Keefe and question the veracity of the video, because of the potential that those comments were taken out of context.
What does it tell you? 16,100 views is what I'm seeing.
This wont go on forever Holla Forums bros. When the sweet sweet victory finally comes, the cucks will no longer be in control and the corrupt, abusive and lying media will finally be put on trial for their hand in the downfall of a supposedly "free" nation, then will be our time. While the masses will look on in horror the Holla Forums user will know that this is not the end of civilization, but the triumphant and glorious dawn of a new and opaque government. Every one else in this world will look around in terror and disbelief, knowing not who to trust. But us, my fellow Holla Forumss, we will identify each other by our smiles.
Same but its been at that from about when trump shared it on facebook.
Jewgle would know about it. Whatever they can do to minimize it and make it seem like a 'nutjob' contribution, they will.
Shouldn't this be stickied?
incredible digits user. To everyone on pol this isn't anything we already didn't know but to normies this is huge. Most normies only care about football and nigger music so this would never have passed through their brains. If people care or not is something else but I believe that it will do some damage to the witch.
You guys need to stop. Multiple times throughout this election I have seen people with realistic assessments of leaks like this get called shills nonstop.
Yes, this shit is damning… to decent people who have respect for the law and get their news from online alternative media sources. This clip doesn't do shit as far as her support concerning rabid leftists, timid status signaling women who think Trump is a big meanie, and the TV watchers. In other words, it will further polarize Trump supporters, and the Clinton supporters won't see it, or won't care if they do. Do you honestly think the average American gives a shit about election laws? Or backhanded tactics of using shills at rallies?
We were promised Clinton HERSELF, ON TAPE, making disparaging remarks about minorities. AKA Clinton calling niggers, niggers.
That would do it. This? I'm not so sure. The positive is that there are more tapes. Maybe tomorrow something juicier hits. And by juicier, I mean damaging in the minds of the average apathetic American. Until then, we can have fun trying to disseminate the video, and pointing out all the illegal acts. Maybe it causes a 1 point swing or something, but it's not what we were promised.
So no, I'm not a fucking shill, and neither are most of the people pointing out that this isn't a silver bullet. It's another scandal, heaped on the pile of numerous other scandals that Clinton already is dealing with, and that her supporters and still-undecided voters obviously don't seem to care about.
There's multiple videos you dribbling fucking retard
Nor was it meant to. Try again, merchant.
Maybe next time you can try actually reading the post you comment on.
Not everything is about you Hitler.
How could they be taken out of context? I don't even know what that argument would look like other than making the claim.
Bullshit, the point of leaking things about Hillary is to:
A) Get undecided voters to go for Trump.
B) Get soft supporters of Hillary to switch to Trump
C) Demoralize Clinton supporters to the point that they don't vote.
The obvious targets to switch votes, are mostly women. Many of them just say they think Trump is an asshole or something. You need to clearly show them Clinton being a bigot.
The TV watchers are harder to get, unless you can force the MSM to cover this shit.
The far leftists simply need to be demoralized. They will never vote Trump.
Trump supporters are hardened supporters. They are already going to vote, and will be voting Trump. You don't need to drop leaks for them. You can, it doesn't hurt anything, but it doesn't change the election is any meaningful way.
I-I-It doesn't mater w-w-w-what the legal and ethics people say, we need to win this motherfucker.
God, they can't even sound like non-manlets when speaking in confidence about breaking the law.
Spare me your Strategy for Dummies 'spiel'. This is but one tape and there is a reason why they are being released in this order.
That's fine dumbass. It doesn't mean that people who rightfully point out that THIS SPECIFIC tape isn't going to do it, are shills.
Nobody here is laughing about how this means Clinton is going to win or something.
The problem is the morons who call people shills for thinking that this tape is anything less than an "atomic bomb"
i understand you but you're dead wrong, this is profit that not only is rigging very real, but we have
It's far beyond that. It's like putting in that extra 17th hour of work for the day. Don't let these motherfuckers demoralize you. This is the type of stuff that forms the basis of narratives for decades to come.
The more shit comes out to surface, the more illegitimate a criminal government becomes.
CTR and others shitting up this thread need to GTFO, normies absolutely do not appreciate violence and shit happening at rallies. We might be desensitized to all the bullshit going on, but the average schmuck out there would be pretty pissed off to learn that all the stories they heard about "violent Trump supporters" were Democratic Party and SuperPAC operatives gaslighting the fuck out of them.
Keep spreading this video around until O'Keefe drops the big one, there's a new batch of Podesta emails too, we have yuuuge momentum right now and there's absolutely fucking nothing the Clinton campaign can do to recover from this avalanche… AND ALL RIGHT BEFORE A DEBATE!
It's not defeatism to analyze something realistically. I am pro Trump. I feel that Trump will most likely win. I feel that future leaks will be more damaging.
You understand that I can hold those positions and still call out the BS that this tape is the end of Clinton's campaign, right?
You're the perfect example of the problem. Nothing I have said anywhere had anything to do with PR or could be construed as defeatism. You just parrot nonsense.
Nothing you have said reinforces your apparent opinion that this video is the end of Clinton's campaign.
This video only has 16,725 views. Don't just sit around and wait for pundits to talk about this. The (((corporate Press))) will not address this unless we get people Crowder, Jones, Ghost or Brietbart to cover this. or we could flood Jewtube with our own videos addressing this while spamming this all over social media.
it still isn't even on Drudge for whatever reason, which I initially found a little strange and now just find outright bizarre
Send this to Trump, spread it like aids. For fucks sake, Hillary needs to fucking stop. All these soulless shits need to fucking hang.
Trump is already spreading the tape himself. You lose, shill.
I don't think anyone saw this as the end of her campaign. But saying that it's nothing, or implying that it's not that big of a deal is a mistake.
But maybe I really am talking to a shill because I did not stipulate that. There is no "apparent opinion" in my post. It's clear.
Her campaign will end when she has Trump's permission to die.
Nothing more will do it.
When are they going to drop that nigger bomb?
Again, you are the fucking problem I'm pointing out. Also, Trump posting the video doesn't prove it's effectiveness you mongrel. The video obviously hurts Clinton, I would have fully expected him to talk about the video. Where in the fuck did you come up with the idea that Trump only posts things that are instant-wins for his campaign?
No, I stated my opinion, and you disagreed with it. My opinion was that this tape is damaging but it isn't a campaign killer, because it is mostly going to further harden Trump's support, which accomplishes nothing.
Your opinion can thus only be
a) You don't think this tape is damaging at all.
b) You think this video is a silver bullet.
Or you call people shills when they say it might only cause a 1% poll shift, while you think it's a 2% poll difference. In which case, again, you are the problem.
Stop calling people shills if they don't take the position that every single leak means the end of the Clinton campaign. You are obviously wrong.
because unless you were born yesterday there is nothing suprising or new about this
we've known for decades that (((they))) bus people around for voting and rioting
just drop the audio/video or whatever of shillary saying something racist or gtfo
that's the only part anyone cares about
Like I said, why wait? we can spread this around like wild fire on social media while flooding jewtube with our take on this and mirrors of the original video. This is the internet, we are in control of the battlefield not (((them)).
You're post reeks of defeatism. Answer me this - does this hurt Trump? Is it irrelevant to him? That's all you have to answer.
Great posts. Kill yourself.
Even if you are the most jaded faggot in this shithole, you can't deny that this video evidence is helpful in the future.
Shills, the lot of you.
Victory can only be declared when they're all buried beneath the earth, orchards planted above them.
Drudge hurry up and post this shit.
No, it really doesn't to anyone with half a brain. You really need to learn what defeatism is. If I had come out and said that, "That's it guys. This was the last chance we had, and we blew it. Clinton is going to win", that would be defeatism.
Saying that this specific video isn't cause to jump for joy and pretend that it's all over for Clinton, is simply making realistic expectations.
Ok, just keep in mind you could have asked me what my favorite type of ice cream, and pizza was. Those two questions would have been equally as relevant regarding how damaging this tape is.
Holy shit
These people are so turned on by being the bad boy, the flaunt their felonies in some schmucks face.
They are so brainwashed into Trump being the devil, they feel like crusaders who are exempt from law and order because of their noble cause.
It wouldnt surprise me if the whole DNC up to hillary and obama thinks like that.
That's fucking weak. Do it Finland style:
Finnish burials were rad as fuck in general.
Ah but you see, I want the parasites to be useful for once, not in life but death.
He might be sticking to some sort of online news cycle.
No, defeatism can be subtle. Check out critical theory. Again, if you're not a shill, you are stupid, and you think that shills are as stupid as you are. They are not. In fact, I'd say that a good shill is smarter than the average Holla Forumsack.
Ok, so let me ask you this - do you think you are that much smarter than the rest of us? Do you think that his point really brings anything to the discussion? Do you think anyone thought that this was the end of her campaign?
Get fucked you kike. Seriously you're filtered now
My whole line of thought, throughout this whole thread is that people have to stop calling people shills for forecasting anything but the rosiest predictions.
I have in turn, been called a shill multiple times and accused of being defeatist.
This phenomenon isn't just happening in this thread, it has been a problem recently board-wide. Another example of note was the first presidential debate. That first debate was boring as shit, and was essentially a tie. Yet all anyone would say on here for a few days was how Trump completely destroyed Clinton. There were numerous people here, that were living in a disconnected reality. It wasn't until the second debate where Trump actually DID destroy her, when people finally admitted, "Oh yeah, the first debate was absolutely shit, but this one was really good for Trump!"
My reasoning for this, is because had anyone who was of the opinion that the first debate was shit, voiced their opinion at the time… they would have been called a shill and shouted down. Shouted down, for saying the fucking truth.
There is a sizable number of people here, who are essentially shutting down real discussion. The only way people will admit their real opinions on the matter are retroactively when they can avoid being called a shill by saying, "Yeah, I really didn't agree before but kept my mouth shut, but now this time it's for real!" Wait till the next leak, if it's as damaging as claimed, people are going to talk about this leak the same way.
That's a serious fucking problem with this board. I've had my fair share of fun calling people shills, WHEN THEY ACTUALLY ACT LIKE SHILLS. Legitimate disagreement is important, and these fuckers who are shouting people down unless they come to the consensus of the cheerleaders here need to go.
how was the first debate a tie you utter faggot
clinton has never said anything of merit, if you mean Trump V Holt ft bill clinton's wife that was an absolute farce and everyhting you've posted itt is indicative of you either being a cuckchan faggot, an outsider, a shill, o r just a smarmy arrogant faggot who's opinion holds no fucking merit to anyone but yourself. jesus fuck.
Ask yourself why.
Some user gave you the answer, I'll post it again
You are a shill, a teenager, or a retard.
That's perfectly fine, and I see your point. Checks and balances.
I saw the first debate as a win for Trump, because, if the game wasn't rigged, there's no way Trump wouldn't be the winner. He has to go above and beyond the call of duty to be seen as a winner - IN THE EYES OF THE MEDIA.
However, calling this leak shit is counterproductive. At this point, Holla Forums is an industrial digger looking through wikileaks. This O'Keefe leak is not a campaign breaker, but it is video evidence of corruption. No matter how you look at it, it is huge. It will not get Trump the presidency, but it furthers OUR goal. Can you give me this?
So how much of this is worth converting into a webm? It looks like I may need to split it into three parts to get it all. Anyone got suggestions for the splits?
The problem is that it fucking should be.
They are admitting to federal crimes on tape.
Compare it to all of the other shit, as in the clinton foundation collusion with foreign entities and others. We're talking about being against the hard levers of power now, as in the control of the voting machines, the media, the polling systems, and even the justice system. I hate to say this, and I'm not going to say it here, but there's a reason Americans were given the Constitution. Even if it is only for ideological purposes.
I completely agree that it furthers our goals of exposing corruption in the media and machine politics. And I don't think I ever actually referred to this leak as "shit" I simply said it's not a campaign killer. I said it might cause a 1% poll shift. I called the first debate shit.
This leak should, in any sane world, kill Clinton's campaign. But it won't, because too many Americans are either tuned out, or don't care about corruption, or engage in status signaling.
the only thing we're waiting for is the horn.
we know.
Saying that defeatism can be subtle isn't an argument that I'm being defeatist. It's an excuse the other user concocted to smear someone, no matter what they say unless and only if they pretend that this leak is a gift from god.
It's like saying tomorrow is going to be sunny and 90 degrees outside and perfect for going to the beach even though I live in the northern regions of the USA and it's the middle of October. I guess if you tried to tell me that probably wouldn't be the case because of the season and geographical location that I live in, I could call you defeatist. Wave away all of your arguments that make prefect sense for why it's not going to be fucking 90 degree sunny beach weather tomorrow, and say you are just being defeatist in a subtle way.
So why don't you save that gem for the instances where someone is actually shilling the board, and not giving you an honest evaluation of the situation at hand.
To what fucking purpose? Filtered, fuck off.
slide it
Pretty disappointed in the media right now tbh fam.
Not because they haven't reported a single thing, but because they haven't called O'Keefe a Russian yet.
What a waste of time writing that huge ass post. You're a shill. Now fuck off.
If someone recorded Hillary calling Donna a nigger and this is the nuclear bombshell O'Keefe is sitting on, it's happening
We need to dredge up as much dox as possible on the people in the video, before they or somebody else can get the shit taken down.
Potentially related emails:
That actually makes a lot of sense.
It matches what the screencap said too
I hope they call him a KGB agent it'll be even funnier
Hannity Insanity reported on it last night. Hannity was always friendly to O'Keefe back when he took down Acorn, they were both friends with Breitbart too. But now that Hannity aired it, its going to be hard for others to ignore especially on Fox.
Clinton campaign on fucking suicide watch. I'm uploading the video to Mega now in case jewtube takes it down.
Not sure what th e chances of the video being taken down are, considering it has 2+ million views, but download away.