How do we keep them from ruining this nice board
How do we keep them from ruining this nice board
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Fucking cumskins
Post more Drumpf memes. I think it's working.
Arguing centrism, is arguing for the left wing.
t. Boogie
I see what you did there.
You forgot the milliondollarextreme subreddit.
you mispelled "improve"
polumpfedditordoradrumpfedoras aren't capable of ruining or improving anything.
They're just retards jeering from the sidelines while organic memes battle shitty forced memes.
Name 2 organic memes of late
I'll bite. I'll bite so hard I cleave your shit-coated pig iron hook in two.
World leaders that ought to be respected by their respective populaces. To do so otherwise would make you an enemy of the state.
Nice projection you got there, fag.
If noticing the majority of "women and children" refugees are fully grown men and thinking there's more to "I think I'll play dominoes better on hotards than chickenlovers" than shitty pizza is gullible, I don't want to be sceptical.
Making fun of your shitty gamma-male fetishes sure struck a nerve, huh?
A shitty food-related meme that started on Holla Forums, and made its way across the internet.
A shitty reaction meme that got Streisanded the hell out of once everyone started calling it a hate symbol.
Where most of us came from when we realized the jannies were actually wrong for once but decided abusing their power and doubling down was better than being men and apologizing, so we left. Still go there now and then via proxies to dump my Fappening collection and GG memes just to make their job that little bit harder.
Huh? Is this a Canadian thing or something? Never heard of that shit in my life.
You're right, it's pretty hard to be a learned and educated individual in this day and age when you're taught maths similar to pic related #1 and made to believe that shit like pic related #2 is perfectly normal in our "tolerant" society.
Term that originated from the Matrix, and if you don't know what its meaning is then all irony is lost on you, buddy.
Oh look, if it isn't the #5469864th time this has been posted whenever a country's local workforce is made up of a significantly lower percentage of those who actually live vs. those who can be cheated out of minimum wage and send all their earnings back home, and god forbid anyone speak up about it.
Required in 90% of civilized countries all over the world so that people who don't belong in said country aren't able to influence its politics. Only the US had a problem with this idea.
Preferable to the bitch-made methods of fedoras and suits, concealing everything natural on your face in slut powder.
The medium wherein the very concept of Imageboards were founded upon are "alt-right"? Nice try, Rick.
Is a country. One that you used to worship might I add, when its population was starving to death and its food and products alike were both made of cyanide-infused lead.
It's a fucking flag that last held meaning over 150 years ago.
Literally nothing wrong with their country aside from their cripplingly low birthrate. Lowest rates of terror in the world, lowest muslim population in the world and yet one of the busiest capital cities in the world, Tokyo. Gee, I wonder why? Must be those radical Christian rednecks, amirite? :^)
Again, literally nothing wrong with the way they were run. You'd have to be completely ignorant of everything that's happened in the two countries since the abolition of apartheid to think they're better in any way, shape or form. Doesn't matter much now anyway, they've been sent back to the stone age and Africa will never be a civilized continent. Egypt would be the nearest one, except you allowed the displacement of the natural Coptic population. Same with Iran and the Zoroastrians. Same with Lebanon. And now you're trying to encourage the same to happen to Syria, so that the sole civilized country south of Italy is Israel.
Most right-wingers aren't atheists or Muslims, Chaim.
Spotted the triggered femishit. Only turd-wavers still have a problem with GG as it keeps them up at night. Knowing we aren't their slaves anymore, and decrying promiscuity/violence in media isn't raising a genuine issue, it's being a little bitch.
The first thing on the whole list which is exclusively alt-right. Congratulations.
Only came about when you decided to throw every carefully-crafted argument peppered with facts back in our faces with the same rallying cry of "Racist!", so we decided to throw it back in your face by making the most simplistic images with a couple lines of text so we could identify exactly how you were virtue-signalling and pretty much humiliated you faggots from here to Imgur. You can spot a leftist-made attempt at retaliation fairly easily, as it often reuses or lightly modfies a picture already drawn by someone else as the base, and piles on line after line of meaningless bullshit. Leftists wouldn't understand the concept of subtlety if you served them a single slice of moldy bread at a fancy restaurant, complete with a chipped glass of water.
Fuck off, fag. If you had a point you would've made it long ago.
Also starter pack memes are supposed to have four things only, so congratulations for proving yet another example of leftshits completely missing the point of a meme being short, sweet and cutting straight to the point.
Wow you Trumpcucks actually are mentally insane. No wonder the shit taste in film you have,
All of them made me orgasm
Leftists can't make funny memes, their shit is all just cringe. That's a big part of why you'll lose the long war. You're the uncool moms of the world. But keep telling yourselves you're hip with shit like that Bill Nye Netflix show.
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tfw leftism is taking over entire chanology and all right wing nazi punks can do is cry