Well fuck.
Post your results.
Other urls found in this thread:
i think i have plenty of autistic moments but i scored low
Kill yourself Traitor of the revolution Kronstadt and Makhnovist Ukraine will never be forgotten.
I'm a diagnosed aspie, no reason to.
feels good being the least autistic in this thread.
29 for me, get rekt
Eat shit, niggers.
the hilarious part is that I'm diagnosed with asbergers
I have 15 autism power points.
Was there ever any doubt?
I win.
tbh those questions were stupid, I'm way more autistic than an eleven.
The fact any of you did this test and posted it means that results under 35 show the failings of the test.
Phew. I had my noose ready there for a sec.
I got a 40 so
This is actually brilliant because you would need to be autistic to think a web site could provide a neurological diagnosis
take it easy, it's just some internet bread for internet noms ♡
can I have a link to that mumble?
I don't think so. The autist would almost certainly notice the "not a diagnostic tool" thing at the bottom and have some sense for what it means. The normie approaching it as a Buzzfeed quiz is far more likely to give it weight tbh
Also, psychological "diagnoses" are more rough heuristics that describe a certain suite of symptoms than they are distinct conditions with distinct pathophysiology.
Another 20. I think that's mainly from my personality disorder.
>>>Holla Forums
14. It's mostly from my anxiety, especially since it's less strenuous for me to spend my freetime on the Internet than socializing and because I live in a town too small and isolated to get out and doing anything.
nice quality content form our resident tripfaggots.
24. No autismo.
The only autistic thing in this thread is that test tbh.
NVM. It's 13. I had troubles with the page so just tried to remember what I got from the glimpse I saw.
My point about the Internet was spending at least an hour on it everyday since childhood makes one a weird motherfucker, autistic or not.
There is a better test here. Its lengthy though and I dont want to do it again atm.
I'm just normal.
You do realize even psychologists diagnose mental illness and disorders with check-lists, right? They have ever since psychoanalysis went out of fashion.
It's true. The story of my diagnosis was I said I was pretty sure I have X then listed my reasoning. The shrink agreed I probably have it, and that was that. Checklists are also used, too, as you said.
30. Expected more tbh.
assburgers is for filthy casual peasants
schizoid master race reporting in
i bet you think slow faggot
must be a shitty shrink, it's a little more than just check boxes.
Non-autist here. I like autistic people better than normies, assuming they know how not to be obnoxious assholes. Most of what you guys are missing is spooky nonsense that evolved to promote group cohesion and is tiresome to have to navigate around.
I answered completely honestly, I can't believe how high everyone else's scores are. I mean I often figured that I was on average a bit more normie than the average chan-poster, but not this much.
I'll do you one better.
Lemme gaze into my crystal ball…
You're a girl aren't you?
You do know mental illnesses are standardized for diagnosis, right? There are symptoms you need to exhibit and checking off the ones you do is how you narrow it down and understand what the fuck is going on. We didn't even use a checklist, though. I just explained what I was experiencing and matched it up with my knowledge of my disorder and it was done in about 30 minutes, got a script, and the improvement is beyond description.
Do you even have a mental illness? People who don't have know idea what any part of the diagnosis and treatment process is like, yet think they know the ins and outs of it all.
Nope. I'm a 24 year old male. I'm just pretty normal.
A lot of people on this board think of psychology in terms of psychoanalysis because it's somewhat related to leftism. In that respect this board is somewhat anti-science. Brace for butthurt.
Oh. Well then you're just unusually non-autistic. Most males are toward the higher end in the "not actually autistic" part of the spectrum, and most females are toward the lower end.
i know shit better than you, trust me. and yes, i know it's standardized, doesn't mean you have a proper diagnose after 30 minutes. you have no idea and your health system must be utter shit if it leads you to actually believe the nonsense you're saying.
I think my most non-autistic answers were based around being okay with plans being changed, not noticing small details or patterns, generally being the hazy kind of guy that I am
you most likely can't even tell basic differences between schizoids and aspergers, so spare me your attitude, kid
It's definitely not like you go in and lay on a couch and recount your life or some bullshit like this unless something's really wrong with you.
Psychiatrists diagnosis and handle the drug aspect. Psychologists handle the therapy part, which is just generally talking about what's going on in your life, what helps and what doesn't setting goals, etc.. It's extremely mundane.
Cool. I started my medication and had it written up on my chart since I was in the hospital on the verge of death out of what I'd done to myself. Tell me more about my life, enlightened one.
Okay, so you're just an edgelord. I'm well-aware of the difference, but again, you think you know everything.
Hello data-miner-san how's your day going?
Psychology is only a soft-science anyway.
Actually psychologists diagnose or analyse for research or work in other fields of work where expertise in the psyche is needed. Psycho-Therapists do diagnosis and therapy. Psychiatrists diagnose and can do therapy but they also can prescribe meds which they tend to rely on more than the therapy. Counsellors don't diagnose usually but just try to help with problems and tend not to be as certified as the others.
You're adorable, tinfoil-kun.
It's moving toward hard science with behaviorism and neuroscience.
But dataminer-san Why wouldn't you post this same survey on many boards.
A cursory search shows that this url gets posted in 4chan.org and generally spammed in forums of all kinds.
Oh dataminer-san you are so dishonest.
Strange and I was diagnosed was 8 years old in 1990
Look what I scored on this one guys
gratz, comrade autizmo
Another 'ism'. Just what we need…
Surely this is more under the remit of psychiatrists?
Was your doctor by any chance Jewish
Checklist diagnoses are quite possibly the most retarded thing invented, and I find it hard to believe psychologists and psychiatrists seriously use them, but not much can't be expected from people looking to create a diagnosis for everything.
Further sage because this shit has nothing to do with the board but it wouldn't be of surprise if many were autistic judging from the inability to discern bait
Oh. Holla Forums BTFO I guess.
I believe in as far as saying I've been misdiagnosed
Get on my level
Pure ideology
You gotta distinguish between the actual neuroscience and the ideological part of psychology that classify people into "personality disorders".
I need to consult some people before i actually know if im schizotypal
I think the fact most of my grade school tormenters were minorities women and homosexuals, I developed rates of sociopathy
Look real aspie in here, leftypol.
In my totally unprofessional opinion, you need just to get off the computer and out of the house. I’ve moved around a lot and lived in wildly different conditions, and found that my neuroses flare up whenever I’ve been socially isolated for a bit.
Living on a razor's edge
Balancing on a ledge
18. But why do I feel so retarded? :(
Lmao. Nice tabs
seconding this
Just about made it lads