Hungarian Color Revolution Incoming
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These leftists sure love to be tools.
oy vey looks like the hungarians need some (((freedom)))
I wonder when they're going to put the Polish demonstrations in the news where millions went out.
Isn't that fucking nothing?
Oh i would love to run a machine gun through those crowds.
It doesn't matter what the facts are. They'll push this as a huge populist uprising to gain support in the west.
I had the same thought. I would personally love to use an m240 chambered in 7.62 NATO mounted on some sort of armoured vehicle.
Only a fool couldn't see (((the people))) happening to Hungary after all bad goy things they did.
It's true that Hungary is run by a mad cunt, but the Hungarian people actually like the mad cunt so this is still fishy.
No, the jewified Western ZOG countries are run by mad cunts.
Countdown till America bombs Hungary?
Whenever someone claims a protest is about "freedom" you can be sure its an american coup
Only if you lazy burgers make Hillary a president…
Half of them aren't even hungarian… wew
CIA is really getting lazy with their tactics. They're like the pitcher that always throw curve balls.
The Bolivian prez Evo Morales once said (paraphrasing) "we always had problems with protests until we expelled the American ambassador".
Who's the US Ambassador to Hungary?
Women and mixed breeds are always the most retarded yet destructive golems double that if they are white/part white. Someone had posted about the half-white spics and niggers being the worst because their essentially half demigod subhuman orcs who just rampage.
They're shit like the other orks, but have just enough IQ to actually be dangerous.
Fuck, just look at that dumb soulless face, a perfect ziobot. Pic related, US Ambassador in my country looks similarly dumb and soulless. Before him we had a nigger who was so annoying, even our most corrupt politicians were rolling their eyes sometimes.
Americans are the scum destroying europe
Poland is "safe" as long our kryptojew backseat PM is vapid anti-Russian shill.
Gotta keep up appearances, otherwise (((protests))) might appear :^)
We are trying to fix our system user, we have a particularly ferocious nest of Jews.
Whoops, forgot about this one before him, look at that scheming psycho face. A reminder that all exports from ZOG central should be killed with extreme prejudice when SHTF in Europe.
Sage for double post.
Every leftist ever. They will regret their goading when the iron boot of fascism takes their screeching accusations upon itself as a mantle and stomps their throat. They are not prepared for true suppression.
It won't work. They are finished in Hungary and they know it. What's their move? They don't have one.
Not even newsworthy
If dubs, Hungary will purge the country of all people and groups who now or ever took Open Society money.
wtf I love rt now
thats not how dubs work. You do not demand that Kek work for you.. You praise him and if he likes your words he will bless you with digits.
Praise Kek!
That IS how dubs work, dubs were just not granted to me. And I was not demanding. Kek will do whatever is kek-worthy, dubs are just one simple way increase the magickal potential. It's not a science yet.
Nothing will happen. The Left in Hungary has barely 20% support. If they try anything, the counter-revolution will crush them.
That's why they'd quickly invite in US troops to safe guard democracy and prevent evil racists from regaining power
They don't have US troops in Ukraine though.
Nothing will happen anyway. It's just a few thousand lefties upset that their newspaper has hut down. They're not going start a revolution, and they're hugely outnumbered by the Right. Even if the Americans got involved, the Right would win, possibly with Russian support.
In my country when our last minister of culture started defunding Soros-funded (((NGOs))) the leftists went apeshit and the media fucking loved shoving them in our faces.
How many protesters were there? Barely even a hundred.
It will be the White Terror in Hungary all over again.
"Many of the victims of the White Terror were Jewish"
Whew, I bet it was yet another (((cohencidence))) that the kikes were behind pretty much every commie takeover in history.
Let's hope so.
Go lurk on fringe a few years b4 becoming an Occultist or Memetic memeticissian of meming memes.
this is what I fantasize about every time I see these images
Hungarian here. I'll tell you some info about this.
It was a shitty leftist newspaper that lost 75% of it's subscriptions in the last years. It was bound to happen, noone bought it, not even my shitlib parents. The only people kvetching about this are kikes who held many protests since Fidesz (te ruling party) came to power. These protests were peaceful, only the one against the internet tax reached it's goal, but there were many times more protesters than on this one, maby 20-30000.
They won't achieve anything. The government will say that it isn't mandatory to fund a newspaper totally hostile to them. The most likely outcome is either the Népszabadság will go bankrupt or kike-run NGO's will buy it, like they did with the leftist Klub Radio station years ago. I wouldn't mind them gone, but they were not relevant since years.
I dare them. I fucking dare them to try it. They're going to get their asses handed to them. Fidesz is still the most popular party, with the nationalist Jobbik at the second place. People just need to realize that a leftist takeover results in the return of Gyurcsány, the most hated Hungarian prime minister ever, and they'll revolt. If they try they'll drown in their own blood. Vid related, this happened 10 years ago, when sympathizers of Jobbik and the radicals from Fidesz rioted. They'll crush lefties.
1 megaton of freedom and democracy!
We are trying to fix it.
Trump has a real chance.
logic fail
This actually. I'd fucking love them to try this shit in my country (they have before on smaller scale, only it backfired horribly as now all population is aware of Soros funded NGO's)
On a quite personal level, I do have a penchant for violence. So a trip to Budapest seems very inviting to me and my crew. I've had enough of this old fucking dried up cunt. Soros and his cronies = fair marks
Őszintén szólva az ellenzék olyan töketlen hogy az már egy vicc. Gyurcsány egyhangúan megbaszta az mszp-t (nem mintha valami komolyabb változás történt volna azóta) ami azóta is csak bukdácsol, a DK meg úgy ahogy van egy vicc. Jobbiknak meg szinte mindegy mert orbán elkezdett irányukba húzni. Igazából az sem lepne meg hogyha valamelyest beleolvadna a fideszbe vagy alkut kötnének és amolyan alsóházi módon lenne hatalmon.
One thing about money is…. You need it but you can live without it. Maybe this old faggot realises that or maybe he doesn't. Personally I don't give a fuck to go down for 30 years for bashing this cunt's head in. I also don't give a fuck about NSA, CTR or whoever. Posting w/o vpn (come and visit me I have a good lawyer). My land my rules. You have fucked with it for the last time
Eat shit and fucking die. We will dance on your grave
Konju puši kurac, neznaš ko smo mi
Unfortunately, it won't be enough. His hellspawn need to be killed before they step in for him. Until his entire bloodline is eradicated, there is no cause for rejoicing.
One thing I am very glad for is simple. Internet. He can't control it.
I wonder when (((police snipers))) will be shooting these protesters, very much like what happened on Maidan in Ukraine.
Russia better be ready to annex some shit again.
The last thing that Hungary needs now is an invasion of communist orcs. Or do you really believe in the whole "Putin is a WN who is fighting greater pissrael" thing? Don't be so naive, user.
Hungary needs to remain Hungary, populated by Hungarians and built on Hungarian culture and values. Not Russian values, and definitely not EU's. Otherwise you are just trading one insane tyrant for another.
I'm sick of this shit. How about Holla Forums gets off its ass for once and we all fly to Hungary to physically remove these faggots?
and pick up some qt Hungarian waifus in the process
No, but the enemy of the enemy is our friend. We're not stuoid but if Russia can step on a lot of burger dicks, it will loosen their grasp on a big number of nations.
Simple strategy, edge-user.
This. Shithead Schwartz, west and east would do well to fuck out of territory. Enough = enough.
I will not idly stand by while some old shithead wants to push the world in chaos
Churchill thought that too. As a result, half of Europe still remains fucked.
I hope IP logs are comfy dential to 8ch. But if they're not, I don't give a fuck either. Been into counter surveillance for a while. One thing you must understand money < truth
You mean the only conservative and non-degenerate eastern european countries with virtually 0 shitskins, but with right-wing governments instead? :^)
No, they are not. Board owners can't see them but site admin can. IP's are correlated with ID's in a database on the backend.
While adversity did help Eastern European countries a lot, their living conditions and overall quality of life remain shit,and mentalities of their people still have not recovered from the mutilation inflicted by Russians and their kike puppeteers. I live here and see it first hand. Another bout of Russian rule and you might kiss everyone west of Germany goodbye. Their cultures and psyches will not survive and they will rapidly devolve into the same vodkaniggers that currently populate Russia.
Few things about this protest: the people doing it are about 50% hungarians.
The hungarians at this protest are all old and jewish hags.
Like this shrill bitch: youtube.com
These people won't be doing any maidaning anytime soon, considering that the right has hundreds of thousands of healthy young men willing to fight for it.
Confirmed for pleb-tier understanding of WW2 history
Well, enlighten me, then. And you better bring some iron-hard proof while you do it.
So basically, if site admin is compromised, then my isp is compromised they can get some nfo. Good to know. I'm about ready to cave someone's skull in
You are completely wrong. Their mentalities enabled them to live through commies and form conservative thoughts. Economies can be re-built, mentalities can improve, but you can not save a race from biological destruction which is happening in Germany, Sweden and all across western Europe.
Putin is great, as he ensures pressure on burgerkikes to prevent them going wild all over the world. Chinks do the same. Europe can never be souvreign while either Russia or US rules over it, that's why it has to balance the dicks it's going to suck over the next decades.
Don't play stupid faggot.
Oh, forgot. Eastern Germany is where the most and the only racist people in Germany live. That's right, that part which was occupied by commies. It's because commies were bad at infiltrating culture and only played top-down propaganda. The western kikes on the other side infiltrate the very nucleus: the families, everything.
bait, but I'll take a nip. Americans have nothing to do with it. Gyorgy Schwartz and co. Are trying to destroy both America and Europe
Yeah. Communists were like a cold, or flu. Kikes are aids.
kill some kikes magyars
Yes, this is all true about the "Western" kikes. The commies, while much dumber, did the same thing the easy way, via extermination. Ask any Hungarian (or any Eastern European) about how many of his nation's best and brightest were systematically executed or sentenced to death via camps, their children either killed or brainwashed into obedient drones. Commies burned literature and paintings, destroyed cultural heritage and suppressed indigenous culture. And Putin took many notes from them, having been in the KGB and all.
EU = death of the nation, its people and its culture. Russia = Russification = death of the nation, its people and its culture. If you ask me, I'd rather stay healthy instead of choosing between two deadly diseases only because being more infected will allegedly make the immune system produce more antibodies (protip: it won't).