This just happened, I did a double-take when he said it. Bill Whittle's videos are a gold mine for them:
Anyway, let's get a cuckservative thread going.
This just happened, I did a double-take when he said it. Bill Whittle's videos are a gold mine for them:
Anyway, let's get a cuckservative thread going.
Bill whittle is sad and disappointing. He has a few bomshell awesome videos and every now and again he will do a decent moly interview so I decided tomcheck out his channel. He does a showmwhere he, a cuckservative, and a jew discuss the election and the clueless idiot and the jew do nothing but concern troll trump. In an effort to prevent himself from looking like a sycophant, he gradually cedes points and signals against trump, although im sure he will still vote for him.
thanks for this groundbreaking research, OP
That was beautiful. Can psyops be considered art?
See, it's funny that he conveniently doesn't mention that the baptism river from the bible had been turned into a minefield for no fucking reason.
only pressure and intervention reopened the site to the public. It wasn't even strategically significant.
(can't archive, sorry)
Just dropping in to check these gets.
Sweet mother of god. Why not literally say 6 garillion? That has the same basis in facts.
My favorite Bill Shittle video is the one where the squeaky-voiced cuck is threatening to punch anons in the face for denying the holohoax.
if you're a christian here on Holla Forums and don't know who this traitor is, get on it
You know you can put a link in the same post as you put a picture in, right?
It's a shill so, no.
explain how I am a shill and how you came to that conclusion
how is trump any different to the rest of the cuckservatives itt?
A good chunk of this faggot's tweets are violent fantasies of lashing out at Trump supporters and the "alt right" between circlejerking with spics and furry trannies about how they're so much better than bronies.
Cuckservative scum!
Basically lets doctors pull the switch and kill you before you're actually dead just to harvest your organs. Also holy shit, I'd rather have died than have this fucker's organs in me.
Oy vey, just a 14 million margin of error goy.
You're a shill because I've seen you spamming this shit in unrelated threads for the past 48 hours
I'm stealing that last post.
Words cannot describe how much I hate this mockery of a man. He looks pathetic and weak. His voice is pathetic and weak. Even his fucking name is pathetic and weak. I watched the video with him and molyneux and couldn't make it, he was playing the "liberals are le real racists" card and I nearly committed second hand suicide as a result. This "man" needs to have his throat slit.
Leftists never take the moral high ground. They take the lowest moral ground possible. Their weakness is that they are cowards and idiots, the only way to defeat the left is by demonstrating that whatever cruel things they are capable of doing, we are capable of 1000x worse. Extreme physical and psychological brutality is the only proven way to crush leftism. Impotent and pathetic men like Bill Whittle should be tossed into the same mass graves as the leftist scum.
Oh god, I can't wait until he falls off the wagon.
Kek, love it how Trump is doing an overhand shake and leaning his shoulder in to exert dominance over that slimy kike.
This is "Pastor" Hagee's group — Christians United For Israel. The only thing Hagee does is worship Israel and suck up to Jews. Christians worshiping a literally anti-Christ country!
Wew! America surely has been blessed since 1948 when we helped to create Israel!
What a blessing it is to have the Chosen® in control of our country!
7? I've heard up to 11 Million™. To diminish the numbers as Newt did is like another Shoah.
Oy vey, this is a representation of how he will treat Jews: he will crush them under his hand. You can see Bibi screaming internally against the transferred fascism.