At Zurich "front end conference"

First thing I hear when I walk in is this Mike Montiero guy bitching about Trump and "the rise of American fascism".

How can we stop the politicization of tech; it's annoying as fuck. I don't even do front end shit just here w coworkers, but lord...

Also give me redpills for my coworkers to see entryism in action, if you have any.

Other urls found in this thread:

We can't. Problem is that barrier to entry is so low that anyone who knows how to turn PC on can """contribute""". This of course leads to massive influx of wide variety of people in to the field. All those people have their opinions which are very important to them so they try to spread their view of the world on to the others. What happens next is that people start disagreeing with each other which results in formation of groups based on political views. Once those groups start growing and advertising their views, they attract new kind of people: SJWs, feminists and other cancer. People from those groups know how to manipulate others so they gather their minions: cucks. This process never ends. More and more minions are gathered, conferences are organized, opinions are censured, people are punished for disagreeing, articles are written, conducts are applied and finally the world itself is consumed.

Best thing to do is avoid any popular tech: web, smart*, IoT, agile, responsive, memory safe, with

just wait for it to all blow over, to be honest

any other reaction makes everything worse, as has been demonstrated continuously over the past 3/4 years

Soon it will be mandatory in every field. Only few STEM and engineering positions are safe but that will change. You will be forced to visit brainwashing camps if you want to keep your job.

It can't keep going forever.
The logical conclusion is that eventually it will all crash under its own weight.

We hab to fight bascism by maging soab disbensers whidge regognise nibber hands :DDD

But seriously:
>Opening Keynote: How to Fight Fascism
How do these things relate at all? I had no idea it was this bad tbh

Was your rock comfy, at least? It's not gonna get better.

What did you expect from people that barely understand html and a little bit of javascript.
When i looked at these faces,
suddenly it comes to mind, that those must be the assholes who put bootstrap in every last one of their "projects" and shit everything full with javascript visual effects. The css-tricks chick is fine i guess. The rest, I probably never touched something they did. Na OP heute morgen im Sihlpark gewesen?

Op how's it going with that Samsung S7? Are you happy with it?

This! The true problem are not the SJWs, it's the people who give them power. How do we get rid of the cucks? There is only one thing the Cuck fears: Chad! We have brought this on ourselves when we made tech into the nerdy field, we lost the natural Chad-factor and the Cucks came flooding in. There only one solution: we must become Chad ourselves. So get pumping iron!

git bully --help
git bully - attempt to bully and take over a repository

This guy unironically gets it. Elitism weeds out the weak.


haha freaky magic trick virgin

Everything went to hell when UI became UX.

Ja, and you can probably pick out who I am by the camera angles or the snorting at every mention of diversity. literally fuck it, let me know if you wanna get lunch today

Thank's for the offer, i've just woken up 2h ago. Socializing isn't my strong suit, i'm a lazy bum with a weed addiction, so that usually people don't like me around them. And I like it in my cozy basement.
But if you could advise me, on how to sneak into such a ongoing talk, i will happily come to scream in the middle of a speech a little pepe or a nice reeee.

Maybe i'm wrong, if i tracked it correctly.
you are male with a s7 that came to visit zh. No bully, talking style let's me expect your german. Picking out of 40-80 persons, would be interesting.
Or i just ask around with a picture of drachenlord asking "have you seen this man?" and reading the facial expressions.

Easy; kick out the SJWs. That's where it started.

zurück nach /deutsch/ mit euch

This is how it happened to tech, comics, sports, science, sci-fi, tabletop games and video games. It's a cancer the world has never seen before.

I'm not a burger, but I think it refers to the point I hear American leftist make very often... how USA has a service based economy, not production. You know, American companies going abroad to China or Mexico to build their shit cheap and only bring the ready product back to Usa. The country loses, Americans lose the potential jobs and the government loses the tax money (USA has such bad deals with other countries thay companies can create shit abroad and sell it in USA without any fees). Trump wants to change that and he already did very good progress. Lots of companies came back or decided to stay, when they were planing on going abroad. Leftists cry and whine because they want their plastic iPhone for as cheap as possible, they don't care that millions of their fellow blue collar countrymen are out of job. They assume that Mexicans or chinamen can do shit better, obviously, they make more and make it cheaper, they are winning this competition, but the truth is that in USA a worker has to get a good pay and there are some rules, in China people work like slaves for a bowl of rice. It's not a fair competition at all. USA is very capable of doing all their shit themselfs, but leftist will tell you no, USA is a service economy.

That's how compassionate they really are. Boggles the mind to think that these people believe themselves to be morally superior to others. And all that for such a shitty device too.

Of course, they have their morals (if they have any) backwards. The thing that piss me of a lot is how they are for the individual, "tribalism" is bad and stupid, they bring that up when you argue for a any form of nationalism, but at the same time they care a lot about refugees and minorities... as groups of people. Right wingers are evil because they hate fags and commies or whatever, but at the same time they fix and harras people even for reddit tier opinions or view points. Never bother with leftists, forget about these political prostitutes, aim higher.