Any bets on the video Jason Unruhe will make on the Nice attacks...

Any bets on the video Jason Unruhe will make on the Nice attacks, no doubt celebrating them as a victory for muh oppressed Third World?


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He will. Just wait.

You mean he'll copy what this board did in response to Micah Johnson?



if this terrorist had driven into a bunch of cops, i would have applauded while critized him the same as johnson

Who cares? He's a fat autist neckbeard who's loved by Holla Forums.

Stay mad, copcuck. His crusade was an improvement over Dorner's in every way but motive.

Why is it with people with the worst motives are so much better at killing?

ISIS is the only terrorist group with no political motive, yet they rack up the highest body count without the sheer luck of successfully hijacking a plane.

Pig lives don't matter. You have no argument against that and you know it.

Probably related to this.

Crusader lives don't matter. You have no argument against that and you know it.

So let me guess, if you were in charge of the USSR, you would have won WWII by converting all the Nazi soldiers to communism cus like killing is bad man?

he tweeted out "but what about mali"

In classic commie fashion with the whataboutism

This is kind of childish and downright terrible but I can't help laughing my ass off whenever I read this string of words.

Because they don't care who they kill. Easy to get a high score when you're just going for mass casualty attacks.

If that can help, it's pronunced Neess, not nice.
The written pun is still funny tough, not letting tragedy having power over you by laughing is a good thing.

Why would someone argue against that?

In retrospect, now that we know what it's actually done, the US criticizing other countries for civil rights abuses IS pretty hypocritical.

It may not be wrong, but it does mean no one cares.

The sins of america do not excuse the sins of other countries.
The soviet union tired that shit too.



Why does Unruhe NEVER address the strongest criticisms against him?

Does he even know what the commenter meant by Jason's misuse of the alienation concept?

he's a hack. you should already know the answer by now

Unruhe is a retard. Isis isn't even third world they are paid shills by George Soros

To be fair, Unruhe's actual stance on ISIS is that they are secretly run by Mossad. He doesn't seem to like Wahhabism at all, but he doesn't feel any empathy for first world of Wahhabi/Safalist attacks. Its still a shitty stance but we shouldn't misrepresent his actual views.

The proletariat can still exist in the first world. Unruhe just seems like a hairsplitting retard

I am not saying he is right, I don't agree with him. I am just saying the idea that he likes ISIS is wrong.

I think you mean Micah "Doer of Literally Nothing Wrong" Johnson

Stay triggered, tumblr. We're coming, kuffar!

He needs to shave the ISIS beard.

Whats wrong with growing strong marx-like beard?

You could argue that except that this event is only going to be used to push an Islamophobic / anti-immigrant agenda. There is nothing to celebrate because only bad things will come from this. Innocent Muslims will be stereotyped and attacked and the imperialist wars in the middle east will be ratcheted up.

You say that like it's a bad. Collateral damage.


you are reversing it you retard, the american points out the flaws of communism then the commie is all "hurrr durr whatabout black people"
Yes america, has racial problems but it has nothing to do with the subject at hand, and it doesnt mean the soviets werent flawed

The problem is that it suggests that america's flaws shouldn't be pointed out because other places have flaws too. The fact neither of them have anything to do with one another doesn't invalidate them.


Of course its bad. Having people to fall into the bourgeoisie agenda of divide and conquer is always bad.

Prove me morals exist

You approve of Micah letting police kill him with a robot?