Name a more perfect film

name a more perfect film

pro tip: your move, creep





Remake was better


Battlestar Galactica


Robocop 2 was better, deal with it fag

No, but it was almost as good.


Starship Troopers

But that's wrong you stupid nigger.



fuckin' saved

Why do we even have a reddit board?

Starship Troopers




Showgirls had cucking before cuckino was even a trend. The Voorhees Man truly is a visionary.

… not bad

The remake was cooler and had better effects.

Come again? Nobody is memeing

that scene was literally the only good part

pic related


honestly that's the only real oddity

out of curiosity, what do you mean by this?

incredible melting man
and no, I grew out of that phase when I was 16


It drags out and and worse, it interrupts the flow of the climax

and even stupid, if you're going to do such a grisly fate then save it for the main villain, not one of his goons. That's like filmmaking 101, don't have a henchman's death overshadow the actual main bad guy

you clearly don't know shit bud. try re-watching the scene and look at the context of the entire thing.

Said no one ever.

explain, boy


Robo-Kino. Rokino. Robono.Kinob.

Dude, Fascism sucks LMAO

It is a satire on a neoliberal or anarcho-capitalist society where private companies own most of the public services and state authority is undermined by private interests.
Starship Troopers is Verhoeven's satire on a fascist society.

I make a lot of meme boards to use as insults.
>>>Holla Forums
See? All work as great insults.

You're doing God's work, user.

Did you create >>>/leftyweebpol/ ?

How can you be human if you don't have a dick?

If the point of Starship Troopers was to show that fascism sucks, then Verhoeven did a shit job.

I love his gun. It's a modified Beretta M9 designed to fire three rounds in burst mode.

death of the author in full effect

I must've seen this poster ten-million times and this is the first time I've noticed Carmen is wearing a MI uniform.

If you think about it, it really isn't that nice.
Unless you were born rich, you were born to die as a soldier. The society is completely militarized and the media is a propaganda machine for the government. The war against the bugs is based on lies: the humans invaded their territory and the bugs retaliated but in the media it is claimed the bugs attacked out of nowhere. The soldiers are being given false information about the bugs and treated as cannon fodder.
Verhoeven obviously had Israel in mind when he made the movie.

Get a load of this fucking pro-arachnide
>>>Holla Forums

Contrary to popular belief, there are still like eight white people left in Detroit. Naturally, they are the source of all crime, and what keeps the negroes there from maintaining a functional society.

Pyramid spaceships soon.


Absolutely. Fucking. Civilian.

You disgust me goy

The humans and the bugs are basically the same, if you think about it

shit, me too

joining the federation was optional. it was viewed as a good choice, no matter where you went within.

he just doesn't have a gender

Truly a question for the ages.

the remake is better


Someone else tried that already, didn't work.