Okay anyone who thinks nothing is going to happen in the next few months whether it be a collapse of society, ww3, martial law, whatever is delusional.
What plans do you have in place for such events? Short term and long term?
Happening Prep Thread
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nobody would nuke japan again r-right?
seriously, will it be safe there is Shillary wins and starts lobbing n00ks
I'm in aus. Reckon we're safe?
Buying ammunition, lifting weights. Not much else tbh. I don't have any contacts in the meatspace that aren't either 500+ miles away, don't subscribe to or are even aware of my beliefs, or are most likely looking out for their own in a closer area (which I don't blame them for).
In all honesty, based on whom I'm around, I don't have very high hopes for me or my family's chances if things go bad.
The thought of having to kill my children to spare them from deadly radiation/liberal hordes has been waking me up at night
Short term, I have active carbon, couple of shotgun shells I can rig, a crossbow, nearby waterstream and homemade freesedried blocks of all purpose food.
Long term, As a microbiofag, ill just sell out to the military like a jew and have them put me somewhere safe while they make me develop things like gmo food, food destroying bacteria, antibiotics, etc.
Stock up on water and canned food
Stock un on ammo/gunpowder/lead
Stock up on clothes
Stock up on meds. Go for aspirin, broad-hitting antibiotics (ampicillin and equivalents), iodine and bandages, some painkillers.
All of the above are absolutely vital.
After that, you may want to get yourself hardware storie supplies, a generator and a generous stock of fuel, seeds, livestock etcetera. These are obviously only if you plan living in a fixed place, which might or might not be the best solution.
hiding in my basement and just playing vidya. It is pretty much the safest place I got in case of nuclear explosion.
I'm fucked
don't have to buy anything for cardio lad
accepting my death is all i've been doing
i feel it
I could tell you…. But I won't
waiting for death and the smug feeling of knowing 6 million jews will also die in the coming nuclear inferno
I always think of another holocaust and killing all the mudslimes to get me into comfy sleep.
ill post the few infographics i have
Not posting the superrior link:
for every paranoid in us: archive.is
Not posting the superrior link:
for every paranoid in us: archive.is
/k/ has some really good threads.
why don't you go check them out?
That's all I got. How long will I last Holla Forums?
Here's something I haven't seen mentioned in any of these threads. How to you actively defend territory? I currently live on a farm and I need to know how to protect it from the hordes of shitskins that will inevitably pour out from the cities
Depends on the resources and manpower you posses. 2+m walls aren't really realistic over large perimeters so I'd go for smaller walls around critical locations and regular patrols.
The nigs will probably try to get food and guns from the property so defending places where you keep those is probably the highest priority. Niggers are dumb as bricks so they'll likely vandalize your equipment just cause.
Sure what about livestock? I'm live in Britbongistan and although I've never seen any proof, I've heard that Mudslimes are notorious for stealing livestock
They gotta fuck something. The obvious solution is to keep watch on your animals at all times but I don't really live on a farm so I have no idea how plausible that is.
I think so but if Aussie government decide to go with war then Australia will be forced to annex Papua (maybe) or stay behind by China instead because it isn't worth to lose the resources as the china needed it badly. China is with Russia so frankly I have no idea what to expect.
You need to electrify the fence.
We'll probably cuck out and fulfill our obligations to our greatest allies in (((NATO))) if America does enter armed conflict.
I'm buying a gun or two this holiday season once the prices drop and continue to prepare an innawoods escape, fuck dying for the kikes.
If Trump loses, prices will skyrocket. Buy your gun now, be ready for the RWDS later.
China isn't going to allow that because remember they need fuckin' the resources from Australia. China don't want a war that would destroy many countries. A lot of lost shekels slipping out of Chinese bussinesmen's pockets.
Ive been creating a farm in my backyard and when shit hits the fan I'm going door to door to speak with my neighbors in the court about blocking the mouth of the court with vehicles and passing out guns. I would hope they would be enthusiastic about sticking together as a team. I figure all the people in the courts in my area will mostly create a community. Its 90% white and asian so I'm not so worried
Also I've been stockpiling on relevant information and printing as much as possible. I bought a generator but also started investing in non electric farm and home tools. Rainwater collection is a must as well. Luckily I'm 2 blocks away from a creek so maybe ill build a water wagon for the truck
Hypothetical situation: Hillary gets assassinated by "white nationalist".
What do?
Revolt or flee the USA.
I'm saving every penny I can to purchase my first AR before the election, but I'm not sure I'm going to have enough saved in time.
Needs more dakka.
Seriously, get a rifle. Hunting with a .38 revolver is not something I would recommend. Even a little .22lr would go a long way - or a crossbow if your country's gun laws are retarded.
And there is no such thing as too much ammunition- do what the Aussie's did and bury that shit if you have to.
If you plan to grow food and or raise animals for shtf, start now. Getting soil ready to plant is important and, if done by hand with no power tools at all, hard labor. Not something you want to go into blind.
If you go for livestock goats have a number of positives - such as they aren't as fuckshit retarded; will beat up predators that get too close; certain breeds can be milked for up to 2 years after birth; they are a lean meat; and will eat virtually anything. Chickens are a must for livestock, just make sure you keep them from being murdered by whatever local predators come out at night (speaking from personal experience, foxes and raccoons will find ways to get through any opening they can fit through). Rabbits are eh, the best thing about them is their shit makes wonderful fertilizer. Pigs will eat nearly anything, including humans, but smell horrid.
Just don't expect the creek to always be nice and clean, some asshole miles up stream could fuck you over by deciding it is a great spot to dump a truck full of dead bodies/animal carcasses/5 tons of waste.
Awesome work user. If this does happen, make sure you are a strong leader for the community. Do Trump proud.
You need source of water location or stored water that is independent of services being available.
Without that we can't even give you a few weeks.