Why has Jizz Cuckmann started wearing sleeveless shirts and getting anime tattoos?

Why has Jizz Cuckmann started wearing sleeveless shirts and getting anime tattoos?

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That's really sad.



He's the type of faggot whose friends are all girls and other faggots because he can't relate to men.

either he's desperate for views, or trying to get laid at a convention

He's married.



He married a kike? He's got to be miserable, tats are probably escapidm then.

It's sad to see a man settle below his level.



should have went with a reddit tatoo to save all that trouble

That tattoo surprisingly looks good, but then again, its pure cringe to have it on your arm. Should have just gotten a cool painting.

why does this board keep posting youtube threads and not even attempting to discuss films really makes me think

Fucking reddit cancer. We only watch Kino here.

Fuck off hothead, Bebop is anikino

It's one retard posting most of them.

cuckime can never be kino

Anime is the only actual kino

Take your cuck taste back to >>>/a/

Films are shit.




h8ters btfo

Plebeian normalfag taste.