ASMR Ann Calls out the Niggers

She's /ourgirl/ for sure.

Other urls found in this thread:


Only lefty-cucks get raped. She's gonna have white children and usher in a 4th Reich.

She won't cause I'll marry her and make mixed white-slavic babies with her.

She already has a white boyfriend, you worthless shitskin.

I'm not a shitskin :c

Her boyfriend has a shirt with a nigger on it. She needs to dump him for a superior Aryan Vegan.


What is her fullname?

She looks extremely similar to a girl that I shared highschool with. It's crazy how similar they look.

And she is German, as am I so that fits.

I went to her facebook to find her full name, but didn't find anything. I assume some of you are fans, do you know her full name?

She's a 28 year old virgin. She made a video about it. Can't find it now. Must be deleted. Anyways, she's not fucking that cuck.

10 more years and her eggs are dried up

it surely must suck to be a woman

I recently read a dating profile about some woman who at 38 was unsure if she wanted children. A few more years and she won't even be able to birth an autismo

Found it.

Waifu material.

>calling a nigger a human bean
there is still room for improvement

somebody is getting demonetized

wouldnt surprise me if niggers were tracking her down right now

you mean white globalist cucks are tracking her down and sending niggers after her, you know, because nigger IQ is very low.

Niggers? No, they don't have that ability. The German goverment however, definitely is. She'll be thrown in prison for hate speech soon enough.


So she says. Quite possibly just b.s. to maintain some sort of pure image/Jap idol bullshit to appeal to more dudes. Not saying it's impossible, but I wouldn't just automatically believe some random youtuber.

Why she looks 10/10? Probably. She makes sure to get

Ann is a real like Asuka, best waifu ever!

Welp, shit tier trash from the first line in, nice work.

Also, she really needs to get married and have kids soon if she's 28 already. That's way older than she should be getting started.

all asmrers do shit to appeal to dudes. they're a bunch of attention whores and the fanbase is a cancerous mix of permavirgins and betas who think they can meet their waifu through asmr

Found the Jew.



de jooz

I vaguely remember from the other waifu thread about her that she is from Scandinavia, Denmark to be more precise.


And Germans aren't allowed to be racist. She would be send to one of Merkel's re-education camps if she is German.

So she is 28 and her age is clearly showing. She makes videos for kiketube for living. Kinda resembles a Jew or some middle eastern area. What the fuck is she doing with her life? Pathetic. Also

Uh oh, he spelled it like a retard, guess that invalidates everything ever.

uh oh, some basement dweller on the internet fapping to some girl rubbing shit together is calling me a jew because I criticized his waifu.

Go home, Jewboi. Ann is pure.

Racist honkey hoe.

How can shitskins even compete?


Sure Goyim don't propagate your ideas on the Internet or if you do so: do it on anonymous imageboards.
Never create video clips criticizing rapegugees viewed by millions like the one made by GEX.
Never promote people who take risks to voice their oponion BECAUSE MUH ECELEBS.
Always criticse people who try to be the face of any movement at any level. Faceless revolutions always work so well.
Good goyim
Never organise in any meaningful way online.
leave the Internet to us goyim
t. Moses Goldenfriendstein

Almost forget never share books or any documents that could raise the intellectual level of the pleb, BECAUSE MUH BOOKS. Who need books it is the current year goyim.
thanks for circumventing any meaningful actions by your negativity and constant non constructive criticism. Good goyim

Also fucking reported.

Pick 1

I agree with you, but your salt is showing

Fucking Muslim-Jew go away and stop harassing me.

He's right though. What's jewish about that post?

Already explained it here

πŸ‘πŸ» I'm hwyte tho

Vegans are the master race.