Does Bernie Think We Are Stupid?

Does Bernie Think We Are Stupid?

Bernie just posted this to his Facebook page.

In what fucking universe does Trump represent a movement "toward a political system in which a handful of very wealthy people and special interests will determine who gets elected or who does not get elected?" Or is he actually trying to tell people not to vote for Hillary?

He's either a traitor or a giant fucking pussy. Or both.

Other urls found in this thread:

He's a socialist kike.

politicians never trust them.

He's a yid, user.

he's talking about Hillary


Do yourselves a favor if you haven't already [most of you who have been here for some time have already done this, I'm sure] and look up Sanders' ACTUAL record – not his rhetoric or the narrative the jewish media crafts for this old kike.

people voted for his, so yes

I dont get it.
To tell you the truth I dont get half the shit this commie faggot spews.
That is by definition Hillary but he has been giving speeches on her campaigns behalf.

I guess then the choice is clear, Trump.

Lets just push this son of a bitch into the oven already.


He endorsed Hillary

Does (((he))) mean the past 4(at least) elections?

This is the first election in my life where the people might actually decide who wins.

Bernie is a fraud, a sell out.

he has a tendency to be a complete fucking moron and undermine his own efforts and literally stroke the balls of his opposition

He's a fucking jew op.
He's trying to walk back his endorsement of the cunt, in case she loses, without actually taking it back. He's trying to be on both sides so he can say he was always with the winning team, LIKE A FUCKING JEW.

Bernie, you got your home. You supposed to shut about (((handful of very wealthy people))) now and be with her.

Uh… yes. He hasn't shown any evidence of thinking otherwise?


Signaling. Jews gotta jew, even to the jew!
He's as cowardly as Obama, but either smarter or more experienced, one of the two. Stein already picked up on the underlying meaning and called out Clinton for straying from Jefferson.

dat. Change the names and it's bloody obvious.
His way of sticking it to the queen without getting a dumbbell in the face.

It's obvious to me he was meant to just rally up a couple million millennials and bait&switch them into the dnc to replace all the old farts checking out in the next 4 years. Instead he got triple what was expected and got it into his fool head he could pull an upset and steal it. He kinda forgot the whole "she's a conniving crook" part of the whole deal. And what happened to Ron Paul. The Don didn't, though, and had them practically advertising him for free with his Mexican comments.
I think that's really why he likes dragging donald's name into it, he's still jelly he got out-jewed by a goy.



My thoughts exactly. His purpose was always to get these lazy pot smoking basement dwellers riled up against Trump so they can switch to the hilldawg at the last minute.

The anti-Trump shit remained after (((they))) switched in the real candidate, just as planned.

That's not Bernie talking.

He handed over the keys to all his social media accounts to the Clinton operation as part of his surrender. The shift in language and tone was pretty noticeable around then for those who were paying attention for it.

It is kind of tough to blame the guy for surrendering to such an extent. He probably wouldn't be alive otherwise.

Off by 6, not one.
What the fuck are you smoking, nigger?

Who are you, Jayden Smith?

Yes he thinks we are stupid, shit dick.


The tone does seem a bit strange to me too. Lincoln is a pretty shitty model of a "by the people for the people government." Plus, Hillary has been mentioning Lincoln in her speeches even though he's a fringe choice.

Or we're both retarded, and Bernie is just bending over and takin' it.

If it was the real Bernie talking he would also complain about the Clintons, the whole Clinton family is worth way more than Trump. This whole statement is a big contradiction

that's now how it works m8



Did American history start in 1860?

He's commie socialistic kike, of course he is talking out of his ass. He was made for that.

Toward? Toward?!



His head is so far up his own ass he doesn't know up from down. Same goes for the rest of his cult.


He's a kike. It is impossible for a Jew to speak the truth. Even if it seems like they are speaking the truth, it is really just a part of a much larger lie.

Oh the irony. His own supporters remember him being un-elected by the special interests he later endorsed. This is some weak ass jewing. The tribe has devolved to the point where they can't even lie properly - which used to be their only talent.

Many Americans were willing to place a socialist jew in the white house, donating millions to said socialist jew. He doesn't think we are stupid, he knows we are stupid.

He's a communist jew you dumbass. That's worse in case you didn't know. Well, traitors are just as bad.

But he's right, what are you, a fucking retards?. What is this, shilling where the bad character (commie kike) says the truth, so it's not a truth now?. You took the bait, got into circlejerking, suddenly there are no jews taking over the power and economy?. Where is he talking about Trump in it, OP?.

What the fuck people, think for yourselves.

That's like saying a dumb nigger or ignorant liberal. It's not like there is any other kind.

A capitalist jew. A libertarian jew. A natsoc jew.

They cover all the bases, the goal is power/wealth, any means/ideology necessary.

So far Clintons entire campaign has been accusing the other side of what shes doing. Saying Trump was pro the Iraq war when she was the real pro war one. Saying Trump is a rapist when she and Bill got several women raped etc.

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

If you're trying to be retarded you could have just said so.

The fact he mentioned Lincoln reminds me of Hillary's weird tangent at the 2nd debate

Oh user, I can guarantee there will be jews trying desperately to become NatSoc the second it gets any decent numbers.

Israel is not nationalist and socialist?.

Infiltrating and trying to co-opt all sides is how the game is played.

A Jew will try and sell you the rope to hang you with

Nazi occupied France had literal globalists in its offices

Fuck off. Read something about tenets of NatSoc without going on kikepedia or other kike website. Israel is a parasite state, it cannot be NatSoc because kikes never had a homeland. They were always parasites looking to latch onto any people doing well for themselves. They have no blood and soil principle. They don't have either.

Bolshevik Bernie is just showing his true kike colors. He wants what all of his fellow Nose Tribe want, our destruction.

Straight out of Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals' - accuse the opposition of the crimes you yourself are guilty of. Hillary loved that piece of shit.

Why rob from people when you can convince them that giving you money is a moral imperative?

Worse still, he is a Jew.

All you said is true, but it doesn't disprove that Israel isn't natsoc. They made it their land, they made a country to be nationalistic about. It's a name of a political system, not some unique German brand trademark, impossible to exist anywhere else.

Well, lets figure it out, Whites have a median IQ of 100 and only 60% of the American population, at best, now, the rest mostly spics and niggers with median around 85, and nearly all of them voting democrat. To White males' credit, only 25% are stupid enough to vote democrat but almost half of White females.. so it's safe to say he's correct in his assumption in regards to his target audience.


We need more anons in those comments pushing Trump (anti-TPP, fight against wall street, audit the fed, pointing out Hillary's corruption). Come on guys.

You're either retarded or a shill

One digit away from quints

You donated to Hillary! Kek what a loser!

In his hypocrisy, this man is a ZOG paid shill and swore allegiance to Israel

Trump and Clinton are friends, the made up campaign by jews is to make you believe that actually exist 2 different parties in the US when is not like that

Both Trump and Clinton serve the same merchants in different ways, for them is great to have both, the differences are irrelevant for the rulers they want you(the so called cattle) to believe that you can make a difference

Kikes can't be traitors. They are never on our side.

He will be added to the Clinton body count if she wins.

I used to believe that but not anymore. The system is massively damaging its own credibility trying to keep Trump down. Somewhere, somehow, this man became their enemy.

It's called controlled opposition, hitler was as well one of them they controlled him to destroy europe

If trump was seriously an issue he would have been killed, kennedy was killed when he was about to limit the bank

On one hand, Sanders is a kike, so Trump getting in is probably another shoah. And on the other, due to Trump's wealth, we technically will still be under an oligarchy albeit one not run by the (((correct))) people. Which hopefully leads to a purge of our governmental (((representatives)))

Nope. Let me spell it out for you again; they're irreparably damaging their own credibility (which is absolutely essential for governing). Their readiness to pay such a cost can not be explained if what you say is true.

Controlled opposition (like Bernie for instance) is real but Trump is obviously a different story. Your paranoia turned you into a defeatist.

I am not a defeatist

Pol should organize in militant groups not in mainstream politics controlled by the elders of zion

go home fbi

go back to leddit faggot

go back to facebook

Maybe you're just spreading defeatism. In any case, you failed to challenge my reasoning and keep deflecting with empty, discredited rubbish. Bye.

Now that's weak shilling.

It's working (((as planned))).

Jew millions out of their donations, while simultaneously (later) creating a narrative that placates these very own victims into going against the Republican Nominee "because he's a big-business man".

DOTR or nothing.

Holy fuck, CTR are no repeating year old JIDF shilling points


He's a traitor because he's a giant fucking pussy.

go back to Ropeculture retard

go back to 4chan you low energy low testosterone defeatist faggot


He's deranged.



probably about Hillary, but he's too much of a coward to say it plainly.

he will (((suddenly))) grow a spine when Hillary is defeated

Wow bro you are so enlightened! Your late90s-tier "THEYRE ALL THE SAME MANNNN THE WORLD IS CONTROLLED MANNNNN" is really insightful, thanks!


Meh..he's just confirmed that when all is said and done he too gets a noose around his neck

If there was any doubt that is

It's too perfect. It's almost like pottery….

Well, that was his platform.

He's talking about Hillary, he's just avoiding naming her

Yes, after being bribed. He now owns several houses and sports cars

They're trying to fucking rewrite history again.

The Mexican share holder of NYT fame is worth more than Trump.
Trump really doesn't have much money and loses it frequently on building vice temples to be propped up by his NYC mob connections only to put them all too close so they don't work.

Trump is an everyman struggling like the rest of us.

they guy was bought and paid for once he started making waves. his campaign had a policy of not going for personal attacks on his opponent, which is probably the only way a candidate like clinton can make it past the primaries.

Post ACW has more to do with the Lincoln admin than the founding. You can thank the kikes and their slave loving of niggers for that.

The comment section to this video could need some attention.

They praise this jew for what he says in this clip.

You dummy he is trying to appeal to LARPer Republicans who like to boast about Lincoln.
This is hilarious given the fact Lincoln hated nigs and wanted them to fuck off to Liberia. These people pick and choose which aspects of history they want to remember.

hillary sure represents that

regardless though, treat bernie as an enemy

the opposite of truth isn't lies, it's bullshit

This. Enough with this insufferable kike already.

Haha wow, CTR really is trying to reboot the shilling cycle. Welcome to 2015, 850aff!


Bernie has reached a new cuckoldry level:

Bernie’s Shame: Rallies for Clinton Amid Humiliating Leaks

"Adding a delicious dose of irony to Brazile’s duplicity is the fact that she took over as interim DNC chair only after Debbie Wasserman Schultz was forced to resign following other leaked emails — courtesy of WikiLeaks in July — which proved that DNC officials were conspiring to scuttle Sanders’ campaign."

""The job of the progressive movement now is to look forward, not backward," Sanders said last Wednesday in a statement to NBC News. "No matter what Secretary Clinton may have said years ago, behind closed doors, what’s important today is that millions of people stand up and demand that the Democratic Party implement the most progressive platform in the history of our country." "

Is there a bigger cuckold in the universe?

He's like the El Rato of the Democratic Party. But even El Rato put up some bluster before he rolled over and showed his belly.

Should we spam pic related to any Bernie supporter that actually gave this lying Jew their money or foodstamps since most Bernie supporters are niggers and illegal spics

If you at any point supported him he has every right to think so, goy.


This race was clearly his retirement check from politics. He already got his payout,why doesn't he blast Hillary in the name of communism or whatever already?

Doesn't he ''care' about his kike principals?

No. Fucking. Doubt.

Most Bernie-Burnouts are not voting for the hag AFAIK. People tend to remember their own shanking, for some reason.



fuck Bernie check em

Wasted sextuplets.

what a waste


God dammit.

What he meme by this?

kill yourself

FU2 fag

F confirmed for 2.

Fucking canadian shitposters, I swear


Die in fire

what was the previous get?

is kek spelling something out for us?




what a waste

Look what you caused to happen by posting!

You defied KEK his rightful blessing.

TRedditSpacing too. Kill yourself.




Maybe it means fail twice? As in Hillary's bid for the whitehouse.


F2: Renames a highlighted icon or file. Alt + Ctrl + F2 and Ctrl + F2 give some more functions.

Dubs for truth:

The Fool is the symbol of true innocence, a perfect state of joy and freedom, the sure feeling to be one with the spirit of life, at any time.

The Fool has the number 0, for someone ready to go in any direction, open to all possibilities. He belongs nowhere, has no past, but an infinite future. Every moment is a new beginning. In Aryan culture the 0 has the shape of an egg, the symbol for the origin of life. The Fool is change, motion and the readiness to jump into life, with no cares ever. The Fool knows no difference between possibility and reality, the zero means a total lack of hope and fear, the Fool suspects and plans nothing. He reacts directly to the current situation, nothing is calculated, nothing is hidden.

In most decks the Fool is shown with an animal, as a symbol of nature, the animal soul in perfect harmony with the spirit that just follows its instincts. The Fool is courage, optimism and the belief in life and himself. When times are hard, and we suffer the pressure of 'being reasonable' or denying our instincts, the Fool reminds us that our inner person knows best what to do. 'Always trust your instincts'…

In its negative aspect, the card can say that its qualities are blocked or reversed. Irresponsibilty, mad projects, recklessness - the careless human who covers himself with some artifical madness, for distrusting his instincts and fearing standstill and silence.

Drive: Changes, movement, the innocence of a child

Light: The positive break up of structures and limitations, selfless idealism, endless fantasy, optimism, trust to instincts. War on its adversaries.

Shadow: The negative loss of structures, responsivelessness, useless daydreaming, infantility. Indecisiveness in the face of war.

What did Jewish people mean by this?

all those dumb, smiling faces

Dude, on MSNBC they were talking about how George Washington Carver crossed the Delaware.

The kikes always wanted to control you (as parasites) - they can't survive otherwise:

As a white man, you need to be true to yourself and your ancestors and take charge of the field:

He thinks his supporters are stupid, and in all fairness, he's right.


It's so weird seeing the hivemind circle back at you. I posted that a couple days ago; I've been holding on to it since something like 2002-era Fark.

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He's a Jew

It's called Tribalism

In-group/out-group morality. Jews use out-group on us but insist we use in-group with them.

nice flush


Does Bernie Think We Are Stupid?

You seem a bit behind, we just found out that the protests were HIllary's goons.

Does Bernie Think We Are Stupid?

it's an old picture. from when that just happened.

why are you bumping this old kinda shitty thread?

I miss the primaries. High velocity memes and good times.

Now everything is just bitter and hate

Does Bernie Think We Are Stupid?

h f2

What does it all mean?

Some of us are. But I think he's talking the media colluding behind Hillary. (((Jill Stein))) has been talking about it, and (((Socialists))) will stick together.



kek BTFO

What is F2?


Kek is the Chaos God
His Chaos manifests in His Gets


can be read as him talking about hillary, meme it package it rub it in the libshits faces

sage because my shildar is going off the hook

>why are you bumping this old kinda shitty thread?

posted: 10/18/16 (Tue) 05:51:32

thread was created: 10/17/16 (Mon) 05:22:41


Personally I'm bumping it because you need to go back to either Holla Forums or 4chan

vid related

From the beginning Bernie covered for Hilary. During the first democratic debate Bernie was asked about Clinton emails and said "I'm going to say something that isn't very good politics, but secretary Clinton is right, the American people have heard enough about her damn emails. We're sick and tired of the emails." (I may be a bit off but the message is the same just YouTube for reference:Bernie emails)

At all of his campaign stops he stressed the importance of and how it's the responsibility of democrats to ensure a republican doesn't enter the White House.

From the very beginning Bernie was a Clinton plant. Bernie was to draw out millennial voters then concede to Clinton and bring his votes with him.

CTR don't you have an animu pillow to hug right now?

He's a kike, plain and simple. He doesn't care about the USA, he doesn't care about this election, hell, he is probably not just complicit but involved in the DNC fraud.
Think about this: his policies were a mirror image of what many leftists in the USA identify with, clearly this does not go with the agenda at this point in time. Hillary need people to support her future wars and to support her in turning the USA into a closed society. That's where Bernie came in: Run, show weakness, lose, support the other candidate. It was all a ploy to get the left to support the new narrative.

Hydrogen fluoride

Bernie is reaching new cuckoldry levels never seen before!:

Clinton camp worked with WH to delay GMO labeling bill that would elevate Sanders

from Gary Hirshberg, the CEO of the organic yogurt company Stonyfield Farm, to John Podesta, Chairman of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign:

(this link is an e-mail from Podesta to Hirshberg but it contains the Hirshberg to Podesta e-mail copied below)


I can promise you that if President Obama signs this terrible legislation that blatantly validates Bernie's entire campaign message about Wall Street running our government, this will give Bernie a huge boost and 10,000 -20,000 outraged citizens ( who WILL turn up because they will be so angry at the President for preemption vt) will be marching on the Mall with Bernie as their keynote speaker.

In short, I feel certain that Obama (who famously promised on camera to implement mandatory GMO labeling) signing this bill will result in adding at least another month or more of money and attention to the Sanders campaign.

To avoid this, this bill can still be stopped if the WH and Clinton campaign come down now on the 12-14 farm state dems who Roberts will need to pass this compromise. I am on a plane until 6:30 pm EST but can talk after that. I am also passing the same message to David Simas. It will be terrible to hand Sanders this advantage at such a fragile time when we really need to save our $$$ for the Trump fight. We should discuss with your team immediately.



And if any of you here buy products from Stonyfield Farm you need to stop right now. Boycott them.

>Gary Hirshberg


I think it's pretty obvious that it's all intentional. Clinton is just a dumb thuggish brute, kek. Thus doesn't pick up on it.

neocons think so. So he's literally pandering 100% right there.

I doubt he's trying, he just has as little spine as obama so he doesn't really know a better way to 'get back'

All the real gommies hate her tho. Still.
Technically the US doesn't have any real gommies, aside from Africans with strange names. They're all in South America. Cultimarxism is pretty different enough they should just drop the second half at this point.

You haven't been following Ukraine much, huh?
A majority of the "reich wing" over there are basically (((neocons))) with swastikas.

time travel buffoonery is wrong. We need to go back in time and assassinate Woodrow Wilson
Either that or shoot Teddy again so he makes an ebin speech that gets him elected in a landslide


forreals, this is pretty amusing watch a jew dodge so hard about naming a goy. I'm rly feeling the bern now
Finally one of them gets to feel it!

naw, he put it out wrongly but it's kinna true. Trump Shuttle's "failure" mimics pretty much your average mom&pop business' failing. Literally nothing wrong with the company beside the timing. (Which I get more suspicious erry day recently was intentional by his (((trusted advisors))))

change it to clinton and it'll trend on faecesbook like mad!

wot a smarmy kunt, stealing from kek of all possible things!

It's (((possible))) but I don't think there's a lot of jews working in farms. But he's a long time Democrat in New Hampshire.

For fucks sake even (((Jill Stein))) turned on Hillary. Bernie is a cuckface

Guess who is at the very bottom of the list of possible VP candidates sent to Hillary by her team?


He's both.

LOL the memes are too strong

Hes a kike you fool!

That video pisses me off. Anybody got any Sarah Silverman memes?

The political turmoil of Germany's troubled interwar years greatly affected the School's development.
Its thinkers were particularly influenced by the failure of the working-class revolution in Western Europe (precisely where Marx had predicted that a communist revolution would take place) and by the rise of Nazism in such an economically and technologically advanced nation as Germany.
This led many of them to take up the task of choosing what parts of Marx's thought might serve to clarify contemporary social conditions that Marx himself had never seen.

When Trump started talking about bankers months ago I looked up OWS on faceberg to see what they said about it, and got this: "well he's not talking about the issue in the proper way…blah blah blah."

A lot of kikes are about to have another Frankfurt School Moment, where they ponder what went wrong and then blame everything on the goyim.




He's underneath people who aren't even politicians. That's the hilarious part.

Well he did it to himself. He sacrificed his ideals to shill for Hillary because he's so brainwashed he actually thinks Donald Trump would be worse.

Thanks for the money, dumbasses!

I getting some serious dejavu from this shit

Which is why (((they))) are working so hard to destroy masculinity and increase white guilt. Men that are proud of who they are don't want handouts, they want to support their selves and loved ones through their own accomplishments. They value strength, self-reliance and integrity. All of which are poison to bolsheviks

Students Yell ‘Hillary Is a War Monger’ and ‘Sellout’ During Bernie Rally at University of New Mexico

"A crowd estimated at around a thousand people showed up to listen to Sanders at the University of New Mexico on Tuesday, but many of the students used the rally to express their disgust with Clinton by yelling, “Hillary is a war monger” and unfurling a sheet with “Never Hillary” written on it.

The Albuquerque Journal report on the rally included a picture of the sheet with “Never Hillary” written on it and covered the protesters by saying in part, “A vocal contingent of protesters made their presence felt at today’s event, some brandishing signs in support of Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson and at least one shouting ‘Bernie is a sell out!’” "

The timeline has changed.

I wish [CURRENT YEAR] college kids were concerned about anything besides dude weed lmao

worse than /sp/


WIKILEAKS: Bernie’s Wife Jane BEGGED HIM Not to Endorse Hillary

"Apparently Jane Sanders has now called him twice and begged him to change his mind and he's stood firm. Huma, I will send contact info asap."

Well, if you're idiot enough to have paid attention to what he has to say then he doesn't think that you're stupid, he's 100% sure that you're a fucking retard.

"White people don't know what it's like to be poor." Yes. Yes, he does.

Bernie is obviously the sort of guy who can't get off from normal sex. He probably needs to torture people to get an erection. Why would his wife's opinion matter when he probably only married her to have an unwilling witness to his perversions?


i call him bernie the bum. this is it, folks, all talk…no action.

Simple – Trump represents the promotion of his own personal business interests on a national scale, which especially involves increased brand visibility and lower taxes for himself and many in a similar position. He also wants more control of media content and of libel laws (so it's less easy to attack powerful people). This is what Bernie is talking about when he says we're heading toward:
The special trick Trump has pulled off is tying this to a raging populism of white male discontent with social change, though Trump's policies aren't especially beneficial to poor white people.

We need a genuine populist who is of the people and for the people, not yet another rich person to manipulate us toward their interests.

I don't agree.
Very few people, right now, considering the current situation, could even remotely "win" the presidential election. There's too much corruption and unfairness, rigged MSM and people brainwashed by them.
Take for example Ron Paul, he couldn't beat the system, even if he were one of the most honest people ever, even with massive support. He lost against MSM. He didn't fight back as good as Trump is doing.
Vid related.

I hope you are not shilling and rethink your ideas.

Sadly ALOT of people are that stupid

Only one that comes to mind.

Trigger warning: very spoopy.

Plebbit, pls go

Another Jew with a fridge body.

It's like how these kikes say they we should fear Trump being in charge of the military because he'd go to war if someone insults him, and yet in reality he's the non-interventionist candidate while Hillary is literally talking about starting WW3 over syria

The amount of cognitive dissonance and lies being spit out by the lugenpresse is unreal

Better they vote for Gary Johnson, because otherwise they might vote for Hillary because "I hate her but Trump is even worse!"

All jew broads have fridge bodies with lumpy square pelvises like that. I know first hand from college.

The comment seriously doesn't apply to Trump at all, and very very specifically would be relevant to Hillary. The woman who was with bankers on 9/11 and is known for "Pay to Play". Sounds exactly like what he would have said about her before he got the nomination stolen from him. Meanwhile Trump has released some pretty elaborate plans to neuter lobbies and special interests. These fucking holograms are unbelievable.

For his own personal safety

Yup, I knew our future gets are horrible shitposts.
==make GETs great again==

Because he's gonna cut taxes for the wealthy! DUH!!!

Obviously being blatantly obscure. Like rats on a sinking ship, the democrats will stand on each others head to stay afloat a little longer. I hope I live to see the day the liberals get ousted for all their cheating and corruption the last 30yrs.