At least 30 dead
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Nice attack bro
Did they stop the truck and punch the bastard to death in the spirit of the storming of the Bastille?
why is it always france lately though
I'm kind of fucking shocked that a truck is able to kill this many people tbh
They can't arrange shit with their froggy frogg talk
Where there's a will there's a way
They're trying to build support to implement a police state.
fucking hell m8 some people lost their heads and I'll personally slap whoever talks about how ironing this is
There is a conspiracy theory about Israel and Saudi Arabia controlin ISIS and attacking countries that are not against Palestain.
Then again, I think, it's just cause they are a major power and they have enough second and third generation muslims and so on, and crisis and people looking for an enemy but not capitalism…
Right-wing isn't a "white privilage".
good god
France fucked up the Middle East almost as hard as the USA over the past 50 or so years.
I'm kekking hard at this. I know it's the name of the city, but damn.
Fuck. That's really bad.
I can already picture a guy eating a bacon egg sandwich taking breaks to write on Twitter/Facebook about how the only way they could've prevented this is by really getting tough with those damn muslims with that "I told you" tone that stupid people have whenever they think recent events prove their point
Achmed pls go
Presuming this was isis, which seems likely given their track record. Why is it that they are significantly more effective terrorists than we'd seen previously?
He literally just drove a car over them. Anyone could do it with the right timing.
If anything I'm a little impressed by the efficiency. High body count, no prep work.
French media is already reporting 60 deaths. There have also been unconfirmed reports of shooting, with some people saying that it was the driver and others saying that it had more than one shooter.
You can't maximize kill count without risking fucking everything and going all in. This is also why head-fucked spree killers that shoot themselves afterward are so effective, they don't hold back at all. In most other cases they plan on being able to escape and return to their buddies for future operations.
ISIS isn't fighting to win, they're fighting to lose. They want to all be dead because they are basically a doomsday cult; they think initiating mass war with the Western world will bring about the apocalypse. And contrary to US propaganda, they are getting desperate because they are fucking idiots that the Kurds have little trouble outsmarting.
France has also been selling weapons like crazy in the past few years.
Probably numbers? Al-Qaeda was a very small and somewhat "exclusive" group
So it's a game of persistence, then. A war of attrition.
Many of these terrorists are being radicalized over the internet, and only pledge allegiance to ISIS publicly right before the attack, meaning they leave essentially no footprints, drop very few warning signs and are almost completely undetectable before the attack.
This dude was probably a "normal" truck driver for a while until he eventually got radicalized, all he had to do was drive his truck into a crowd the moment he wanted to launch his attack, there is literally no way to stop something like that, it's impossible, he could have decided this morning he was going to kill 50 people and there's just no way to see it coming.
Compare this to the terrorists of the past who were trained abroad and had no easy access to encrypted communication, they were a lot easier to catch when they had to plan these things over telephones or in person, and had to actually travel out of the country or buy very suspicious material to actually become radicalized in the first place.
Times are very different now, and this is how terrorism is going to look from now on.
Police in Nice release photo of suspect
More like the opposite, actually. ISIS knows it's fucked in the long term. They're throwing out everything they have in a last ditch attempt to spark a war.
So wel let them go GTA on our asses and hope there are enough of us that they all get themselves killed before they exterminate us.
at least 60, 100+ injured now
How the fuck did he do this with a truck? Did people not event try to get out of the way? How big was this crowd?
It takes a while to plow through 100 people, I'm surprised so many were somehow caught off guard.
How are they gonna "exterminate us"?
Look, if the west wanted ISIS gone, they'd have had it gone.
ISIS isn't C&C Generals' GLA, IRL. You can get rid of them anytime you want.
If over 100 people were injured. I'm guessing it was a pretty big crowd.
There were also unconfirmed reports of shooting and a hostage situation
Yeah, just like the West wanted the Viet Cong gone.
The driver was driving very quickly for at least 100 meters before plowing into the crowd, which had gathered to watch fireworks for Bastille Day. It's not like it crept up on them, it more like there was a truck right on top of them all of the sudden and people struggling to get out of the way with so many other people. Kind of like how people get trampled on Black Friday, or that nightclub fire. Just so many people trying to move in one direction that shit goes sour.
I'm going to be honest, I think this might be a bit like Vietnam in the sense that everyone automatically assumes that the biggest military in the world can handle something but is choosing not to, until suddenly that same military admits defeat.
This is bait.
Trucker here. This is what people get for jaywalking.
The dead count may be up to 60 now. Good lord.
73 confirmed, friend
What do we do about Islam?
Trump doesn't seem to have a plan beyond banning muslims until we "figure out what's going on." He even contradicted himself about handling ISIS, saying a few months ago that NATO was obsolete and ill-equipped to handle ISIS, but now that NATO is the solution?
Hilldog doesn't want to talk about it because she can't upset her Muslim apologist supporters. At least she'll say "radical islam," though.
We tell the UN to stop fucking with the middle east.
Fuckin hell.
Well lads, it's been fun, dig up ya grandpas nazi uniform and prepare to be drafted by the new fascist regimes in europe.
Did you see all those women exposing their ankles?
What is radical islam?
Terrorists in general have learned that using firearms is more effective than using bombs, I miss the noughties terrorists that constantly mutilated themselves with their ineffective DIY bombs
That's missing the point about as hard as going "what should we do about Catholics?" after an IRA attack.
i asked what we do about islam in general. ive seen this chart probably 5 times.
i still think 'radical' is a good qualifier for muslims who are willing to kill innocents for their religion. they are indeed radical relative to muslims who think women should obey men.
Those were the days. Three Jihadists in a car bomb would explode themselves and only injure a bystander/scare his dog.
because islam has nothing to do with these attacks, right noam? purely political, eh?
Stop immigration of those who do not accept western liberal principles. And homogeneous societies.
of course there is a political element often, but to deny that islam is a contributing factor is asinine.
islam encourages terrorism.
Well terrorism literally only happens following political conflicts (including some that you're unaware of, in countries you can't find on the map) but I'm sure that's a coincidence.
It's always people who use words like "asinine" trying to act like they're an authority on Islam and terrorism.
the problem is that muslims are allowed to lie to advance their agenda, and they've already infest europe and america. many of these attacks are committed by muslims born in the west.
what political conflict irrelevant to islam was the orlando shooter motivated by? do tell me.
Christianity did and does the same.
Islam encourages the killing of infidels the same way the bible encourages slavery and attacking infidels herself:
Yet you don't see many christians going around doing that nowadays, even though christianity remains strong.
Why? Because it no longer corresponds to material nature of most christian nations today. It's not good guidance in a political or economic way, and was therefore weeded out from the religious conscience of most christians. This is the type of things we ought to look at, not what a religious text say, based on the presumption that terrorists are just acting its orders regardless of circumstances.
To say Islam isn't a significant factor in terrorism is ludicrous.
This is not revelant for the topic at hand.
So, who's ready for the Jason Unruhe video: "Why Those Killed in the Nice Attacks Deserved It"?
Christian detected.
There is no room for opiates in the godless communist utopia.
He swore allegiance to ISIS before the attacks, you might have heard of them.
And if you want me to explain the political context that enabled ISIS both in the sense of their practical philosophy and the radicalization of its individual members (which btw include many people formerly from the military establishment of the secular Baathists) go somewhere else. I won't explain the Iraq War to you just because you were born after it happened.
you sound stupid af mate
Christianity isn't even close. Islam is bloodthirsty.
Consider the crusades: Retaliation war after enduring 200 years of muslim invasions.
Besides, christianity has been secularized and reformed.
All religions are shite. Some are more shite than others.
It's only a significant factor to the extend that it provides people living under a similar set of circumstances with a common ground. For that, militant islamic organizations outcompeted militant nationalist, pan-Arabic organizations, but terrorism would have happened anyway.
Why would you ask that? There's no point in stopping islam, if the source is economic stability until you fix that you won't change anything by stopping islam as a religion. Even if they didn't have islam they would find another excuse to attack the west because this is ultimately an economic issue, not a religious one.
The entire reason they are attacking civilians is to get the Western world to declare war on Islam. They think all Westerners despise Muslims by default and simply need to admit it.
This is a war between porky and religious fanatics, and everyone else is paying the price.
The last attack was done by guys from a different country (Belgium IIRC). The EU lets them travel freely between countries. They're going after France specifically. Looks like the UK left just in time.
He's getting there! Now quick, someone explain how material reality of christian nations allowed for this reform while the Islamic world has systematically been denied the same economic development by western powers turning it into economic colonies.
Fuck off, deontologist.
Islam and Christianity are similar shit(e), though. They are very close in theological roots and it shows.
In comparison, Raelists haven't blown many people up.
Yea they are all controlling shit.
Is this the most retarded board I have ever come across? Probably.
These attacks seem to be accelerating. I get that the goal is to get the West to turn on all Muslims so the "moderates" are easier to radicalize, but as this shit intensifies, I keep wondering if we don't really need to remove kebab. I mean for fuck's sake, is there no line? If there are people who are part of a death cult that actively kills people, are we just going to let them?
Point, muslims are terrorist scum
evidence, France the past year
Some day lad you'll get yours.
What are you talking about? Islamic terrorism originated in the '80s.
And Holla Forums says that it's not a liberal shithole
The reformation of Christianity was the result of the bloodiest religious conflicts in human history.
Modern Christianity is not reformed, it's neutered. It's basically empty symbolism.
Don't you get I don't give a flying fuck about religion. I just want to get it through your head that Islam is far more destructive and ideologically repressive than other religions. Also more relevant.
Why does every discussion about radical Islam have to involve comparisons with other religions, yes in the third world Christianity is as bad as Islam, but it's not the LRA committing terror attacks in western countries.
haha this is the type of idiot that complains about the "evil white man" stereotype whenever someone talks about slavery
go back to whatever highbrow board you come from and leave us poor idiots with our reading and our history
Okay, so what do we do with this information? Fix geopolitical problems by analyzing the Quran?
I think you are misunderstanding my dear nazi,
we are defending our the muslims that are not reactionairy, like the ones we are friends with, live next to and go to school with, from people like you who say "kill all jews muslims"
He's saying that because the Middle East is been in squalor (and Western policy has perpetuated that) their religion has developed to be more brutal than in regions that are better off.
LEL. you lefties are really REALLY lost.
Among another thousand of things, this is correct.
It was called "invasions" and "raidings" before that. Terrorism is just modern asymmetricall warfare.
But yes, of course you are an intellectual. Revolution when?
"guyse, its not chistian terrorists killing ""white"" people, so why care"
.. and he has bad interpretation skills! He's defying all the stereotypes, this one.
are we sure that the guy is muslim tho?
time we neuter islam. And preferably every one of it's brainwashed adherents.
how funny would it be if he was just a bad driver
not like atlantic slave trade was on a whole other level…also in its effect
don't try to fake confidence, m8. we can se through you.
Mostly. Also by fighting the war against the muslim also ideologically. Not resting until the last spirit is broken and can be molded into something productive to support the glorious future of all mankind.
Can you even find the place on a globe, mate?
You ignorant prick. Go on you smug asshole. Show us the last mass casualty attack done in the name of Christainity. I will wait but do expect a response.
"Invasions" and "raidings" are not related to modern terrorism.
No objections to neutering religions here.
isis claimed responsibility, he had an assault rifle and the truck was full of armament
>from people like you who say "kill all jews muslims"
not enough strawmen
You cannot invalidate an opinion by placing it between "le" and "maymay", retard.
The word "terrorism" does not mean whatever you feel like it should mean. It has nothing to do with asymmetrical warfare.
And how do we do that without making religion obsolete through societal upheaval? You cannot kill a religion with bullets, at least not one bigger than some indigenous belief system.
Sure you can. Tell me when you are done projecting.
You sound like a psychopath looking for an excuse to inflict pain on others.
thats where youre wrong kiddo
can you send link please I can't find any credible source linking it to ISIS. maybe I just
Destruction must come before one can rebuild.
Noam Chomsky, literally any book. but you probably knew that and will proceed to call him names and ignore my response.
Go read any history of the Middle East. Like, any at all. Going [citation needed] for that point is like doing the same when someone says "European imperialism happened."
Then you're a moron.
Probably a fascist/tankie moron, too. Real life is not a video game.
your durka is showing cunt.
It's too early to have any definitive opinion on the matter. We'll see in a day or two.
Not helping your case, Jeffrey Dahmer.
I care because I don't want the west slipping into fascism to solve this problem, violence in the third world is horrifying but there is very little an English speaking foreigner can do about it.
Then again there is very little anyone can do about this, that wont stop people from pretending they have control over events.
Communism is never gonna happen is it m8s?
yes, because you utterly fail to present an argument. You were the one with the statement to which I asked for proof. You answered with meme's and now a certainly biased writer. This is why I quickly lost interest in the "intellectual socialism" scene.
fuck off. Filthy paki scum did it. mark my words.
paki is synonym for muslim
Agreed. Can we stop using Christianity to excuse Islam now, pls?
If Christianity was hard I can´t even imagine how bloody reforming Islam would be. To begin with, is something that they need to do themselves. They won't ever accep western interference in their affairs. And you lefties would blame the west as always if it failed, anyway.
Muslim invasions and raidings are related to muslim terrorism. Why? Because you are subhuman to them, only good as a slave. If that.
the only reason radical muslims exist today is because the west made them
do you sincerely believe that the iraq war is more to blame for the orlando attack than islam?
you're trying way too hard to exonerate islam. the ideology is still at the core of this problem, even if the US has mishandled the situation. nobody denies that the iraq war enabled isis or that many of these attacks are partially political. islam is still the biggest contributing factor because it explicitly encourages this behavior, and these people have made it very clear that they want islam to dominate the world.
holy shit its the barbary coast all over again!!
No shit. I am a mere pragmatist. I don't really care how to attain my goals as long as people do not unnecessarily suffer or die.
this just said ISIS supporters are celebrating the attack right? there is no official claim of responsibility?
actually not lol it's another guy
solid analysis bro
It has nothing to do with excuses, it has to do with discerning what knowledge is useful. If we started persecuting Protestants for abortion bombings I would say exactly the same thing.
Well it was fun posting on lefty pol for the first time. Confirmed it was a pseudo intellectual shit hole as expected. Now, I am off to /liberty/. So long, deontologist morons!
how about nukes?
And why do I care that the attackers are Muslims? They are humans with agency. They chose by their own volition to kill people, they were not magically hypnotized.
Logical fallacy: Confirmation bias. Check!
Not like you Holla Forumsyps have any grasp of history anyways.
If you did you could look back to the end of WWI and realize just how hard England and the U.S. fucked up and divided the carcass of the Ottoman empire.
You could even look back 50-60 years ago when the U.S. assassinated and killed moderate leaders and installed radical regimes in places like Iran and Afghanistan so that they could have easier access to oil for BP.
The real problem isn't the crusades, muslims didn't give a fuck about the crusades until neo-nazi edge lords started fetishizing it. The real problem is that western nations destroyed the middle east and are now scratching their heads wonder why muslims hate the west.
You came here to shitpost about the terrorist attack and knew we wouldn't hop aboard your crusade (pun not intended) regardless of our personal feelings toward Islam.
Then we destroy them too. #FuckAllMuslims
Don't blame you, I was expecting something more sober than with the Holla Forumstards, not denialfags.
Nah, that's too obvious. Sneak into the Kabbah and hide some radioactive isotope so that anyone who goes there will get radiation poisoning.
ISIS tends to support and even claim whatever disaster happens to their enemies, even when they're not actually related to it. Their comments should be taken with a grain of salt.
Hopefully the response is the same.
You assume that I'm from Holla Forums and don't know about any of these things you said.
Humans are very bad at identifying systemic causation. So we build walls and blame brown people for everything. Not in our life time m8
3 attacks in one country is more traumatic
then 3 attack spread around the eu
This guy gets it. Plus, another thing is that any political group which was anti-US that gained widespread support in their respective countries were subsequently #rekt by the U.S and the CIA.
it's a fair assumption when any time shit like this happens the Holla Forumsacks come in droves and start their rampant shitposting not too dissimilar from your post.
On top of this we want to think of ourselves as special and above other animals. We want to think that we have free choice and self-determination, and systems threaten that ideology.
local support
Ah yes, sex slaves. Thats why the front side of the cage doesnt have a fence and why theres a protest board on the side of the car, with people in the march behind it.
You can't be that stupid. I refuse to believe that someone is this dumb.
Fucking Chomsky drones man.
How is this picture related to the Nice attack?
thats why they wear hijabs…oh wait…
Not as edgy as war with 'rome' to bring about the end times. Little bit of hurt now saves much in the future. Islam is fundamentally dangerous, dangerously fundamentalist and fucking cancer to its core. Not a single redeeming feature. Fuck every single last one of the clowns who follow it.
Fuck this world.
ebin red herring 10/10 top kek :DDD
If he's talking about religious nut muslims he's wrong.
If he's talking about the current dominant strain of Islamism he's completely correct. They're a product of foreign meddling in their lands' affairs.
It's okay, user, we'll beat this time. For sure. I mean it. Nothing can go wrong. It's all for justice.
How exactly does this have anything to do with Islam's supposedly millenniums-old tradition of "terrorism"?
Okay then honey, next time I will use a fedora to signify I don't really want to genocide entire middle east, okay?
The vast majority of the ME never got out of the stone age. So really nothing of value lost if we send them all the way back there.
Obligatory :^)
no we won't
Obviously what this comic is saying is that the west invented bees, and bee behavior.
The middle east was a fucking scientific utopia (relatively speaking) when the west was living the Dark Ages and sucking that sweet priestly cock
If there is no over-riding objective morality then why not? The needs and safety of 6bn vs those of 1bn. What would Spock do?
Not Mecca, since any symbolism will be lost on a lack of purpose. Bomb the Saudi family into oblivion.
The terrorists that are funded by them are up shit creek, and the terrorists that hate them are sated.
Leave pre-spaceflight societies alone, as per objective.
That does sound like Holla Forums in a nutshell.
kawaii osama senpai desu ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You dumb fuck. You ARE subhuman to musilms. As this picture, and what happened to those in the cage proves.
Don't give a fuck.
wtf i hate sandniggers now
I'm surprised this didn't surface sooner.
Most of the 1 billion will be the first to die because fundies, especially Islamic ones, hate non-fundy followers more than anyone else.
Fucking americans man.
With the exception of Kurds and some other leftist groups, most ME/Islamists are not receptive to leftists thought, workers cause or socialism, so fuck em anyhow. All are authoritatrian/statist strongmen (usually US puppets) or reactionary religious spook bullshit lovers.
Either way I don't see it as being a bad thing if we could get rid of them. But since that isn't likely to happen, we could at least try to stop antagonizing them for awhile and see if they stop fucking with us.
Nigga you have no idea what you are talking about.
Isis attack ->
You apologist scum disgust me.
I'd love to meet you in a dark alley some day.
Yeah m8, I should support their nazi cousins who call me a subhuman instead.
Do you guys realize that the only way to defeat Salafism is reviving Nasserism and Pan-Arab "Socialism", right?
And again, this is because countries like Iran which was modernizing through the mid/late 20th century either had their political leaders, and movements killed or destroyed respectively, the dissidents towards western backed regimes tortured and killed, and their natural resources plundered.
And it didn't stop there, still today the U.S. and European countries demand that countries structure their economy entirely around oil so it can be sold to them (see Saudi Arabia). Because the entire economic focus is on oil, next to nothing is devoted to infrastructure leaving the better part of the population poor, disenfranchised and desperate. Next to that, western powers continue to back regimes like the Saudis in Saudi Arabia or Assad in Syria, who commit atrocities against their own people and fuel or participate in regional wars.
So it might seem like the ME never developed significantly, or ever could, if you're a blathering idiot on the internet who thinks he's somehow better because he doesn't like muslims.
I'm already convinced and I don't even know what you're talking about. But I can get down with international socialism.
Yes but america and UK litterally killed them.
I forgot about Frenchies and Brits playing a role in fucking over countries like Libya or Iran :^)
bin laden was rich lived in a stable country
look what he did
hurr durr
culture and gender are comparable
US fucked that up big time like the incompecunts we always are. But yeah, this.
As much as I don't agree with that guy, so-called Arab "Socialism" isn't socialism; it's just Pan-Arab nationalism with some government oversight of the economy.
I liked it when he gave Nazi war criminals asylum
Given they breed like rats I'm not going to put all my money on this one.
still not what this picture is from mate…im willing to bet
america oppsoed nasser because of our relationship with saudi arabia.
you're starting to sound like a muslim there m8
Most white men are Westerners, so yes, it is.
Iran (the people, not the gov) is the only shimmer of light in an otherwise hellish backwater that should be put out its misery.
Theres no difference between a nazi and a muslim except for what ethnic group they kill people for.
[shitposting intesifies]
except the fact that most muslims are just normal people like any other believer who just have a bit more backwards views on social issues.
Are most white women not westerners?
I meant isis muslims, obviously, you autists
well fucking google it you twat.
well that was not obvious at all friendo :^)
Fuck military interventionism.
But at this point, I'm in favor of Al-Raqua and Mosul being nuked.
America has a few left over from the good old cold war days.
There goes dat apologist.
What's wrong with Mosul?
The moment a country interferes with another countries affairs, it's asking for trouble. No argument there. I'm still trying to figure out why do you think that I believe that the west never " nuffin" as Holla Forums would say.
Pic related. Muslims make Holla Forums look sane.
no pic
forgot the pic, jeez
Just give Assad couple of minuteman missiles and sit back.
dude I live in a muslim country, nearly everyone I know is a Muslim of some sort, none of them supports killing people for religion. oh, and most of them drink and jack off to porn
shit its almost like they are people, and not some sort of orc
And what name do your national islamists go by?
What Muslim country?
Do it and you can expect the whole Muslim world going against the West. Not under ISIS (since it'd be ded), but maybe under something even more radical.
But Mosul was conquered after putting quite a defense, nuking it would be pretty rude
Between Russia and the US I'm sure they'd mange.
you motherfucker
i spat crumbs everywhere
It's waaaayyy to late for that. All the power in the Midd-East is collected in the hands of Israel and the Gulf States. And they made sure pan-arabism stayed dead. The Syrian Civil War is just the nail in the head to pan-Arabism, Nasserism or Baathism.
The best solution I think now would be to encourage the sort of federal type of governance Iraq now has and allow semi-independence of the Kurds. People like to say the Arab-Spring was a total failure, but Tunisia was a sucess in overthrowing both the dictator Ben-Ali and stopping the Sunni Islamists from gaining any political ground, Egypt, Libya, Syria and Yemen should follow the Tunisian example.
You didn't even get the point, did you? Figures.
Has australia been terraformed to some extend yet?
I want to leave this shithole. Maybe move to new zealand or some other rural shithole.
truthfully, ive been wondering how things would go if Putin stopped playing with his dickpolitik and actually went after ISIS instead of mostly doing things that he knows will PO the americans
The US will always have its imperialism excuse, because religious radicals are extremely predictable once you get in their head. I think Kurdish autonomy would be a fair compromise since they're class conscious.
Is your name "not important" by any chance?
/r/equesting wordfilter of "Muslim" to "orc"
fuck all they people, who couldn't get out in time
and now can't beacuse they'll get shot.
let em die of
rad poisening
it would be fair but 10 bucks says we dick the kurds over in the end like we always do, probably in the course of sucking turkey's dick while giving the reach-around to Shia-aligned iraq (to keep Iran happy, whose Kurdish minority is also beginning to stir again)
in the end, they do all the work when its convenient, only to see that "there are larger strategic concerns" and they won't be backed by their imperialist handlers.
can you please stop that meme?
No. In fact, Kurds are full communist.
Would be easy but not necessarily effective. I'm not familiar with how the app works, but how likely are you to get a lot of people in one place at the same time?
oh shi-
you got dank lure modules
Pretty hilarious tbh, i use foxreplace
No you silly willy, we join YPG, kick their ass first person and then build full communism in Kurdistan
Three big EU countries… Britain, France, Germany.
Britain they're already taking over so no need for terrorism. I mean for fuck's sake a moslem now rules the former capital of the British Empire… don't interrupt your enemy as he makes his mistakes.
Germany they're still afraid of so they only engage in local crime, no terrorist events that might put Germany back in Realm mode.
But France is just resistant enough that terrorism is needed but not scary like Germany so they have the confidence to give it a shot.
Everywhere else in Europe is shitnobodycaresabout.jpg
So France is their big punching bag.
feels good man
the only real reason for them not attacking germany yet is they love hitler and antisemitism. feel nostalgic about it
there were some attacks in britain, even bombs. you're a faggot.
You're a massive faggot.
A) You forgot Belgium.
B) France takes most, same as Belgium, cause colonies.
Germany didn't have enough colonies and colonial culture/populace.
Britain had colonies that are not as threatening and lost them early on.
France and Belgium had colonies and conections with north africa for longer, so they have more 2nd and 3rd generation muslims that found radical Islam as the answer to every problem capitalism caused them.
It's not immigrands that do terrorism. It's French citizens.
But you seem to have chosen the same path. Blame it all on Ze Joose Ze Commies und Ze Arabs and capitalism can still be great, amma right?
So, in the end, pol and ISIS are pretty much the same.
The other day I looked up the Istambul airport attack, and realized that the city had had 3 terrorist attacks this year. Fucking hell. Talk about "the new normal".
Can someone make one of those for all humans in general please? I'd like a convenient image macro to use against anti-AI primitivists.
Funnily enough this image seems like its trying to mimic NOD's aesthetic, probably just coincidence though.
One of these days.
Are you implying Yugoslavia fell because of Islamic Terrorists?
I love all these faggots saying Christianity dun no wrong conveniently forgetting that George Bush said he frequently talked with God and all the crusading rhetoric surrounding Afghanistan and Iraq.
but nah Christians and the West is good boys what did nothin wrong
I disagree .
dosen't mean its okay to kill people who did nothing wrong
There is no pretext for a holy war in the new testament. Nothing Dubya did can be justified through the new testament. Everything the Jihadists do is commanded in the Quran.
It's always the atheists and the fundamentalists that take religious claims at face value.
No. Holla Forums hates the people who go messing with bees for the taigs. Because they then also want to fill up their own countries with bees and then trow people into prison for talking about the negative effects of having their countries full of angry bees. I guess Holla Forums agrees with that French faget minister that said the French had to learn how to live with bee stings. Fagets like that will get swarmed by wasps soon enough.
Believe it or not atheism and fundamentalism isn't incompatible. You see believing isn't necessary in fundamentalism as long as you follow the holy book to the letter.
I think they have the most muslims in their country, which is not just a coincidence.
Also I read that France suspended some amount of social welfare in 2014, this guy who did the truck attack was applying for a loan and wasn't able to pay his rent right before he went off.
And… the wider geopolitical context is that France under Sykes-Picot got control over Syria and is probably the one who gets to decide how Syrian oil is used.
I wouldn't be surprised if they're running false flag operations to garner support for a foreign conflict of some sort.
More terrorists because escalating western violence and intervention.
Shouldn't you shits be out there de-spooking these poor misguided radicals before the evil racist gather up all the muslims.
Cop out, like people from Eritria or morroco have suffered massive intervention by western powers and now need to move all the way to very specifically France, Germany, The UK or Sweden.
Well, sometimes people take things into their own hands or they're simply mercenaries. Is Christianity evil because the POTUS says god bless america and then signs off on troops literally killing people for no reason?
You don't know what the roll on effects are and I can't say what's happening in every single scenario, I can say that none of this would be happening if the west wasn't destabilising all of these regions.
I see people like you pretending to have an observant and detached eye on the situation but honestly you're just a jingoist who feels insecure, I don't give a shit.