
More like Spider-BLACKED

Fist yourself prick! It's clear that white privilege is apparent here. You only have to look at movies such as Gods of Egypt, World Trade Center etc…all of those movies have been racebended to white people. Look at Doctor Strange, the white actress who is meant to be Asian. No one says shit but if it's a person of colour playing a "white" role then you racist fucktards get butthurt lol.



your posting displays an abnormal interest in anuses, chaim

Lol, I'm loving the ignorant racist comments from the racist dickheads on here. Seriously I think that Trump has given voice for the racist to be more bolder. So what if she isn't white?! If media corporations respected the demographics in the 40's, 50's etc then we wouldn't have this problem now. But they did. Nearly everything was white without mentioning or acknowledging ethnic minorities. So now that there is more diversity, the racist fucktards are getting butthurt - GOOD!


Louis C.K. walks on stage. The crowd becomes energetic just at the sight of him. It is made up of mostly white middle class americans. He is filming a special tonight called "White Males-Who needs them?"

This single utterance is enough to send uncontrollable snickers throughout the audience as they all brace themselves for whats coming

A roar of laughter emenates immediately, the loudest ones of all are the male audience members. Several of the women slip there fingers into the wetness between their thighs and begin to masturbate

The laughter begins to sound like screaming as the smell of bodily fluids and and sweat fill the auditorium. Many men are doubled over, there vocal cords to the point of tearing from the constant grating due to there uncontrollable laughter. In one corner, several men have begun voluntarily castrating themselves and piling there white genitalia in a pile. Almost all the women have degenerated into an animalistic state of aggression of lust. They begin to humiliate and mutilate the men, who all willingly take there punishment

The auditorium doors are ripped apart as a horde of muscular black men rush inside many wearing no more than grass skirts and snapbacks with Stars of David embroidered on them. The frantic scene turns into what can no more than be described as an orgy of violence. White women leap onto the black mens erect penises, while the blacks start to rap Zulu chants. The white men all watch delighted, until they bow down to there negro gods. Louis CK was last seen leaping into the audience, squeeling

More like Spider-trap'd

Equality is literally a social construct.

Racists are born that way.

Stop being a bigot.

It's the modern year, you nigger.

I can't even.

This faglord is triggering the shit out of me.

They tried to keep it a secret because it's a twist at the end of the movie, when it was first leaked they said it wasn't true.

It's as lame as hothead's real name being Robin.

Let me guess: the real "MJ" will never appear, right?

Maybe this is a good thing.

8/10, good liberalpost. Heil Hitler, my White brother.

Very simple. Non-Whites do not belong in America or Europe, and, on top of that, that weirdo… mulatto… mestizo… whatever the fuck that hybrid is is a crime against nature and should be wiped off the Earth. :-)

No, just racist, i consider myself very well informed. This planet belong to the whites, it doesn't matter if you multiply shitskins by billion: It won't give you all the quality whites have. You're mad at whites for a good reason: We're right, we're better, wiser, and achieved more any civilization ever dreamed of.
You're mad because you know it's true. And i understand, i'd be mad too if i were a worthless shitskin or a beta cuck.


you will always be a nigger

That feel when all you did was copy paste a couple of comments and everyone got baited.

It's weird that you're trying verbosity instead of slurs, like meatcuck or cumskin. You need to work harder on your bait

"I'm not going to enter a monument built by slaves" ;^)

lol you really are mad


Wait, so Homecoming is one of those movies?

The movie was decent, maybe even pretty good but it had that line by the shitty self insert Michelle character who is so "woke" along with the usual race swapping among other issues. The propaganda wasn't as numerous as the usual cuckery from marvel but its still there and it makes the movie worse unfortunately.

I was pretty annoyed by the whole M.J character and May being so young, but there was a real reason for his love interest being a half-cast nogger.

To make the twist of the film a lot less predictable. Honestly I'm not too attuned with the whole kino thing and I'd probably still be surprised by just about anything, but I'm pretty sure it got just about everyone
Besides, he's probably getting with M.J in the next films anyway. The director of the film was literally who so we can't really judge whether he's pozzed or not yet.

"Face it tiger, your mouth belongs on my smooth black cock 24/7"

Why the fuck was she even in this movie? I don't remember her doing anything related to the plot, she existed just to make snarky comments and nothing else.

For the twist, and someone for tumblr fags to identify with

She didn't even get a glamourous slow motion shot at Homecoming looking all gorgeous ;_;

Wait, from what I read from spolers the main love interest of the movie is a nigger, but she moves away or something like that, letting us with this "M.J." "le so quirky xD" character (also a nigger) as the next love interest. Wtf is this shit, are there any white students in his school?

You know what I've noticed. Whenever they say "more diversity" in a movie, for some reason that just means "blacker". Aren't there more spics in America than nogs? So why is every new movie now 50% negra?

did you not see the jews in the movie? they were literally everywhere even the highschool

the convenience store. budget subway was owned by a spic/italian

more spics than anything in this film, take that how you will

Fuck, this line is real.

Remember when Spider Man was fun?


It's almost like niggers are so ignorant and narcissistic they believe they are the reason America is the world's superpower.

Where do you think you are?


you fucking faggot

I don't believe you.

You sure showed us

He copy pasted comments from the YouTube videos comment section in op

That image only works when you're trying to peddle stupidity for trolling. Mine actually worked and you're a faggot.

Yeah totally bro, pat yourself on the back. You trolled Holla Forums, wow, you should treat yourself for that one. It's very hard to troll Holla Forums man.

Lmao kill yourself faggot.

You are really bad at trolling.

It's pretty obvious to me you're the assmad and you're really getting boring. Whatever, you win I don't care about this shit anymore.

Did I hurt your feelings?

You're on Holla Forums, user.

The proverbial shithole of the Internet where reject whites come to whine about how the world is mean to them. The faggots here are literally the equivalent of niggers in the outside world.

Rumored love interest for the sequel. Ageism and homophobia BTFO!


We need to bring back lynching.