Remeinder that the media's lies and hatred directed at Trump, his family and his supporters on behalf of wealthy international kikes is the root cause of this violence. They already have the blood of multiple dead cops & patriots on their hands this election season and they're still after more. This people need to stand trial for their crimes against the American people.
CNN’s (((Stelter))) Blames Firebombing of NC Republican Office on Trump
Fuck, even I feel like shitposting in the AZ-central offices now.
As opposed to Hillary calling Trump supporters a basket of deplorables? Glad we cleared it up that being mean is grounds for violence. BRB, off to firebomb a Hillary campaign office.
I mean really now. These fucking people. The media is why people are mad. The way things are going, the media is going to be strung up. Day of the rope will apply mostly to the media.
Because you're a fucking neurotic kike who sees a LITERALLY HITLER behind every corner.
tfw prophesied day of the rope and the prophesied post-racial america both come true by blacks and whites uniting against (((media)))
Why does an oven come to mind?
its funny when leftists are so stupid that they call cuckservatives nazis, thereby making those cuckservatives look deeper into the jewish question because now they are being labeled le evil nazis. (((they))) dont want leftists to call cuckservatives nazis…yet.
larp as a marxist and call all republicans nazis.
I'm getting really close fam. REALLY CLOSE.
Somebody tell this kike that just because someone uses, in their opinion, "hate speech", it doesn't mean that person deserves to be firebombed.
Or does that mean all women who dress like sluts deserved to be raped? smuggest fucking face possible
These jews are so fucking stupid. Thanks for proving that victim blaming is OK when you fuckers do it.
By the way, I'm just joking FBI!
Holla Forums is a satire board, we all love being chastised by modern jews for the abhorrent crimes of the Nazis 70 years ago.
What kind of coverage is this getting right now?
I love when they let slip that they know where this is going.
It's your fault, Trump.
It's all your fault, Trump.
Just withdraw already, Trump!
If Trump wines, the salt outflow shall be endless. If Hillary wins, these people are going to get strung up from lampposts. It's fucking glorious.
He is victim blaming.
(Use their own words/tactics against them)
Making a list.
Checking it twice.
Going to gas some kikes.
And turn their skin into kites.
Actually it was a local friend who did it. he figured its more effective to play a Rabbi whatcha you doing feint as its not going to hurt us, but is very effective at dividing perogies and their violence/nonviolence.
After all, the Fire rises brother.
You know things can't be defended when this kike manlet gets in on the action.
What I want to know is why we haven't had another mass casualty BLM or ISIS attack for months now. Hillary is pretty fucking lucky.
It bothers me that people like Benji and Milo still have followings.
Anyone who knows the politics of Orange county can refer to occam's razor to find the culprit. Either communists or anarchists burned down the office unless proven otherwise.
Because those happenings are mostly controlled by the same people dumping resources into getting her elected. They bump Trump in the polls.
We actually have, the media just isn't covering them because it would help Trump. Like those cops that got killed a few days ago.
FBI or journos planting false evidence for a hit piece?
/britpol/ spotted, leave the Polish alone.
Pure cohencidence.
look at that merchant kvetching impotently
This is how your media will spin it america when they assasinate Trump.
I hate that smarmy little kike, but he's not wrong in this instance. He's still going in the oven though.
Trump is not going to be killed. The man has been blessed by Kek. Any attempts on his life are cosmically predetermined to fail and be used as more fuel for the rising fire.
Leftists are projecting once again
See: 99% of "hate crimes" committed the past 10 years
Stelter is a terrorist.
They will try, as they already have, but they will fail.
Do it, please.
I feel like a one man army against these fucking closet liberal traitors and cucks.
Throw in the Phoenix Times and Tucson Weekly, they hire nothing but straight up Donkey loyalists and legit communists.
I'll just put this here.
Not surprising. It's sad to see Tucson become the Portland Oregon of the southwest before my eyes. It's mostly to do with the UofA and the fact that the faculty there, like in many other colleges across America, are mostly a bunch of baby stalins running around the community
In the Russian Federation, counter-terrorist operatives have been known to kidnap the families of terrorists and torture them on tape. They send these tapes and dismembered body parts (including testicles) to the terrorists in question, demanding their surrender, or else. You have to use every tool and tactic at your disposal to curb the animals, and Trump knows that, because, like Putin, he isn't a globalist eunuch.
This reminds me of the book War Before Civilization where the author notes that often times in order for a more advanced army to successfully defeat the opposing side, they often had to resort to adopting the more primitive sides' tactics
What percentage of the Jewish population in America are in the media business?
The jew cries in pain, as he strikes you!
It's probably approaching ivory soap levels.
Milo has never tried undermining Trump the way the cucks have and even seems to go out of his way to celebrate the fact that more people are turning away from liberalism in outlandish ways which only serves to get him more attention in addition to spreading the good word. So it makes sense for Milo to have a following as he knows who butters his bread whereas it's weird with Benji since he has actively attacked conservatives which he professes to support.
Gonna print off some "LUGGENPRESSE" Flyers, and post them around the Phoenix Times and Arizona Republic buildings when I get the chance.
The fuck I thought this cunt was 45, he's the same age as me.
I like how the right wing is mocked when they talk about false flags but when something hurts the left it is 100% definitely a false flag in their minds.
Milo promotes racemixing and before you start talking about how it doesn't matter if a faggot sucks black dick because no children will be produced that's what not upsets me. He promotes this shit to women, even having BBC shirts with a rooster on it(clear what that's intended to mean) for women to purchase that's sold in his shop.
It's because of the border and all the libtards here because the college.