Systemspace refugees

they made a board for systemspace refugees. the systemspace discord made an announcement for it, but not everyone uses the discord so i thought i'd leave it here.

Other urls found in this thread:

wuts systemspace? also pic related

it was a tech/x/r9k hybrid of sorts


Go back.

fuck off and kill yourself you larping leftist faggot

Words can't describe my disdain for anyone who currently or has ever associated themselves with lainchan or systemspace



>>>Holla Forums

oh, fucked up insulting someone, embarassing
y'can guess who it was replying to at least.

Because unlike Holla Forums, which is already filled with illiterate dumb shills, lainchan also has commies and queers.

Sounds like an endorsement.

Here's an exchange from a thread:


God fuck what the hell is that abomination?
Apparently they're using vichan but it's just so fucking ugly. I've never heard of a .jp lainchan, I guess there's more than one though.

The mods are overbearing and the users are cunts, but it's hard to hate them when they actually bother talking about technology. That's significantly more than I can say about Holla Forums.

tfw you weren't shitting me

Some reddit-fag's possible delusions. (seriously, this guy's posts were all over half-chan, Reddit, and lainchan). It was a lame cult with a super aesthetic imageboard. Then the norman flooded in when some spooky website autist made a video about it. It's gay, and so is every one who used it.

I'd forgotten about that thing. At least it didn't end up with a bunch of people drinking special kool-aid to upload themselves to a different reality.

Haha, holy shit.

Every time I see it, I'm obligated to post these.


For the uninitiated, this is lainchan's administrator.

Don't take him, lainchan, or anything affiliated with lainchan seriously.

I have that same Macally keyboard...

I was told lainchan is even more of a secret club than Holla Forums.

This looks like anonymous Something Awful.

Lainchan hasn't been good in a few years.

All you had to do was buy some Nikes.

.jp has some leftist gays, .org nowadays is more or less like here in that regard. The tone is less edgy, but the position in general is anti-SJW.
On the other hand, .org has nowadays a lower quality Holla Forumswise, and there are more discussions on videogames than anything else. You even spot quite a lot of the lowest class of creature, the only one below leftist faggots: Windows users.

Heretics will be punished.

Also, don't forget all the junkies and those who use (((nootropics))). Both correlated to lack of discipline and leftist political view.

i thought lainfags hated discord. regarldess:

It's a fucking Holla Forums board. How is political affiliation and sexual orientation relevant. Do you think lain would give a shit.

Not really, mate. More of a centrist/liberal thing. You go well into the Left, you have people who hate indiscipline and drugs as much as we do. And you have as much druggies in the center Right, the libertarians.
Centrism is where the degenerates always end, because as much as they lack a strong will to take a real position, they lack a strong will to put their lives and selves in order.
But anyway, this was suposed to be Holla Forums.

I read somewhere than some admin or mod, not sure who that was, had to e-whore himself or something like that.
Do you have any more context?

.org is decent now that Kalyx fucked off. There's some pretty good on-topic discussion but don't expect "fun posting."

.jp is Kalyx leftists trash (>>787799). Nice CSS though.

they may be a little too leftist/centrist for my liking,
but the tech and programming boards are better on .jp though

not anymore lmao

Absolutely. And politics discussions are not even that common, so who complains about it must be some little sensible faggot who runs crying to their mom each time they see somethng they don't like.


Why is every imageboard so shitty?

Because they attract the most cancerous people in society


Glad to hear lainchan is turning around now that kalyx is gone. I tried it out a few years ago and it was a shithole. It was just a bunch of commies that were into cyberpunk for the fashion, and just cared about wether or not something was schway. Trying to have an actual discussion about technology was like pulling teeth.

It was a board for posers from day 1. If you can't see that you've got some bugs in your head to work out.


Kalyx get the fuck out of here

Anarchists, communists and feminists came into moderator circles.
Now it's more cancerous than ever. and are two different boards. jp is run by a huge fag

Kalyx is a piece of shit. Appleman is pretty open about his administration choices to regular users from what I've seen as a regular lurker. .org is pretty comfy.

Kalyx is kinda done with .jp right now (according to his personal site). He's not even on the admin list anymore.

.org is still the one and only true Lainchan. The admins on there (especially Appleman and Barrucadu) are some pretty smart people.

Go back to Holla Forums, retard. Reported.

Holyshit, why are lainposters so bad at technology?

This. Could't stop laughing!

oh that suicide cult thing?
I've been there. it's retarded, which is sad because the style is incredibly fucking aesthetic.

Sause on OP's mango pic??


Are there any Macfags or liberal hipsters in charge at .org still? May consider a return if not.

Aww, does user not wanna leave his safe space? How cute. :3

Why does everything having to do with lainfagging involve drama involve drama? There's like two or three threads about this on Holla Forums. Cyberpunks got kicked out of opsec threads on halfchan. They have TWO lain themed image boards of their own, which the /cyber/ board on HERE hate.

It's just, I've never seen processor wars split /g/ or Holla Forums so I'm not sure what is so special about lainfagging that makes people act like actual little girls.

what happened to systemspace though? because i registered as a migrant but i didn't pay attention to the site before it shut down.


im jelly i wish i had a bunch of macs.