Trump is a quintuple mindfuck CIA plant.

Has to be. His 6D chess is so masterful.

CIA believes Hillary is compromised. They recruit Trump. Trump gets away with saying shit because CIA tells Anderson Cooper faggots in media to STFU. Trump wins primary.

CIA knows all the dirt on Hillary. Hillary's 3D chess neutralized instantly by Trump's based 6D chess.

CIA realizes the US can't deal going further left or country will be destabilized. Trump runs as "outsider" who's "for the people."

Extra: Former CIA Director James Woolsley is Trump's advisor.

Checkmate. CIA picked Trump. Trump will win. Trump will save America.

CIA likely activated some old Cold War plan if a Communist candidate for too close to the Presidency.

Hillary 100% BTFO. Bill did CIA a favor with the cocaine in Mena, Arkansas. The Clintons have outlived their usefulness to The Agency.

You really think Russia was behind all the Clinton leaks? Fuck no. CIA is defending America from the globalists. CIA is still controlled by rich WASPs from "America's Founding families."

Think about it. He's playing in multidimensional chess that only CIA had perfected.

Trump 100% guaranteed to win. Still vote, fuckers.

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice reddit spacing

OP is a big guy

CIA are low IQ niggers.
OP is a CIA Nigger who partakes in >reddit spacing

What the fuck kind of formatting is this, are you schizophrenic or something? Write in paragraphs like a normal person or don't write at all.

Trump is CIA which is why every CIA controlled opposition to him is going all out to stump him. Makes sense OP

>reddit spacing
they come from TRS.

we're getting shilled hard tonight, goys
fuck off with the cuckchan threads

Bullshit but I believe it

I didn't even read the OP

OP is a fag.

Is TRS all reddit fags?

TRS, get the fuck out.

You seriously suck at shilling.

Go back to the "natural butt pirate aristocracy".


Trump was advised by DIA. CIA are on Clinton's side and are traitors who blackmail everyone they want to control so those puppets go against their countries' interest.

weak, low energy, already been attempted by shills during the primary
in conclusion OP, fucking kill yourself

no CIA is full on Hillary, they think trump is a dumb ass

The fuck are you on about with primaries? Mainstream media has been shitting on trump the entire time.

Also, Hillary seems to be in line with CIA motives abroad.

Egg McMuffin is the CIA candidate. Trump is the Big Guy.

Trump can't be alphabet soup since he isn't incompetent…

The cia is in hillarys back pocket. it is the military intelligence that is backing trump

If anything he's DIA because Flynn the former head of the agency is in part of his inner circle. But yeah most anons assume that he has deep state ties.

But his official plan is to fuck over the cartels and ruin the CIA's cocaine trafficking not to mention that he ruined the Bush dynasty which is CIA to the core. So no he's not fucking CIA and the CIA isn't the only part of the American intelligence community.

More or less, yes.

CIA is, and has been, since at least the 1950's, a loose collection of Marxist subversives. Joseph McCarty accused the organization of such and was politically blacklisted for it. Turns out, he was correct in his assumptions. Look up the Venona Project.

This post is dumb. Trump is just way more cognitively aware than the rest of the population because 1: he doesn't drink, do drugs, or smoke. and 2: he doesn't waste his time on sites like buzzfeed and watching tv shows like big bang theory.

That's real retarded sir.

Wtf I love Hillary now


Leave Terry Davis alone. He's sick, he hasn't wronged anybody.



Checking these ID quads
