You are alive. That means you will always have the chance to be happy

What a beautiful film.

sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me tbqh

Meme anime.

Yeah but white genocide


w r o n g

oh hey it's this post again

i like anime

Yeah, easy for her to say when she'll live eternally in the Eva, while his child will have to face the horrors of the post-instrumentality world.



why even live tbh

2deep4u the show, true pleb filter, sets up the divide between real human beans who can discern art from autistic symbolism and spiritual epileptics who can't

Hey guys I decoded the secret meaning behind the show: a middle aged nerd that likes robots is sad that he didn't get to fuck hot girls in high school

Wait, that's the secret meaning behind every anime

kys senpai

The truth is the opposite of this post.

I wonder why it became that.
AKIRA for example shits on this in every way.
The fanbase is just pure cancer too.
For some reason they have this smug attitude and belive that liking this anime makes them edgy and smart.
It's crazy. I can't think of any other anime that creates autists like this.

Every anime creates autists.


t. spiritual epileptic

Still the best anime I've seen. Anime is nearly all trash.

You must have seen nothing but Naruto-tier trash in order to think this one is the "best."


Please name some more. FotNS comes close, but is a different beast.

Babby's first symbolism. That's literally it. It uses religious symbolism and tries to have some kind of deep meaning to it, this makes shallow retards consider it to be deep and intellectual, and they try to pass themselves off as deep and intellectual by praising it.


It has been accepted for a long time that the symbolism is completely pointless and was merely thrown in. The enjoyable elements from the show come from the hateable characters, their constant dichotomies and struggles with one another, and the drama that entails. Any musings involving the religious symbolism is pointless though, I agree there.

The only good thing about that series was the movie.
Damn do I love that movie though, more than I should.

The show is not that great tbh, it starts well, but from episode 10 to 18 it gets very boring and messy, from there to the end it's more interesting because you can see the characters breaking down, but nothing mind blowing, as said, is the movie what made the whole thing worthwhile.

Anime goes on /a/.

Bumping this so everyone can see. You shouldn't sage important announcements like this.

I always thought that all the symbolism was like David Lynch. Anno just threw it in the show because he thought it was cool. I always thought any deeper meaning would have been too convoluted or pants on head retarded so I just put that out of mind.

this ain't the anime board cunt

this post should be stickied


People like you are the reason we have the rebuilds

Evangelion is complete shit, tbh.

goes on /a/

double-digit IQs detected


You're correct that my IQ is in the triple digits, but you accidentally added an "s." Every person has only one IQ.

Well lets hear it, what does the symbolism mean?

Name a more cerebral and emotional television show. protip: you literally cannot Evangelion is as good as any television show can ever be, western or eastern. This is due to the use of symbolism they picked Gnostic Christianity/Kabbalah to be cool, but they actually use the symbols in an interesting and almost correct way and emotional framing of the characters (with a fair balance of confusion, emotion, and light-heartedness). Shit, does everyone fucking forget episode 2? It's the episode that characterized Shinji the best.

You fuckers are so stuck up your ass intentionally or not that it is annoying. Seriously, name me another television show that is anywhere as cerebral and emotional.
