>WEEHHHH accountabiwity and twanspawancy ah buwwying ;_;
t. Blairite trash
It was Clinton tier and it was in Britain.
Corbyn thread
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sounds like a leftist to me
Holla Forumsyp go home. Your kind aren't wanted here. All you do is spread degeneracy and you aren't compatible with our culture.
Or join a Labour affiliated union or the Fabien society so so you can vote for Corbyn without paying £25
The Blairites are awful. If they threw their support behind Corbyn 100% and actually tried there would be a chance that they could form the next government. Instead they constantly sought to undermine Corbyn and leak all sorts of complaints to the eager press so that they could remove him and bring in a neoliberal Professional Politician Who Knows How To Get Stuff Done who wouldn't be much different from the Tories.
What happens when Corbyn inevitably wins the contest? If anything the Labour party would be stronger, wouldn't it?
The problem is the Blairites won't give up, he already won by rights once, why would this stop them. They might just shatter the party in half.
So when are the UK comrades going to get betrayed by their ebin reformist meme candidate?
I too can post memes to protect my fragile worldview.
If he wins this election, what can they do?
Well he didn't fold like a bitch like [ ] so probably not anytime soon.
And to think this trash bourgie newspaper used to be actually left-wing.
Do you also enjoy drinking hydrochloric acid?
I don't but I find it interesting that they don't want to the "plebes" raging against the Blairite cunt which is the author.
sadly on some of the articles that do have it, half of them are just spouting the 'le candidate who won the election is unelectable' meme.
I noticed as much.
They wouldn't want any random observer to see the internet hammering their keyboards in favor of Comrade Corbyn.
If you're going to be waiting anyway you might as well ride the merry-go-round, especially if there's a chance it could take you somewhere.
m8 do you understand how merry-go-rounds work?
He says, in his internet comment.
Do you understand how a revolution works? You don't give up your ability to fight just because you voted in an election. There is no binary choice between reform and revolution, which was the main point of . In fact, I'd argue that without making an honest, public attempt at reform, people will never support a revolution. You need to prove that "safe" approaches don't work before people will risk doing anything dangerous.
exactly, thank you. i consider myself a 'revformist' or something
How do you think liberal democracies have been so good at staving off revolutions, family?
Unlike other modes of governance, liberal democracies provide a sort of pressure valve in the form of a limited amount of say the ruled have in how their ruled. They still have a boot on their throat, but can suggest which boot they'd prefer. And this exists to keep revolutionary fervor under control, by giving people the belief that there is hope for things to get better thru the system even though it is the system itself that is the problem.
So no, reformism is only good when it fails and shows people that they'll never just convince the ruling class into giving up their power.
You have failed to provide any convincing case for why I, as an individual, should give up on reform. In fact, you've managed to accidentally explain exactly why your revolution isn't going to happen any time soon. Change is really fucking slow, and if you think you have some magic bullet to make it happen immediately you're almost certainly wrong.
If you want a fight worth fighting, figure out a good way to beat propaganda. That's the real weapon which hampers both reform and revolution in the west.
Well he is white after all. It's genetic.
Stimulator, please leave.
The state is an instrument of class rule bruh
It is by design incapable of the solutions we want.
Just look at the debacle with Syriza ffs
I think most Blairites would prefer another Tory government to a Corbyn Labour government.
The state is made of people. It can be made to do things it wasn't designed to do.
There isn't even a sharp line between reform and a revolution. All it takes to change a crowd of hungry people demanding reform into a crowd of revolutionaries is another missed meal or a few teargas grenades. Unless people show some signs of giving a fuck about their government, they aren't suddenly going to become hardened revolutionaries. Even you yourself must have cared about politics and voting at some point before you gave up on it.
You better be on your best behaviour, guys!
Also, they're blocking new members/supporters of unions in the same way that they're blocking new members.
Total fucking traitorous scum.
Your kind are not wanted here either, suckdem
noisy shit
Social fascist sympathizer
shit theory that objectively resulted in the success of actual fascist movement
Bourgeois propaganda
Why so much hostility?
I mean I know I'm a voracious shitposter, but people here see the carnation hand flag and get triggered as fuck.
Holla Forums won't learn the lesson of this.
Remember comrades, best behaviour.