YouTube's "design"

This is wat YouTube thinks is a good design. They literally used #f00 as an accent color.

Other urls found in this thread:[chanel-external-id]

This is wat OP thinks is a good thread. He literally posted shit as a topic starter.

I miss YouTubes 2007-2009 design, back when it had a real community and groups.

I miss when people just downloaded videos instead of using some shitty ranking site.

I miss when nofunalloweds killed themselves

I remember when playlists had pages and you could get to the end with 1 click. Now with big playlists you have to click "load more" over and over, it's really made for retards and makes me wonder how the most funded and influential web service on earth can have shit web design.

Yes! Everything had pages back then. iirc the 1.0 design had channel pages.

Their messaging system used pages too and was fairly simple. Google+ and the 3.5 design fucked everything up.

Maybe you remember but YouTube used to have a separate forum the devs would talk to users on, nowadays everything is bot managed.

Agreed, YTs design was smooth back then. 2011-12 was the tipping point ( new layout, policy change, let's gaming cancer that led to casualization ).

they don't want you to find the content you were looking for, they want you to treat it like TV and"surf" slack jawed while they serve you ads.

I miss videogames

I miss when entertainment on the Internet did not consist on getting fed propaganda by intelligence agencies and when socializing on the Internet did not involve your online behaviors being packaged and sold to the highest bidder and your opinion manipulated in order to further an agenda of worldwide population control.

Damn. Those were the days!

The new flat logo... I'm sure they trademarked/copyrighted it.

Brb, I have to replace the buttons on my 30 years old radio players, so they don't remind me of this shitty site.

a good design for a site that hosts videos would be
kill yourself, the movie - CucktubeFaggot1i am faggot1, i didn't like your videoFaggot2i am faggot 2, I disagree with faggot1
or better yet the entire site should just redirect to since they just delete everyone's accounts and videos (and have done since the start)

youtube's old design was shit too. youtube was and always will be shit. they have to try extra hard to attain the levels of shit they are getting

it's certainly fun giving a website access to your computing resources so you can spend 10 minutes waiting for 3 videos to load and the browser to calm the fuck down after loading all that DOM, and then have the browser crash and have to reload them, or jump through hoops to download the videos because streaming is shit anyway

Perhaps you should upgrade from windows ME

It's the end users fault for bad design, totally agree.

Go to the top right corner, click on your channel icon, there is a button at the bottom that says "Restore old layout".

You need cookies enabled for it to work.

not having cookies enabled is pretty fucking bad man, I already disabled javascript, no cookies is too much to deal with



I miss the days when faggots like you didn't even exist

is this joke? webasm wouldn't help fix this problem at all

I actually prefer it this just because of pic related, other than that it's not really any better or worse really

Is there any way to get the old YouTube CSS, remove some bloat, adapt and make a userscript?

youtube-dl is the recommended youtube experience

Can any user post the "restore the old design" link? The site doesn't even display anything without javascript enabled anymore.

Also requesting this

This right here. Call me a dinosaur but I think the only things a web browser should display are text and images. Everything that's video or audio should be downloadable media by default.

Is that an extension or something



The browser should open your computer's default media player for videos/audio and play it in that. The thing is that it needs to be just as simple as expanding a video on an Holla Forums post, no download prompts or anything like that. Just click the link and it would start being streamed to and played by your media player.

come on Holla Forums you're better than this...

Just so you have all some perspective here:

Google has changed their site design some 6 or 7 times in the last 11 years. Not once in that entire time have they ever increased the quality of video transcoding. A video uploaded in 2007 has the same shit slathered all over it as it does in 2017.

Every update it gets shittier and shittier.

YouTube is self-immolating itself now and it's wonderful. Even content creators are getting up in arms because you can't upload anything anymore without it getting blocked for advertising automatically.

Is youtube loading for anyone with Javascript disabled? It wont even load the page it's just white. Thats unless I re-enable Javascript or disable NoScript
Also even if I enable JS HTML5 Video everywhere is broken and it just loads the normal player, What the fuck?

Is Youtube broken for anyone who disables JS as well? All I get are blank pages unless I reenable JS. Also HTML5 video Everywhere is broken completely.

Double posted please excuse me

Just use youtube-dl and you don't ever need to touch youtube's awful website ever again. Use hooktube if you just want to browse around if you're bored.

I do use youtube-dl, I would just like to browse videos though and hooktube can't search from what I can tell without JS.

There's really no need to not use JS on hooktube, they don't have any trackers to begin with.

it's working for me in palememe with no plugins, js disabled, and a few other non default options. the only things broken are comments (which prob havnt worked without js for ages) and searches only have thumbnails for the first few images as the rest are supposed to be loaded by js [muh streaming] (it's been like that for a long time as well)

now if only they did that for all my videos instead of deleting them. i dont even want comments or any of youtube's social crap in the first place. i just used it as a file host. but meh now i just use and it's 100x better than aidstube embeds

Strange, that sounds like how my Icecat looked a few hours ago but now its just dead, now enabling JS loads everything but the video :/

Yeah good point especially considering I allow JS in this place.

Old youtube was shit too, I remember it well and it was not good, I remember having a fuckton of frustration while using it. The player itself was also horrible in many levels.
Even then, there are two things that were definitely better back then, the comment section and the related videos. The former was not retarded and worked as you expect it to work, the later had actual related videos instead of shit tailored to what they believe you like to watch or shit you've already watched. Both are pretty much useless now.

Am I the only one who's bothered by their use of non-existent HTML tags?

You perfectly described the problems I have with YouTube now, I really don't care for the design, but the functions of the commending system and how they removed related videos for tailored videos is the worst decisions YouTube has ever made. Also the new design has ruined the YouTube Center script/extension which was really useful. I hate how when you visit a channel that it fucking autoplays a video, had YTC to disable that crap.

I still remember when you could allow others to post annotations, which led to videos with an eye-raping clusterfuck of annotations.
And video responses, which gave birth to YTPs and several old memes.
You can literally disable video autoplay on your browser and videos won't bother you ever again. Only problem is plenty of shitty websites rely on autoplay being enabled (e.g. Jewtube videos won't play unless you press a key)

The only problem was flash and that seeking anywhere would discard the whole buffer, but at least you could rewind without fear of having to buffer again.
The current website occasionally drops the whole buffer if you seek a part that you already saw, which is absolutely retarded. Also, "automatic" quality selection by default and ignores your previous choice is infuriating. And infinite scrolling is complete and total shit.

They did. Specially due to VP9 and investment in infrastructure.
Things will improve further with AV1.

Forgot to say: dumping Flash in favor of HTML5 was also nice.

That is demonstrably untrue

I'm using firefox and for a while now youtube will pull this shit where it gives me a blank page when I try to load it without JS, but it goes back to normal after a day or so. But now youtube has been up to these shenanigans for almost a week.

Does it work on TempleOS?

what are you sliding?


wow, they made it waste even more space than it did before. good one.

no, its juts as the user below you said.
the browser should not be a fucking video or music player. you should just watch videos in your real one. this doesnt preclude sites hosting videos/links to videos for you to stream in any of the ways they do now.

... you have a channel? ahahaha

What's the deal with this obnoxious space here?

you have autism




I have thousands of MHz, not 66MHz, that's billions of operations per second, you fucking nigtard.
really makes you think
It really doesn't. I've never seen it work fine for anyone, not even people with gayming rigs, nor my own mid-high end rig. You're probably too retarded and slow to notice.
It doesn't sound like you know what you're talking about. This doesn't sound right. Only _very recently_ have HTML5 videos begun to use streams without savable URLs (I'm not up on my webshotting so I couldn't tell you in precise web terminology). Let me rephrase: For many years now, in Firecocks and its ilk, you could simply double right click on a video and click save, on every website I know of including ShitTube, or in the page info popup's media tab, scroll to the video URL and click save.

If anyone still cares, simply manually append/change "&f6=8" to the PREF part of the cookie, no js needed.

What the fuck changed in the past couple days? I can still play the video (though usually I just use mpv) but nothing else on the page loads anymore. Did Jewgle just make the entire page javascript now?

Behind the scenes it's a total clusterfuck. They still have lingering damage from the shittiest job merging googlevideo and youtube's backend, and issues from their own in-house webserver, GWS. What you think is intentional cache blocking is incompetence, not malice.

t. network guy that built a jewtube optimizer product

No they still use html unless you want to view comments. It's just that they test for a cookie that restores the non javascript/chrome only version. There should be a greasemonkey script for restoring that somewhere.

If it plays the video, it loads. It just loads slowly (sometimes it takes like minutes for me).

One strange thing I notice is that in Tor Browser, you have to lower the security settings to medium on many sites (not just YouTube). it is not enough to just enable javascript.

Does anyone know what framework is responsible for this?

To me 8 times out of 10 , whenI try to open the site even with javascript allowed, it only shows a white bar on the middle of the screen, nothing else. On Firefox and IceCat.
I haven't figured the reason, but what makes it work is disabling (not only turning off) Random Agent Spoofer.
So maybe chech with some of your extensions.

Also, I use uMatrix instead of NoScript but I've seen the ProtonMail team announcing around that they've found a bug on NoScript that fucks with access to their email page.
Maybe it happens with other pages as well.

Have the same problem. If you find a solution. Please post.

>kill yourself, the movie - Cucktube

did not even close the title tag properly.

Why do all websites with video have shitty built in players that are worse than the browser's built in one which is already purposefully shit?

Why are you faggots using youtube's website? I just do all my youtubing through mpsyt

This. Ever since I figured out how to use mpsyt correctly I haven't been back to the website.

Personally, I find using newsbeuter for my subscriptions and just downloading playlists I like as a better option.

OP sounds like someone that doesn't know anything but still posts on sites like Hacker News.

Youtbed 2005 design is best

build a better one...


thank god youtube still keeps rss feeds for channels.
to anyone who doesnt know, every channel has an associated rss feed. if you view the html for their page, it'll have either their 'channel-external-id', or 'rssUrl' or something like that
rssUrl will be the link to the feed, otherwise its[chanel-external-id]
if you're just keeping track of youtube subscriptions you dont even need an rss reader, its fairly simple to extract the relevant information with grep and sed.
rsstail is a good rss program quickly checking a youtube subscription without interrupting your terminal session though.

How to get 'channel-external-id'?
When I open youtube it shows blank page. When I see source it shows megabytes of source. Should I Ctrl+F?

ctrl+f, curl|grep, whatever.

Are you retarded? If you don't want advertising then don't enable advertising. If you don't want comments then disable comments.