I have an episode idea for Dr. Who please rate.
I have an episode idea for Dr. Who please rate.
r8 please
I rate the original star trek episode you ripped that off of at 7/10.
see OP's pic/10
WTH delete
Summerfags can't into catalog
go back to Holla Forumseddit
user dr who's for redditor faggots I'm OP leave please
It's Doctor you utter pleb. I bet you are one of those morons that think he is actually called "Doctor who" aren't you? Protip: His name is the Doctor.
Why do they have to put so much stupid bullshit into this show? Sometimes they have really interesting ideas, but they always fag it up with lolsorandumb humor and nonsense.
why do they call him a doctor if he's not even an actual doctor? sounds pretty retarded to me
He's not just a doctor, he's the Doctor.
yeah because he's a doctor
"doctor" the profession was named after him
He's not a good doctor, he's not a bad doctor, he's THE doctor
I also have an idea for a Dr. Who episode:
Sounds pretty good, right?
Is this spam?
He already died 13 times fam
The madman is un stoppable
Greek tragedy/10
This is really fucking stupid. If someone dies in the simulation, why not just make them non-persons? They don't get to participate in government/become second-rate/get transfered out of sight and mind? If they're going to die anyway, why make a simulation? How is it so difficult to make a fictional environment and write it using logic instead of being so twistingly outlandish?
To avoid infrastructural collapse that leads to large scale societal collapse.
If you can't figure out the plot of a silly tv show, maybe you should stop pretending you could ever have any worthwhile input to anything and stay silent.
Would unironically watch tbh
Leaked episode from this christmas special, calling it.
>Even Missy, Cassandra and the Rani are getting GREENED
Techinically, he hasn't because he keeps resurrecting. I'm talking full-stop dead