Using AdNauseam in an attempt to crash the online ad market is the equivalent of economic terrorism (, such penalties is equated to terrorism penalty of which is life in prison or worse for causing disruption to the online systems market which can have far reaching consequences for the general population and beyond. According to Title 18, Chapter 113B - TERRORISM ([email protected]/part1/chapter113B), includes actions that will disrupt or coerce the general population, any disruption of the online ad market can have far-reaching ramifications and can cause economic ripples which will have worldwide economic ramifications due to the inter-connectivity of the age in which we live in today.


Other urls found in this thread:';$url[1]';$url[2]';$url[3]';#remember


I wonder who doesn't want (((failed buisness models))) to crash and burn?
>(((he))) thinks this will stop the coming storm

FBI get out reeeee


Heh, if anything makes the ad cancer this angry then it has to be good.

you say don't use it but then all you do is give us reasons to use it

How could this be exploited to make loadsa shekels? Could you fill a page with ads then make a botnet to click them all with adnauseum? What's the catch/preventing us from all doing this right now?

my country doesn't even have functioning police kek

I'll take the expression "economic terrorism" seriously when Soros starts facing consequences for his using money to trash countries

Holy shit am I on Holla Forums right meow?

seems like torrenting movies/tv would be a more devastating impact on advertisers than some shitty internet ads everyone knows nobody clicks anyway.
Oh look. Nope.
OP is a red herring psyop douchenipple.

Intent matters in crimes. Also, they have a bone to pick and are looking for excuses to round Holla Forumsacks up for mandatory soap pickups.

Dear shill,

Please inform your employer their photoshop department needs serious reshuffling. After this, see how badly Holla Forums BTFOed your pathetic attempts to dissude the easily distracted eyes of anons by inciting panic. Finally, I want you to know that as an added fuck you for shitting up the board, while glossing Ad Nauseams website I found this little gem

Chrome/Firefox anons who missed the party starting but still want a piece of the action, here's another great way to knock down GOOLAG one brick at a time

As a last note FBIchan, I urge this; look at your life, look at your choices. Quit breaking oaths.


SAGE! for bait thread. :'^)


turn off that pesky adblock terrorist

this is the weakest case of reverse phycology i've ever seen.
I ain't downloading your botnet fag.

is ADNAUSEAM even provide the source code of the addons?

You mean I can arm the current market using it?
You just made me install it.
Thanks OP.

What do you reproach to it?

h ttps://
That's the source code.

Alright thanks, should it be better using this addon in tor browser? I don't feel like opting out my real IP is a good idea.


No. Tor is blacklisted to hell and back anyway.

There is no javascript used on Tor. So what's the point.


Google blacklists IPs doing too many searches. What if you just spam the API servers from phone IPs? It will make android phones useless, and you can get a new IP in

People are free to use adnuseam.
I don't recommend it because they loose their privacy and it's better to not feed the beast.
Stop spreading misinformation and fear-mongering.


Fuck off MundaneMatt.

You're still sending your data to the adservers, no?


This was the final push I needed to download it. Thanks.


As long as you don't use it on a browser that's logged into google/facebook, you're untouchable.



dont live in the usa so i really dont give a fuck

Thanks OP I'm installing it now

no surprise
wew, who is behind this?

The guys who made this are Jewish, does that mean anything? And can you explain how this costs them money to a Holla Forums newfag? Does it just waste their bandwidth and screw with their analytics?

So, is it safe to use adnauseam even if its devs are kikes?

Is this one of those reverse psychology things?

It's the right of the people to change unfair systems that influence their daily lives, be they from governments or corporations. Stop fucking treading on me, you bitch. I'm installing the extension right now.

There is literally nothing wrong with terrorism. Be a man, be a terrorist, fight for your values with fervour. My values are anti-ad and I will do anything to destroy them


So this clicks on all ads to prevent the profiling of the user right? But any one user will visit a somewhat unique set of sites, right?
And the owners of those sites, knowing the type of user that visits their site, displays ads that cater to that user. So it seems to me that you go from being unprofiled (if that's a word) to being profiled.

it's only so we can damage Jewgles profits


and besides, for how spooky this law sounds, its probably one of those laws that the gov don't really care to much for like pirating games you should pay for, streaming new shows and movies on Putlocker or fapping to drawn loli or drawn rape porn in Europe. you could practically talk about this shit openly with your cop friend with no real repercussions.

Perlanon here. I know no one probably wants to maintain this (some said as much in the last thread because I put too many spaces between lines), but this works breddy gud also I fixed the spacing:

#!/usr/bin/perluse Error qw(:try);use Switch;use WWW::Mechanize::Firefox;use strict;my ( $args_command, $args_id, $args_value, $ex, @links, $m, $mech_status, $retries, $return, $temp, @url, $x) = ();#remember to set it to the same port as the Firefox plugin$m = WWW::Mechanize::Firefox->new( launch => ['firefox'], repl => "localhost:4242", bufsize => 4_000_000, tab => 'current', autoclose => 1);#//fill your target array here$url[0] = '';$url[1] = '';$url[2] = '';$url[3] = '';#remember to set this to the size of $url[]$proc = rand(4);#SHIA LABEOUF&tryMech( 'URL', undef, $url[$proc] );if($mech_status == 1) { &tryMech( 'find_links' ); if($mech_status == 1) { foreach (@links) { if ($_->{href} =~ m/^http/) { push (@url, $_->{href}); } } shift @url;#in my testing i only needed to click 4 random links for ($x=0;$xclick( $args_id ); } case "button" { $m->click_button( $args_id => $args_value ); } case "eval" { ($return, undef) = $m->eval( $args_value ); } case "field" { $m->field( $args_id, $args_value); } case "find_links" { @links = $m->find_all_links_dom(); } case "form" { if ($args_id) { $m->form_id($args_id); } elsif ($args_value) { $m->form_name($args_value); } } case "form_num" { $m->form_num( $args_id ); } case "link" { $m->follow_link( $args_id => $args_value ); } case "select" { $m->select( $args_id, $args_value ); } case "tick" { $m->tick( $args_id ); } case "URL" { $m->get( $args_value ); } case "value" { $m->value( $args_id, $args_value ); } } $retries = 20; while ($retries-- and ! $m->success()) { sleep(.1); } if ($m->success()) { $mech_status = 1; } } catch Error with { $ex = shift; if ($ex =~ /500/) { $mech_status = 500; } else { $mech_status = 1000; } } finally { if ($mech_status >= 500) { if ($mech_status == 500) { print "\n * HTTP Error 500\n\n"; } elsif ($mech_status > 500) { print "\n * Timed out trying $args_command\n\n"; } undef $m; exit; } }; if ($return) { return $return; }}

Again this runs in linux/win and only requires FireFox/PaleMoon + MozRepl plugin. It is currently very barebones and simply opens a random URL from the array, gathers all the links it can detect into a new array, then clicks X number of random links.

Some other user had mentioned adnauseum plugin that clicks all the ads and I thought a combination of the two might work nice. With a little more work this could be made to grab a public URL list, and the random link click could be removed if the "ad click plugin" is used.

I sincerely hope for the lulz I contributed this fucking madness


what's a good way to automate this with a pi? I got a few collecting dust, might as well put them to use.


i reposted this earlier

They really, really don't want us doing this. It's been a while since I saw such a coordinated push against something we did, and on such a scale. Hell even Holla Forums is jumping into the fray >>>Holla Forums2018773, this is great. Hopefully we can get mass amounts of IPs blacklisted, thus permanently depriving them of revenue even when those addresses get reassigned. We should also be trying to push the fact that we're using this en masse into the media, ultimately the goal is to make advertisers nervous about internet ads in general.

shills will always exist.

If Holla Forums is jumping in, it's a stupid thing to do.

ok, now i'm back to questioning this.

Go samefag elsewhere.


The absolute state of Holla Forums

It's because this board was/is relatively small. Holla Forums basically invaded it, dropped the average iq by 10+ points and began relentlessly shitposting. All the "kike/leftypol/((()))/shill" is basically killing any meaningful discussion. I'm not sure why it took so long but at least we had a good run

I mean, come on.

Holla Forums here. I've been writing C/C++ for 20 years and I did x86 assembly for 10. How about you, faggot? I also used to do small coding challenge threads here before you HN LARP rejects found your way here and scared off everyone who could code.

This. Being edgy is fun

In practical terms, there's no downside to doing it, regardless of someone using psychology to encourage you to do it.

This tbh.



Delete System32

thanks op, you just convinced me to install Adnauseam.

Not arguments. I gave you something to automate the whole process. Something that you can run from VPNs, and VPSs and through most proxies.

(((You))) could probably take donations to cover the costs of services you don't have that if you were worth your weight in shit you would actually already have

The board has been shit ever since Tox, after Tox came the anti-tox shills, can't have the board getting together and coding privacy software, oh no no no. Oh yeah, ever notice the discord shilling after Tox? How convenient.

it's one of the best for regular expressions, and it's still only 56x slower than compiled C

What did he mean by this?

I mean I gave you this:

also I see IDs are disabled which is why people are confused. dumb.

Every ad agency worth two shits will realize the same IP is clicking on several ads at the same time and not count them as clicks.
They've been doing this since 2013 at least, I know because I made a paper on online advertising and how retarded it is.
I don't understand where all the AdNauseum shills are coming from. There is no proof Google got in trouble thanks to them. If AdFly already has mechanisms to know if the same user clicks on several ads and proceeds to not pay them (this is how they stop people from making a website with nothing but ads and then clicking them themselves); why wouldn't Google? The fact is that AdNauseum shills are making a fool of themselves.

I will also make a worthless claim about my years of experience to validate a board that dies 2 years ago.

Holla Forums and Holla Forums do not like corporations, value personal privacy and like to fuck over their enemies
not much to it really

this is one of the most openly communist boards on the site, are you retarded?

Oh, boy. This is a new low for Holla Forums

you didnt see it?

Yes. That is in fact a common business model, and probably what was referring to by "failed business models". Ads tracking is a recent phenomenon, and most of their cancerousness is specifically due to the botnet exploitation that only tracked ads are vulnerable to, creating such a large problem that the entire tracked advertising sector may be a worthless moneypit even now:

You realise you're in Holla Forums-chan and that Holla Forums was never leftist, right? Holla Forums is Holla Forums, Holla Forums is GNU.

People worship RMS, a socialist. It's pretty bad.

You could always goto lainchan

It's a meme u dip

poes law friend

Poe is a faggot

some times faggots are right

I'm not him, but evoking social theories as rule of law is the utmost retardation and a fallacy of authority.


You're sending them clicks. You're not installing anything in your computer.
At most, your bubble will change and different ads will start showing to you. Either way, you should be using a VPN

so is acting like a retard and expecting people to think you're not a retard


pretending to be stallman worshipers and advocates of free as in freedom software is

runs smooth user

It's not retarded if it's ironic

its a pretty esoteric kind of funposting user

Okay. Let's hope none of the dumb Holla Forums users that are still on Windows (i.e. almost all of them) get served some malicious ads or anything. I'm sure they'll all be running everything through a VPN routed through Tor or whatever, too. These totally aren't the people who were encouraging others to use ZeroNet a while ago.

fun posting is fun.

Oh! Look at him Anons! It's the guy can't hold a conversation with anybody without mentioning Holla Forums! Do you think Holla Forums raped him when he was little?

I guess man

I used zeronet with linux, whats wrong with it?

Isn't IceCat based on Firefox? It should install like any other plugin. At least it worked that way for me on WaterFox.

You're retarded. Free software has absolutely nothing to do with "muh left vs right."
You need to go back to whatever shitty board you came from.

No, RMS is a socialist because he calls himself one, dumbass.


Monopolies cannot exist in software so his point is moot.

socialists see socialism and communism as different things

Antedating M$'s idea of buyable software, the primary business model (which remained predominant in the enterprise sector) isn't the software itself, but the privilege of understanding it well enough to install it, configure it, use it, debug it, and make it interoperate with other things.

Charging for these things, licenses prohibiting such acts except by employees of the developer, and especially restricting external source/bugtracker access entirely, all enforce a special kind of monopoly on users of any software in the market.

Can anyone comment on this?

Nothing to comment about. He pretty much hit the nail on the head.

I thank you for your comment.

I thank you for your comment.

That's not how it works nigger. Lol stay butt blasted.

Can't Adnauseam be repackaged into a type of malware that installs itself on the normies' browsers? It would be funny to see how advertisers would go about convincing normies to uninstall it.

sorry user you're the bad kind of autistic

Seems odd to me that Moonchild would take this step given a) the general honor of FF hacker roots still obvious with the PM project, and b) he gave explicit instructions to everyone for hope to bypass his 'block' of the add-on.

literally who?

What gives?

it only works if you don't have other adblockers

I'm not that stupid.
I even allow pop-ups and have custom history settings as some user on Holla Forums said.

It respects private browsing mode and won't collect or click when it's in private browsing, don't enable always private browsing if you have that. Just use regular browsing mode when you use adnauseam

bro I got a pet parrot last month, started only drinking pepsi and tea, and got fired from work because I told them I couldnt in good faith be claiming to keep confidentiality clients while sending their information to microcucks

I2P is a thing...


You should be using a paid VPN now if you aren't consider getting one. The internet needs to be free. Thanks for linking me to this, finally a weapon with which we can fight the megacorps. Freedom soon.

Just kidding I use chromium, kek.

Shut up moonchild.

