Suspcious Windows Update


An undocumented Windows update was pushed by Microsoft last night.
After updating, Windows give no information about what the update does.

Clicking on the More info link in Windows leads to

A concerned user asked in the windows community help forum what it does.
The Microsoft representative responded

This is very suspicious.

Other urls found in this thread:


From a software design standpoint it simply makes no fucking sense. The way this shit works is the NSA stockpiles exploits they find themselves without disclosing them s they can use them later. Many "hacker" groups do the same shit and it's also a common practice among the game console homebrew exploit community in order to keep their attack vector wide so when a current exploit is fixed they just roll out a new one immediately based on the ones they have stockpiled.

rekt lmao

But from an "agency with billions of dollars of incentive to backdoor Windows" standpoint it kind of makes sense, doesn't it, user?


Windows is still being developed by human beings mind you

Windows is being developed by shape shifting space lizards who take the form of jews while being on earth.

Which are always moral, gentile and incorruptible.

The funniest thing is that people think MS needs to add backdoors to Windows. The OS is Swiss cheese on its own thanks to sheer incompetence.

Fuck, I forgot to give the update code:


I wouldn't say incompetence but volume of code. Windows is written in COM and COM code is not pretty to look at. Some people say that GTK style programming is ugly probably haven't seen Windows COM code.

Kek, I get always especially errect when some win admins rant on about how they care about the security or integrity of their customers. You have to be of a special kind of retard to have serious arguments about the monstrosity that win10 is.

This is now a microshit bully general, by the way.

If Microsoft wanted to release a malicious update, they'd do it in a more innocuous-looking way. Not with an undocumented update that makes the sub-100 IQ crowd go into conspiracy theory overdrive.

Read this:

Unless they didn't want to, but had their hands forced by a secret court order of some sort!
Could be a way of employees tipping everyone off.


So is Linux and all the BSDs and microkernels.
Luckily, Mozilla is writing a nanokernel in Rust from which they will rebuild Firefox OS.

I mean exokernel.

That isn't happening.

Does it have to do with the ME disabling get around?

I don't understand why someone who wants ME disabled would also run proprietary software like Windows. Anybody who cares about ME should also rely on free software.


My sides.

Sage for useless post.

It would have been funnier if Microsoft was in Seattle.

What the fuck is Microsoft doing? Not only are they being shady about it, they're censoring inquiries into it.

I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to add a backdoor and ended up fixing a bug.

No, but from a 'take my fucking money and give me a backdoor' it makes plenty fucking sense. At the end of last year there was a big scandal with pre-installed backdoors on Android phones. It just happens.

Do not talk to windows user.jpg



People here still use Winshit? What the hell?

It's because they don't want to pay for additional backdoors and Micropenis isn't cooperative in allowing access to certain things. It's also a plan B in case Micropoo pulls out of the deal. Not like it matters anyways since the Intel Management Engine has been backdoored by recent firmware updates as of 2009 or so.

You don't have to use Windows to be interested in shady shit going on with updates.
It can also be used to convince scare normies into adopting FOSS.
Jeez, I thought Holla Forums was smarter than this?

nigga it's fucking windows

Intel Management Engine is actually exposed in the Windows API through a device node. So if the update had anything to do with ME then we would see the ME driver being updated




Found the MS shill

If Windows was backdoored so the NSA can access any system anywhere, they would not need exploits and their activities would have been detected already. Holla Forums and /g/ just don't have even basic computer common sense and think everything is magic.

when will they learn

Now if that ain't the truth. Literally any other point of view is shilling or brainwashing. Git gud, niggers!

The whole suggestion in this thread is that they didn't have a direct backdoor but used exploits, but that something changed legally and this patch gives direct access.

You mean HTML


this was a pretty epic ass chewing

This is what it does
"This update includes diagnostic and functional improvements for determining the applicability of updates in Windows 10 Version 1607. The files and resources in this update ensure that feature updates are installed seamlessly to improve the reliability and security of Windows 10."
its right there.

Isn't the direct line to nsa in the range?

That quip about tossing all the kernel stuff in Vista/7 doesn't make any sense given that vista/7 code tends to just werk on 10 where windows xp code tends not to.


That's not the original version of the joke though. The original is more general and goes something like this:

Man in balloon gets lost over a city, but he sees someone on a rooftop so closes in to ask for directions.
- Where am I?
- You're in a balloon.
- OK I can tell you're a programmer because the answer you gave me was 100% accurate and useless at the same time.
- OK and I can tell you're a manager because you've somehow made it my fault that you're lost.

Server 2008 R2 masterrace baby! Anything later is absolute trash tbqhfam.

Do you have an ISO link to share? Preferably with instructions on how to crack that fucker? I am using 2016 in a vm but it's being an asshole and when I read Window's requirements for nested threading they imply you need to have Windows installed already to use a Windows server instance with nested threading.

OK Michelle.

windows 10 in a nutshell

Good thing i installed Gentoo.

If you haven't noticed Microsoft's critical patch documentations usually come after the release of patches. Critical patches should be deployed asap, delaying them just to sync up with the docs would be stupid.