Animals representing Hillary Clinton and Dems in North Carolina just firebombed our office in Orange County...

Animals representing Hillary Clinton and Dems in North Carolina just firebombed our office in Orange County, North Carolina- because we are winning!

Other urls found in this thread:

This might just be the push our state needs. If we go blue like we did for Obongo first go around I'd be ashamed to live here.



OP is a stupid fuck.

It just happened 20 min b4 I made this thread. Trump just posted it to FB.
What exactly do you want me to archive?



Let's hope that it was niggers so the democrats are thrown into apoplectic rage.

I don't think it's fair to blame black people without any proof.


don't listen to the aspie tard archive defense force
post however the fuck you want
they are offended by everything

I don't think it's fair to insult humans like that, user.

lol, I usually do archive everything, I just seen it on FB and thought it just happened until I googled it.

Wtf is this shit @ the bottom of the page? I'm fixin to turn my ad blocker back on

Is it somewhere else in the catalog?

…thank God for that.

Wait, you bought the book?

Wh-what does it link to?


Fun fact: Since NC switched to the new, outsourced (to a foreign company, no less) elections reporting software, Orange County has consistently been the first county in the state to report in with election results.

Another fun fact: Orange County - home to UNC Chapel Hill - is one of the most liberal (read: SJW) counties in the state, particularly favoring LGBT issues.

You will never shove your foot long 5 inch wide cock up her kike nose.

So has anyone pirated this and put it on /pdfs/ yet?

Bet they were pavement apes.

CNN was blaming this on "Domestic Extremism" after seguing from "Trump saying the election will be rigged is dangerous and violent speech!"

So CNN is saying this is DJT's fault?

Kike logic everybody!

We need to get this to Trump for ammo during the debate!

I am only republican for Trump. It sucks that his material was destroyed, but as for the building itself it can burn. The Republican party is full of traitorous weak cunts that would sell us out in a heart beat. Don't trust them and don't identify with them. Remain loyal to the Don because if you don't you know they will sell him out for their masters in Tel Aviv.

In b4 it turns out that it was really Paul Ryan

Elliot, is that you?

kek you just stumbled upon a autist from youtube that writes these books i know about from a certain podcast here is his classic


And post number 8, already blaming Trump entirely.


CNN kike blaming it on Trump's rhetoric

"It's HIS fault for saying mean things!"

Those people are brain dead holy fucking shit. Civil war can't happen soon enough we need to re establish some semblance of order

…it used to be a fairly awesome website. Oh well. Nearly everyone I liked stopped posting there.

There's a thread right now with everyone calling those advocating civil war a fed. If even most of Holla Forums is unwilling to fight we're fucked. See

Stories can still be good sometimes, I just avoid the politics section like its cancer

I am confused and i blame you for this, user.

with love, from your friends at Holla Forums

Reported for leftypol and lies.

kek, stay perma-triggered, cuck

I am never going to stop being amazed at how true that statement is, how often it happens and how natural it is to the Jew.

the holocaust didn't fail, it's just never *really* been tried

Kill yourself.

Low energy as always, Holla Forums.


nazism did failed tho

Your retarded infograph directly calls wikipedia its source.

not an argument

I'm just voting Trump because degenerate females are sleeping with people descendant from slaves instead of me. I will teach them what a real man is.

feel free to google about the reichstag false flag operation from the nazi documents themselves then

Your communist professor would be ashamed.

It's a meme, not an argument, you fucking crusp. 2/10 for getting me to reply


just like your life, webm related kek

Bomber confirmed for muslim dyke.

Just set fire to congress already so we can get things moving.



feel free to prove the reichstag fire was not a false flag


nice deflection

There was another thread on this that has several leads to the NC antifa likely involved in the bombing

look at this subhuman and laugh

go back to your cuckshed
filtered btw

prove the reichstag fire was a false flag and we will let you roam free



Not if they kill you before election day.
There's a reason Trump is keen on getting people to vote early.

Stay buttmad bab ;)

History proves itself

I'm on it, user.

Firstly, you people need to get some new tactics. Secondly, you appear to be gloating over the idea that Trump is going to literally gas you.

Wow, you sure convinced me. Nice ip change, though.


denial ain't just a river in Egypt

still no proof slideman

Truly the supreme gentleman.

denial ain't just a river in Egypt

Looks like someone's going full mcintosh over this.

shills like to post in panic mode to get people to sperg out. don't fall for it.

within reason.

thanks, user.

i have officially lost all care, and i see you have to.

hey man, whatever defense mechanism you need to engage in

its all good, trauma is over ;)

Is this faggot crypto?


This guy just tweets about the same thing non-stop for hours fishing for likes and retweets, this is basically half of his life in the past 5 years.

No brother, that comes later. After Der Trumpenfuhrer gets elected and the resulting chimpouts serve as a casus belli for us to unironically form the Right Wing Death Squads


I hope in all seriousness that I get to see Right Wing Death Squads in just one decent country before I die. America, Germany, hell I'll even take Belorus at this point. Fucking Chile got to have RWDS once. Don't we deserve that too?

Shirer is a shit tier "historian" who uses dodgy sources like Rauschning and who got kicked out of Germany for espionage back when he was a reporter for CBS. Literally the only sources for the Reichstag fire being a false flag are the commies' false trial where reds like Albert Norden dressed up as Brownshirts and "confessed" to being behind the fire.

And yet many people still believe this because "well the nazis were bad and stuff, so they did it". It's a popular misconception.

they don't understand this can serve as our reichstag, let us remove them all, reich murder week when?

I said you needed new tactics.

Do you even know where you are, Kikelstein?

I just hope I'm not too old by the time The Happening (tm) actually happens.

I thought it was generally agreed here that the NSDAP caused the fire.

i miss gamergate.
fantastic culture war.

he has such little faith and reason: yet so much autism.
what a waste.

Jewish infiltration denied us the right to RWDS. That's why since WW2, the only nations that have had them have been 3rd world shit holes like chile and the philippines.

Just thinking about actual RWDS here in the homeland gives me a massive erection. Hell, I would even fly over to Poland if they started happening there.


You thought wrong. "Nazis set the Reichstag fire" is one of those things that "everyone knows", myths and misconceptions that are encouraged because they benefit the NWO.

Unfortunately, this is not enough. We live in a society where niggers are free to burn cities to the ground every other week. A society where terrorist attacks every month or two go by and all people do is add a new facebook flag overlay for their profile pictures. A mere GOP HQ bombing is nothing to anyone.

If we want our reichstag, it'd have to be something much bigger.

The best part is that he says "oy vey, you don't even know it was democrats who did this!" while at the same time implying that he's Literally Hitler(tm) by referencing the reichstag fire. But at the same time, the bombing literally had graffiti calling the GOP nazis. So the (((democrat))) is calling Trump a Nazi because he's saying it was the democrats who did this because whoever did it called Trump a nazi. Think about it.

I'll accept the Hitler dubs of truth.

I hope this motivates Trump to start talking to retired generals about what to do when they steal the election from him.

That's fine as long as no more of them endorse him.

The number needs to remain 14 and 88

In terms of sheer irony for my fav hangout, Yitzi, a character with "Jew" right below his avatar? Was one of the most tolerable people on the board.

Its really the Canadians that are total and utter dogshit. Fuck Canada.

dubs confirm. Holocaust 2: For Real This Time is a go!

I hadn't seen him in so long that I assumed he died by autoerotic asphyxiation while watching his girlfriend get fucked by a nigger

lmao, this isn't comparable in scale at all. some random gop office vs the nazi parliament

I kek'd

Confirmed for niggers, probably the female variety because muh vagina voters.

When you're such a gigantic blob of pure refuse like Dworkin was, the only thing you can concentrate on is not killing yourself.

Let us see how they spin this shit.

Yeah if you're a goy.


another proof of the violence of the Trump campaign, no doubt

Nigger they firebombed the Republican hq, and good riddence. I hope politicians died in that fire.

You're a faggot that needs to go back to /r9k/ oh supreme gentleman.

Liberals aren't talking about gun control now are they?


Buttmad college kids confirmed. UNC is a cesspool. Chapel Hill is a cancer upon the face of an otherwise decent state.

Why this is not sticky yet?

because you didn't report it as a sticky request, you giant cock craving ass-faggot.

Hey the fact that I like dicks has nothing to do with this

What this man said.

More biggerer things are happening.
This is leftism being left.
It sucks but Assange is in deep shit and the emails are a digging goldmine right now.

It's a jew author peddling jew lies.

The shills are out in full force to the extent that the muh sekshul harassment story by that obscure woman is being pushed on Asian TV channels. Please murricucks, vote and make Trump your president. The world needs a rude awakening by the right wing.


Can we make #DemocratTerrorist trending on twitter?

Check those dubs!

Pointing towards mine?

I told my sister this, and she asked how i know he didn't do it himself.
I don't think he did it, but i don't have anything to back that up.

Anyone have anything that could show it wasn't such a Jewish tactic?

He's not a jew, nor is he a nigger, nor is he a liberal.

Those are the only three groups that commit false flags.

At that point you slap the dumb bitch across the face and ask her to prove she didn't do it herself.

I carry every day anyway - but looking at this I think everyone should be armed when they go to vote. Remember when the "New Black Panthers" were trying to intimidate white people away from the polls during King Nigger's elections? Leftist SWPLs aren't limited to a couple of shit cities and they might be crazy enough to do something.

b-b-b-but love trumps hate!!

t-trump supporters are all violent bigots!

i bet some racist t-word supporters did this just to frame liberals!!

No legit group would do this, doesn't fit the profile of contemporary tactics. Not even the 'Antifa' boogieman.

It's even less likely that it would be anyone "representing Hillary Clinton and the Dems" That's just idiotic given the optics.

It's either (and most likely) an isolated pair of super edgy/lulzy teens or the first actual instance of any real kind of 'non-liner 3d chess' which would elevate Trump to straight up Putin tier.

Typical Antifa tier bullshit, do they really think firebombs will scare us into submission?
These cretins can't even begin to imagine the kind of retribution we are going to visit on them following this election, regardless of who wins.

any chapel hill anons in here? Just moved to this area and it is POZZED. LGBT pride flags around franklin st and cucks abound

Thread soundtrack

Yeah, because Democrats would never do violence, like those race riots they've been having for months or all those times they attacked Trump supporters at rallies.

Time to fight back.



pfft, probbaly arson fraud of the real estate owner, libretards can't fire nor bomb

I kekd when I first saw the title, because I thought it's a Holla Forumsack implying niggers, and only in the thread realized it was DJT's own words. TBH fam tho,
For once, I'm not even sure it's niggers

You ever been around the black bloc retards? They have infographics for this kind of shit. It's not THAT complicated.

It is leftists, but it's not violence fearing left-liberals. It's the big boys who did this, the psychopaths who attack Trump supporters, the commies and antifa types, or BLM black panther niggers, and La Raza spics.

Be on your guard.

Jesus Christ these people need to die. How do you become so pathetic?

do people actually believe this?

I was watching my local news station, and they were making a huge deal about how Trump called Clinton supporters animals. Not once did they mention that these animals firebombed, and vandalized Republican property. You can't make this shit up!

Why the hell doesnt WikiCucks have backup internet access? We're past due for #part10

well - at least we still have the O'Keefe vid today

Assange is still balls deep in Pamela.



The last current year man monologue video was against Gary Johnson and Jill stein. They are really scared of third party this year.

Top kek

kys 4cuck

I bet its a falseflag bu Trvmp

By the way, in case anyone forgot, this is literally terrorism:
[ ]

Its not about violence as such its about perception.

Protesting outside a rally creates the perception of large popular outrage and general rejection. A Molotov in the night creates the perception of being victimized by terrorists outside normal civil society.

weren't there any cameras?
How hard is it to put some cameras to monitor your office? I have two in my own house..

Humans are animals, so I don't know what their gripe is.


At most there will be shit like this because the millennial nogs here will not act unless they have overwhelming numbers on their side. Charlotte was the warning shot, whites here out in the country are ready to start correcting the record in their own way. If you live in Raleigh/durham then you are fucked, but anyone with a shred of common sense already has a plan with friends in the country.

>tfw he said the spics out in the country want a trump presidency as well and said if shit were ever to go bad then me and my wife have a place in the country but only if I bring my HD full of western movies and TV

Not only do i use goybook I use my real name and full dox on it.

Theres never a weapon more than 5 feet from me :^)

You are worse than a cuck, you are a coward.

Yep, reported for datamining.

Don't you even have a profile to for contact with normie friends?


Want to know how I know you’re a shill?

Are you fucking retarded, or just the goodest goy ever. If I want to talk to a friend I go see them, face to face. If they are on the other side of the country or in another nation, I write a letter.

Holy shit how fucking conditioned do you have to be to blindly use kikerberg's datamining operation? The jew is actively using the wealth he makes off of your information to work against your interests. Filtering because this has to be bait meant to derail the thread. No one on Holla Forums could be this much of a blind faggot.

What to know how I know you are a retard?


Union guys will do just about anything if asked.


they're craftier than you think, maybe not too smart, but definitely crafty

This makes me wonder, what is the opposite slur of Nazi? Commie? I dont think commie is very effective vs the masses.

Smelly dumb pinko scum.

You don't waste words on such people.


cuck works well against those in the center, lefties probably love the idea of being a cuck

They only think they do.They probably use all those drugs and alcohol to cope.

Pretty sure low T = massive depression on top of that.

The classic:
"Bolshevik scum!"

we'll stop "tyranny" with tyranny

Captain obvious here but I can't articulate my thoughts better than the following:

That faggot is an idiot.

IS this a trick question?


Obvious shitposting. Filtered.


It certainly isn't in the MSM!

stop derailing the thread you fucking dumb nigger

CTR….stop it.

I've had axes in my front door. If it's one thing the degenerate left isn't scared off, it's destroying private property.

Escpecially the hardline commies and SJW types. They don't believe in private property.

You know when people call Don a fascist I want to correct them and say "Trump isn't a Fascist, he is a DEMOCRATIC Fascist" like that crap they tried to pull with Bernie when people called him a socialist



The drug dealers don't want Trump to crack down on 'em.

AND it was MEXICANS :^) Firebombing is a Mexican gang M.O., specifically Sureños (copy-pasted the ~n):
The Surenos is the gang affiliation of the Mexicans from South of the border. Nortenos are those North, and are the ones who support the wall (because 1. they don't like the competition and 2. they come to Mexican communities in the US and commit crimes, then go back home after wearing out their welcome, over and over).

There are infographics for everything; hell, making the first dirty bomb in history would just require mixing uranium mine tailings into your C4 mix, so it spreads out shit like thorium and cesium and makes the target area uninhabitable. I can drive two hours down the road, shovel up about a tonne of thorium-rich toxic waste, concentrate it with acid, and sprinkle it into my bomb of choice. It's a matter of effort and chutzpah rather than an intellectual one.

Of course, the average terrorist has a two digit IQ and even simple garage chemistry is lost on them, hence why meth labs blow up all the time.

how narcissistic are you


It might take a few hours, but most people can.

Oh dear lord why would anyone want to fuck her, even without her garbage personality her butterface makes my stomach churn.

What's the latest on this, Holla Forums?

(read: mostly women)

That's because they are. College is for women, because they ruin everything.

Tried to make a webm but I guess I'm too fucking retarded.

FACT CHECK: Did Animals attack the Orange County Trump Office?

False: Contrary to popular belief Animals are unable to create fires although birds have been known to pick up embers Trumps Office is unfortunately a no fly zone.


Animals can create fire.
Humans are animals, as my drill instructor made sure to remind us.


A ton really isn't that much to move on your own. One ton is 2000lbs, or 40 fifty-pound bags. You can fit fifteen or so bags that size easily in the back of an SUV.

Taylor Swift is right just call them a Kike and they lose their shit. If you don't trust me just ask Steven "Turn the Jews into Chowder" Crowder.


District of Columbia
New Jersey

Steven "Grinding Jews Into Powder" Crowder he is way to extreme he only gets a reaction because he scares people. I mean nailing each jew to a cross like Jesus and then sticking them in a wood chipper thats been covered in pork blood and guts that takes things kinda far.

Dubs for O'Keefe's new bid implication Soros and the rigging machines.

Just the beginning, the Great Spring of Democracy starts soon.

No, he probably pays illegals to strangle him with a towel while they buttsec him.

No, their internal organs should be replaced with that of pigs and they should get pig blood transfusion too.
Being skinned, eaten alive by fireants is also likely to be more painfull and slower than being fed into a woodchipper.

That being, those kind of suggestions won´t be that convincing to normies.

I prefer killing jews using the brazen bull. It's great because while you're killing one jew you can bring in more jews who are waiting to die and they invariably start worshipping it because they think it's Moloch.

Nice maymay.

I told you fags to exploit this to highlight leftist terrorism. Don't let the opportunity slip by.

>not using >>>/n/ like a real oldfag

these two holy dubs suggest it be so!