I'm very demoralized right now. Can you please convince me that Trump has a good shot at winning?
I'm very demoralized right now. Can you please convince me that Trump has a good shot at winning?
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no one?
They are pulling all the shit at Trump now, and it's just bad words.
There's no way in hell Trump is losing this. Polls aren't telling of the truth when it comes to anti-establishment movements.
why did he withdraw from Virginia?
Don't drink the MSM Kool-Aid. It should be obvious that the MSM is totally aligned against Trump. You can't trust their polls anymore than you can trust them.
The Rasmussen and Daybreak polls show Trump winning. Nearly all online polls show Trump winning.
Keep memeing his victory, but don't sweat him losing. Donnie's already taken a sledgehammer to every column holding up the establishment, and if he loses he's pushing the plunger on the dynamite.
The media is shitting their pants so hard that they're writing any story they can find for the killer headline. They have no story though.
VAanon here, tell me everything.
I don't see him losing for any other reason than a voting fraud. In that case enjoy your civil war, burgers.
shill thread
This. We either win through the system (preferable) or we bring the whole system down (acceptable alternative).
stop being a weak faggot and ignore the heavy shilling going on atm
But what if they shut you down like they did in wallstreet protests.
I remember reading how your intelligence agencies infiltrated them.
we have already been infiltrated and we're still winning
Honestly, i feel quite the opposite, quite confident. Either the democrats chicken outand let the system fix itself, or they get greedy and hang on to the fraud, in wich case rebellon is 100% guaranteed.
It's win win, it just hapens that one victory wil be more bloody than the other
Realize that only 3 million people consume main stream cable news. Then realize that most of those people are the type that won't vote for Trump anyway. Then look at the google trends for Trump *insert sexual whatever here* vs wikileaks. And if you're still not whitepilled by then, listen to this week's episode of Fash The Nation
You're welcome
He's going to be president by ballot or by bullet. That's all there is to it.
Why are the kikes accelerating world war 3 if he's not got a strong chance of fucking their shit up?
We didn't have a our Caesar coordinating the masses back then like we do now. I'm expecting a victory though, popular and electoral.
I've wondered the same. From my perspective it's a gamble on their part. They could be quiet and come out unscathed, but then they would lose everything they have worked for. They're willing to put themselves in danger to protect their social engineering experiments.
What if hilldog hires someone to shoot him?
i hope that doesn't happen, I'd gladly take a bullet for Trump.
online polls are representative of reality though.
Come on user.
It doesn't matter if Trump wins or not, we will win in either case. If Hillary wins then the population is too far gone for this country to continue, and knowing this is a HUGE relief because you can now plan with certainty. I find that extremely comforting.
That's what we can gather based on the information we've collected. For all we know the higher up jews who pull King Nigger's and Hillary's strings are planing on betraying them and throwing them to the wolves so they can quietly flee to Israel and Switzerland. I wouldn't be surprised if they v& all the corrupt mother fuckers that did their dirty work for them and used them as fall guys.
I just have this gut feeling they're gonna do that because they already cut a deal with Trump in private. Trump isn't the only one that can play 8 dimensional chess.
The Rasmussen and Daybreak polls are very accurate.
Not to mention most of her support is pretty soft. Look at her rallies ffs. Trump will get huge turnout. Wait until November before you get depressed. There's a lot more coming this month.
If Trump wasn't winning, they wouldn't feel the need to go all out attacking him with all these allegations 24/7. The (((media))) has access to the real polls and they are shitting bricks. They thought in 2014/5 they'd be lining up for DNC jobs while Jeb! floundered in front of Hillary. Instead, they're lining up for the unemployment line IF THEY'RE LUCKY, thanks to Trump and us. They know that, and they're desperate enough to do anything at this point. 27 days left, just hang on.
You're a faggot.
Regardless of if Trump's winning or not, and regardless of if you're a burger or not:
1. Meme harder in places that matter.
2. Convince other burgers to vote Trump (either IRL or via internet). This applies if you're not a burger too. I'm basically RPing as an American on Twitter since May, solely because of (and for) Trump.
3. Stock up on shit if more like, when WW3 with Russia happens.
He's one of two possible outcomes. That gives him a 50/50 shot. That's all you get at this point until polls start closing on November 8th.
With a Trump victory we have to deal with possible assassination, "accidental" attacks such as biological, nuclear and/or having a complete power outage of North America. "They" will not just allow Americans to take their country back without a fight.
I almost want Hillary to win because we all know what happens next and we can prepare accordingly.
I am very demoralized as well, but more for personal reasons
using sage because I'm not retarded though, >(3) OP just wants to demoralize others.
That would be extremely painful.. For them. Because Trump knows who they are and who they're in bed with, as soon as he gets in he will sweep house and enable hangings and firing squads before they can even squeal "Shoah"
In some states for the primaries like PA they wildly underestimated trump by 10-20% pollsters can still be wildly wrong
No sauce. It's just my opinion. Because there are handlers for the handlers, it's obvious to me that there is definitely higher ups in the cartel besides the people we already know about. King Nigger and Shillary are just puppets, figureheads for (((Them))). If they think they're in danger of finally being found out and gassed, don't you think they'd throw all of their puppets at us as a distraction? What if the wikileaks are part of a greater conspiracy here?
These are just my thoughts on the matter, I have a hard time believing they would fuck all of this up this quickly and efficiently.
goncern troll is deeply goncerned
or data mining for future psyops
>reddit spacing
some example I am, fix it Ronald.
Grow some balls you faggot. A rope if waiting for the cucks like you as well.
I am worried that Trump wins because I will not prepare for the worst if this happens. I will hope that he fixes the critical issues of the country but he will also lull people into a potential false state of security in case something catastrophic does happen in retaliation to him getting in. With Hillary winning its very simple. Plan for WW3 because that is a guarentee.
So does mine. Who cares?
Me neither. The spread of information is still more powerful than a vote or a bullet. Educate your friends/family slowly as to what is really going on.
If America falls (big if) you will have nowhere to run on this planet. Stay and fight, dont be a Swede.
Sounds like you're doing a good job of that as well.
lurk moar
Trump is a band-aid at best anyway, get ready for societal collapse either way. Country's problems are caused by letting nonwhites in and then giving those nonwhites political power. Trump has no plan to fix.
As for WW3 not anywhere near as scary as societal collapse within continental US. Not an issue for most prepared folks, just go out to the woods and do some Fallout LARPing.
Exactly, it's still demoralizing to see them turn on him in like a fucking week, pretty much were all in support until muh rape
They know, my parents actually showed me the protocols and "international jew" but for whatever reason don't want to admit niggers have inferior intellect probably because dad hires niggers, I have no say in this
I would if I could, this is clearly the better option. I have government agency breathing down my neck constantly, if Hillary wins I am likely to get v& before inauguration, so leaving before election because I can't fucking vote and coming back WHEN Trump wins. I encourage everyone not actively being fucked with to do stay though.
Not my intent, I think Trump has a high chance of winning and am in a very strange situation that I assume 99% of Holla Forumsacks will never be in. If that was the effect my post had it was not intended.
Thanks everyone. I'm definitely feeling better now.
Don't be such a faggot next time.
trump said something mean but wymyn dont deserve 1/10 of the respect that he ususally gives htem anyway and are utterly irrelevant
i flip my fedora to you m'that it may serve you 'swell as I, mlad. I must depart tither.
We need to reclaim the rainbow. The memes that homosexuals are happy and colorful people have been damaging to both those concepts and society. The homosexual need only be known as the aberration he is, and suppressed or disposed of accordingly.
Associate the rainbow with mysticism and scare all the fags away.
Yeah, I hate faggots so much because of this. Every time I look at the rainbow now, I think of these degenerates.
Hi CTR, be sure to show this to you boss