Is Pokémon Go the decisive victory of the Spectacle?
Is Pokémon Go the decisive victory of the Spectacle?
what's so special about this fucking game?
Famous brand, you can do it irl, muh nostalgia
There is nothing in pop culture in this decade that ISN'T nostalgia.
The difference is that Pokemon Go is specifically targeting nostalgiafags who wouldn't touch any actual Pokemon name.
Not its decisive victory, but it's definitely the first successful game using augmented reality.
Nevertheless, I think there is some potential to subvert the players, since they will be hanging around in lot of places at any hours, so it might be possible to make them wanna dériver from there.
Also, it might be just a fad tbh fam.
Yeah the Accelerationist Manifesto was making a similar point.
Everything is regurgitated crap, rather than Capitalism being what we think it is as dynamic and producing novel products, what you get in our current Crisis Capitalism in decline is endless variations of the same iphone, selfie sticks and crappy VR.
There is so much lack of imagination that even the spectacle has become a parody of it's own self. One cannot imagine being nostalgic of the 2010's because everything in popular culture is the same.
I know nothing about this game. Is there any culture jamming potential?
This is the third thread in 2 days about this fucking game, can we go back to leftist discussion please?
Like the other poster said, it's probably a sign of the times that more and more of our culture centers around 20th century nostalgia.
Why don't we use this hype to spread some lefty thought
You walk around with your smart phone constantly tracking and sending home your position. Sometimes you have to take it out and record your surroundings using your phone's camera.
lol did you just make these
Sorry, I had no internet for the last two days.
And then pokemon appear in the phone, I guess? What if we edit pokemon in pics of slums or protests or environmental destruction or something.
Even the privacy/data mining angle is complete bullshit, everyone who wasn't concerned with privacy was easily trackable WAY before pokemon go via other apps on their cell phone. Google maps itself gathers your gps position constantly.
Seriosuly normies will get tired of this shit in a fucking week.
I like the second one.
they're just crowdsourcing data collection by slapping a pokemon frontend on some software they already released previously.
p. great
Dictatorship of the Poketariat when?
Cubone one is brilliant
Got more?
A couple links for people here
A really shit (no I mean it, it's like a high schooler wrote it) article about Pokemon Go and conservation and wildlife biologists.
To it one only needs to refer back to the very beginning of SoS where Debord quotes Feuerbach
"But certainly for the present age, which prefers the sign to the thing signified, the copy to the original, representation to reality, the appearance to the essence… illusion only is sacred, truth profane. Nay, sacredness is held to be enhanced in proportion as truth decreases and illusion increases, so that the highest degree of illusion comes to be the highest degree of sacredness."
and this is so clearly the case with Pokemon Go. I'd say this is a victory of the spectacle in the realm (instance) of wildlife vs fake wildlife, the adaptation of people fully to the city life, since people not only don't wanna get dirty to see wildlife, they just don't know how (or how to do it without spectacular mediation of a smartphone). I know I didn't say that perfectly since in the spectacle there is a 'unity'. But, "The basically tautological character of the spectacle flows from the simple fact that its means are simultaneously its ends"
this is shown in the fact that modern capitalism has not only eliminated the knowhow and ability of people to go outside, it's also killed so much actual wildlife. So it doesn't matter that people don't go outside because there is nothing to see anyway.
Also, this is legit a thing
Finally, about subversion or culture jamming etc, people are already waiting around places players will go to rob them or scam them, we can do better things than the lumpens (though I guess all our ideas are groping in the dark eh)
That's an okay idea for detournement!
I'm afraid in the age of indirect experience, with smartphone mediation and whatever, that people can just as easily click 'X' on whatever they are viewing that displeases them. Again, the ends of the spectacle are its means. Virtuality to deny reality. It seems like Marx was right about the one thing we all think he got wrong, the idea of the 'final' capitalist crisis. The crisis not of virtual notions of value or a crisis that has something 'final' about it, but something that upsets all every day life, a mass direct experience, where nothing can be the same after. People are free to get away from direct experience, forms of protests or direct action. Hell, even after protests or exhilarating direct action, life has a way of going back to the way it was.
tbqh I think Buddhism understood as radical existentialism can help us here
Marx actually never talked about this one huge crisis to end capitalism.
a bunch of people congregate in certain areas. you could put up a sign or something
i've got nothing
No. Its just a video game that people like more than the 563th cod clone.
We can't leave it behind. In many ways we're still dealing with its aftermath. A nightmare on the brains of the living, one we're still trying to wake up from.
It's like the opposite of drifting.
Bro it's just a game.
I thought this was going to be cringy but it was actually pretty good.
laughing so hard at this thread
What is the Holla Forums-approved team, Valor?
It will be forgoten in a month.
Then they'll release the new pokemons. But the interest will have dropped.
It's a meme IRL.
However, it will be fun seeing idiot getting killed or fucking up normality, because of their pokehunts.
Also, it will most likely be like the AR game in Watchdogs, disturbing people to kill your aliens or something.
And this is why we need state owned, augmented reality parks, where AR games will only be available…
seriously what the fuck
Do you think dungeons and dragons summon satan, too?
PnP RPGs are limited to one physical space.
Pokemon is being done in public spaces.
It thus creates groupings of people.
Now, what this creation will result in, is another subject. As well as what people will do to "catch pokemon".
And I thought I was paranoid about the cyberpunk dystopia!
Also, again the inherit problem of Jacobin and most leftist press.
Talking too much without saying anything. Spending 5 pages for what could be said in 1.
weak, very weak
Mystic is the team of intellectuals and theory, yellow is instincts and reactionairies and red is anarchism and baseless anger and edgyness.
I bet you also like Elon Musk.
So, LARPing.
Hm, yes. Almost. Except it's not RPing cause this wouldn't be socialy acceptable. .. and that exactly why it's not RPing. YET!
Until they start organizing events and quests and .. .. and the world become a huge WoW..
What will reality be in 5 years, if this happens?
If it's not over in a month, I may try it…
Perhaps one of my biggest criticisms of the jacobin article (besides that it's utter fearmongering pseudo-intellectual garbage) is this complete ignorance of the fact that Pokemon Go is not even the first or only game like this. No one had any complaints to air over Ingress, but because pokemon is popular you have all these pearl clutchers coming out of the woodwork crying that "this is going to undermine how society functions" etc.
You know what Pokemon Go is really like? Not LARPing, but a scavenger hunt. It's not groundbreaking in the least. They are flipping their shit over a scavenger hunt.
Well.. They have to sell their Bastille Day merchandise too, you know…
This was probably engineered by Nintendo to get Japanese people out, moving, and possibly talking to strangers and making new friends.
That it's had this impact on the west may not be so odd given that Pokemon's first arrival caused a manic frenzy and stir, and we now relive a portion of it.
However, it's not Pokemon Snap 2, so I am utterly disinterested despite my longstanding autism for the series.
It's not even out in Japan you nerd.
Yes, because a game that's going to lure people down dark alleys and cause car accidents is ideal to test at home.
The intention is aimed at Japan, but clearly they need to test it in the West a few months to decide if it's a good thing, or if it would just cause more damage.
It got made because someone important guy at either Nintendo or The Pokemon Company was obsessed with Ingress and because the April Fool's joke they did a couple years ago got really positive feedback.
Despite it being an incredibly shitty game I do enjoy it. Nice going out and having some reason to talk to complete strangers. If only I could play it without GPS tracking and all the privacy concerns associated with it.
You realize you can just go out and talk to strangers about it without actually playing the game?
I'm aware, but a combination of problems made it difficult in the past and I had not tried it again until this game. Now I'm using the game as a conversation starter with cute girls.
Nintendo Japan is a buch of accountants with charts.
You know.. Like 'Murican Hollywod!
Well… we could have public parks with AR…
I disagree .
The ditto one is kind of apt for it.
the game makes people know other people, and i've seen this happening irl
isn't this good for situationism?
the printing press was the decisive victory of the spectacle