It's nice that the Speaker and the Clinton camp agree so often. Corruption & lies always gets bipartisan support in the US government.
Paul Ryan Rejects Donald Trump’s Claims of ‘Rigged’ Election System
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for Trump
No conflict of interest here, goyim! Everything is fine, the elections are legitimate under any circumstances! Also, the Russians are undermining our election.
He benefits from the system and is in a position of power. Of course he is going to speak favorably of it.
I was subjected to the torture of being a captive audience to a football game being announced from Wisconsin. The political ads coming from that state sound like a bunch of farmland communists. It is no wonder they elect people like Paul Ryan, he is representative of that electorate. Sorry to anyone in Wisconsin reading this, but you know it to be true.
This makes me sort of miss Joshua Goldberg, and his high quality edits.
I suspect not even normalfags are buying this bullshit anymore. Am I right to assume that?
We're gonna need more rope
Meanwhile the leaks that this chosen blames on russia reveal that democrats tampered with results, ballots and bused people around. Don't even mention that voting machines are supplied by companies under hillary donor control.
What the fuck is he talking about? The Ohio GOP has completely refused to campaign for Trump and has sabotaged his entire campaign.
Only 10% of the population revolting in 1776
So Paul Ryan goes against a GOP policy of preventing voter fraud and calling out every election as being voter fraud, calling liberal media biased every day for 60 years, to believing the system is perfect as is.
This cunt wants it so bad but buddy you are never going to be President, you are a cuck and a poser, nobody gives a shit about you.
It's hard to find even a single mainstream source that acknowledges that voter fraud in America could conceivably be a valid concern, rather than just a Rethugnican bogeyman invented to oppress PoC
Idiot doesn't know it's a republic.
That cuckchan post that dropped the correct info about all the sex charges before they were leaked said a significant portion of his campaign is working with the RNC to sabotage him
It's funny because the founders hated democracy and realized that mob rule is shit.
Elections and voting is a great thing but universal suffrage was the biggest mistake that we've ever made. It let to ALL of our other problems.
I just had a throught. We could spread a rumor that Putin will use (illegal?) Russian immigrants to vote hundreds of times in states that don't require voter ID. If we blame the Russians, leftists will be inclined to believe that the no-voter-ID system is being exploited. Additionally, the government hasn't offered any explanation as to how Russia would "hack" the election, so that's an obviously empty void that we could fill. Just think about it.
Just when I thought this sellout cuck couldn't stoop any lower. Spineless droopy eyed lapdog is eager for his turn come the next election cycle.
Paul Ryan needs to be assassinated
it's not assassination, it's justice
I like Russians and have no urge to push for the second coldwar FBI
If anyone gets assassinated before the election, I'd love it to be Paul.
make it so
dubs and he gets off'd
'What the mainstream media says' /= 'What people actually believe'
Public trust in the MSM is at somewhere like 30%, the lowest it's ever been.
I guess this bozo doesn't know that George Soros owns the voting machines in 16 states….or does he?
Daily reminder, Ryan's a filthy kike
Nice meme.
Did a bit of digging…I'm pretty sure Hutter isn't a jewish surname.
I doubt building huts is a stereotypical Jewish occupation
Two seconds. Not sure where you guys get your info, but….
The United States is a Republic, vermin.
And you're going to hang for this shit Ryan.
What the hell is the point of electronic voting machines anyway? Is it really so difficult to use a pen to fill in a box that you have to have a machine do it for you?
The point of electronic voting machines is to avoid errors like hanging chads that can be produced by mechanical voting machines while retaining the ease of voting for illiterate mud people and the ease of rigging the vote without having to resort to deliberate miscounts while under observation.
The idea is to start infighting among leftists over voter ID laws and redpill people on voter ID. If we are going to war with Russia, that was already decided a long time ago.
It's not really true once you start getting past Milwaukee and The Berkeley of the Midwest Madison most people are very conservative. If you take hwy 41 south from Appleton there is a billboard in from of the prison that says Hillary For Prison 2016.
Ive lived in two all white Wisconsin towns where the police would chase out any black family that tired to settle in town and made sure the migrant farm workers stayed outside of town during the growing season.
If you type in a European surname that has an occupation or location as its etymology, along with "Jewish," of course you are going to get this kind of result. Jews traditionally didn't have family names (instead it would be "Son of ___," etc. You still get that of course, e.g. Rabinovich, aka Son of a Rabbi) so there are very few "uniquely Jewish" surnames. Miller is the 3rd most common Jewish surname in the US, but you aren't going to try and claim that there was no such thing as a gentile miller are you?
And also, you should be using Startpage or Ixquick (or (((DuckDuckGo))), it's honestly ok too) instead of Google.
He's a kike, shill. Fuck off with your bullshit. He's a needle-nosed, money-grubbing, baby blood drinking parasitic KIKE.
Did the guy rape your dog or something?
Lol, the elites really hate when the validity of voting is questioned. If its electric, its rigged, all the time, no exceptions. Its so to compromise systems it's hard to trust them with anything as important as elections.
Spoke to a normal fag about this today. He wasn't buying this shit at all.
user, Paul Ryan is a jew at blackened heart. It really doesn't matter at this point if he's genetically one or not, and there's not enough proof for him being one to say it with confidence.
He's been raping the American people for year now, you fucking shill cunt.
Jesus fucking christ. If Trump loses, I hope to Kek there's some disgruntled goy out there who's enough of an absolute madman to go out and strangle this controlled opposition son of a bitch.
The morons repeatedly voting this chode into office, it they still do it again next time..
Paul Ryan has been consistently shrouding himself in deceit, he's just another shell puppet cemented by (((them))). He will be gone when we amass prominence.
You honestly aren't far off the mark. If it isn't Koch Bros funded neocons like Walker winning elections, it's fucking faggot liberals. I mean, Cruz did win over Trump in the primaries while the majority of votes were for that communist kike Sanders or queen ZOG Hillary. I won't be surprised if we go blue by legitimate means in the main election.
The pussy grab allegations have fallen flat on their ass so now they're moving on to rigged elections is crazytalk, Trump's obviously a mental case, right goyim?
Hear, hear!
each day I become more and more convinced that people have severe brain damage or something
Bingo. Universal suffrage was a massive mistake.
Now this is the power of autism…
I once heard from my parents that Janesville in the 80's once had a black family moving into the city literally as front page news. I also hear that Janesville isn't doing so well these days. A lot of trash inhabitants, even from the white population.
oh little did they know the can of worms they would open