Man (((they))) are absolutely fucking terrified.
Man (((they))) are absolutely fucking terrified.
Other urls found in this thread:
They should be. Hillary's Faceberg page is getting savaged today.
The day is drawing ever nearer anons.
I hope you're ready.
Thanks Mr. Israel
Just put in "rigged" into google news and you'll get over 6 gorillion kvetching articles.
For the first time in their lives they know true fear.
Just checked that out. Normies are on fire. Good to see.
No shit. Trump lifted the veil on the republican party and showed that the US has been governed by a one party system. He made it crystal clear to everyone that there is no choice in any election, that the oligarchy, this kleptocrcy, this plutocracy will do anything to protect itself from giving up power. They will get their way, they will have their corrupt and criminal candidate, they will have their lying press chanting in glory, they will celebrate that they have won through rigging in the most atrocious ways. The have layed the foundation upon which a revolution will start. Trump has already done his job. He sacrificed a lot for the american people. What they make of this is up to them. Whether he wins or loses, he has already lit the fuse.
We are unstoppable
We can't Be defected
I also like how they know that the establishment republicans will say that the election was legitimate no matter what happens on election day.
oy vey, hurry the goyim might be awakening
Remember lads, if they win the election they're going to be vindictive in their victory and try and crush us outright
Nobody checking these, for shame…
Here's an archive.
The moment I heard that recent Trump's speech I knew the media would be go full panic. He exposed everything for what it is without saying specific words that they could use against him. What's beautiful is that the media actually outed themselves in their reaction to that speech. Now they know what's really coming and cannot stop it.
*going into full
It's great to be able to just say whatever you want the candidate to have said, it makes journalism much easier without having any principles.
In the 80s Donald would've been elected without a second thought.
Thank you, I dont want to be on jewbook.
That's right, Hershel. We will not accept the coronation of the mad Queen of Hearts. Better surrender now, before we have to get to saw your fucking heads off like the dune coons you love.
I like that they think anybody gives a fuck what that smarmy fuckstick Paul Ryan thinks.
Lol no rinos and lying tv that no one watches will change the non stop outrages that will continuously happen if shes elected.
Trump supporters hate Ryan, McConnell and Reince more than Hillary. They will be the first to hang if they defend the illegitimate Clinton as president. The establishment is fucked.
The fire rises
Trump needs to bait the media into covering him again in prime time.
Confirmed, if they don't surrender we saw their heads off.
These fucking retards don't realize there is a difference between radical Islam and the muslim guy who owns the corner store down the street. And they don't realize there is a difference between an illegal and some random latino guy who is proud to be an American.
It's funny how these progressives don't realize they are making these "racist" assumptions themselves.
He's currently acting like his ego has been really hurt and he's buttmad about the rape accusations.
Last time he showed weakness by hinting that he was going to cuck on immigration he delivered a Hitler speech saying namedropping 1964 and saying that we need to "bring immigration in line with historical norms"
He's most likely baiting them and is planning to fuck them up the ass for the millionth time.
You mean like when BLM supporters assassinated 7 policemen in Dallas?
To add to this, there have been no reports of minorities being attacked at Trump rallies, but a black man was attacked at a Clinton rally last week.
They are cops, no one cares about cops because as we all know, all cops are white. Even the black ones.
Also why would Trump supports attack minorities if they're under the impression that the election was stolen?
No, they'll attack reporters and they know this.
tbh, we can deport the legal ones while illegals get a bullet
They are blaming the victim. The press needs to take responsibility for its lies and corruption and rigging of the system. If democracy falls, it is because the press failed to act as an unbiased nonpartisan source of information as well as the rest of the corrupt system (Judicial and Executive -looking at you Comey/FBI).
Reporters and SJWs.
This. The media has been cooking up a race war scenario and trying to deflect anger onto minorities, but realize the anger isn't going to be on them, it will be the slanderous media and the far left supporters who pay.
Fuck off stormfag, legal hispanics are the only people who will be siding with whites if the race war comes. Ehrenariers do exist. Pic related, someone who will happily defend you.
The Border control supports Trump, ICE supports Trump, more and more Police support Trump, the FBI is furious…
Who the fuck do (((they))) think is going to protect (((them?))) Hmm…
What's the best type of rope for tying nooses, or does it matter? All I have is some kinda thin yellow polyester rope. Would think something thicker would be better.
Why do liberals use this type of word nearly universally when describing their opponents?
I think the best course of action is to hang the GOP traitors first and then move on to journalists and the Democrats.
It's an attempt at appealing to emotions.
Thank you for correcting the record.
Holla Forums is a NatSoc board.
The last thing we need is 125 IQ normalfags coming here and dictating board culture to us.
He outed himself here.
Not to mention only like 22% of the military even with all the pozzed bullshit is voting for Hillary.
You have to go back to another board, shitbag. No one wants your beaner advocacy here. They dont belong here and have to be send eventually.
Is this even real life anymore?
They have trained liberals to respond to those without thinking. Using these activates a mental insulation around those claims, further galvanizing the group.
The control the Jew Media and Corrupt Politicians have, is over this group, binding them together under easily trained thought to react at a whim.
Even then, it seems like NCO's are redpilling everyone now. I doubt that there are very many HRC supporters left if any.
I thought it was made clear that we're in the non-canon timeline.
Nice quads, anyway.
(((They))) are trying to foment war, whether civil or global. How many threads are in the catalog right now asking how to get white people to go RWDS?
They are afraid that Trump will win, that they can't control the narrative or rig the elections enough to make it stick, and are fomenting civil war as a back-up plan.
"As the Jew cries out in pain as he beats you."
This isn't about riling up Trump supporters. Quite the opposite, this is about riling up Hillary supporters.
The kind of revolution they are building doesn't happen overnight, but takes a few years to really get going. It takes a few years to fully polarize a Nation into actually fighting. Expect LWDS in 2020, at the next election.
We actually have the foundations of a real right-wing coup.
I wonder what would happen if Hitler came back to power in Today's europe.
I can actually see the people rebelling because of all the bullshit we've been fed throughout the years.
I remember in school they really tried to meme us into resisting everything that isn't democracy.
We are much more angry, racist, hate-filled and bloodthirsty than the real Adolf Hitler. That's how far the jews have pushed us.
THEIR victory? No user we have already wom regardless of what happens in November. The fuse is now lit.
Don't forget Morty.
I think you need to leave.
Hitler would've actually let them live.
If it were us in power the Holocaust would've been done and dusted in a year.
But it's very clear to anyone that their opponents are cleaner and healthier than they are… if anyone is 'festering' and 'toxic,' it's the GRIDS infected faggots among their ranks.
I can't even…
I demand source.
That is not fucking real
>tfw you are a lazy shit and play vidya all day
Democracy is the worst system there is… except for all the other ones*.
*And National Socialism, that's the actual best one
those dubs don't lie
please don't meme this into reality
Relax. One mean word and they turn into LWSS as in suicide squads :^)
Ethnocentrism is rational.
and that's why you will never win… faggots
If only they knew that the hope of Trump was the only thing stopping us from caving in the heads right this very minute.
You're forgetting one important thing. To these people, all people are generalized into one horrifying mass that can and wants to kill you. There is no difference between any white person, any black person, or whatever - an individual represents the whole collective, and the whole collective represents the individual.
I think just for the keks this needs to be meme'd into reality.
Think about it. It would go down in history and future generations would know that leftism only brings about stupidity and destruction via means of degeneracy.
Quads fully respected.
What's the name of the track? I need more music like this.
I dunno, man. Commies have a history of industrial democide when they get riled up. We laugh now, but these people would blindly charge across a minefield to "end racism."
Cyber nazi, Right Wing Death Squads
Nice, thanks. Dubs checked again.
how fucking retarded can you get? jesus christ….
I'm so looking forward to the day civil war explodes and I finally get to KILL these rats without getting sent to bad goy camp for it. Call me edgy or a FBI spook or whatever the fuck, the mere thought of finally enacting sweet and bloody revenge on all these media vultures that have spent years undermining the nation and promoting its destruction makes me squeal in joy
The elite must expect their judgement. They should fear Trump losing, for he will be the merciful one. He will not have them strung up on light-posts for their treason. Under Trump, they will go to prison. Without Trump, they will be slaughtered; we will show no mercy. Their families; dead. Their homes; destroyed. Their lives; eviscerated.
They had better hope Trump wins, because if it is stolen from the American people, they will have to face the very people they betrayed; we're fed up with them. Trump is a last resort for peace, and if peace fails, violent retribution won't.
And to think, all they would have had to do is surrender, and let Trump fumigate the worst of the hives in DC and make slick deals for the rest to behave themselves.
I'm sure they plan on doing just that once he's in office, but by then it will be too late for them to flee. It's amazing that these jews are this stupid and egotistical when they used so much of their brain power to get to this point. Don't you just love it when your enemy becomes an overly emotional kvetching weakling?
That point has already come, but it's the liberals that are engaging in violence. If you guys haven't watched this already, I hope you like a nice cup of white hot rage.
Trump's first meme magic trick was sent us back to the Berenstein universe.
Now hes meming the downfall of the establishment into crashing with no survivors, no voting fraud, popular awareness, end of Fed and Hillary for prison.
At this point, if he wins, he will be cataloged as BAD GOY ad eternum.
Jews are shitting themselves because every plan they have to push the last step will backfire badly.
Exactly. There's no where to escape now, they're finished. They've been caught red handed for the one hundred thousandth time and this time there will not be a next time.
Praise Kek
They samefagged as Republicans and Democrats for too long and then got caught replying to themselves. Sad!
We have all the guns. There's no reason we should accept being outvoted by people that shouldn't even be in this country.
Not to mention how much they're actively trolling us and normies. We're about to send them 3,000 pizzas at this rate. Fucking stupid hooked nosed lolcows is what we've actively been dealing with.
Any type of rope will tie a knot from thread to a hawser.
For a noose thicker is better but basically the thickness determines the shock load at the point of the drop stop.
String and twine will probably break but good luck trying to tie a 2" rope into a noose 3/4" is just about perfect.
(nice trips)
Little did they know that we've been practicing since the earliest days of Holla Forums for this moment - to turn the regime into the ultimate lolcow
Everyone's already laughing. My own boomer faggot hippie father was laughing at the false rape accusations against Trump. A LITERAL FUCKING HIPPIE FROM THE 70s!! The jews really are just a damn joke now, Trump, Kek, and us will make it so. We laugh at them until they anhero.
Holy fuck boys, it's really going to happen. Win or lose, Trump stands before the fuse lighter in hand, and there's no way he's not going to spark it.
Thanks user. Will drop by the hardware store today and get a few hundred feet.
Anything else needed besides a tree or a lamp post?
is that you journalist? making post that you can use in your article?
an easy-bake oven, for the kids
What song does your RWDS roll to?
What's even better is that say a rebellion happens, all you'd need to do is simple logistics. Most cities on the coast depend on supply routes to get their food. LA, for example, doesn't actually have enough crops/meat to feed the population. Add in staggering obesity rates (t. spics and niggers), you'd run out of food in a week. This assumes a militia blockade of truckers, with the truckers not joining in rebellion. If the truckers and train operators do join in? Every shipping company by default joins the rebellion, as with most companies in general.
Let's put it in reverse, say (((they))) expect the civil war to happen and cut off supply routes. Then they would have to hold the supply routes against a horde of people that outnumbers the military 16:1. So with keeping the LA example, most of fights would be along freeways, namely the 15 (the big target), the 138 (so they don't get pinsired holding the 15) the 405 (connects a massive portion of LA), and the 5 (connects LA north and south to the world. It also runs right through the middle of the valley, so good luck with that). That's a lot of ground to cover. So they would need to sink the entire military into one city and be hopelessly outnumbered. This all assumes that the military + police are in 100% cooperation with the government. And Christ, could you imagine having to defend the 5 against millions of people? Or fighting in DTLA (which is a YUGE freeway and bus hub) against a multitude of easily accessed sniping locations?
This is all one city as well. The military loses from LA alone would be staggering (so would the civies), and morale would be at an all time low.
That's why the media is so scared, trying to control civies in time of civil war would be impossible. Trying to fight nationwide guerilla warfare is a fucking nightmare. This is why they want a race war so much, because they know it would be white people vs non-whites (and they can bring in cartels to help), which is far far easier to fight than military + police vs America. (We'll ignore that more white people can into strategy and guns than minorities, but eh)
They can't rig the election in Hillary's favor, that's rebellion. This is why they're focusing on demoralization and firing every salvo they can think of (Carrier Fisher saying Trump is a cokehead, Trump = Putin, some fat mexican bitch whining that Trump called her fat, false rape accusations, racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc), and hoping something sticks. Hillary is in a shit situation because if the media talks about her just once, people start putting 2 and 2 together.
They don't have a good move. If they rig for Hillary, rebellion. If they rig for Trump and say Russia hacked us and declare Hillary the legit president, rebellion. If they don't rig, Trump wins because no one likes Hillary. If they declare martial law, rebellion. If they start a race war, you better believe that's a rebellion.
Not knowing that the success of the whole world equine industry is based on the fact that the 'racehorse theory' isn't a fucking theory it's a fact, that's why there is a world equine industry in the first place, and that's why my cousins are able to breed and sell race horses for a profit
The secrets of my success: Donald Trump
By Sarah Ewing
Updated: 22:01, 30 October 2010
A hood.
But you can use a paper shopping bag in a pinch.
really amazing how stupid the trump cultists are, already destroyed your nation in the eyes of the world, want to bow to russia, real american in that, the us from 60 years ago would be disgusted, at least the cultists are stupid enough to out themselves, have fun being the new north korea with the personality cult while everyone laughs at you. you know your afailure when you declare somethings rigged because your candidate didnt win, now thats democracy
They just can't stop memeing it can they?
Thanks for at least trying to correct the record
The punishment for shilling is the removal of fingers, CTR.
He's right go-, guys.
We want to end the democratic liberal order and Trump is doing God's work.
Do you actually need that?
He already sparked the fuse, hes just adding more dynamite as time goes on.
He is going ==NUCLEAR== next time
How many cocks do you suck per day? 500? 2,000? That's what everyone asks themselves when they see your thick rimmed glasses and 5'6" manlet figure. You beta fucking faggot, I bet you're "friends" with your crush but she doesn't see you as a man, but an emotional tissue she can blow her petty snot onto.
Anyone with two brain cells to rub together wants you filthy cucks to burn.
People would follow in droves.
Makes you wonder where did all the leaders and speakers gone to, since theyre apprear to be no leaders or prominent figures among the masses.
Russia from 60's years ago was commie, thats why US hated them. Russia todayis no longer commie. Only commies left are the leftists in USA. Time to hate them.
It pisses me off to no end when our form of govt is always referred to as a democracy.
Guess who loves changing the narrative from a republic to a democracy?
All of Holla Forums needs to remember this and constantly use republic when referring to the govt.
Be autistic little faggots and correct our own record every time you see this narrative displayed.
These people are insane.
Basically yes look at tradition there is a valid reason for using a hood it prevents bodily fluids from spraying out.
Also I think we should embrace tradition.
Yeah but could they properly organize and form an effective fighting force?
This problem is entirely why arabs are shit at war.
I seriously hope this (((person))) kills himself on Nov. 9. If not, I'll be more than happy to help.
reddit lol
you're joking right? In west palm on thursday he delivered a fucking nuke in blowing the press completely the fuck out and calling out the international globalist bankers and media cartel.
the kikes have been going all out ever since with "b-but the media doesn't exist except the media does a lot of good and we report the facts that google and obama tell us to and wikileaks is illegal to read but here if we put show you an email it's not illegal"
Except the US isn't a republic anymore. The republic is dead and mass democracy has taken over. Republics have limited voting and decisions are in the hands of a few people. Democracies bring the mass to vote with person's vote being equal regardless if they're a parasite on the system or a foreigner.
They have to blame others, in their mind they're perfect or at least without fault. So if something they don't like occurs they look for someone to blame.
Support American farmers and not fucking globalist kike chemical companies.
Kill yourself, Mark
You are an autistic paedophile kike.
Why is red text not working anymore?
Even if you kind of made a point, if you unironically use that word you should just kill yourself as soon as possible.
we'll be taking out faggots kikes niggers and spics at the same time if we kill gop traitors so yeah
haha just a friendly joke haha violence solves nothing everything
this meme right here is of cancer
Cuz i fucked the format
Under-rated post, the elite lives in constant fear of the common man.
and the jews live in constant fear of the free living goy
or you know, ovens
As long as we use the electoral college for a federal voting system we remain a republic.
Why do we use the electoral college when everyone says it is outdated and retarded?
First and foremost reason the city of detroits niggers have a bigger population than either Mt or Wy and almost more than the 2 combined.
So 800k + 1 nigger votes override the combined populations of Mt + Wy.
But in the electoral college 200k + 1 white votes = 3 electoral votes thus negating the larger nigger population.
Understand now why the founders invented the electoral college?
dubs confirm long pork pizzas
didn't a black trump supporter punch some cuck faggot dressed as a klan member at a trump rally a few months ago?
Based beaners need to fix their own shithole country, we can be allies when their side of the wall has been sorted out.
Thank you for grabbing the pussy.
that's disgusting on multiple levels, don't you disgrace the wisdom of kek with your savagery
It's disgusting how smug these "oppressed" cunts are when attacking real Americans.
do you even genocide
"The Jew cries out as he strikes at you."
Lashing out at the elites without an ideology and a new worldview to replace them accomplishes nothing. It's not just the elites that are a problem. A large portion of the commoners are and the non whites are the racial threat that will annihilate us if they're not removed.
How much more does the franchise have to be expanded before you stop considering the US a republic? As it is now in the US every person over the age of 18 can vote.
"You can't insult your way to the White House" - Jeb Bush
Congress has been sitting on single-digit 'approve or strongly approve' ratings for how long now? """"""Unprecedented""""""""""
Meaning that he dropped out of the race before the final votes were tallied. Which, had they been tallied, would have made him president (not that I'd have preferred that). But we have Yeb! to thank for that.
Ever since it became Republican.
Interesting how when it was Democrat it was better.
And no, the EC chose Bush, not Gore.
Get your facts straight acolyte, then die!
It doesn't matter how much you expand it, as it is the individual vote of a Montanafag is worth more than a beaner in LA because no matter how small Mt's population is they still get 3 electoral votes.
In a democracy they would be equal because only total votes would count.
Republican/Democrat are both sides of the same shekel dumbshit
Republicans suck your tax dollar out your back pocket with a long straw and send your son off to die for Israel
Democrats will ban your favourite burger under new health laws, make you pay extra tax for subsidized abortions and turn your son into a rainbow haired cock sucking crossdresser who wants to convert to islam and support a marxist revolution
Also states do not have constant populations, representative and electoral votes can increase and or decrease based on the census which is why it was mandated to determine representation at the federal level.
States can gain or lose representatives in congress if their populations change.
And the point was that people prefer the not dying for kikrael party to be in power.
Probably bait, but I'll bite.
Americans from 60 years ago were selfish fools, and caused a lot of the damage we're trying to fix. Boomers failed as americans.
Do you really think we give a fuck about what the pozzed world thinks? This is about the survival of civilization, that's what's at stake.
most americans cant even point to israel on a map let alone spell it or make an opinion on it
the american people vote for who's funniest/coolest, who's a christian, who's giving them extra welfare vs lowering taxes
who wants fag marriage and who doesnt
whos gonna get weed legalised vs whos gonna crack down ion drug crime
The fact that you have this information right at the front of your memory banks makes me feel warm and fuzzy. I'll keep the noose technicals in mind
It has to be on its own line,
(pic related)
They really have no self-awareness whatsoever, do they?
Zero self-awareness in you lot. The world is laughing, correct; but they are laughing at you and the people who actually listen to you. The day of the rope is coming - no matter how much you virtue signal to people who will genocide you and everyone who thinks like you.
They are already preparing for an attempted coup.
This is an attack at any potential stirred uprising.
Minorities will think we're coming for them.
When we're coming for Hillary and (((them)))
Because they finally understand who really did 9/11.
It's nice when friends share useful knowledge.
And no, the Supreme Court chose Bush when they stopped the hand counting before it was completed. Regardless of whether Bush or Gore would have finally won in Florida, it didn't matter. The SCOTUS decided that counting the votes was irrelevant, gave the state to Bush and that was that.
Also your entire post is cancer.
You shouldn't be here faggot
Their only hope now is to push the red button
We need to accept that and prepare.
While continuing our attack.
there is no way out, is there?
Russia doesn't seem to want us to bow.
They want us to stop bowing to (((them))) and take control again.
Fuck off reddit we are the real racists. All spics are illegal all muzzies are terrorists
Yeah, Making America great again sure is a threat! Working in the interest and in benefit of American people ia a threat.
So we're going to shill hard for a politician who has anything but America's best interest in mind and is literally slave to her globalist masters, who if (when) they see fit, will make her start another world war.
What, you dare object this, goy? Racist!
How about the very real, very actual violence against whites? Do white lives matter at all?
How dare you even suggest that white lives matter?
Equality for all, I mean except whites
I try my best user ty for the thought.
It's an infantile attempt to harness the universal human aversion against things that rot and smell. Icky = bad.
Don't forget to draw a big smiley face on it.
That 22% probably represents 90% of the wimmens in the military
so the lugenpresse is the first to go? I'm okay with that
Post YFW when every leftist traitor will hang.
These fucking people.
They're all going to hang when this goes hot.
Why does nobody focus on this?
hillary has problems distinguishing world leaders and needs to be hand-held when communicating with them
Paper ballots. Request them, and reccomend them to every Trump Supporter you know.
Do it. Blindside them when they think they've got it all figured out.
Generally worried. Why the fuck is Hillary still rising despite TRUMP'S great debate performance and the email leaks?!
Because nobody cares you dolt.
Jesus Christ, its like you think this is an actual election or some shit - its not.
Its a countdown to see what you're going to do about a rigged fucking election handing our nation over to globalists and mudfolk ''permanently".
Hillary could literally be a corpse on a fucking dolly and these vermin would still be arguing she deserves support over Trump on moral grounds.
…but by then all of the leftists will be dead already, lel.
Demoralisation is what it is. They just want less-dedicated voters to sit out, when it's just going to make theirs just as lax.
He's a newfag, probably.
Jesus, they're going all out today.
More like rampant nepotism, having absolutely no morals, and not even the slightest empathy for naive goys, allowing you to stab them in the back repeatedly while they thank you for it.
I don't suppose this is relevant to position of POTUS in anyway. Or that Soros "with her"
He's eager to "hold her hand"
Why isn't the media focusing on this?
They're impartial, right?
They wouldn't just straight bury these facts and lie to you, would they?
Now here is the question, are (((they))) stupid enough to rig it now when there is a very big possibility that they will be gassed?
Demand paper ballots arguing you need them because Russian hackers will manipulate all electronic voting, watch libshits melt down on the spot
Given that some kikes are already kissing his feet, and that the prophets of this world are anticipating his victory, I'd say it's likely that they wont risk it.
The sad part is that they'll he spared by him, if that's the case. Only "the bad ones" will go. Remember that he's not literally hitler, but a stepping stone.
When was the last time they did the smart thing?
That too.
This, and Holla Forums's surprise meme attack scheduled for election day will definitely be an influence, like that which was witnessed on BrExit.
Have faith, lads.
I know this is bait, but I feel like biting anyway
hillary has more skeletons in her closet than any president we have had before, but her followers are content to ignore them because DNC and MSM dogma tells them to. who are the real cultists?
many people around the world are actually excited for Trump (India, Russia, Hungary, Japan, etc.)
the parts of the world that hate trump are the same parts of the world that tried to bully american voters into electing obama both times. we had 8 years of that nigger and that still wasn't enough for those self-righteous pricks. I don't care two shits what they think about our election. they should worry about their own countries, not ours.
making deals with russia is not the same as bowing to russia. also, starting a pointless war with russia (which is CLEARLY what Hillary wants to do) is incredibly short-sighted and stupid.
The US from 60 years ago was still a white country. They would be surprised to see us working with Russia, but wouldn't be disgusted by it.
They WOULD be disgusted by all the niggers, taconiggers, and sandniggers acting like they own the country; and would also be disgusted by the self-hating white cucks that let them get away with it
again, I don't give a shit if the rest of the world is laughing at us. they are the ones getting raped by somalians and goatfuckers so their opinion is irrelevant
democracy in this country is the real failure. we already have tons of evidence that Hillary rigged the primaries so she would beat Bernie. only an absolute dumb-fuck would assume that she won't try to do the same in the actual election.
I'm being seriously legit. Why is she still rising in Florida and Nevada? These emails aren't doing enough damage because the MSM is blocking them hard. Normie's won't be able to know about them.
Several times.
What they do lack, is foresight, and what they do have is fear.
It's almost as if the polls are rigged !
In case you haven't heard, the media's trust is at an all-time low. You yourself are being fooled into thinking everyone is too stupid to care, when the water is too hot for even the dumbest of fools to ignore.
What is/are the most probable responses on behalf othe staff running voting stations to such a request?
We should prepare people for the likely attempt to inhibit access to paper ballots, as you can be damn sure they'll try to inhibit access to such, and they won't be above lying outright and worrying about the consequences later.
Just shut the fuck up shill/absolute newfaggot. I hope you get a year ban so you can learn to lurk moar
thread theme
Good evaluation user.
I could expand on the 60 years ago part but you hit the pertinent points.
Good thing nobody trusts the news, anymore. If anything, this is just them shooting themselves in the foot even more, somehow.
That is why you must beat them to the punch. Get paper ballot talks going with your peers, and anonymously meme them into the opposition's mind, as well.
What are they going to kill us with? Their tears?
Very good post. I would just like to add that people around the world are much more in favor of Mr. Trump.
Of course y(our) "truthmedia" will not have you know that.
t. Central Europe
Left Wing…. CUCK * Squads
"The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you". Don't butcher the quote because you make it sound like a battle cry when you do that.
I believe in you, user.
Go out there, and make sure the final push is not a slow one. Make it count.
By ballot or bullet our victory is assured. Only question is how many normies accidentally get gassed in the crossfire.
Implying it won't be chiefly against the kikes
Send these to him on Twitter. The campaign tends to retweet them sometimes.
It's a fake. And would be a completely nonsensical name were it to be real.
Checking those
This is true, but his message was correct. If Trump's election is stolen, it's not because of those muzzies or spics. It's because of the kike media
How can those NatSoc economic dubs go unchecked
Try both, user.
Victory is rest assured on pen, but you can't deny that acts like will seek to Intensify, as their own little world seems to near the brink of collapse.
why does almost every RWDS pic end up using that meme gun?
TBF Hitler was also a Jew.
His maternal side's family name was (((Schicklgruber))) (AKA Shekelgrubber) after all :^)
They want to make us the next KKK.
They will rig the election, then when Trump says it will play the "see we told you guys this dude is BAAAAD".
And after DOTR they will basically have their excuse to install a truly tyrannical government.
What, a bunch of radfems beating people to death with big black dildos?
The difference is one shoots at you while the other wouldn't mind you being shot at
The complete fucking lack of self-awareness of this statement.
You sound almost serious about this tripe.
That's why Der Ewige Normalfag is a problem. They just follow the NPC script that was written for them.
Based Poo in Loo.
Unless their direct descendants came here prior to 1965 and can prove it they're going back. Illegals will be shot on sight. I am willing to give them a 30 day grace period to get the fuck out of dodge.
Alternate thread theme
Actually its even easier to cut off most major cities than you are thinking with far fewer people. When you really look into it, the scale of defense makes it impossible to stop them from eating themselves. Once the nation watches someplace like L.A., Seattle, Newyark, or Miami get cut off and demolished in short order the normal sheep will bay in fear and quit trusting the government. Their illusion of safety from an overwhelming system of control broken will cause massive panic and fear. And the systems enemies appear to be far more brutal, effective and intelligent than anything the normies have.
You are not alone, brother.
t. Lifescout
>>>Holla Forums
Keep your thread derailing "EVERYBODY POST PICTURES XDDDDD" redditfaggotry in your containment board.
Nope. It is really just to spare some shitty mental disturbances. Kinda like how hanging a person is a science so they can break a guys neck without popping off his head. People don't like watching a kicking struggling person as they asphyxiate to death and all the nasty happenings as their bowels void and their nerves twitch in death. Breaking a neck stops the reaction cold, covering the face stops personal reaction / connection to the dead.
But we are talking about absolute filth on an industrial scale. Millions upon millions whom need to either die, or feel cause to flee back into their shitskinn nation.
For most people staring at a dead face is creepy and disturbing. It is the source of the uncanny valley effect, those whom didn't have it tended to die out from handling the dead too much or letting them sit around to rot. No reason not to use it on shitskinns themselves, and to be honest, once you've seen death a few times and get used to it, doesn't effect you anymore for shit.
The fear is strong, the fear is good. I can barely fucking believe that THE PARTY is burning itself down. I hope to KeK they don't stop and continue to frantically thrash around….mmyess they will eat themselves, myess. The boo box…myess.
I was in his district after I got out of the military. The usmc wouldn't put me in for a Purple Heart because I was a corpsman so they were trying to play "it's the navy's responsibility" and then the navy said "no you were in a marine corps infantry unit it's the usmcs job" so I had to go theough congress. This is the fuck that got it for me… but he only got it for me in return for me going to one of his fucking events so it looked like vets supported his kike ass.
last time I checked, most of Holla Forums wants Trump to win more than Hillary
I can't fucking wait until it's open season on lefties. Makes my chest feel light and airy.
Like watching puppies play together - pure joy.
Is funny how they say this, since this exactly what will happen to them if Hillary is elected.
The destabilizers and good goy gets killed off when the regime is finally settled.
My body is ready
Absolutely genius
Wait a minute. Rules for Radicals (the book by Saul Alinsky, who by the way met personally with both Obama and Hillary back in the day) does not talk about these topics.
The book is more about "muh have-nots" and nigger protest mechanisms (like farting in a dignified location so as to "stick it to the man").
Those mechanisms described there sound more like The Prince by Machiavelli.
Sure, Saul Alinsky was a massive Jew, but his tactics against "the haves" have a few things worth considering since we're the dispossessed counter-culture against the establishment now.
Evenb Holla Forums is not that stupid, it was probably someone working directly for hillary or a rogue antifa group.
Yes. Praise kek.
Pure cohencidence.
when I read that he spray painted a swastika on it, I thought for a good minute he was trying to frame the alt-right, hahahaha
Couldn't give two shits about the GOP faggot. Cucks useful for only one reason, Trump. They are the first whom would rise up against us and try to rally other whites to waste their lives fighting us in protection of the shitskinns. They thought to force rubio or cruz onto us to prove they are not racist, damn them all to hell.
More of that shit I say. Let them burn and teach a valuable lesson to others the value of our view.
either muh 80's imagery or because they're still sort of cheap
motherfucker is right
And plan was already being set since 1966
I really wish that Saul Alinsky was just a bad joke, like his shitty book.
Stop angering the peasants!
Not fucking likely. The only non-whites I would trust in an all-out racewar would be rooftop asians.
The funny thing is, he truly isn't far off from that now. He's come such a far ways, from pseudo-libera panty waste lolbertarian (we were all there) to Stef "Cooking up Jews on the BBQ" Molyneaux
No one is as hardcore as Stefan "One Man Klan" Molyneux
Why are you even here? Fuck off with your #NotAllSpicsAreLikeThat bullshit.
The only acceptable hispanics are the actual non-meme white ones that have no mestizo blood. They are rare, but exist.
Kinda interesting how he went from sitting in the fence "moderate" to Final Solution.
He must have realized that (((they))) wont hesitate to do it, since thats the entire premise of decades or a century of build up.
Jews served in the SS
C-can I ben Ehrenarier?
And how'd that work out, eh?
wtf is he okay??
Not an American, I think it would be hilarious if this happened. But get real. None of you faggots will do this
So your opinion on this is worthless.
Are we much different?
Yeah it was all Trump that caused all of the resentment, especially towards MSM and politicians right?
How's it going, piss pimp?
They've been prepping for revolution since at least 9-11. So the real question is if they actually fear it, or are encouraging it.
Personally I think it's the later. It certainly puts the Balkanization of America in better perspective.
Are you reading this, juden?
I'm calling bullshit.
Now it is the 2 game
1 nig killed = 1 Ehrenarier token
Exchange enough and get your Honorary certificate at your local Holla Forums stand
This means I must do more.
What about the niggers?
I read it in his voice. Good job, user.
Sent to Liberia.
Politico are a bunch of spineless bootlickers.
No shit sherlock, doesn't make it any less true. You faggots are just gonna take it like the rest of the populace except you'll probably be whining through the whole process. DOTR gimme a break
People should have faith in a system that serves their interests. It's just the American system betrayed it's people.
Particularly if you reside in the following 16 states:
And here's why: linkedin.com
Organizations funded by George Soros
His book works. We should use it for ourselves.
First thing I see
Wew lad
I thought those were clay moldings of their buttholes for a sec then.
Koreans are kikes of East Asia though.
it's self-fulfilling prophecy for the leftards.
And they said the purge could never happen
Post your favorite purging music ITT
We better be able to rape the stacy cunts who chose chad over us while we're at it
You faggots better be getting /fit/ for rahowa.
Yeah. We create civilizations and travel to space.
The time to fight back is now.
** [The king] decreed that Mithridates should be put to death in boats; which execution is after the following manner: Taking two boats framed exactly to fit and answer each other, they lay down in one of them the malefactor that suffers, upon his back; then, covering it with the other, and so setting them together that the head, hands, and feet of him are left outside, and the rest of his body lies shut up within, they offer him food, and if he refuse to eat it, they force him to do it by pricking his eyes; then, after he has eaten, they drench him with a mixture of milk and honey, pouring it not only into his mouth, but all over his face. They then keep his face continually turned towards the sun; and it becomes completely covered up and hidden by the multitude of flies that settle on it. And as within the boats he does what those that eat and drink must needs do, creeping things and vermin spring out of the corruption and rottenness of the excrement, and these entering into the bowels of him, his body is consumed. When the man is manifestly dead, the uppermost boat being taken off, they find his flesh devoured, and swarms of such noisome creatures preying upon and, as it were, growing to his inwards. In this way Mithridates, after suffering for seventeen days, at last expired.
— Plutarch, Life of Artaxerxes **
Good because liberal democracy is inherently untrustworthy.
Now is not the time for fear, that comes later.
FUCK user. It's like you planned that get.
I'm comfy too
Perish the thought!
You're trying to make me vote for Hillary?
She is trying to appeal, but remember that Hillarys husband has a niglet.
Trump is the face but we are the whole body. They can strike the cells and this only increases the immune response.