It's time to settle this. Out of all "hip and cool new languages", which one is the best?

It's time to settle this. Out of all "hip and cool new languages", which one is the best?

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user you appear to have a contradiction in terms there. The latest fashionable memes are never the best. I wouldn't touch any of them for my own projects.


It's all of those you dumbass mongloid nigger fuck. And if we're comparing things to Crystal and Nim then community and adoption rate are a moot point to begin with.


How many times must it be tried and fail. It's software's communism.


you forgot the Terra language.



c11 is new enough

It's a pile of shit that never gets old. :^)


But hey, if writing a CSV parser for the millionth programming language makes you feel like you're contributing to the world or getting any smarter, go ahead.

How about a maze generator that runs 10000x slower than it should?

learn C you lazy faggots


Whatever, I can't hear you over your null terminated strings.


Here's a fresh, hip, cool new language for you to argue over. Is it better than all that Crystal/Nim/Rust/Go shit mentioned by the OP? Not a high bar to set, I admit, but who knows!

why not chapel or erlang? parasail looks a bit like a meme to me.

Erlang is too old for this, being of 1987 vintage. Doesn't really fit with everything else being post-2007. I didn't mention Chapel only because I don't really know anything about it beyond it exists.

What on earth do you think this thread is about? :^)

Deliberately limited.
Not a panacaea. A bidirectional tree structure js impossible without unsafe blocks.
Rock solid.
Documentation often consists of combing through github repos.
Cargo's pretty neat.
Decent for a new language.

I can only comment on Rust.

Could be worse. I guess it's not bad for a compiled language with type erasure. Has some nice things like expressions.
Probably as good as it can get without a heavy runtime. Has the downside that doing anything remotely complex may result in excessive boxing and type wrapping, which makes the code even more unreadable.
IRC is extremely helpful. The Rust book somehow manages to teach you everything and nothing about the language at the same time, or at least the previous edition did that. Docs are as unreadable as the language.
Cargo is nice. IDE support is almost nonexistant, and due to Rust's complicated and unintuitive type system (Clone makes objects behave differently and good luck knowing which objects implement it) and borrow system, it is as necessary if not more as a Java IDE. Vim support is dead as fuck. Fuckload of third party libraries for some reason.
Not Go tier, but fast as fuck for a new language as obtuse as this. Would consider it for work, but not for hobby projects because my masochism has limits.

Alright, where is the catch?

It runs afoul of multiple-ways-to-do-one-thing with the syntax. First it's little things, like 0xABC hex notation but also 16#ABC#, and two different ways to swap a pair of variables. Then all of a sudden there's three fucking extra dialects with Java-like, Python-like and Ada-like syntax.

It also seems to be dead. Their "repo" is Google Drive, ffs; of course people eon't want to touch that.

Holy shit, that burn is about as good as your choice of programming language

this isnt even valid rust code.
no shit. it isn't meant to be
that is just straight up bullshit. tell me what a bidirectional tree is and i will write you an implementation in rust without unsafe code.

write me some threaded mutex shit in rust fagboy


show me some multi thread code in rust if the language is so great

Into the trash it all goes.

Rust will never get anywhere as long as its syntax is worse than fucking Perl.

fucking LOL. this is really getting old. you anti rust shills have to work on some new memes.

But it's true, really. Rust is a chore both to read (atrocious special snowflake hipster syntax) and to write (shitty borrow checker forcing unnatural contortions). Anyone who isn't a masochistic fanatic is going to be repelled by that trainwreck of a language.

literally your opinion. not an argument
lol. are you butthurt because borrowck refused your "perfectly safe" code? get fucked.

Are you hallucinating?

More importantly, why does Steve Klabnik look so weird?

no. are you larping?
because he is a fat commie. look at this fat, pathetic fuck.

Go is comfy tbh.

Good. Sparse feature set means minimal distractions like C, but without syntactic pitfalls like "declaration follows usage" or assignment/equality confusion.
Worse than C, because at least C has the preprocessor.
Great performance with minimal effort.
Selection of libraries is wide but shallow. Community content in the form of tutorials/podcasts/blogs/tools is noticeably better than most other recent languages.
Far ahead of any of the other languages you listed.

stopped reading right there

only retards confuse the two

meme languages not even once

Nah, it can happen if you have to constantly hop around languages where the equality comparator happen to be = and ==, respectively.

I guess he is talking about circular references, like doubly linked lists. He isn't right tho, and you can very much do them without recurring to unsafe code, it's just that expressing data structures in Rust is so ass backwards you would have to wrap your shit over and over in heap-allocated values and refcounted pointers and mutable references that you would lose all performance advantages over managed languages that can do this without much complication.

Nim is the most secure. It transpiles to a high level language. Compiling directly to assembly language is unsafe.

That might be worth consideration if the language's name wasn't a vulgar racial slur.

It's short for "nimrod" which means "hunter", retard.

rust compiles to mir, a high level language.

there are other ways:

Is "idiomatic" codeword for "no other language has to do it like this"?

not an argument. you made the claim that you have to use reference counting to implement circular data structures. i disproved that.


which exactly?

Building an arena and storing siblings and children as a linked list doesn't look batshit insane enough to you?

it is one possibility. you mentioned two other possibilities.
and no, an arena is not batshit insane. it is simple and efficient.

The Pikachu Programming Language – A Programming Language Made For Pikachus

this is clearly wrong. im not an expert on pikachu but they at least have one more morpheme: "chu"

Thanks Holla Forums

Alright comrades I need some pictures to make the background for this, I'm mass producing memes and this is how I'm starting
