Global Capitalism - July 2016
Fuck yeah.
Was the last one late?
What is it about this guy that he makes capitalism sound like the most retardedly stupid thing ever.
What if it isn't about the guy?
It's probably the part where he actually describes it.
i fucking wonder why
so many webm-worthy shit
i wish i knew how to make it
I think it's the old man curmudgeonly world-weary aura he puts off.
trillion hours on google search
i like this picture he's painting
Lel he makes a good point with the candidates relationship. How triggered would Holla Forums be if someone asked why Trump who can't even stay faithful to his wife would be faithful to his country.
jeremy corbyn has been divorced like 3 times.
God, you people are children.
It's more like we want to see Trump get the business and Holla Forums freak out about it, not that we actually care about anyone's family life.
I love this man
Dr. Wolff is my man candy.
He's got a bit of the Lewis Black thing going on.
He's got more with his other channel as well.
Yeah he has a podcast. Wish his Global Updates videos were in audio somewhere.
Can someone please dump Wolff's webms in here? I need to sub them in my native tongue.
>Also a retard arguing with austrian *economics*
I need to do this for my own sanity, please.
Here's some.
Filthy Marketeer
This one's really early, he just did June's version two weeks ago.
Where is his podcast? I need to listen to something other than Comedy Bang Bang so I don't feel like I'm wasting so much time.
I hate youtube comments.
youtube comments are populated by leftcoms?
Thanks op
Are you one of those people that thinks the mondragon corporation is an example of socialism in action?
It's worker controlled, fuck you.
So… that's a "yes" then?
"I won't say what you want me to say!"
Wolff is a Filthy Marketeer and a charlatan.
His Co-Op aspirations require by his own admission a global adoption of such system, yet he gets all squirmy at the idea of revolution.
He is at best , an useful idiot and at worst, controlled opposition.
A new flavor of reformism bullshittery now that socdem is on the decline.
He's openly advocated for a planned economy
Confirmed for not having listened to Economic Update
Also, any good revolutionary is a reformist.
There's a difference between advocating reforms that improve the position of the proletariat, and being a reformist. Reformism is attempting to convert capitalism into socialism through incremental changes without first seizing power.
I'm aware, but in this day an age any advocacy for reform is immediately labeled "reformism".
The point, for a revolutionary, aren't the reforms themselves, but to challenge the ruling ideology and push the bourgeois state to its limit.
coops are not socialist in any way. mussolini and franco promoted coops.
Then they were socialists.
don't you have a hitler youth meeting to get to?
That contrarian dogmatism, though.
If nothing else, he's spreading awareness of a Marxian approach to economics, which is infinitely more valuable than a bunch of autistic tankies having circle jerks over theory.
This is what Holla Forums actually believes.
No "left" bit is needed. Any communist knows worker-owned enterprises are entirely compatible with a capitalist system. There is little point in getting rid of a capitalist class if you're just going to keep all the defining features of their society anyway. A co-operative could be the most democratically organized enterprise on the planet but it would still be an exploitative monstrosity so long as the global system forces it to serve the interests of capital.
mussolini was actually a communist till the cool kids kicked him out and he looked into fascism
Co-ops are still useful to show that a porky is not necessary to run a business.
I think that co-ops combined with socialized capital are what we need. Using the right arguments we could probably convince ruthglicans and democraps to support them without them knowing what they're doing
So mutualism?
Except with a state
Keep upbthe mental gymnastics.
co-ops are the logical step forward. Marx complimented them.
So titoism
What happened here in the gif?
Pretty much yeah
Reformism is, like the other guy said, attempting to establish socialism form within the system through incremental reform.
As opposed using reform movements to build an opposition.
I love Professor Wolff, but good god in this video he sounds like one of those crazy anti-gun folks that have never touched one in their life.
"So many people have guns in America, we're a category all on our own. All kinds of guns, not to mention automatic guns…"
Good god, automatic weapons? He seriously thinks people have automatic weapons like we have pistols? I've lost a bit of respect for the guy. Of course I still love him, and of course I'll support the dude. But damn.
He has found himself a comfy position preaching to a choir.
Like all people who preach to a choir he adapts his discourse to what he thinks will masturbate better.
Reminder that he is a Filthy Marketeer, this guy has no more credibility than any schizo alt-right radio host that Holla Forumsacks would enjoy.
Cool meme you've got there, fucko.
hehe, yeah you make some pretty good poi- WAIT a second.
That's odd, maybe you can help me out here because I don't seem to be able to detect a single argument here. Wait, let me re-read that…………………nope, not an argument to be found.
Next you'll be telling me that defining communism as a classless society is "contrarian dogmatism".
I'd expect nothing less from a social democrat.
Ah, the old "start with some mild but valid criticism and finish with some batshit craziness to trick people into thinking you have a point" trick, one of my favorites.
Makes me wonder how he thinks capitalism is going to be stopped…
This is we don't have a fucking prayer.
lol right?
That bit where he says professors are paranoid one of their open carrying students will shoot them. Do students beat you up when they get a bad grade or are having a bad day? Academics are such pussies.
t. Chad
"Aha fucking revisionist, I knew he was against us!"
t. burger prole
I went into a shop and the guy working was open carrying. No fucks appropriated.
Yeah, my whole shtick on him being anti-gun s actually my only knock against him. I really have no idea what you're on about because the guy is really smart and says mostly smart things that people can easily ingest.
Nod really. I'm saying we should evolve away from capitalism. I don't think we can eliminate every aspect of capitalism (markets, currency) for a long time.
You can both be right, Jesus Christ. He can be right in the sense that a revolution be it a mental, cultural or spiritual is needed to overcome capitalism and finally get people to part ways with what is a parasitic ideology that will do its best to keep the world populace in its grip. I'm guessing he always subscribes to the fact that there will be people who will oppose this revolution, and they will need more than nice words and good logic to pack their shit. And if they don't, ther measures are necessary.
You can be right in that after the revolution we will need to gradually evolve so as to not violently shock ourselves into a new self made apocalypse. I personally think after socialism comes about, companies will be shifted into cooperatives and life will continue much as we know it, with socialist measures being milestones rather than immediate fixtures.
This is where we need solidarity. You with the realism, him with the very necessary reminder that if you let simply let it "evolve" capitalism's nature will continue to exploit and half progress towards communism.
I can agree to that.
I don't know if full communism can ever be achieved, but we certainly should pursue a socialist society.
Eu queria postar isso na thread perguntando sobre a tradução de "spook" mas o Holla Forums tá quebrado. Vocês acham que vale a pena traduzir o material do Wolff para português?
Como eu disse aqui>>788108 parece que temos uma falta gritante de material de qualidade. Meu objetivo maior é legendar o Socialism for dummies dele mas primeiro eu fiz o webm introdutório dele e quero fazer os outros, apreciaria sugestões daqueles que tem um ouvido mais aguçado para essas coisas de tradução.
Só falta traduzir o informativo no final
I don't deny the inevitability of a transitional period where commodity production still exists, just that:
a) it's not fucking socialist yet
b) I wouldn't consider the revolution complete until commodity production has been abolished
c)If the transitionary period is drawn out over too long a period of time it will almost certainly degenerate back into liberal capitalism (as history has shown us).
d)Attempting to abolish capitalism by utilising the bourgeois state is doomed to failure. Such attempts don't even get as far as the bolsheviks did.
Social democrats and their ilk have a nasty tendency to substitute the goal with the means to achieve that goal.
If anyone could tell me how to solve the terrible seeking issues i would be grateful.
I'm using FFMPEG
a propósito, você pretende legendar o material pra mostrar pro normalfag típico, pros caras do 55… pra quem? nenhum desses parece ser do tipo que está aberto à opiniões contrárias (todos cegos por propaganda macartista/retardo "DA J00S")
Normalfags no face,,,?
Não sei e é por isso que eu perguntei de vocês se valia a pena traduzir o material ou não. Esperava que com a resposta viesse uma sugestão sobre em que lugar seria melhor postar.
The June one was actually late, this one was normal
Excuse me seniors but in Holla Forums we speak english.
The anons are trying to translate some of Wolf's webms to portuguese, as a way to introduce him to normies.
And Wolf is quite unknown in this lands.
Requesting more Wolff webms.