The pendulum swings back

Yesterday RCP had the gap at 6.7 now 5.5, on memetic convergence no less.

May I remind you all that these polls are blatantly rigged against trump and he's still making comebacks every-time the next big "controversy" meant to distract from message become old, this may also be due to blacks increasingly identifying with Trump after the tapes.


Other urls found in this thread:

sorry about the @ btw, was in a rush

Doesn't that say sep 16?


they are desperately faking statistic to influence hype right before elections.
they also commit massive voting-fraud.


Yeah I don't get it either.

based #niggasfortrump

That's where the marker (line) is at. You can scroll through and see the poll numbers at any point on the timeline.

More specifically, the OP is illustrating that every time Trump gets close to Hillary, his numbers drop significantly and then slowly start to rise again while Hillary's numbers fall. You can see it's happened repeatedly throughout the past year and a half. OP is bringing up that on September 16th Trump was damn close and then it started to drift away again, but the most recent polls are showing Trump is gaining ground again.

If the trend continues, and it almost assuredly will, Trump will climb steadily while Hillary's numbers tank, and then it'll reverse itself again. The implication of this being that every time Trump starts to show positive gains over Hillary, all the polls are re-adjusted in a matter of days to fuck with Trump's results.

If you study the published methodology of any of the polls coming out right now, you'll easily see there is over-representation of Democrats versus their % of total registered voters, under-representation of Republicans versus the same metric, and MASSIVE under-representation of Independents. And if you study the trends of party identification over time, you'll see that a lot of Republicans registered as Independents over the past few years. And that doesn't mean their ideology changed.

Theme song of this thread and Donald trump campaign

There is an MSNBC poll running right now where 86% of 420k people will not vote for Hillary.
Trump has higher numbers than even we know.

Source faggot.


It's truly incredible. Trump is so much more popular than Hillary that they constantly have to adjust again and again in hopes to finally keep his poll numbers low, yet they keep failing.

As this continues, Hillary may very well end up with having nearly no real support (1%) but be polled at 40% still.

Overseas Trump supporter here

I really wanna know though something though. I've been watching fox news for the past few months (never have before), they seem to be pretty much leaning towards trump if not in favor.
How can it be then that their polls are more or less the same as other libtard media's?

I'm more than aware of media and poll bias against him. Gotta be a retard not to see that.. The fox polls though? Are they based on others or are they independent? Meh I'm lost.

Excuse the english

A little advantage of Shillary today, despite the advantage of Trump 3 days ago!

I expect that this blue graphic tumbles down this week.

Fox's target audience is supposed to be Republicans looking for "conservative" news, meaning they're basically obligated to side with Trump now that he's the nominee, or else they'll bleed viewers. They still don't have any vested interest in seeing him actually win (all you have to do is look back at the primaries to see how hard they tried to scuttle him when there was a possibility for other Republicans to clinch the nomination.)

the polls are not reflecting higher republican turnout than democrat - they're polling equal numbers of dems and reps (well, sometimes they are).

looks at the primary results - almost 50% more republican votes than democrat

All these polls are bullshit. Even when they show him up. Stop posting them.

in many cases it's worse - a lot of the polls sample a disproportionately large number of democrats which skews the results further

They will correct it to roughly 50/50 the week before the election to preserve their credibility no matter who wins.

and a lot of those Dem primary voters are now jilted bernouts

polite sage for poll thread

You're just spamming the board at this point.


This. That whole bullshit rigged as fuck.
The amount of people going to Trump rallies alone shows how much more in favor he is. Fuck them

Is there any way of getting the % representation of democrat vs republican vs independent throughout the timeline?
Or is such information useless? I imagine they would try not to skewer the demo vs rep percentages too much and just swap out their independents to ones that are more favorable to hillary.

I don't have that handy but maybe another user does. There was a thread about a month ago where an user was analyzing the differences between party representation in the polls versus actual party identification for registered voters, and I recall seeing a graph over time showing the change from Rep to Ind. Sorry I can't be more help.

Dem versus Rep % is already super fucked in every poll though. Dems are heavily over represented in polls compared to their actual % distribution out of all registered voters.

There's nothing that guarantees that there's an equal number of democrats and republicans in the country. You also have to factor in their distribution amongst the population.

Sure, but polls don't reveal the state/counties of their respondents to judge if the sample is realistic. If the# of Dems and # of R's shifts drastically from poll to poll, you have to start questioning the methodology.

That's exactly what I'm saying. The polls are over-representing Dems relative to their population distribution itself. Dems have a slightly higher % in the population at large compared to Reps, but the poll distributions are still skewed even higher. If you're doing a decent job of sampling, you'd get party identification % numbers that are very similar to that of the population itself. But that IS NOT HAPPENING AT ALL.

you must be really unsavvy
FOX have been against trump since the beginning, even pro hillary
they're just pretend conservatives, not even cuck ones

Day of the rope now.

Having a much higher proportion of dedicated followers is no indication of higher total numbers.

Only retarded SJWs/feminists actually like Hillary, but a much larger group dislikes Hillary but would still prefer her as President over Trump. That group is probably over 50% of the US population; the key though is that turnout should also be the low in this group. Combined with unusually high Trump supporter turnout and 3rd part candidates further splitting the vote in favour of Trump, this is the only way in which he will win, unless you're a memer who actually thinks Trump will get 70% of the popular vote or something.


It's also that media steps up attacks anytime he gets close. Last time was pussygate

I wouldn't be surpriaed if Trump won popular vote by a significant margin but lost electoral college.

Gas yourself and you won't have to worry about suffocating on DOTR shylock.

It's definitely some combination of rejiggering the (((polls))) along with people changing their minds. Just not sure how much of each is factoring in.

One thing you have to remember is that whenever trump's lead starts being reflected in the polls, the media goes into HYPERDRIVE. The shilling increases by 9001%, far beyond what any of us thought they were capable of doing even a couple months ago. That could partially explain why he suddenly plummets in the fake polls whenever he starts doing well.

Yup. Even going back to the DNC, where even the rigged polls started showing him ahead, they immediately starting slaughtering him 24/7 with this kaiser khan bullshit. And then as per usual, all the GOP cuckservatives came out of the woodwork to denounce their own guy too.

This happens every time.

I guarantee all the polls will start to mysteriously narrow into a dead heat in the days just before the election. This is because the media will no longer be able to keep saying that Hilldog is up 10 points, because all the pollsters will lose absolutely all credibility if their results are that far off. So they'll continue pushing their bullshit, and then correct their records right beforehand.

We saw the same shit with brexit

His numbers should be more like this

They should,. and probably aren't far off.
(((They)) would never show that though.

The only real concern is voter/electoral fraud, frankly. When questioned about fraud, Obama outright fucking said that if the polls line up with the results, then obviously there's no fraud going on there, goy!

So another possibility is that they keep the rigged polls showing a hillary win, and then they can use that as a justification for when they rig the polls to also reflect those same numbers. "why would you ever think any fraud happened? The polls ALL show the same results! Nothing to see here"

The polls are all garbage. All of these media networks poll with a dem weight so high that Hillary literally needs to get a higher turnout than Obama in 2008 and trump less turnout than Romney in 2012 just for her to win with +5%. Needless to say that outcome is not going to fucking happen.

If those people don't bother attending her rallies, don't bother buying her book, don't bother putting her signs on their lawn, and don't bother voting for her in online polls, then what makes you think that they're going to bother waiting in line for two hours to vote for her instead of staying home?

This. Most anti-trump signalling is just that, signalling. A signaler can get high on twitter or facebook, they won't need to vote.

This is exactly what they are doing.

What the fuck can be done about this shit? It's blatant as fuck.

Fox News is NOT pro-trump. If you were paying attention in 2015 and during the primaries, you'd know that Fox News was the network most biased against him. He even boycotted one of the GOP debates because they were so bad (the absolute madman).

The problem for FN is that they're in a catch-22. They want to do their best to make trump look bad, because they're a bunch of controlled opposition kikes. But at the same time, their audience is conservative, and if they outright shill against trump, they'll lose all their ratings and be universally despised. So they're forced to do this thing where they subtly neg trump and won't report on things that are favorable for him. It's like walking on eggshells for them. But rest assured, they are NOT trump's friend.

Only thing I can think of is to make sure that exit polling reflects the results. But exit polling doesn't take into account all those (((absentee ballots)))

But yeah, it's incredibly fucking blatant. If that happens, my only hope is that O'Keefe's video (and future ones) that blow the lid on electoral fraud get circulated enough to force the government to either do a recount or a redo election, Austria-style.

Exactly. Anyone who's lived in an urban or other libcucky area knows there's a massive difference between what it's like now vs 2012 or 2008.

Back in 08/12, Philly was bursting from the seams with O'Bongo support. There were signs and posters and bumper stickers EVERYWHERE. Every fucking nigger had one of those shitty 5 dollar t-shirts with a printed-on picture of obama saying HOPE. They were so… energized.

But now? I don't see any of that shit around here. The millennials don't like Hillary, especially because Bernie ruined them for her. And that was a very key demographic for Obama. And the niggers don't give a single fuck, and their voter turnout will go back to pre-2008 levels, even with voter fraud and bussing them around.

And that's without mentioning the fact the the blacks who DO end up voting will vote at a higher percentage for Trump than they ever had for any of the recent Republican candidates. Also, any racist Hillary videos that are supposedly incoming will finish off her campaign once and for all; Michigan and Pennsylvania, states that have reliability voted D for the past cycles solely due to the black vote, will strongly favor Trump at that point.

I highly recommendyou hypewhatever gamesgetreleased on election day to your leftist friends.

I'am doing so andi believe it will work, just say stufflike"meh fuck those 2, theyr are both shit, wanna play some X? Then you play a match and have diarrea(IE: go vote)

I recommend doing this, but wake up and vote early. If your leftist friends are anything like mine they're lazy and will do it "later in the day", if you distract them it'll be just as effective without the need to fake the shits.

Daily reminder that all exit polling is conducted by one company that frequently changes its name. It is currently known as Edison Research. It is entirely run by kikes. The current political meme is that if the exit polls match the election results then the election was legitimate. That's a lot easier to substantiate when all the pre-election polls are heavily stacked and one single company can be bribed in to faking or biasing their exit polls.

Honestly anons? The danger might not be that Hillary wins. It's that Trump wins and they challenge the legitimacy of his election by saying the entry and exit polls both disagree with the actual election results. Cue court cases and everything else and Trump has no mandate as President in the eyes of every liberal and undecided voter.

Watch as the polls become more "accurate" within days of the election, they'll want to make it look like they were "right" when they predict Trump wins

The cucks will attempt an impeachment as soon as he's sworn in. This is 100% guaranteed.

Be ready.

We know what to do.

That reminds me, we really should start meming for 88% again like during the primaries. It honestly wouldn't hurt while doing other stuff.

Remember when Nixon lost to Kennedy, and he asked for a recount? And all that happened was even more votes for Kennedy turned up?

Same result, I guarantee you.

What happens to votes when they are confirmed as being fraudulent? Do they still get counted?

They're too lazy. Not to mention that they don't have the grounds to bring articles of impeachment and Trump, as President, would be even more powerful than he already is.

Not to be the negative nancy here, but remember how much the GOP stands to lose if Trump is elected as well. There would be support on both sides of the aisle to de-legitimize Trump's election, and if Hillary is elected the GOP traitors will not do the same. It's a good thing we know all their names and the locations of their homes.

Firstly, a Trump win would demoralise them both heavily, especially since they appear to be doing everything they can to make sure Trump doesn't win and if it doesn't work, instant demoralisation. Secondly, you need cause to bring articles of impeachment against a President. Even looking at Clinton, they railed charges of perjury and obstruction of Justice against him. Obstruction of Justice is one of the most limp-wristed, desperate of charges you can rail against a person and a suspect in particular. I mean, this was fucking Bill Clinton, career criminal, and perjury and obstruction of justice were the best they could do. I doubt they'd be able to do much better with Trump.

Fair points user. Remember that during the Clinton era, most Democrats were against impeaching him and did everything they could to interrupt or delay the process, similar to people like Cummings on the House Oversight committee. The scenario that I describe is effectively almost all Democrats plus maybe a quarter of the GOP all rallying against Trump, and that is what worries me. The GOP traitors will happily collaborate with the Democrats in order to continue their globalist agenda, even if there's only a small chance of such a plan working.

All of that said, you do make a good point about demoralization, especially on the left. There will be salt like none we have ever seen before, and hopefully a large swath of the left leave the country or jump off bridges. That kind of behavior tends to be symptomatic of the emotionally driven, individualist left. Conversely, I don't see members of the right trying to kill themselves if Hillary wins. I think they'll project that kind of force outwards instead.

Could you explain this to a statistical retard, please?

The only thing that matters is voting. Literally.

Well Hannity is obviously pro trump the rest… maybe you're right. Still though, they are the only network that I've seen that reports SOMETHING about wikileaks.

The only anchors seriously talking about Wikileaks are Hannity and Lou Dobbs on Fox Business. I think both of them are on the side of being more honest conservatives than loyal Murdoch lapdogs. But only just. O'Reilly covers Wikileaks halfheartedly sometimes but that's typical for him. Don't forget that Fox is still part of the mainstream. Their job is to capture the viewership of moderates and light conservatives by occasionally throwing them a bone in between cunts like Megyn Kelly being absolutely emotion driven and secretly sympathizing with Hillary. Any media organization nowadays is purely about profit margins and mainstream journalism has been dead for a long time. Julian Assange is more of a legitimate journalist than any of these kikes.

This is glorious. As long as he destroys her in the next debate like the last one we'll be on the path to a landslide victory.

If they're rigging the polls (which I believe they are), why are they showing us the methodology? Why show us proof of the lies?

They technically show the methodology if you look deep enough, but 99.9% of people do not. And then when you point out how they're using ridiculous weightings for each demographic, everyone just rolls their eyes and says "LOL DELUSIONAL DRUMPFKIN! HAHA JUST UNSKEWING THOSE POLLS LIKE IN 2012!"

For example, they often overrepresent democrats higher than turnout. But even when they get smart about this and don't do that, they'll still do other things like ridiculously overweigh women. Or they'll overweigh people with college degrees. Or they'll overweigh millennials.

Think about it from a different perspective for a second. As said, they usually don't make the methodology available outside of journalists that pay for access to that data but whom never report on it because they are all kike trash. However, there's not much of a risk for them to make the methodology available on a limited basis. If the poll bias is challenged, the pollsters will double down and claim the statistical distribution of party identification they see is more accurate and is more reflective of the "actual American people" compared to pure voter registration. It will help support their future claims in both of the ways the election can go.

1. Hillary wins, election is rigged, pre-election polls show she's +10 or some bullshit and the methodology suggests Democrats have much more representation, which adds credence to their claims that the rigged election was legitimate by my logic above. Exit polls are all run by one company full of jews, Edison Research, and they are bought off. Challenging this is difficult because all the polls agree.

2. Trump wins, Dems and traitor GOP faggots claim that Trump rigged the election in his favor with Putin's help precisely because the pre-election polls showed Hillary with such a substantial lead, and their sampled Democrat % was so high compared to actual voter turnout. All those extra Republican and Independent votes are fraudulent from Russia. Again, they pay off Edison Research to rig the exit polls in favor of Hillary and to match the pre-election polls, and then the Democrats and traitors challenge Trump's legitimacy as President.

It's fucked either way. That's why so many anons keep repeating the truth. You need to be prepared for what happens after the election.

Trump will win

Trump will win.


Why couldn't we set up our own exit polling? For a few key battleground states we could perhaps scrounge up enough money to hire some losers off craigslist to stand around the polling stations. I don't think we'd have any legal impediment.

Then they'd just use the argument of "Oh well your craigslist losers are just lying, theres no reason to believe them".
I like the idea, I'm just worried they'd attack the character of the pollsters, and normies would buy it.

To add, if they were under the direction of a legit mathematician or something, some kind of authority figure that could vouch for their results, that might offset that argument.

sage because a thread RCP's aggregated garbage is still garbage.

Hell is forever!

the ride never ends


Furries want to replace niggers and turd worlders with catgirls. Not surprising they like moonman.

everyone vote, and keep inspiring people to do so.

no matter how good it looks for us. the rigged polls actually help, because they add additional reasons for people to go.

the other means for world peace is a

WITH 88%

world peace does not come from smashing different people together like it's a reality TV show along with a politically correct culture (especially not this particular unbearably retarded one).

genetic engineering isn't a new thought. even normal people at some time dreamed as a child to have wings or something.

it's all about population control: no matter the zeitgeist.
the plan is probably kalergi's mix the races together until "there's only one race: the human race!" in order to eliminate the possibility of racial conflict.
it's futile, dangerous, and unnatural.

a natural process would be different ethnicities adopting physicial and spiritual elements from other ethnicities.
but some people just don't want peace. they rather corrupt everything by smashing it all together.

if this is the case then i believe it to be as i stated.



Reminder that these guys do polls on demand.

They played the same game with Brexit.

At this point I think any "comebacks" or "surges" jesus tap dancing Christ do I loathe the word surge as it's used now are entirely manufactured as well. If they rigged the polls so Hillary was on top at the same rate all the time, the rigging would be unquestionable, maybe even to normies. Any Trump rise in the polls just serves to keep the frog in the ever warming water a bit more and instill false hope in the right. False hope from the POV of the marxists who plan to rig this shit.

The longer all these facades and the destruction of the west goes on, the more I am convinced this can only be solved in oceans of leftist blood.
