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what is he whispering to the next us president.
You don't need to even know what he's whispering. That's a face of Hillary's despair.
Government-owned MSM in Russia do the same except they never say "Putin told us to do it".
At least in Russia they don't pretend that they're not corrupt or that Putin isn't in charge and can do whatever the fuck he wants.
This. Citizens of USA in general are more deluded than those of Russia, living in their own little bubbles and believing authority can actually remain free from corruption.
Russians seem to have accepted this as a reality, and imo that's healthier than being blissfully unaware of the nature of politics.
so he's going to send the worst shitposters from reddit and halfchan to kill ivans?
actually from wikileaks we know that hillary was excited to meet putin and bragged about it to people and also bragged about being invited to his "inner sanctum" whatever that means
He'll send a bunch of fat idiots to have a camp in front of a Russian embassy and sing songs.
No, wait, in front of ALL Russian embassies! That will show them!
He might go all out: make a weak and ineffective speech with lots of long pauses while looking mildly confused.
I can see it now, Putin will be so confused by Obongo's idiocy that he'll call the whole thing off.
This whole cold threat is just a distraction.
Elites would never be stupid enough to go to war with (themselves) a nuclear super power just to keep Donald out of the oval office.
What possible war could there even be when nukes and drones are involved? The only real war that can be waged is economics and culture.
Well, when you've got the option between the gallows and a smokescreen of war to use war powers and turn on your opposition you're obviously pick the second choice.
You thought this would go peacefully?
This is a battle for world control between US patriots and the international globalist cabal. They'll use every sliver of power that they still have to remain on the throne. Even if it means ruling the ashes. And the depth of their immorality is unlimited.
Let's just hope Obummer is a pussy and likes his legacy too much. I think he realized that the goal of helping his fellow negro was just a carrot to get him where his handlers wanted.
This. They would commit a literal holocaust against whites if whites weren't so well armed
and that's how a real Leader responds.
Putin is a White Nationalist.
So the Russians use cold war enemy as code for pro-Whites as well?
Do they have the same emergency laws as NATO, that makes it legal for the government to act illegal against us, after they have declared us foreign agents?
The term for this is "realpolitik"
Not really Russians have built up this huge complex with lying about who and what they really are
You're fucking wrong. I guess you've never talked to a Russian? Just fuck off, CTR.
what helps the people?
Obama is a jew through his mother Stanley Ann Dunham, he will go with whatever the tribe tells him to. He is a jew first and the president second.
Obamas kike mammy
what empowers the people?
Yea he is such a white nationlist he has Lenins body preserved and makes his citizens pay for it, he should have fed that bolshevik kike to the pigs.I guess he is a white nationalist compared to Barry Soetero however.
I've heard that Russia had fired at American ships. If that's true, where did this happen and when? I got the news from my sister, who declined to share sauce, so now I come to you guys for sauce.
(nice get)
It was Yemen that fired on US ships. Not Russia