When is war with Russia?

I suspect that war with Russia is coming soon on these grounds:
1. Russia, as a powerful state, probably has access to some advanced predictive analytics, so Russia will probably know what the outcome of the U.S. elections are with fairly high certainty.
2. If Hillary Clinton wins, it is highly likely that she will engage Russia in military conflict.
3. I think it is reasonable to assert that there is a first-strike advantage.
4. Russia urged its foreign exchange students to return home promptly.

It appears to me, that even if Russia is unlikely to succeed in an attack on the U.S., Russia will be more likely to succeed if Russia strikes first. As soon as Russia's predictive analytics say that Hillary wins, Russia might strike pre-emptively, which means that an attack prior to elections is plausible. Furthermore, there may exist a strategic advantage to attacking amidst or prior to regime change (inauguration).

Are these reasonable thoughts? Is war imminent?

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not going to happen unless hilldawg gets elected

killary = ww3
Trump = world peace

Not necessarily, however, if they think Hillary is going to win, expect a Russian invasion of Ukraine to topple the US puppet government within the next two weeks.

I hope never. Nov 8 can't come soon enough


regardless, you should buckle up anyway, doesn't hurt to have yourself prepared

trump winning doesnt mean shit until inauguration

nov 9th they could start it and they have 2 months of nuclear warfare before trump gets in…

if hillary wins, russia strikes first.

if trump wins, usa strikes first.

Now, i'm fucking scared. Fucking O'Nigger, he'll damn us all.

One speaker told that false flag is already being prepared, it will make look like Russia has attacked one of the nato allies. He also said that it would be bigger false flag then 9/11. I don't know when exactly it's going to happen though.



Can't, sorry, it's in my native language. Let's say I have my reasons to trust him, he's a clear thinker and had predicted Ukraine conflict.

These fucking dubs on dubs man

There will not be a nuclear war. They'll steadily escalate things as much as they can but there is no desire for war with Russia among the general populace.

One thing is quite sure: No one wants another world war.
But should killary, who is a mere pawn to her globalist overlords get elected, world war is a quite real possibility. She doesn't have America's interest in mind. She is "buyable" pay per favor politician. She also has problems distinguishing world politicians.


At this point she is just a chess pawn to Soros.

"A long series of financial and ethical scandals has dogged Clinton, including recent allegations that her husband and their family foundation benefited financially from decisions she made as secretary of state. Her performance surrounding the 2012 terror attack on a State Department facility in Benghazi, Libya, has been catnip for conservative Republicans. And her presidential campaign has been marked by an unwillingness to engage journalists, instead meeting with hand-picked groups of voters."



Never no one wants a real war the US wants a new coldwar/boogerman and to encircle and defang russia. Russia doesnt want and isnt ready for a war.

Thank you CIA

They honestly do. Vietnam is a perfect example of a war lost because of an unhappy populace. With the past 15 years being constant false wars its becoming increasingly hard to pitch the idea of war to normal americans.

Trump doesn't want war though

1. Shillary is not going to win, at least not fairly.
2. A rigged election would mean revolution.
3. Russia would help us with this revolution.

We can only win, victory is the only acceptable outcome.


911 confirms - nuclear november


Problem is when Johnny American gets out his picket signs the birds are already on their way over to Mother Russia.

I've been horrified of this exact thing. They are lining up the dominoes for just that eventuality very nicely.

Not sure I entirely buy the whole WAR WERE DECLARED that seems to be going on. A few reasons why:

1) Russia would lose a conventional war. They have to know this. Then striking first would be a major fuck up as it means they'd lose all political capital and it would expose their troops to hostile territory.

2) NATO doesn't have any (serious) plans to invade Russia. Almost all war plans are for a Russian attack into the West or Middle East.

3) If a war went nuclear it would be fucking over for Russia (as well as lot of other people) which would defeat the entire purpose of Russian strategy for the last 10 years.

Like another user said, what all of this is designed to do is escalate things in order to get people to agree to some sort of deal. Everyone backs down and Russia gets something it really wanted. No one is going to go nuclear over Syria because it's a shithole that has no real worth to anyone involved other than a Russian Med port. But their navy isn't exactly stellar, so ultimately not worth it.

Granted, Clinton could pull some bullshit and cause a war first. But again the problem with that is if it went nuclear it would defeat the entire purpose. Clintons are a lot of things, almost all bad, but they're also self absorbed and I don't think would risk losing everything in a pointless nuclear war with Russia.

True user, only hole I see in your logic is you think that it will effect (((them))) the same way it would effect the rest of us plebs. Some around here myself included would love to see the tree of liberty pruned a bit- something tells me they do to- but in a different way. So they can build their Utopia on the ashes of the old World. Best way to do that is burn it all down. (and remember that most of (((them))) have multi-million dollar bailout bunkers to flee to and will get the warning far in advance of any of us fine folks who will be fried).

Unless (((they))) have secret space station hideouts we're not aware of, it'll affect them too. I can't imagine roving bands of bandits, former military, war lords, or militias would treat them any better than anyone else.

If we're talking a limited scale nuclear exchange, like a couple from each side thrown around mostly on the battlefield/ocean, then you may be right. But a full scale exchange with hundreds, if not thousands, of nukes going off? Nah, (((they're))) fucked too.

Remember, controlling an entire banking network doesn't do you much good when that money is just 1s and 0s in a computer, is useless paper, and most of the world now doesn't have electrical power.

The assumption here is that any of these players are rational…. Hilary is a barking fucking mad for a start and the Jews would sooner see it all burnt to the ground than lose control.

Granted I don't see a nuclear exchange as an immediate option but wars have a habit of getting out of hand, and if one side is going to go down do you not think they would say fuck it and fuck you all and let death rain down?

I simply do not trust Hilary act rational, and certainly not in the best intentions of the rest of us.

He's saying our side will strike first before he takes office if he wins, user.

While a reason to attack would materialize in this case, the conditions for a favorable start to a grand campaign are non-existent at this time of the year. The most you could expect would be a decisive finishing of the shenanigans in the Ukraine.


Trump wants to be allies. Hillary talks shit about Russia every debate now.

With how weak and outdated our arsenal is compared to their's, and that we've lost most of our strategic missle bases, the first strike advantage for Russia turns into virtually negligible casualties for them.

Not until Hillary start it first so the blame will be on her.

Remember the motto.

Trump - PEACE
Hillary - WAR


I don't think there's a general desire for nuclear war with America amongst the general Russian populace either.

Like, they may have grudges with Burgers but nobody wants to live in a dead wasteland after emerging from their bunkers.

Nobody desire the Russo-USA war either. Hillary and Obama are clinically insane.


My trip confirmed.


Now I'd like to think as a nation we don't wanna go to war and for all intents and purposes, want our government to NOT engage in a war against our wishes. Especially a war where nukes may be involved. Seeing as we really, REALLY don't wanna live in a true-to-life version of the Fallout Universe, (At least I don't. Fuck Deathclaws, man,) is it at all possible to tell Putin himself don't bomb us? Or are we past the point where even he thinks we're so stupid we actually believe our own media?

Calling it, a dirty nuclear bomb terrorist attack connected to the new evil Russia/Iran axis of nuclear terrorism.

Of course it is.

Have you forgotten the 6.9 trillion missing from the Pentagon that were reported earlier this year? For reference, before 9/11 there was a report of 2.3 trillion missing. Whatever this is, it's way bigger than 9/11.

Or have you forgotten that the German government issued a warning recently, telling their citizens to start stocking up on food and water? For no reason?

If (read: when) the false flag happens, it'll hit Germany. They'll blame it on the Russians, since they recently maneuvered their fleet closer to Poland and Germany. The date is also something symbolic - expect it to happen when there's some EU meeting happening, or whatever.

Where did the missing money go?



kgb doesnt have predictive analysis they focus on disinfo and subversion

Forgot one more thing.

Remember when Turkey decided to do an 180 and become Russia's best pal? And how they demanded the US takes their nukes out of Turkey, or how they'll be seized. Then there were reports that the nukes were also moved over to Romania, which the Romanians vehemently denied. And how, at the same time, Biden (the guy with the nuclear launch codes) visits the region, and goes to Kosovo (where the second largest NATO base in Europe is located) on an "inspection"?

Yeah, my guess is that the false flag will be nuclear, and that the nukes from Turkey/Kosovo will be smuggled to Germany via the refugees.

Nobody knows, that's the thing.

Not even the jews? Oh come on m8, I don't believe that.

Sounds like the displacement in funds is some kind of insurance, so when the event fucks up the economy, they can re-inject that back into it to avert a uncontrollable situation.

Seems plans are being put into motion. Keep an eye on anything related to the free flow of information anons.

Yesterday Assange's internet was shut off, reports of Ecuador being put under pressure.

Russia Today just reported it's UK bank accounts are blocked


Obama on the press last week:


Obama on the power grid


Obama is desperate.

exactly, even if (((they))) stock 20 years of food and supply theyll have to emerge from their comfy bunker sooner or later. why they think the angry remnants of the old world would welcome them with open arms is beyond me.

Now if Hillary wins Heaven forbid will Russia strike first or will "Russia" strike first?

No, Putin is waiting for her to pull the trigger first. Why would Putin want to be responsible for this omnicide? He is an populist so there is no fucking way for him to lose the popularity and have to deal with rioting angry people. Only the insane people would start this extremely dangerous war with a high chance for losing the control over war.

(((Their))) first strike will come before the elections. It will involve massive US domestic power grid failures blamed on Russian hackers or Russian EMP. State of emergency will be declared. Federal Troops will be deployed. Free flow of information will be hindered, leaving the people fully reliant on government propaganda.

Okay I guess (((they))) forgot about the niggers in US. The niggers never think radically and wouldn't give a fuck about (((them))).

Could have worded that better. (((They)) are definitely gonna false-flag that shit. Haven't they been priming people for a "Russian cyber attack" for several years now?

Only idiots believe that bullshits.


There's already 2 or 3 threads about this.

All of us are panicking.

No time to mourn ginger midget?

The reason why 9/11 was so effective in turning public opinion was the media wasn't screaming PLANES INTO BUILDING PLANES INTO BUILDINGS unlike what media is doing now by screaming Russian Hackers, Russian Hackers everywhere. Its like the boy who cried wolf, nobody is listing anymore and when it does eventually happen people aren't going to believe the bullshit they're being fed at that time.

Do I look like that I care about your horny hardened dick?


I see what you mean. They over-played their shitty forced meme.

You are an idiot.

Putin would be very wise to wait and see what happens in the election.

That is what he is doing but Obama is trying to speed thing up despite the fact that the election isn't finished yet.

Hopefully the Rus is patient.

If Trump wins, Obama will hand him a US in WW3.

If Shilldawg wins Obama will probably be like "syke jk Russia ;D" and he will hand her a country at peace.

This puts Russia in an awkward spot because if Trump wins it means they will need to wait out 3 months of provocations.


Do you not know how US elections work? The President Elect is decided on November 8. It is only in January when he officially gets the Presidency.

Never. WW3 will not happen in your lifetime.

Ohhh I get it now.