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I'd laugh at the swedes if i didn't know that the finns are next
2017: Sweden uses the ISIS flag as their flag to maximize cultural sensitivity.
Liberalism truly is a mental disorder.
How does this shit make sense to any literate human being?
I can't even properly read it as it feels as if the sentence is out of order.
I can't even laugh anymore.
i have not seen a single non-cucked swede online.
this guys are ruined, their parent their grand parent are pre cucks, cucks and top fags.
the jews had the most easiest game with them.
here is a video from a jew created clip.
What the fuck is wrong with this country holy shit
Isn't finland too cold for them? I think they've gotten a lot less than either Sweden or Norway.
It really is something to behold.
Nazi flag: RACIST. They hate everyone that isn't Nazis!
ISIS flag: NOT RACIST. They hate everyone that isn't ISIS.
funny thing is that us finns used to call swedes queers as sort of a little brother against big brother thing, I guess we memed them into being actual homos
You should have known that your meme magic, out of all the nordic countries, is the most potent.
Does Finland have any of its own imageboards?
I want to laugh at Sweden but California does the same shit.
sweden thread?
ylilauta :DD:DDDD
It's always the same, really. Some new article from country x is published by their kike media and then it's "country x yes", "country x is dead" "i dont even care for country x anymore, i hope they die". The next day an article from country y's kike media is published and the same happens again. Next day country z, and so on.
All the while people from country x shit on y and z, while deluding themselves about their own status, the ys shit on xs and zs, deny any faults, and so on. Always the same, nobody wins, everybody starts hating each other.
shit, I posted so many sweden threads before
was I the JIDF??
Well it's good to stay informed about other countries, but these threads IMO often just serve as escapism for anons whose countries are in just as deep shit (or maybe a year or two behind), deluding themselves that since there's a country worse than theirs it's all not so bad instead of seeing it as further incentive to act
They had the most empathetic country and easy life so it made them all weak. Swedes are no more except some few survivors who are in the shadows mostly.
Sweden is by creating such laws preparing for islamic transition. Their country will become islamic state once the demographic is ready for it which will be in few years. Same will happen to germany and england, france and such. It will become wealthy sultan arab controlled if nothing drastic happens.
Sweden have only a small minority that could save it which is not enough. Their suicide is certain. It may as well not exist anymore now.
Clearly Suomi has the most potent meme magic.
Concidering this thread was off the fucking rails from the start, there is a Finnish girl I who is so innocent she didn't know what masturbation was and is completely inept with men, how do I make her my waifu?
Do I have to do some sort of mating ritual involving killing the radiator of a rally car or something?
fucking sweeden
Sometimes I think it's bad to laugh constantly at them and call them the most cucked up country in the world but then news like this remind me that they totally deserve it all.
I agree but we need to talk about this shit
it will be hard for me to remember sweden as anything except a country filled to the absolute brim with cuckolds.
You're pretty blue-eyed fam.
*I know who is
also norway isn't cucked by the EU like the swedes and we are, I don't think that they're taking in as many sandniggers as germany or sweden is
nah man, you just gotta throat sing to her, its the ancient finnish maiting call back when we were on the steppes with the hungarians and estonians
Yeah, I know. It's just disappointing how many people fall for the division and take it as a reason to shit on each other.
For example
All western nations suffer from the same shit, they're just at different points or have different "focal points" of degeneracy. Some country might be especially bad with feminism, another with minority pandering, another with faggotry and trannyism and so on. At most they're a few years from each other apart.
Even the east euro countries aren't safe from it, some of them show signs of the same decay beginning to unfold and if the west falls, they'll likely be the next focus. South america and asia are also starting to have trouble with this shit. Nobody is safe from it. The most you can hope for is to be the last to be infected unless we actually fight and defeat all this.
dont blame the average people, blame the elite and their major supporters.
the swedish elite and and the cooperators with jews and their supporters have to be killed. and replaced with swedes who will catch and kill all jews in the country.
most important thing is to get rid of jews physically.
Maybe if people see this they will be more motivated to vote.
fingolia has had highest posts/capita imageboards in the whole world…
I wonder how many sane Swedes are in Sweden now?
this make me want to invade and purge. if even only 2 or 3 nationalist swedes were left standing i'd leave the country to them. everyone else would be dead.
I'm so tempted to go out and kill and mutilate as many minorities I can find before I'm arrested. I don't even give a shit that I'm being (((watched))), I'm so fed up right about now.
you misspelled highest shitpost
this filth gets to rape girls with impunity yet the state prevents me from marrying them?
you'll be a martyr for more suppression, censorship and cracking down to come
organizing is what should be done at this point; find like-minded people and stick together
that I did
But I want to commit Rwanda-style genocide.
Not many, most of them moved to Norway to study / work.
Not like there's already competition for "shit" jobs already, but now you have Swedes who don't mind living in 12 square meters, work 40+ hours per week for shit pay without a future.
It's like they've given up, and want to drag Norway with them.
Where's that swede user that said all of his extended network was pushing back against the kikes? He was in the thread about the supposed migrant camp firestarter. He must've been on damage control because I've yet to see an article or Swedish poster comment against these horridying stories. Swede anons it's time to weigh in, looks pretty bleak over here in burgerland
we need to compile an army and kill all cucks, jews, and sand niggers
I think I understood why the white race (Scandinavians being an extreme example of that) is so cucked and at the same time so graceful.
These people are obsessed with doing what's right. Not right for them, but right for everyone. Right in absolute terms. Universal morality, yadda yadda.
It's not a bad thing, in fact it's a great thing. The problem is that the result of this moral equation is based on lies and thus becomes suicidal.
What we need is a powerful, beautiful idea that every European can get behind. Something that's not just right for Europe, but right for the world, right in absolute, unquestionable terms. Something that will give every one of us the same strength that the mujahideen when he pulls the trigger and blows himself up.
In short, we need to find God.
probably atheist kike
ID:4a0309 - SHILL
Serves them right, they trusted the jew.
Finland can fix this.
How depressing is that. Sweden is too cucked to revolt so Finnish invasion is the best solution for this odd problem. Cucked Sweden is a big threat to Europe. Who would want a ISIS nation within Europe? Damn too dangerous to ignore.
no. you must strike the head of the snake. if you remove migrants, more will come in their place. find out who make the decisions that result in the suffering and denegration of the rightful population. this is how one changes things.
ID:6176d4 - D&C JEW SHILL!
Hell yeah i am.
Sweden is totally, irrecoverably lost. Why don't they just give control of their country to the shitskins? Hand over the keys to power and their daughters for gang rape while the "men" queue up obediently to be beheaded.
Never before in history has a country collectively committed suicide like this.
Let's ask the cucked Sweden government.
They are due in 2030 so it's not soon.
you forget that sweden at that time was literally without any power and the second world war was lost.
the jews own the fed and the money control.
you post shit if you say swedes are fault for their misery.
the swedes did it because they were threatened by the jew
jews have a lot of ways to submit a country. they did by drugging it with massive wealth and peace. after it became dependent on its comfort they then started to dictate its direction and sweden just obeyed. the key state-people were replaced with agents working for the american jew.
because the population was led into a false idea of world peace they had shitty voting behavior and ended up voting for the jew ideas.
Still remember this all the way back from the good ol call sweden threads.
swedes kind of brought it onto themselves, they sheltered danish jews during the war
No, the Swede killed themselves because a jew asked them nicely, and told them to think about muh poor third worlders.
Another instrumental part in subduing a nation is to make it dependent on trade with other countries it does not relate to. (((Milton Friedman))) argued that inter-dependency created a reluctance in waging war, seeing as any embargo would cripple the abilities to project force. This is why An-Caps are a problem, specifically relating to the idea of free trade with nations that do not align ideologically.
Protectionism and autarky are essential to nationalism and sovereignty.
Top kek, his muscles aren't even that big.
jesus christ. How is it even psychologically possible for involving policemen not to go into a berserk mode and kill these fuckers on the spot after learning what they've done.
Because it is wrong to defend the victims and if he did that then he would go to the jail for long time.
What the fuck Sweden, always hitting a new low.
This the future of the whole of Europe.
Same argument can be used for the swastika.
Is that tattoo meant to inspire mercy in case of head cutting?
This shit isn't even funny anymore. Sweden need help. That means invasion.
These fucks don't understand the basic principle of mass. The more people do it at the same time, the less likely they will be punished.
Western law systems are geared towards punishing the individual. If groups form and commit crimes in big quantities, they can't do anything (mentally and by law). See US chimpouts, see france mass crime rates, see germany cologne and so on.
Just imagine 5,000 policemen beating up shitskins over one month. None of them would get fired or suffer the consequences.
Nah, he just wants reffos to know their welcome inside him
This. Remember , alone you are weak like a small twig. But along with others you can form a mighty faggot.
Highly underrated posts.
So that's why it's called "Stockholm Syndrom"
They don't know the psychological loophole yet so it won't happen. Why? Because they are already broken beyond the repairs.
the whole Holla Forums need to go on a trip to Sweden.
This. I bet she'll spontaneously discover masturbation if you do it right.
I feel deeply sorry for the innocent Swedish boys and girls who are born into this nightmare. They are too good for this.
In other words: RWDS.
Fuck off moeshitposter.
isnt sweden not in nato?
russia really needs to send in spetsnaz to do some spring cleaning
seriously if russia could turn sweden around they would have a good ally in europe
Anti-moe is codeword for anti-White.
I think user is on high and saw your picture so user talked to your picture. lel.
I'd laugh at the Sweeds if the didn't disgust me so much.
I think user meant blue eyed as in blue pilled on the way he sees people irl , and that he believes there is still such a level of innocence.
This entire race must be destroyed. Fuck sweden.
That's why democratic societies always go down the shitter. Over time, people become so (((individual))), divided by cultural propaganda (fashion, wealth, ideology), that they don't have any means of forming a mass in the face of existential dangers.
Just look at the average burger or yropoor. Pathetic creatures incapable of forming consensus other than falling for mass propaganda.
There's truth to that as long as you don't get "liberated" by an outside force. Then collective punishment is back on the menu
no they didnt. it was their elites who did it because they were
a) threatened
b) corrupt
there is still the possibility they thought the jews will remember the saved kikes and leave sweden alone.
thats a good example that:
Blue-eyed is another way of saying "naive". Do you even language?
throat singing causes any finnish woman to start moaning and drooling at the mouth while fingering themselves
That's what i said.
lol I didn't see this one
Sorry, I thought you weren't familiar with that figure of speech and tried to make sense of it with the blue-pill analogy.
Ah it's a expression for naive, got it. Thank m8.
How do I throat sing?
All they can do is throwing threats along with 'individual examples of punishment to deter others from grouping up. Even after WWII the allies wouldn't have dared to gas all Germans if they'd gradually rise up after some time.
Let's assume Swedes or Germans would go full civil war and putsch. Yes, burgerclaps would try to intervene, but guess what Russia or China would do?
Russians and Chinese have a natural interest of Europe being freed from US influence, even if it means they'll become a danger to Ivan over the long term.
It's especially common here in Finland, we rarely say "naive", usually just "blue-eyed".
there are shitloads of vids on youtube on how to do it
Oh, well then-
I would see how you would say I am naive, I had extreme suspicions about it too and still do, but she is sort of a sperg in the capacity of being a rich girl who lives a very sheltered life and has few friends due to how socially inept she is.
She usually just sits near the friends she does have and says absolutely nothing unless spoken to, often just following them like a lost sheep.
She isn't the greatest in terms of attractiveness and is basically flat-chested, but I think she is quite endearing.
And I am all out of options at this point.
Sorry, I thought you weren't familiar with that figure of speech and tried to make sense of it with the blue-pill analogy.>>7869433
Well, they still "punished" read: starved and killed probably some hundred thousands if not a million or more.
That's certainly true, but especially in the case of germany the "history" plays a very large role, especially if there was to happen a coup or nationalist revolution.
Anyway, My comment wasn't completely serious. "Small mass revolts" or however you want to call them, of some thousands of bad goys doing bad goy things isn't just a good way to ensure most will not be jailed, but also to signal to others that things can be achieved.
Same in my country. It's a weird turn of speech but I'd guess it comes from the fact that many children have blue eyes in their early years which turn darker or even into other colors as time passes. Thus blue eyes symbolising youth
Now I would know the user is Finnish if the user say "blue-eyed".
I'd say other countries use it too. It's certainly in the german language
Geopolitically speaking China and Russia has interest in having:
-Us out of europe
-Germany allied
-Europe as white as possible
Because they fucking know scientific progress comes always from Europe, mudding the genetic means losing asset. There is a motive our education is shit and most scientists have to move to America
I'll say if she isn't ugly as a sin, and you can talk and find enjoyable talking with her go for it. Beauty lose its appeal after a bit and having a cunt you can't even speak about generic shit is far far worse than a 5/10
He's in good shape for being natty. I think this is more supposed to create a chilling effect for others considering trying to get /fit/. "Trying to decide between taking up cuckshed gardening or weight lifting Sven? Maybe this highly publicized article will help you make up your mind."
we have quite a bit of german and swedish loanwords don't we? ankka and hera come to mind
I don't know if Aussies use them as I am deaf so I can't say for sure m8.
thank you leftism
Right or left thing is a joke.
fuckin cunt m8. can you shitpost in sign language?
Yea but even more expressive.
That is what it worry me. Woman are emotive by nature and if the white men aren't dominant enough then they will go look other way.
australian shitposting is shit tier, if you were to have a shitposting war with us you'd lose just like you lost a war to birds
See "collaborator girls"
Hearty kek
Fuck you, Sweden.
These men don't look very masculine, do they?
They want to be fuck over so let them be fuck over as it is fuckin' their dream to be dominated by the ISIS fuckers.
How is that going to be enforced? Are they going to listen whenever men go to the bathroom and if it is too loud issue a citation?
Finland is still 99% white population. It's almost as far away from enrichment as Poland is.
you mean anti-pedophile?
Sounds like that wheelchair bound woman deserved it, what a stupid whore! Trusted a sandnigger, followed the sandnigger into an invader asylum, and asked to use their toilet. What the hell did she think was going to happen?
She doesn't know about the sandnigger culture because what she was taught is false. She's in Sweden, remember? Stop expecting the swedish people to be smart. What they learnt is nothing like we learnt so burn that into your mind.
Nah. You should have some natural instincts enough to not trust, talk to, or in any way be involved with any nonwhites. If you do not, you won't be missed.
I do but not her because like I said they are not smart so don't listen to their instincts. Survive or die. The sweden government want them dead without lifting a finger on them.
you know what's really sad to realize? I'm late to this, but the jews destroyed white culture and traditions. I was watching the new Godzilla and was amazed they still practiced some of the traditions they have been doing for hundreds of years, it made me realize that is how it should be. A race should covet their traditions and culture, yet I don't even know mine thanks to these fucks. Now they are systematically taking anywhere out that it would be preserved. It's incredible how normal it has become to not even know where you are from or what your people did. We didn't build on top of our traditions, liberals ripped them up and threw them away to replace them with mockeries.
both of us have the risk of being annexed by vodkaniggers and being flooded with chechnyans and tatars
I am Swedish. Also a bit Lapp.
I wasn't raised in a Marxist hellhole like Sweden.
Nurture plays a big role in the development of a cuck. Finland needs to exile its Semitic elite before its too late. Take back your banks, is the first step. Fortunately for Finland, the culture of being the Nordic Mongol has given them the strength and the knife, to stab back when a gypsy or Arab tries to take your woman.
Eastern Europe will eventually purge the Islamic scourge, it's our lot in life.
oh, they're getting ready
What is happening in your homeland and why are they coming to your homeland?
russians have always been wanting our asses ever since we became independent from the russian empire post-ww1
I don't understand. What do they gain from this if they annex your homeland?
Access to the sea.
access water and cities(?)
What is logistics.
What do they need them for?
baltic sea
Nobody wants your shitty clay. You would be a drag on the Russian economy. You make them more money as a trading partner.
Okay, my mongol child you have to choose who will be dicking your daughter. A dirty muslim shitskin or a russian drunkard.
I don't think they will invade you. Chechens and tatars in your finland would be planning another ISIS plan to invade Sweden.
What will they wont gain if they annex an EU country is a better question?
They get added cashflow, workers, technologies, research centers, resources, ports, cities, arable landnote: most of Russia is unarable, expanded logistics. They could also gain millions upon millions of euros that are stored in banks and manipulate the EU with it.
They could annex the baltic states using paratroopers within days, just because they can take the main cities before the armies even react in time, causing no damage to infrastructure or anything significant.
its russian nature to have so much land yet never actually use it, I blame rurik
Russia is preparing as the German's prepared during world war one and two.
Finland is a staging ground for NATO, specifically the United States and other ZOG nations to attack ZOG Russia.
In response Russia has been amassing and doing military tests next to Finland.
If a third world war is to break out, Finland is the strategic first move to knock out for Russia, that is why Russia wants to be ready to take Finland.
It's a bullshit ZOG world war, where all sides are ruled by Semitic elite. A game of sacrifice to see who can kill more goyim in their respective nations. Our only salvation is leaders or people rising up to take back their nations. If Putin isn't a ZOG puppet, he will have to prove it in the coming years. The same goes for Trump, if and when he wins the presidency.
Sweden is close to capitulating and turning into a Caliphate, as is France and possibly Italy, I'm not sure how bad the situation is in Spain. We already have a Caliphate in Bosnia.
Baltic Sea connects to North Sea which connects into the oceans
also I was more thinking from the perspective of Poland (since both Poland and Finland were mentioned) - annexing Poland would put you next to Germany would be very good, deutshitland wouldn't dare to put up any sanctions seeing how you just raided a country and are presumably ready to take on more.
Now I understand, thank m8s.
sounds like the entire world is about to go escape from NY on us. fuck!
Still big enough to be a toxic white male.
I feel sick.
yet the same feminist ruled state says its relly the white men that need to be removed.
honestly, we relly need to start a brain washing campaign of our own. this multicultural women lead apocalypse is what we get for letting the Jews run the only game in town.
I have no words for the traitors except the picture.
Read the except about Baghdad, XXIV The Arab decline, from The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival.
of Baghdad in the early tenth century are still
available. They deeply deplored the
degeneracy of the times in which they lived,
emphasising particularly the indifference to
religion, the increasing materialism and the
laxity of sexual morals.
Makes you wonder why nobody teach such story, its like all the bullshit from late 50s and 60s was doomed to result into a catastrophe later on.
I live in Sweden, and this is probably the most retarded thing I've seen to date… actually, maybe the second. Sweden did promise to help any returning ISIS fighters find jobs and houses.
I hope I'm not too old by the time this nation has fully collapsed - there's going to be a new, bloody history made in this land.
Can someone maybe do a quick shoop and paste these all together.
Perhaps another one with "Sweden then", "Sweden now"
Or "Sweden now", "Sweden RWDS future" Solutions to problems are what brings hope.
Portugal is doing pretty good in the rapefugee department.
In 2012 census, Finland was roughly 90% "white" if you count Estonians and Russians as white.
We've gotten tons of non-whites here in the past five years..
I told myself I wouldn't say it on here, but damn it this has to be said,
They're French
Swedish instincts is to trust any stranger. They used to be a white nation. Distrust like in USA comes from being multiethnic.
On the contrary.
I hate rapefugees and their shitty culture as much as anyone here but could you please stop acting like Sweden has already lost when the muslims only total 5% of our population and the support of our nationalist party( pathetic as they may be) increased with 150% between 2010 to 2014. The fucking SWEDEN YES memes and a bunch of slideshows of shitskins is by no means an accurate representation of the state of this country.
Oh man, I kind of wished I lived in Sweden.
Its true, all the good swedes left to Ameica
Do it man. Go to a heavily black populated town and gun them down.
Why aren't Swedish males just collectively flipping their shit?
what a waste of trips
we found a god and his name is kek
seems quite fitting tbh
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
At this point many millions have to die.
Tbh japan IS thinking about solving its pipulatuon issue via immigration
it's not the act of hate that bothers them, it's the fact that they discriminate.
Jesus, at this point Swedes should do the world a favor and commit mass suicide.
spoiler that fucking shit man, nobody wants to see that
If you want a safe space take your ass back to reddit or cuckchan.
it's like you get off on it user…
It's almost like you're new here and don't have sweden memes
just begging for it aren't you
Even this shit is worse with [sand]niggers.
There are people here with massive gore folders and you're bitching about this?
All I feel is RAGE!!!!
Gore gets rid of newfriends. IR porn is actually something degenerates like, also you're looking at it each time you post it not only that you needed someone to explain this to you.
It is time for you to go.
You're sounding awfully triggered.
They (being ctr) are trying to redirect our hate onto the swedish people and help facilitate the genocide by meming it to happen.
You are justifying genocide.
What about the Golden One?
after this election we will turn the focus of our meme magic to winter-chan.
Why would flying flag was illegal?
So they don't appear racist to ISIS agents. Who knows what the frick are they thinking?
Dubs checked, the Russia/USA dichotomy is a false one, both governments are controlled by kike interests. Good thing to keep in mind the next time some retarded thread on the Donbass conflict comes up.
The golden one has a pretty good base of followers, but a lot of them follow him just for gym advice - the political stuff goes over their head. A lot of them are spread across the globe too, I'm not sure how many loyal swedes he has behind him.
I like the guy, but I'd like for him to give politics or something a try too - being fit is important, but it's not everything.
Just what the fuck, cant other countries start legal actions againts Sweden because of this ? i mean jesus.
Well, bend me over and call me Sven, this is getting crazier every day.
That guy is a huge faggot and you can just smell that he would run away in a street fight.
You're a fucking pedo or she's lying. Average finnish woman has been with 5 different guys before she has reached age of 20.
Finns won't do shit sonce finns are doing the EXACT SAME SHIT SWEDEN DID 10 YEARS AGO.
Because all forms of nationalism are to be denied and destroyed under communist regime. Same shit happened in Finland. Schoolkid got kicked out of primary school for wearing a nationalistic lion necklace.
I'm surprised they don't realize that lawlessness decriminalizes committing crimes as well as that you'll only be offended by criminals being prosecuted if you're a criminal, prospective criminal or apathetic towards the people of the country. These people don't deserve any sympathy, and yet people think it's acceptable to ignore these problematic wastrels because other people who aren't associated with them by actions (which are what the group are guilty because of) and aren't at all guilty might be offended that the guilty will be prosecuted. There isn't any non fallacious line of thought that justifies their beliefs.
Sweden threads always get me thinking. What if the jews are right about goyim? What if some of us really are just cattle? I mean how the fuck does a sovereign nation become so thoroughly submitted in less than a century? Where are the swedish men in all of these stories?
These victims have husbands, fathers, brothers, boyfriends, uncles and other male relatives/friends. Hell, even the cops investigating these cases are intimately familiar with the victims and the details of the crimes. And no one does a fucking thing. Not a single man in the entire country stands up to these fucking animals. They don't get deported, they don't do any serious prison time. No one cares.
I can't imagine events like this happening in America without swift fucking vengeance, but I've learned that you can never say never. What I'm hoping is that we are all on the same page here, that if anything like this happened to one of our loved ones, we would be fixing up some batches of chloroform, getting the pliers and battery cables out, and a few cases of budweiser ready to go in grandpa's basement.
Fuck you sweden. I hope Putin mistakes you for Finland and accidentally nukes you.
I blame the average person, because they are an idiot. The average person make up the majority and could have stopped it, but they didn't. So they deserve to get raped 50 times and have their family killed and live in fear.
Otherwise they will never change their mindset, until they get their teeth kicked in.
During World War II, Hooton proposed to eradicate the German people by infiltrating them slowly with masses of non-European male immigrants, thereby breed "war strains" out of them.[10]
Everything seems to be going according to plan
Combine it.
Forgot links.
What was the religion of Hooton?
Swede here
I'm living in one of the most left leaning places in Sweden. Known in most part of the city as the place where commies live.
I need some help with ideas, anons. I'd like to put up some flyers to red-pill people. Before waking up I studied psychology and sociology for several years, especially focusing on influence and manipulation thus I strongly believe that satire and ironic shitposting is by far the most effective way to change their minds. Stats and headlines will put them in a defensive mindset right away whilst satire sneak right through those walls.
Get me some text like pic related, I'll make some shitty drawings and put them all over.
Those are called counter signalling memes for fashy goys.
Laughing is a good medicine for everybody
A cross? That's racist!
The colour and cross is racist.
yah average finnish girl knows what a dick is by the age of 14
Let's think of this from Hitler perspective. If we had to break the barrier into six scales, the memes would be something like this.
1. condition unbroken, typical woman or old person level, boohoo evil nazis gassed six million Jews and 11 million of other undesirables
2. funny pictures of Hitler like the party hard
3. Hitler parody videos in YouTube.
4. Actual holocaust jokes, six billion more!
5. Holocaust revisionism, Hitler did nothing wrong
6. except that the holohoax didn't happen but it should have
Cross is haram to Islamists.
i hope the golden one hurried with his metapolitical war before every swede is dead
The point is showing an assimilated flag of sweden and it would be unrecognizable without the cross. Even removing the colours was a stretch.
Finland chooses neither since they are equally bad.
Yeah it was damage control. Theres a bunch of swedish idiots on this board who intentionally spread lies about a non-existant national awakening because the sweden yes meme makes them butthurt. Swedes are at best dimly aware that something is happening but they dont really know what or why. At best there is a lot of bleating online but when it comes to basic actions like changing voting pattern theres nothing. The supercuckservative sweden democrats are a jew front who wants to racially assimilate millions of darkies into the swedish population. There is no credible (as in having people with brains) nationalist opposition. The NMR/SMR movement consists of cringeworthy simpletons who usually sport massive amounts of visible tattoos. Yeah they can fight with antifa but thats all.
The now defunct nationalist party got 4700 votes in 2014. We dont have any nationalist movement. We have a natsoc movement consisting of tattooed dead enders with no higher education and no brains. The sweden democrats are jew and jewophilic led cuckservatives but are marketed in jew media as some kind of deplorable racist nationalist party. You certainly arent redpilled if you dont understand basic jew swindling tricks.
What happened?
Then these raped children will be told its their fault, then grow up to be even more cucked or just kill them self's, I just dont get how delusional libtards are.
But cross is halal to cuckservatives and we dont want those onboard.
The party leadership of the Party of the Swedes decided to dissolve the party without even informing the party members first. Some party workers were handing out party pamphlets on the streets the same day the party got dissolved.
The party of the swedes failed because the leadership suffered from lack of ability to postpone gratification. They also did not understand how to do marketing, write a convincing party program and how to position the party politically. These guys are now found inside NMR. That does not exactly bode well.
The shock and awe they will receive if they try to pull that shit off here will be deafening.
What does it stand for?
merrica is already at stage 2 motherfucker.
fucking king nigger and his cronies are balls deep in historical revision. "islam has always been part of the USA and all that garbage.
Dont know about you but im gettin antsy to use that 2nd amendment and my family has not been affected by anything yet. But I can see whats coming and ill spill blood by the bucket load before anything hppens to my daughters.
NMR = Nordiska MotståndsRörelsen or Nordic Resistance Movement in english.
let them fall. why bother. they deserve it. let this be a lesson