The truth

The only people who want Socialism
are losers who don't have the talent
or intelligence to succeed in life

Read what Marx wrote about envy.

also someone post that "if you're a replucan and democrat you don't have a brain" image

Don't have the talent or intelligence to be born rich?

That's the majority of human beings though.

here's a question

how many people that talk about "da evils of da socialism" ever read any marxist or even socialist ideologies ?

Are you talking about shame you fucking twat.

Holla Forumstard rehashing #2gorillion.

You know if you were suicidal I'd encourage you to do it. Nobody would miss you, in fact they'd probably be relieved that such a worthless creature no longer burdened them.

reminds me of a 200+ replies thread we had on /lit/ of a dude who said "marxism is basically racism of the lower classes" and people fell

Bill gates wasn't born rich
Michael Jordan wasn't born rich
Nicola Tesla wasn't born rich
Every great musician there has every been wasn't born rich

you weren't born rich

I was born poor as fuck worked my ass off and now own my own business.

Nice meem, faggot.
Now answer me just how many successful CEOs a corporation needs, then answer how many low level "loser" workers the same corporation needs.
No matter how talented or intelligent, most people are going to be "losers" no matter what, dumbass.

lmao i was born in to wealth sux 2 b u

winston cuckhill is a war criminal shitstain who deserves nothing less than true documentation of his actions in the history books, nazis might be fascists who got what they deserved but german civilians did not deserve that hell, even you faggots on Holla Forums know this is true.

he went to private school when he was 13

If wealth was based on skill we wouldn't have so much talentless rich people and talented people in lower economic classes.

The cream rises to the top there will always be more betas than alphas that's the nature of evolution…..denying nature is delusional thinking.

I started out poor the morons around me then were not intelligent or talented.

Owning property and capital has nothing to do with merit.

Bill Gates was born into a pretty wealthy family.
Michael Jordon was a professional athlete. Using him as an example is highly disingenuous.
Nikola Tesla never got all that rich and died broke and alone.

Eat shit nazi scum

I just moments ago poured coke into a glass of rum. The stuff that fizzled up to the top is not worth my time to drink, and soon went away.

The reason that the rum and the coke is available for your drinking pleasure is because some one had the drive and intelligence to create those products….not only do they benefit from the exchange but you do as well…that Capitalism cocktail sure is tasty isn't it?

There is still nothing in intrinsic and systematic to capitalism that ensures that only those with the most "merit" aquire property or capital, especially if it can be inherited. "Meritocracy" is nothing more than capitalism's Divine Right, only with God's secular cousin, "Nature", mandating the Great Chain of Being.


Just because the boss owns the factory doesn't mean he made, bottled, transported, or really had anything to do with the production of this drink. I thank the worker, and I hope he can seize the means of rum production one day.

No system will ever be perfect because human beings are involved….But capitalism is the closest
we will ever get because it recognizes human nature…..and the truth is you don't want to recognize merit because it bruises your ego having to admit the reason you're a loser is because you are inadequate.


The reason the worker isn't the boss is because he didn't have what it takes to be the boss….some high school drop out that sweeps the floor isn't the reason you have your rum and coke.

kill yourself, I bet you're a stalinist on top of a libcuck

And neither is the guy who had no hand in making either the rum or the coke. I'm all about the workers, the people who actually do stuff, who actually produce stuff, those guys who you're giving no credit at all, and saying it's all their boss, who did nothing productive for society or my drink, that's to thank, when without him, in a socialist society, I'd still have this drink, now, without the workers and only the boss, I wouldn't have shit and neither would he.

The reason the worker isn't the boss is because he didn't have what it takes to be the boss….
You're not very bright aren't you?

Back in my days trolling meant something, you had to actually be funny and not just pretend to be a retard to attract people's attention.
Kids these days lack that "humorous smarts" we had in the past. It's pretty sad really, since as we grow older we expect to see the kids, the new generation being better than what we were but unfortunately this is not the case currently.

Reminder that the British supported fascist Mussolini in WW1 against the Germans. Churchill even praised him. The only reason they fought him later was because he allied with the Germans (who the British hated) not because they opposed fascism.

"I could not help being charmed, like so many other people have been, by Signor Mussolini’s gentle and simple bearing and by his calm, detached poise in spite of so many burdens and dangers. Secondly, anyone could see that he thought of nothing but the lasting good, as he understood it, of the Italian people, and that no lesser interest was of the slightest consequence to him." - Winston Churchill