Ad Vault Thread

Ad Vault Thread

Fork of uBlock with a feature that clicks ads over a certain period of time.

It's a tactic called "click-fraud" it floods Google's tracking algorithm with false information.
More to the point, it means that advertisers pay for false clicks, which prompts them asking for refunds which Google must honor out-of-pocket. It also erodes trust in AdSense if advertisers believe Google isn't giving full refunds.

It appears to be working, they blocked the add-on on Chrome and they're are freaking out about it here:

The add-on "staggers" clicks over a length of time. This makes it difficult for Google to ever filter false clicks.

Not quite. The average click-rate per IP is high because of public and institutional IP addresses on campuses, cell-towers, bus stations, etc. Even if they filter IPs with 'too many' clicks, they inevitably end up cutting off a huge percentage of legitimate AdSense marketshare. You can switch IPs if you wish.

You can also reduce the percentage of ads clicked in settings.

I don't think so. AdSense is a big money-maker for Google and I don't see them undermining it on purpose. If they wished to track you they would do so using Google Analytics.
If you blocked Google Analytics (uBlock and Ad Nasuesm block Google Analytics), their next option would be to use Youtube and Google Maps embeds on pages. Every time a Youtube or Maps box is visible on a page, Google has already snagged your IP and the domain you're on. That's why I don't think Google is trying to kill AdSense just to track users.

If you wish to become invisible to Google, use uBlock and NoScript.

Other urls found in this thread:

someone needs to turn this extension into a playable katamari game

There are scripts that literally just go around opening webpages to collect popular results.

Script with AdNauseum to auto-click Google's AdWords:
Modified script, opens only a single window with 1 minute cooldown, also reads keywords from cpc greater than $200:

Here's one guy who ran Icefrog's overnight

All those captchas and years spent fighting bots on MMO games and they still can't distinguish a mass-clicking addon from real users input?

At least not for now, which is good enough.
The damage is real. Besides, Ad Nauseam is developed further as well.

That's bullshit. Spying industry can (and does) detect multiple users sharing the same address based on their browsing behaviors, even if they use the same software configuration (which is rare in general).

That's absolute bullshit. Google tracks you with Analytics, Ads, Youtube embeds (Why do you think they dumped so much money into something that does not generate revenue by itself?), Safe browsing requests, Public DNS requests, and everything else it can.

Still, the reaction to Ad Nauseam marks the direction to follow. Has Google reacted the same way to hundreds of ad blockers in its store? No, and that's because they almost don't hurt the industry. They just neutralized the most popular one in a way that also hurts the competitors.

google's androids app store doesn't allow adblockers.

most browsing these days is done on mobile.

OP is a god amongst men


go away jewgles shill

If you don't need ads, do not click them. Use hosts lists, local proxies or ublock origin to hide them. Ads are either per view or per click paid, when they are blocked with lists, they are not loaded, if they are not loaded, neither view or click will be counted. Adblockers were designed to limit garbage traffic those ads generate and to improve webpage readability, not as voluntary botnets.

From the OP:
Sounds like what this extension does.

stay mad shlomo

* is it compatible with uBlock Origin? (i.e. I still don't want to see all that shit on page and I'd rather still completely block stuff by dynamic rules to reduce facecuck tracking for example)
* is it WebExtension?

Yes in the short run, but those advertisers will run out of money fast if we overload the system. A lot of those clickfarms are actually metered to prevent the online ad industry from imploding. On the other hand, we want it to implode so it will take Google down as well.

how do we know this has anything to do with Ad Nasuesm? clickfraud has been happening for around 20 years now for profit, as opposed to political reasons
daily reminder that political correctness is just about PR
t. headquarters of developers who parrot "security through obscurity is bad"

So I should not only watch ads but also run some scripts on my computer in order to fuck with Cuckle?

Would it be a bad idea to use Ad Nasuesm with Tor? Not for regular browsing, just fucking with AdSense.

I'm torn on this one. On the one hand, I hate google and all the internet monopolies and honestly don't care if they lose revenue. On the other hand I feel like this about as blatant of an attack against them and their dumb ads as you can get and it's asking for an Orwellian tier response. Obviously "click fraud" is a pretty retarded term but I'm not sure how to feel on this one. I don't want this to lead to even more retarded hoops we have to jump through or some ridiculous legal action taken against random people for running software.

It would alter your fingerprint. Use Noscript on by default or don't visit sites with too much ads.


It hasn't. The AdNauseam threads on the chans were barely a few days old when that article came out. It's something else.

why does it miss 70% of the ads though..

How do the captchas work? Could you modify the script to get the IP blacklisted quickly? If it only takes a few megabytes of bandwidth to burn an IP, you could run it on mobile networks and cycle IPs. Then they blacklist their own ads.

An orwellian response is what pilled people should want, lets force them to show their true face.

I for one would like where i stand. I mean really, in unclouded terms. It might sound like "citizen, you have to serve the corporations under penalty of internet cutoff or worse". I would prefer it to "citizen, you are free to do what you want*)¹)²)³)"

*) if you serve the corporations
¹) free means you have to serve
²) free is not meant literally
³) there is no freedom for you

Yeah, until clicks become so devalued that advertisers will pay almost nothing for clicks or outright leave entirely. It's already cost Google dearly with them having to refund money to advertisers who felt they were paying too much for clicks.

has anyone checked cpc prices to see if there's a measurable effect?

it's a fork of uBlock origin. you don't run both, if you do they'll fight with eachother and ads won't get clicked
They have the webext version on their github
