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Those 23 days are going to be the longest days ever, i can't even sleep anymore dying?

oh that's weird

try this

Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse on the Jews,

yeah, that one works. Boy, I sure am glad we're falseflagging our way deeper into another country's civil war.

It's just a byword for Iran, just like the People's Republic is a metonym for China, correct?


Yes, the official name for Iran is "The Islamic Republic of Iran"

Weren't those Iranian ships sent to stop "piracy"

Oh boy, another war!

Is this nigger just salting the Earth before the god emperor comes to power?

It's more about US intervention in Yemen since the KSA is getting their ass handed to them

In the last attack we went after Radar sites, the same sites the Saudis can't hit because they don't have the capability to run SEAD missions, leading them them losing top tier aircraft

Look no further than the cia, my friend.

America going to war for Saudi Arab. Whoohooooo!

Holy shit I can't even contain my disgust right now. Yemen? Fucking Yemen of all places? Why is America going to go to war with Yemen? Why is America ALREADY going to war with Syria? Why did we ever go to war with Iraq? There is NO reason for the US to be involved in these barbarian shitholes. We are under no threat, nor do we stand to gain anything. The only ones who profit are Israel and (((Saudi Arabia))).

America is the greatest country on earth. I am sick and tired of my country's leadership acting like lowly dogs for a bunch of habitually greedy bloodthirsty barbarians from forsaken deserts.

Our Saudi "allies" are getting their ass handed to them and need help

First war was because they threatened Saudis
Second War was because they were breaking with the global financial order, starting to trade in ways central banks didn't approve of


Blood for the blood god I guess…

The Jewnited States needs to burn.

Gulf of Tonkin part Deux

dubs confirms, the jews burn

buckle up, ids comming


How can an 8 mil Israel control 80 mil people?

america is dead, long live weimerica
but no seriously just asking why the fuck we're in those desert shitholes is enough to start dropping the JQ, it's time, hold no quarters and just let lose because concealing power levels at this point is sealing the fate of this world.

Remember the USS Cole getting bombed by sandniggers in Yemen in 2000? In fact, it was almost exactly 16 years ago. October 12th.

We didn't go to war with Yemen then, did we dumbass? They were refueling before. and that was a MAJOR attack, too. Lots of men died on that ship and it had a huge hole in the hull.
A year later we went to war with Iraq after September 11th, so don't worry, you'll get your war elsewhere.
Also, just a matter of time till we can't support Israel due to our economy collapsing. At least theres that…

I would wager that the geo-political conditions have changed since then, quadsman. An "escalation" is now more likely, especiallysince missiles keep seeming to find their way near that ship

What if the sailors on the ship are just too good at their jobs and keep avoiding the (((attacks))) due to not being braindead? I mean the lowly enlistedmen aren't going to be privy to high level false flag attacks, they're just trying to do their jobs and stay alive.

I agree. But I don't think we are gonna go to war with Yemen.
…wait was Yemen on the jews checklist along with Syria, Iran, Iraq?

Yeah, they aren't. I served as a gunners mate on a DDG in 7th fleet for years. The only people that might seem that something is wrong is a few enlisted that monitor the chat from other stations and ships (or any officer also doing that and has clearance to do that), only the CO and possibly XO would have any insight to a false flag and even then I highly doubt they would even be in on it.
It's much easier for the CNO or President to make the call to send a ship to a certain area then just wait for them to be attacked, order the CO to stay in a certain area, etc.

See USS Liberty

fucking kikes…it makes my blood boil every time I'm reminded of that

I personally think its more of a nod towards the (((saudis))). I think they are afraid of the houthis establishing a relationship with Iran, and the sunni saudis dont want a focal point of shia islam right on their doorstep. Coincidentally, Iran is Bad Goy #1 in the Middle East, and the main enemy of the kikes. Go figure

USS Liberty II: The Kikening

and lockheed, and northrup grumman, and boeing, and halliburton / kellogg brown and root / brown brothers herrimann, and bechtel, and the carlyle group, and blackwater / academi, and cnn, and newscorp, and….

Why do the stairs go up to the pharoah's dick? That's fkn wrong man.

Good luck Houthis, looks like America had some secret meetings with the (((Saudis))) and decided to do more then just give money.

If they do keep getting shot at…why don't they sail a weee bit further?

Purposely endangering US servicemen to provide context, and justification for more direct support to Saudi Arabia.