New reddit + 4chan mix?

new reddit + 4chan mix?
I saw we take it over

Other urls found in this thread:

No, just no. I like crappy vichan UI a lot more. At least it somewhat functional.

no, check em

Looks like just Reddit.

i cant post, it doesnt work
i can see they got their priorities straight

wew lad



wewsers, modern webdesign strikes again


tripfag filtered

An Hero yourself, you faggot.

More likely he doesn't know sarcasm.

I don't give a shit, stop bumping your thinly-veiled advertising thread nigger


where's the source code?
what license do they use?
who is behind it?

who gives a SHIT about that
none or your fucking business

only sane answer. too bad the site is still shit

8ch is fine more or less, no thank you

hubski is better than that...

If it is not free software, I will not use it. Go away shill.


I don't think there is any chemo strong enough.


sure looks like a swell idea OP

what's wrong with bootstrap?

Which fields get SAGE again?

1. Drop the oversized board banners, or at least make it smaller
2. Drop the facebook account, no botnets allowed in Holla Forums pls
3. Allow for account-less+anonymous commenting of the website
4. Apply the simple bump/sage system to the vote
3a. bump-limiting and thread continuation must be well designed
3b. Treat the sage in the voting sytem as a downvote
3c. Give comments more of a priority than upvotes

Fuck off nigger, learn your shit. No one is gonna ddos your shitty forum from tor.

None of these websites blocks you from reading and posting without javascript.
>shitstrap jewscript ((((cloud distributed network)))))
fuck off CIA nigger

hi there newfriend

it tracks you across every site that uses bootstrap



This thread gave me cancer. What I painful death awaits me.

The dev wants it to look modern, but the JS really needs a trim

The dev of gutterwire is planning to put his source code on github. Don't expect it to be AGPL though

He wanted a "modern" UI look. Give some suggestion if you can.

Notes taken

The dev will rewrite the rules to be more like Holla Forums.

Hi guys, I'm the dev. I didn't think this thread would still be up. Thanks for any and all suggestions. I'll definitely make this open source and try live up to all of your standards.

I didn't visit the site.
I noticed that you're coordinating using (((discord))), and not IRC. This tells me literally everything I need to know. That you're underage faggots.

the dev is a cuckchan oldfag since the 2000s...

Speaking about yourself in 3rd person?

Your a fag.

No, I am the one contacting the dev from cuckchan to lurk moar

>Users may also not post from proxies, VPNs, or Tor exit nodes

I told the dev to stop deing such an ass about proxies.

Banning discussion too? So if I make a thread and simply ask people what they think about recreational use of LSD I can get banned? Thank you, but no thank you

Dev here. I'll mend that rule. Of course you can talk about LOL DUDE WEED. I don't ban underage kids.

Yeah sorry, these rules will change coming up withing the next day or so.

Yeah. IRC is annoying. Also I'm 25, 26 October 9th. How young is underage in your county?

Dev here again. I've updated the rules, let me know if you'd like to see any other changes. Thanks for your patience.

I think this many restrictions on gutter creation is going to be really bad for growth. Take a look at how Holla Forums (and as far as I know, Reddit) do it. Creation of subforums is pretty much unregulated.
That means most subforums end up dead, but the fraction of subforums that are alive is not important, it's about the number of subforums that are alive. 200 alive forums and 1000 dead forums is more attractive than 100 alive forums and 50 dead forums.

I think the layer of explicit bureaucracy, where people have to submit their request for manual inspection, is especially harmful. I can't find the link to the post explaining it right now, but I know a community that switched from comments on a traditional blog, where other people were also allowed to e-mail their own submissions, to a fork of Reddit's software where everyone could just post things and have them appear right away. The number of third-party posts exploded after the switch. There's something very psychologically inhibiting about a manual approval process.

Good points user!!

I'm not at the point to where I'm comfortable just allowing people to create gutters whenever they want yet. But I have removed all of the restrictions.

Is this african american serious?

Holy shit that design is disgusting.


holy shit. this site is even worse than the people in this thread are making it out to be. it's complete fucking irredeemable garbage that i never want to see or hear about again.


30+ tbh

kill yourself

Have you considered using Blazechan?

He wants reddit not a real imageboard.


He wants a sleek version of an imageboard.
Those Reddit shit is just a ploy.

race mixing is haram

you/they already admitted to faggotry meight.

Then why not submit a new set of rules?

live life without bootstrap, use

use this instead

top-tier anti social network

use this instead

top-tier anti social network

use this instead

top-tier anti social network

Well, it looks like you fucked up

lol butthurt site owner


He will release it on github once it has been polished.
He is planing to release it with a GPL compatible FOSS license.
Spring is the developer, he is currently on twitter, other contact methods will come later.

Do not loose hope. See


that's what they all say before they don't release the code
see above
what's his personality like, what's his history, what does he do for fun, who does he hang out with, what are his beliefs regarding software freedom and privacy, post proof that he stands for those beliefs, etc
there's no way people can trust some stranger who appeared out of nowhere who nobody knows nothing about

Stop shilling your botnet site here, fuck off and neck yourself, cunt.

I called him up on discord, and told him "FLOSS or GTFO"
Well he listened, but is too fucking slow to do shit
Give him a week time or so and see what happens next

Neck yourself first.


Fucck off diogn shill

hey look I made a post
now to never touch this shit again.

Dev, if you are seeing, please...
Get Your Shit Together
I just wish there wasn't a character limit so could post the entire article.