If you look at her twitter all she does is push girl power bullshit for Hillary, retweet Clinton shills, and push new allegations against Trump.
If you look at her twitter all she does is push girl power bullshit for Hillary, retweet Clinton shills, and push new allegations against Trump.
wait, this is not against trump…
this is why you keep women in the kitchen
Any woman that's offended when told to be in the kitchen has very low self esteem. They essentially confirm they should be doing menial housework instead of being anywhere near levers of power in society. That, or alone with cats.
or maybe they like women to be women.
as little power a woman might have, she can always leave, if she doesn't like the way she's treated.
She's such pure cancer that now that dude from MSNBC is beating her in the ratings along with Hannity.
Pretty sure she attacks Hilary as well, afaik she hates both candidates
Wrong pic. Here.
Maddow is smashing everyone??
She goes easy on Hillary and has rarely gone at her as hard as the other people on Fox, even the ones that are obviously liberal. In any case, she is killing Fox. Her spat with Trump cost them half their viewership. IF she wasn't sucking and fucking her bosses at the speed of light they would have tossed her.
Top kek.
It's a good time slot for viewership.
Maybe Faux is trying to spread their demographic having others attack Trump
Yeah, Kelly is kind of an enormous piece of shit.
She looks like ass with that Rachel Maddow haircut to boot.
Old cunt needs replaced with a new piece of ass.
Oh, and I'm tired of this cunt too.
Dana Perino needs to sit her barren ass down and shut the fuck up.
Possible but it is a terrible move. Most people who don't watch Fox dislike it and Trump supporters dislike it as well. In the end I can't fathom who would watch it other than cuckservatives and depending on the election, such people will be viewed as either annoying nitwits or outright traitors. In the end, Fox will be a dirty word among many people and it's a race to the bottom with those that are cucking out now.
Cuckservatives in general need to be gassed. The funny part if these people are just alienating people from them. All the bullshit they are spouting does not work well with the conservative crowd.
i watched that episode, the co hosts did not know what the fuck to do.
This. Can't stand her and the "he isn't republican enough for me" mentality she pushes all the time. She is just mad Jebby boy got shut down so badly. She was a speech writer for W if I remember, but I don't feel like looking her up so correct me if I'm wrong plz.
Nope, you're right.
She's a Bush-era cum-bucket - and I'm only partially joking, in that everything about her screams "piece of ass blowing high-level politicians as a career".
The persona she plays is a basically that too: She portrays herself as an uber-cuck "respectable female Republican" type… But at the end of the day, she's a 44 year old woman with no children and married to a 6 year old globalist with a marital history on par with Trump is its variability.
She's basically a retired political cum-bucket that now provides cum-bucket services to an elderly rich globalist.
Pretty gross tbh fam.
Are they seriously trying to make Listen and believe mainstream?
Are they so immersed in their little bubble that they think Tumblr is real life?
Ask her if that was the dynamic behind her affair with brit Hume. Or was it that Hume was a powerful man and she seduced him in order to help her career.
Is she still salty about Trump?
Damn he must have rooted her hard :^)
Look at orielly before.
I think she's a plant so people switch channels to maddow.
Unofficial information is terrorism.
Obama and Google "stepping up" to make easy way to factcheck news.
CNN voluntarily steps up to go through the leak and "report on it".
Nono, it's about making information easier to find and factual :^^)
Unofficial information is terrorism.
Obama and Google "stepping up" to make easy way to factcheck news.
CNN voluntarily steps up to go through the leak and "report on it".
Nono, it's about making information easier to find and factual :^^)
Wtf does this even mean?
They gave her Hannity's time slot and he's beating her. Women are absolutely horrible at their jobs.
when can we finally be rid of "bleeding out of her whatever" lady?
Well she has to do something after Trump absolutely humiliated her
She exists to feminize conservatives. To many, FOX News is the only news source and she is there to add a cuck spin to create more cuckservatives.
Put that milf judge jeanine in megyn kunty's time slot.
why do I get the feeling that imkampfy is going to use this bitch as another one of his shitposting personas?
you mean a typical beta provider chump
she doesnt drain his balls, trust me
he's just her provider and social status token
or if she does drain them she does it without any gusto
yeah but she's awesome PR for her network, what with the "i'm the top bitch presstitute who confronted the Horrible Don of the Busting Balls"
that is bound to provide great fame and approval by the /ladies/ i mean crusty cunts
tumblr is not just real life, it's becoming law enforcement and even Gestapo pretty soon
She used to be a conservative. She got in trouble for saying Santa and Jesus were white. I guess she was just acting?
She probably just has very flexible political 'opinions' that change with the circumstances and social utility of having them, like almost all women
She is an egotistical bitch who entire life orbits around her own cunt and wallet, she will do everything, from sucking cock to playing miss feminist, in order to shill herself.
Our society could burn to the ground but as long as her was widely regarded as the best bitch that ever bitched, she would still be happy.
dont you realize that's what all women are, she's just more brazen about it?
I never really personally met someone as egotistical and fake as her. The only person that is above and beyond her is Hillary Clinton.
Women like Kelly repress that attraction because they want to be the center of power/attention.
This is something I have witnessed with my time over there since 2011. Insane ideas that I thought would never catch on have become mainstream and are being mentioned every day in the news. The left has seized these ideas and flaunt them openly because they know how a generation of pussies wont stand up against the horde of those who have been told they are oppressed.
Scary shit because these 'oppressed' people will be given power over your life and they are not mentally fit to rule themselves. They will be horrible abusive.
wtf have I just read
Disgusting kike bitch
Why the fuck don't y'all watch OAN instead of faux news? Pretty much never talks shit on Trump.
she was btfo by Rach in viewers. that's goddamn pathetic
disgusting. I would put a bag over her head and rape her though
He should have never made good with that cunt.
paper or plastic
Honestly? I'd do her
(((Kraughthammer))) might want to look at Jackson v. Douglas.
Err, I mean Jackson vs Adams.
You just read a samefag conversation
Rach is awesome. Seen her segment about Pepe? Not one mistake in it, while everyone was gushing over their own cunts doing gross blunders. That was 2 or so days after Hill's speech. Spot on.
I dream of having opponents who are as delicate about the truth as Maddow is. She's top notch. I can face such an opponent without much disgust.
I bet it would take less than 5 minutes to get her to admit her jewish supremacism. From there we can have a real dialogue and confrontation.
Couldn't sleep in my hotel room for the last couple of nights.
Watched this cunts show.
It's literally an hour of talking about how Trump is a sex criminal. Bringing on Ben Shapiro to circle jerk about Trump being a predator.
At least 3 nights in a row, no mention of the email leaks, just pure Trump bashing for an hour
I couldn't believe it. Sad
So? Free advertising. Turn on your local mainstream radio in the morning USA, what do you hear? Hillary Hillary Hillary? Nope: You hear TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP
then you've never met a my sisters (prey to kek you never do), all of them just as ice fucking cold and evil as HRC and Kelly.
women are naturally duplicitous and treacherous, but some of them take it to an art-forum.
Hannity insanity is really stepping up to the plate
did anyone ever call him, like trump asked?
Jesus fucking christ I know a girl that looks exactly like her. She is blond though.
Sad thing she became massive stoner and a massive lefty. She used to be fun to hang out with, fucking kikes.
you never know, pic might be based on her, its the year of magic.
weeaboo cucklord wannabe detected
Wasn't she fired from Fox just recently?
keep trying Jew, one day you wont be able to doge the ovens.
No, what it is is the Murdoch sons are desperately trying to get her to renew her contract, probably because they want to fuck/are fucking her, yet Kelly is thinking about maybe letting her contract lapse and then going over to one of the other news channels.
She's not hot enough to get away with acting like this.
she's a shitskin laddy
A samefag who seems to forget about this thing called the 1st amendment that 90% of people in the United States support.
Only a Eurocuck could believe that Hillary would be able to Censor away the U.S. into a lefty echo chamber.
I still remember when there were cucks on here saying she was "the only woman who gets more attractive when she opens her mouth".
Uhm… has she seen the news?
Only if she puts a cock in it
Maddow is the worst, pretentious dyke
She's Lebanese right? The confusing part is she's Roman-Catholic.
Glad Trump outed her first, I was not proTrump at that time, but he knew her REAL person. I was snookered as was most I guess, Her amazing ability to without seems or loose threads, to be a media Republican icon.
What gets me now is the Trump backlighting those now have them exposing their true selfs.
Not really. There was a large influx of Lebanese for many years prior to their civil war, and a lot during/after it too.
This is anecdotal, but overwhelmingly vast majority of those specific ones (I'm not counting more current immigrants since a lot of them are Muslims) I've encounter, which there are quite a few in my area, are some sort of Christian. Older Lebanese immigrants or offspring of them are pretty assimilated for the most part. Newer ones are a different story obviously, since most of them are Muslims. Christians pretty much got the fuck out of there during the 1970s and 80s.
Point is there's lot of people in America that are of Lebanese heritage and you'd never know it unless they still have a weird accent or goofy last name.
She has been irrelevant since that debate performance last August. It's been downhill for her ever since.
And that haircut is terrible
heh cancerous CUMSKINS
man up faggot and get your family in line
No wonder she always talks about her fucking dog "Jasper" so much on the show. Always wondered why she never mentioned her kids, go figure she's almost 50 and doesn't have any and won't be having any.
Why do women and the media keep pushing the idea that a dog is a replacement for kids? Seriously, have a girl in my school (law school) who treats her dog like a fucking human child, pictures of it on Facebook, talks about it, with it all the time when not at classes.
Please tell me I'm not the only person who notices that media is pushing the idea that women should replace kids with animals?
kek blesses you user. our magic is strong and he affirms.
dogs are a man's pet. a dog can be a great companion, your best friend and most loyal ally. women don't understand.
She has kids
going all out I see.
She has kids, from her husband's first marriage, none of her own, just checked.
I love dogs, something about how a dog belongs at your side, but women treat them like a child and it bothers the shit out of me, the girl I referenced even puts bandannas around the dog's neck and small bits of clothes sometimes.
Too bad I'd dump trump for that nose job..
Thought you were talking about Kelly. My mistake
No one likes her.
Retard echoboomers like my, albiet right-wing, parents, watch Fox news out of pre-dementia inhibiting their creativity and open mindedness. She has a cunt-o-meter off the charts that any human being can detect on the instinctual level and instantly colors her commentary and opinion on her.
Her career won't last long. She's solidifying her legacy as a spineless opportunist and fairweather fan. Let her kill herself while O'Reilly and Hannity prove the point, through ratings, of what Fox viewers wish to see.
Starve this cunt of attention. Polite sage to that end - let this thread die, and let this cunt wither on the vine.
Ave Maria! How dare you insult Lady Megyn, you disgusting heathen!
its has to be something to do with estrogen because faggots do the exact same thing. i love my dog but there is no fucking way i would cradle him like a fucking child unless he was dying.
Every time I see her face I think quietly to myself, it rubs the lotion on it's skin, and a feel a certain joy about it. I think I'm going to be okay, Holla Forums.
Still do her. I'm sorry Holla Forums, can't help it
Really, user?
me too_____
Spotted the niggers.
look at that nose and that shoe stand, now look at that chin. imagine you done fucked up and got her pregnant with a baby boy. he is going to have that chin and nose. plus he might even be raised by a single mother on monthly payments.
Suffering a woman to teach or to usurp authority over the man? Don't you know? Its the year of our Lord 2016!
1 Timothy 2
11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
You know you don't actually have to pay any attention to her, right? If you're sick of her, stop spreading her shit around, dumbass.
1.) She's ugly
2.) She talks like a bitch
3.) Her shits all retarded
I don't think you can actually get a woman pregnant from coming on her face
She's only honest because she believes she faces no consequences.
She is the new breed of triumphalist Jew: so certain of gentile obeisance she cannot conceive of recriminations and pogroms.