Best if you let (((us))) read em and tell you what's in them. Full disclosure, goyim. We promise..
Best if you let (((us))) read em and tell you what's in them. Full disclosure, goyim. We promise..
Other urls found in this thread:
the way he says "us" makes me want to punch him.
he also doesn't seem to be aware that streisand effect exists.
Does he have a single fact to back that up?
y tho
Really? Veiled threats levied directly at their very own loyal audience? Really?
These kikes aren't even trying any more. The purges won't be half as fun. They won't even be struggling in their chains during their executions, will they?
Too bad it's illegal for stolen evidence to be used in court at all. Unfortunately due to (((government))) trickery, only (((they))) can use stolen evidence when its beneficial for them.
I work for the IRS, and know who I will be looking at.
>"It's different for the media, you're learning it from us"
I want to rip his goddamn face off so fucking bad
This is funny for two reasons. First, he's obviously lying, so that plays into the lying media side of things. second, even if he wasn't lying this brings up the question of why it's illegal for the normal person and not for the media. Point two ties into the whole different laws for the elite thing, which is why a lot of people are pissed off regarding the Clinton e-mails to begin with.
Basically, he's saying "yeah, there are different laws for (((us))) and there's nothing you can do about it."
Don't interrupt your enemy when they make mistakes now. Actually nevermind, they don't even bother to learn from their mistakes since they think of themselves as invincible and all.
God fucking speed you glorious bastard
Do you happen to know when that broadcast took place? I'm trying to look it up.
Any jewtube links or otherwise? This is perfect for spreading to normalfags on social media holy shit.
I think they know trump is going to squash them when he's in office. They're so fucking assmad
None that I saw, but feel free to spread it wherever you want.
This can't possibly be a real thing that was broadcast, even cnn must have limits to blatant deception.
Wednesday October 12th at around 6am, as proof there's a long form version of the video in the link below that references the events of October 11th and then shows a blurb saying October 19th (the final presidential debate) is in 7 days.
Does anyone have a source or a sock puppet youtube to upload this to? Seems like some good redpilling material for spreading on kikebook and the like.
They need to be crushed.
I'm still looking, but holy hell are the left getting smug. I can't wait to see their faces in a month.
It's decades of liberal propaganda coming crashing down all at once. They don't know how to cope with it.
So this is confirmation that the emails are 100% legit.
This. We have to spread it.
If we could get Trump to post it on Twitter it would be such a huge win.
Full exposure of Luegenpresse in just 14 seconds.
This scumbag i swear they aren't even trying anymore.
oh god, it's even worse in the long version
They have no shame because they know they're not going anywhere. People will just bitch, forget in a couple of months, and go back to doing what they can to pay the bills.
Source of the longform version I linked to, its basically youtube so should be normal nigger friendly
I was getting worried already why the record didn't get corrected itt
thank you ctr
Firstly it isn't illegal once they have been released to the public. It is, however, illegal for the content to have been -leaked-. That is to say, Manning or Snowden would be in a lot of trouble if they were caught dealing with such information. And they were, and they are.
This confusion as to the legality of the affair for its potential users has, however, been subject to nefarious activities from scammers, as can be read about here.
That the US has officially warned people of such scams tacitly points out the otherwise accepted legality of such. But there are certain (justifiable) rules in place for government employees that they are not permitted to access the website. Kind of makes sense if an employee ends up discussing/using what is supposed to be classified information. Such practice would harm the internal workings of such institutions and is justifiable on such grounds alone to put rules in place. Slightly more disconcerting concerns how far such a reach this "rule setting" tactic has, as outlined with this article.
Pretty much. If they try and say otherwise, then of course, the question is, how is it illegal to view them?
Upload to jewtube under a Normie account name (no 1488 racewar now) and get Trump to link it. Asap. Anons need to help spread it.
These people are completely out of ammo.
This is just like when gamers were told it was "illegal" to archive web pages.
This. I just realized that not only are they trying to stop people from looking at them directly, but also trying to stop Trump from commenting on them directly since I'm sure they suspect Trump will nail Hillary to the wall on much of what is in there. Anytime he does, they will kvetch and claim he is admitting to committing a crime to try and paint him as a criminal even more. They may try and make it as if arrest is imminent to force another string of cuckservatives to call him to step down. They will also bring this up anytime he mentions this at any rally.
The media needs to hang.
I remember that. "Stealing articles". Wew.
For you, CNN.
Future generations will look back at us and marvel at what pussies we were for not lining these people up against a wall.
This seems to be an extension of anti piracy shit, where as long as they can project the veneer of illegality they prevent a majority of the populace from finding the leaks. Also what they used to do about drugs.
CTR lies, user, you know what I'm saying is true. Very few people in our country could truly justify it to themselves to give up everything they have to do anything about these people. And those in government who care know their colleagues would never get rid of their propaganda outlet.
And by the way, we have your names, addresses and photo ID. Once the political paradigm shift is completed, none of you are going to live for too long. And neither will your families
I like to imagine the higher ups in the media and how much they are shitting themselves right now.
Nothing they try is working,they have access to all the "real" polls and probably have a much clearer picture of how the election is going…
And they are still flailing wildly and trying to convince the goyim that they shouldn't read the scary illegal emails, just trust US goys.
Im starting to wonder if Trump will win by a massive margin now lol.
I cannot wait for the liberal salt, cannot fucking wait!
All the msm has to burn after this, no exceptions, they all are guilty.
it's different for (((us))) filthy goyim!
Fuck shit, I meant
How is CNN still considered a news organisation rather than just a mouthpiece?
They couldn't put news in their name if they weren't a news network, that would be lying.
It's not defeatism to recognise and state a fact of the current state of the nation. You can muh CTR, muh cuck all you want, but if what I'm saying wasn't the case, we wouldn't be here bitching about this because they wouldn't even have had the opportunity to go this far with it.
You have to first be able to say what the problems are before you can fix them, and you're getting mad that I'm stating one of the problems.
Reminder that while the 4th estate or 4th branch of government is most commonly used for the media/press, Justice Scalia attributed the people via grand juries to the role instead in the case (United States v. Williams, 1992).
So the actual legitimacy of the media is not even held up in court, though I don't know if precedents hold much weight when done by a judge who has received wetwork treatment.
I really hope so. Hillary can't even handle Breitbart, she will make the USA the new soviet russia.
It's "research" for the media and celebrities user.
I simply see no reason for the medias insane levels of kvetching, they are utterly desperate for Americans to hate Trump, it must be because they know he will win.
They started out treating him as a joke, good tv, now he's got one foot in the Whitehouse and they are terrified.
They are broadcasting to malleable senile boomers, their only audience left. They will be out of business by 2020.
CNN Centre in Atlanta is an armed camp, if you've been there.
They keep amazing me how much of a fucking mess they are making. Good fucking job, idiots are smoking themselves out
Why do you think the MSM is showing Hillary winning in every poll? It's not because she's actually winning, it's because this decision has already been made for you and now the people need to be 'prepared' to accept it.
Let's see how long it stays up
Ive mocked burgers for years about how ridiculous their news/tv is but jesus christ. I didnt know it was that bad.
Why the hell do they keep referring to sausage?
The Bismark quote that politics is like sausage making, as in those who cant watch sausages being made cant watch politics.
Its in the Clinton mails. She said politics is like sausages being made. Ugly, but you like the final product. Its her excuse for breaking the law, starting illegal wars, getting her own countrymen killed and deleting emails. Its part of the messy production process that is called politcs.
in the email field newfag not the subject, and she stole the quote.
Oh, that's pretty interesting, thanks.
I don't usually post here at all, I mostly lurk if I see an interesting thread since you guys are pretty good at digging stuff up. I don't have a whole lot in common with most of Holla Forums I'm white though don't worry but holy shit this is one of the most egregious things I've ever seen. How can they expect to get away with this?
They expect no one who was not watching to ever hear of it, and those that were watching to never question it.
and according to wikiquote a misattribution with several variations
The one I've heard is "Laws are like sausages — it is best not to see them being made."
what's the point of the media in CURRENT YEAR ?
The whole premise of this industry was to report stuff to the people since they couldn't know what was hapening outside their city.
Now though it's not fact but opinion pieces.
We're literally buying blogposts when we buy a newspaper.
I only read the free ones anyways
Oh I totally believe this man on any subject related to Germany. :^)
uh what
You know what's really funny, every time one of this people call themselves a "journalist", pure keks.
Yea Trump is totally the fearmonger :^)
It's so blatant. It's like they're not even trying any more.
*Don't call us "you people", only we can
I thought mass hangings would be nice. I thought shooting these kikes in the back of the head in the streets would be nice. None of it would be enough.
At least the coming nuclear holocaust will ensure the lying press get taken with us
the politicians, kikes, and elites will probably be fine in their bunkers though
*pool party at vineyards
For shame, user.
I'm just sick and tired of feeling unbearably frustrated with no way out, no way to rectify things. I'm just left with the only option of sharing this with normies, hoping it sticks, hoping that I make someone as miserable as myself so that they'll finally see the shit that's going on.
So after (((curation))) it means Yakub or some minor feminist now said it.
Brightest of all of us
I figured out that media needs to hang on December 14 2012
Too often the local newsperson (ahem) is treated like a celebrity around their local city. In a decent world they would have to hide or get spit in their face. In a good world, they would swing from lampposts
What a lying slimy FUCK
i wish some RIGHT WING DEATH SQUAD just started busting into CNN offices and gunning everyone down
i know a normie who will use ((((((((skepticism))))))) to say cnn have done nothing wrong
they are losing their minds, aren't they?
Dude we have journalists literally sitting around on both the 4-Holla Forums Holla Forumss
Remember this video that was posted a few days ago
well a journalist saw it on Holla Forums and then wrote an article.
‘Scenes from apocalypse’ in Paris
SHOCKING footage has emerged revealing the trail of destruction left by migrants forced to live on the streets of Paris following a riot with police.
We are the news.
Son of a BITCH
The way he speaks and says you're learning it from us …
I want to kill this traitor, he know exactly what he's doing.
Meanwhile at CNN headquarters….
Italo Disco ftw
Yep. Decentralized news and information will be the way of the future.
Who cares? Just play mind games while you remove.
wtf I love the IRS nao
These guys don't even make any sense anymore.
Are they actually that fucking scared?
Just wait until winter hits and EVERY SINGLE ONE of the migrants will need a roof to escape the cold. I can't wait of stories about house jacking for the winter
We won't forget something like this. The average joe might forget, but we will remind them. We will remember so that on the Day of the Rope, none of the traitors will be spared.
I almost fucking puked.
t. me a year ago
nothing happened
Are they actually that fucking scared?
Who the fuck is this homosexual?
Makes sense. Lots of people would want to shoot up a meeting full of top men in that industry
Now that's desperate.
Can you put up OP's version too? For the scenario:
….didn't they already survive just fine last winter? Or was Europe warm too? It was a warm winter in the states. February was still cold as fuck though. It always is.
Best way to do it. Learned it from trump. Just make claims left and right. Keep sources to yourself until they call your bluff. Makes them look retarded every time.
Put up the emails my assisstant so proles can see that we gib them whol truth :DDDD
Allow my to translate.
Thanks for doing the clickwork, user. Have a semirare.
That comes later user, for now we need to keep pushing Trump forward.
When they steal the election from him through blatant electoral fraud, their fates are sealed.
These people need to be lynched. This is one of the most disgustingly disgraceful things I have ever heard them do.
This shit is making me furious. What evidence do they have that russians are involved? Even if they are involved, how does that change what's in the emails and why is it worse? A russian wanting to prevent nuclear war because hillary has some plan for them and us, is bad?
You can see the looks on the "reporters" faces when they say retarded things. They know what they're doing and hate it, or at least the idea that so many americans know when they say it. Do they know the seriousness of what they're playing with?
Time to let the goyim know :^)
Who is the anchor in question? He needs to be raided.
Does anyone know what day of the week this aired? Need to find out the name of the homo host.
Jake Tapper.
Stop throwing impotent rants and start collecting all these names into the traitor list
You sure it's not Chris Cuomo?
That's the same guy (Chris Cuomo) who admitted that they are in the tank for Hillary.
Yeah, you're correct, it's Cuomo.
He is a super-fag.
twitter. com/ChrisCuomo
This fucker pisses me off
Also they're broadcasting for all US military bases too. I remember reading an user saying that all the TVs there are set to CNN and you can't change them.
I recently went to a US base near D.C. for work related reasons (they gave us a tour) and user was right, every single TV is on CNN. Every hallway, every corner, even in the fucking ops room. Probably the ops room was what pissed me off the most, seeing our software being run and then going "is that a fucking reflection of Hillary I see on the monitor" and lo and behold, those poor ops kids have to listen to CNN non stop while they work. The cafeteria had it on speaker and it was the loudest sound in the room, and my coworkers were drinking in the "octopus" story. Shit, I had to debunk it all for them in the van later and make sure everyone heard me.
Back when I was in the military they told everybody that too. They tried to scare us into thinking just visiting wikileaks at all would land us in a court marshal.
I don't think there's been one single solitary case of it ever happening.
if anything, this'll make people more interested.
Trump has ripped this little cunner a new vag a few times live. He's a piece of shit.
Someone needs to cut this and add it to the end of OP vid
Do you have that as an mp4 or even the source?
Oh CNN, You should have closed your windows and got another dog, you should have chained up all the doors and switched up all the locks. Its too late to do that now.
Why do you think the military has been such a target for politically correct bullshit for the past few years?
The military was and to some extent still is the left bastion of the right wing in government in this country.
Of course their strategy has a fatal flaw that will be their undoing.
That fatal flaw being that by watering down and destroying the military moral and combat effectiveness, they make our job so much easier.
If it comes to full on civil war, I suspect the U.S. military will not be as invincible as they'd like us to believe.
Primarily because a large number would defect to our cause, and they'd be left with various disparate minority groups with low IQ and low morale.
Every action they take seems to be a misstep, they are setting themselves up to lose.
Reading classified documents without clearance is illegal. There is no free pass for the press.
last bastion**
I think this is the first time a group ever got this close to really being able to rule the planet completely. It should be entertaining to see the part of the human drama unfold
British Empire.
I've been thinking about this and it finally hit me why.
Kikes are absolutely autistic about sticking to their prophecies and desert trilogy lore, and they will go to all lengths to ensure it comes to pass like it's written
And who is the one that loses in the end in the books? It's them, and they know it, and they will make it happen themselves knowing. They are really this fucking insane
The worst part is the majority of their prophecies aren't prophecies in the traditional sense (inspired descriptions of future events) but warning for them to stop being goddamn awful Kikes and try to be decent for once.
Sasuga, Jews.
stolen or not, these emails exist and are now public. anyone who has eyes to see and a mind to think should evaluate these and come to their own conclusions
Wonder if there is subliminal messaging going on along with the overt brainwashing.
The one thing that at least gave me relief was that as we were walking through the hallway I heard some people openly discussing wikileaks.
we need a "people just ain't sausing like they used too"
What a good goy! Why can't the rest of you be more like him?!
I think this has less to do with a bunch of prophecies and more to do with the elite just being completely full of hubris.
There's a reason pride is considered the deadliest sin.
The Christian understanding of good and evil was heavily influenced by Greek philosophy.
Said philosophy held that evil above all things was fundamentally unwise, whereas wisdom and knowledge were the ultimate good.
In short, the main reason for any intelligent person to remain good is for their own self preservation.
(((The elite))) do not seem to grasp this concept, and view short term gains as more important than long term stability.
They are reckless and greedy, and that is what will be their downfall.
Further, it holds that good is directly reflected in natural virtues, which can be described through language and reason. Our elite want to tear down language and tear down the order of the world so they can live "as gods."
Good, so you understand user.
This is how and why they will lose.
Man, 2016 has just been fucking awesome.
Seriously. These idiots need to get in line.
I want to fuck that anime
It's likely that given the chance, she wouldn't even object.
Does anyone else ever think that Hubris is a wonderful thing to have been ingrained into humanity.
It's the perfect genetic control mechanism to regulate corrupt and harmful power structures. It's almost like evolution predicted all the shit that we'd have to deal with and planned against it.
Would we Holla Forumsacks even have a chance in hell of winning without Hubris?
Well that explains why there was someone saying they were a lawyer asking for a torrent or other upload of the leaks instead of just clicking on the link to wikileaks.
Paris has a shitload of empty office buildings, bought in bulk to back loans as assets (as real estate value is real goyim) by various hedge funds, banks, big corpo, shell corpor, etc… Which are traded among them (as theoretical value). Nigger get in, leftists help them to set up electricity and what not. Then journalists bitch about how it's horrible they live in poor condition.
Nigger should get gassed, people using real estate that way should get gassed, Leftist should get gassed, Journalists should get gassed.
Nothing of this is happening so Paris is the capital of niggers in Europe.
what a massive faggot
You fags tried to meme Winter-chan last year and it didn't do shit. What makes you think it will do anything this year?
I mean on this scale. Full stranglehold
You don't put soy sauce on meme cake.
What the fuck is that bitch doing?
No, they just do the same damn thing they always do; Servant of the Lord is gone, start worshipping Moloch. I'm reading the Old Testament right now, it's hilarious how predictable autistic kike behaviour is.
These assholes are shameless.
I don't want to derail the thread because this shit must not be allowed to fly. But I must say this - everything ranging from this to the Google (((facts))) and what's going on in general is convincing me not only that God is very real, but that He's on our side because we're on His side and that in the end it is through His might that the Jews, the liars and evil people as such will be obliterated. We are but an instrument of Providence. While I cannot define Absolute God I'm still human, and adhere to the truth, and every fiber of my being cries out for salvation and in certainty that all of this truly is the endgame.
The asshole from the CNN clip (chris cuomo) also wrecked his car drag racing in the hamptons on memorial day, but got away with it because his brother is (the very sleazy) governor of NY.
Real talk: you worship a frog idol named Kek, and beseech the Jewish God for help when idolatry is literally the first thing on his "10 things you should never ever do" list?
Take your pills.
Kek will kick your gay ass.
drunk driving charges are only for goyim:
Claiming something as ridiculous as that either harms the credibility of the press even further, or breeds contempt for the law if people buy it.
They are putting themselves into lose-lose situations every way you look.
Get out Holla Forums
Hurricane force winds just hit the Pacific Northwest with 10 feet of snow, dipshit. El Niño last year means a cold winter this year, and the collapse of solar activity continues.
Fucking educate yourself.
Where's your ne board Holla Forums?
Polytheism is a thing user.
what a shame
me too, especially since he ads "full discloser" to the mix
It doesn't work when one of the gods in your polytheistic pantheon is a jealous Jew that calls all other gods blasphemous and condemns you to hell for ever speaking their names. Polytheism and monotheism are fundamentally incompatible.
I understand that people glorify the image of the Crusades and a righteous religious war against the Muslim barbarians, but that's ancient history. But you need to understand that Christianity comes with loyalty restrictions.
Here is another one for the Tire Fire I suppose.
He's saying "full disclosure" which is even more infuriating because it implies he's telling you the entire truth and not hiding anything.
I already despised CNN, but wow they are at an entire new level.
Get out you dumb nigger.
can you stop derailing thread with completely OT bullshit? With all the bans they give out around here, you seem like a prime candidate.
The streisand effect is overrated though.
For every one story that blows up because they try to burrow it hundred stories are successfully removed from the public's attention.
You're a big gay man.
I don't like u.
I want to fuck this video game asset
Injecting them with Ebola?
Too soft, user.
trinity confirms
military brat user here.
might have to check on this. never paid attention
CNN the others and even Fox is full of such undying faggotry its not even funny.
"Illegal" except for "us". WTF?
If these fuckers can dodge the law but us little deplorables must abide.. fuck that.
I hope their ship crashes and they truly sink.
It seems they can only follow a script. If it be the bible, talmud, protocols of zion *poz*, etc.
They use the same methods over and over like compulsive obsessive disorder. It has worked for so long they grew comfy in the outcome.
Now that by whatever means if it's Kek, the Net, whatever… the script is starting to sperg.
They are panicking.
This is probably one reason why potus handed the net over to the united nations.
Damage control for whatever event is coming.
Remember buds… keep looking up, around, and watch your six.
There is no "media" in the constitution.
Literally every private citizen is a "media" if he or she wants to be.
They call it "the press".
Let them accuse him of wrong doing. His lawyers already let him know its legal, so then he would just call the media out on the whole thing. CNN has gotten ravaged with their quest to get hillary up there… I don't think they can keep withstanding full frontal attacks
At this point, I'm beginning to think they weren't smart enough to actually build their bunkers, we only assume they have some.
Our military is shit, their equipment is garbage, they have serious trouble against disorganized goatfuckers.
We've leveled up considerably since then and our meme magic skills have grown.
Dipshit, the term God does not automatically refer to the phony Jew deity Yahweh.
Only for the small-minded and unclever.
"the press" literally meant the printing press, meaning any citizen is free to speak or print whatever he wants.
How this came to mean the gaggle of liars that make up corporate media, I do not know.
No bunker is invincible.
Probably the same way "separation of church and state", which isn't even in the Constitution as a phrase by the way, morphed into "suppress Christianity while leaving alone all other religions."
I take it he meant "epithet", ie the "sandnigger" comment. What a tard.
They're trying to appropriate meme magic to their own ends. Europeans called Swedes a bunch of faggots to the point where they're now desperate to be destroyed by ISIS. The American left evidently wants to be savagely raped by slavs.
spaghetti evrywhere
I'd gladly trade the left and minorities to Russia for half as many Russians and a great borscht recipe. Putin can relocate them to Dagestan and then the leftists will get all that vibrant diversity they're so fond of.
Real talk: you worship a Jewish god and a Jewish prophet even though you are Aryan??? Look who's being the faggot, it's you.
While you did get dubs, you were not correct. I'm an atheist.
The same CNN that destroyed a private man's live? Is that illegal?
glad to see that nerd finally realizing his mem potential
That guy may have been a pathetic sack of shit, but he really didn't deserve what happened to him. As soon as he became the public's whipping boy, I got the creeping suspicion the media and lefties used him as a scapegoat for all their pent up vitriol after getting completely BTFO. Pretty sad to see a fellow stammering autistic getting hit so hard over nothing.
His comments weren't even that weird, he just said mundane shit that wouldn't be out of place anywhere else on the internet.
They hate the russians because they are the only place with a positive white birth rate.
They ruled shitskinns dude. Only fucking white nations they controlled in any way was the eastern seaboard of north america and austrailia. Every podunk shittier euro nation had colonies around the world. And they had to avoid most fights to keep their damned navy in a condition that would intimidate other nations.
And the only reason they 'ruled' the white sections was because we wanted them to, until they turn into dicks and Merica was born. Then the other sections were given far more latitude because white people don't fuck around when they start saying 'no nigger'.
So the comparison is not even close. Other than the fact that white people are now starting to say 'no nigger'.
I must have missed it, what happened?
Trump-leaning guy on "undecided voter" panel had a reddit account where he left mildly embarrassing comments on porn, and, shock of shocks, said the Trayvon shooting was legally justified. This became national news.
Without Hubris you become us eventually, faster the more exposed to shit you are.
How do you think we formed on the chans? The first step in becoming user was the complete and utter destruction of your ego and any trace of hubris by order of Holla Forums savagery that mocks and attacks anything and everything without mercy. Nothing sacred nor holy is allowed, much less petty views of self worth or your place in the world. Once stripped of all that you hold as fact and utterly beaten, then and only then can enlightenment start. Religions all throughout the world have recognized this process.
Our Holla Forums as it stands is in an advanced iteration several steps beyond that initial cleansing of falsehoods. So our time in a way is already ticking, each day another user whom did not walk thru the crucible comes and infests the place and brings with them their own unconquered ego and view of the world. We have forged many safeguards to protect our machine of chaos tho, so do not lose hope, this is the natural order of things.
That one's a keeper.
OP was not a faggot.
real talk: the jew god of the bible is a Semitic volcano demon that demands blood sacrifice and blind unquestioning fidelity. The common view of what hell is like is actually where your god lives and enjoys existing, that is where you go when you 'sell' your soul to him as a slave. Your view of heaven is a lie used to mold weak minds into serving a dark vile master and his soulless kike spawn.
If you actually read your book you would know this.
Why the fuck are you on Holla Forums again heathen?
Just like all the regulations that keep nature stable when there are perturbations, we have some too. This sort of thing probably happenned all the time over the course of the last 30000 years. Societies that don't just died jus like how men who were not irrational in the presence of a woman just died, that irrationality is making the next generation alive.
You know if that happens as I suspect it might, it will be the death knell for the M$M.
Who will ever trust anything they say again?
It is possible that the advent of the chans may actually prove more historically significant than any of us could have imagined.
What was originally a place for simple humor and in jokes has transformed.
It has become a crucible of thoughts and ideas made stronger by the abandonment of ego.
The greatest ideas in the world may be presented here and no one will ever be able to claim credit for them directly.
We are a force of pure thought and willpower, devoid of personal gain in the direct sense.
That is the essence of meme magic, the combined wills and emotions of thousands of souls working towards the same purpose without some carrot waiting for them.
We are the complete antithesis of the elite, and this is why they hate us.
This version might be a little bit sprucier.
To be completely fair, it is likely that the situation in Afghanistan has been artificially drawn out and is only a semi accurate reflection of our military's combat capabilities.
That being said, they are going to have serious issues actually quashing a true rebellion for a while host of reasons, I'll name a few here.
1. The United States has massive geography variation and vast swathes of land for insurgent elements to operate out of.
2. The country is already intensely divided in its loyalties with the government retaining the trust of just under 50% (probably less) of the populace. If they bring their full might against an insurgency and start kicking in doors/mass executions, they're going to lose that already fragile support base.
3. There are literally millions of disgruntled vets with combat experience and an intense distrust of the government, most are armed. These would form the training/officer corps of any sort of insurgency.
4. White men serving in the military (the military's best and brightest) are overwhelmingly right wing, and most are fierce advocates of the second amendment, this means the government has to rely on black, Hispanic, and kebab conscripts. In other words, they'll end up relying on shit.
5. The U.S. manufacturing base has been eviscerated and we have adversarial relationships with most of our trade partners. In the event of a civil war the government will have a hell of a time replacing equipment, vehicles, and munitions rapidly.
6. This is perhaps the most important point. While we have a clear and set cause, as well as a known and definite victory condition, what do they have? They have no true ideology, no true racial, economic, or cultural unity. They have no victory condition, an insurgency by its very nature will be a defeat for them merely by its existence.
We have already won user, they just haven't caught on yet.
Don't forget all the girls that are now a vital part of the military
lol you 'avin a laugh m8?
if any anons have twitters, please direct messages at "Chris como" about his drunk driving wreck while drag racing in the hamptons, and ask him if he thinks I'd go to jail for that since my brother isn't the governor of the state.
I'd like a bit of source before spitting in someone's face.
How about you read the thread
Oh how could I forgot.
I shudder to think how they'll fair in first contact.
Fortunately for them we aren't barbarians and we'll actually take prisoners without violently raping/mutilating them.
Can't say the same for the kebabs.
I want to muh dik that dago slut so fucking hard
Poles will never cease to give me hope for the West.
It's a shame they couldn't have just fucking cooperated with the Germans during WWII and not been obstinate jackasses.
Real talk: Kikes like you will finally be murdered en mass.
Kek is glorious
Your kike cults are dead, faggot
Not a conflict of interest at all goy, move along….
I wonder why they want to stop people from reading the emails
maybe because emails like this makes it obvious that they're colluding
Heres the thing about super low birthrates.
Without a mass rapelacement, what happens is a new selective pressure is added. In addition to raw fertility, and economic ability, and desire to have sex, the desire to procreate itself is selected for.
Give this shit two geberations and the bounceback will begin
Based bastard. Usually I am the one waxing poetically here. Good shit user. Capped too, thanks.
This. Maybe make them believe you can offer safe passage in return for shekels. Make them suffer the mental anguish of parting with shekels willingly and then douse them in kerosene
WTF is even going on in Lithuania? Their abortion figures are all over the place.
Made a compilation of some of chris cucks comments on trump and Hillary.
I have not been to an airport in like forever but last I remembered every tv set was always on cnn
This. Even if an insurgency could only manage to attack the nations infrastructure, which is inconceivably vulnerable, the government would lose. There are gas and electric transmission stations in every town… if even a 10th of them were sabotaged it would take them a very fucking long time to identify the parts to be replaced, source them, and install them. All that time without power would create a large portion of the population which the government would have to feed and/or even provide housing for. That is a whole fuckton of resources gobbled up after literally the worst possible performance an insurgency could muster. Hell 10 guys scattered across the country could pull off what I just mentioned.
Now if we assume support for a rebellion were absolutely low as hell and let's says, for arguments sake, that it is so low that we only see 24 fighters per million Americans… that's roughly 8,000 fighters or 666 squads even with numbers that low we would be able to grind the federal government to a halt without killing a single person. not that I advocate such cuckery they all must hang.
Basically what I'm saying is whether trump gets in or not (((they))) lose.
Look at his eyes, look at his deer in a headlight gaze. He's scared, CNN's terrfied of these leaks. They think if we aren't pacified we're gonna kill them, so what's in the leaks they don't want us to see?
WTF man we beseech the true god KEK not your kike god.
Someone punch this kike in the face.
Just came across this. Is this legit? Is this old news/false?
We don't ask for it they force it on the older generations and people trapped in airports with nothing to do.
I feel more retarded by just watching this
Their memes are so fucking weak but I can't really be mad about my enemy being shit at their job
he struck me as a numale normie, don't really care
Reminder to everyone that the Jews are God's Chosen People because they are so fucking dysfunctional that getting them to straighten up and fly right would impress the other nations would convince the world of His power.
Whenever a yid gets all uppity about being "chosen," remind him that he was chosen as an object lesson, not nobility.
I've seen big porn studios get really uppity about drawn porn, why is that?
That image was relevant 15-20 years ago. Now, most of the porn industry is controlled by goyim. This started back in the late 1990's/2000's when internet/amateur/gonzo porn became a thing. It killed the monopoly LA Jews had. Jews still do control the big Hymiewood porn corps like Vivid but that's it.
Because lewd artists almost always hobbyists outside of the porn industry who release their work for free, excluding furfags.
Jews don't like free material that's creeping in on an industry they control (why do you think they're so vehemently anti-piracy?), let alone free material that's better than the shit they produce.
It was more to demonstrate the natural depraved state of the common Jew without the Torah. Weimar isn't exactly an outlier.
Yeah, this is complete damage control bullshit. They couldn't be any more obvious.
It's getting to be a real sausage-fest with all of this twisting and pushing…
I always like it when some one posts an Incog OC
I did an image search and he puts most of Holla Forums to shame for OC
Looks like someone missed the treasure trove of meme research documents we found. Winter-chan has evolved from a level 3 meme to level 4 now, provided people meme her again this year.
Since Winter-chan is only memed a few months a year she may or may not have enough memetic energy to make a sizable impact.
go to southside chicago and you'll also experience the same shit. I've seen an instance of a google throwing trash on the streets before riding a public transportation.
You just know that some people accept that as the actual events rather than the real debate.
FBI pls go.
Always the first post. Always.
That is all they have left? Pathetic. As if people listen to the fbi warnings, or the porn sites saying only 18+ can enter.
The "it's illegal" guy sounds like a stroke victim. He constantly pauses in awkward places, randomly alters the tempo of his speech and waves his head around like it's on a spring. How could anybody stand listening to him even if he wasn't spouting blatant kike lies.
He has the same kind of speech patterns G-man from Half-Life has.
They'll be sobbing like women
Timecode. Now.
The same thing actually occurred to me. I just didn't want to bring up vidya on Holla Forums or inadvertently suggest something /x/-tier.
short version you
long version you
"sprucy" version
i love living in Italy.
Is there a version of this on youtube without all kinds of antisemitism in the comments?
so funny to see them use so much effort to spell out how what's being said in the emails isn't what the "far-right wing" media says it means when this is exactly the type of shit they've been using against trump this whole election… we all know hillary hates everyday americans it's not rocket science
Has CNN always been this full of shit? I only started watching it ironically since the start of the election.
I don't have the image saved but I remember that user who talked about the military and other branches of the gov running simulations of the imminent civil war here. Last part syncs up with what he said, only a bunch of deracinated minorities with chips on their shoulders would stay in the military and probably find joy in shooting civilians, especially white ones.
Fucking idiots. "Forced to live on the streets following a riot"
No niggers in the fucking streets in video
Somehow forced to live there where they are gone in the video
Fucking idiots can't even use their imagination to think up good lies.
Isn't she that bitch from "GhostJUSTers"?
I felt bad about him becoming the left's new two minutes of hate target.
Hey, it's Nigger Faggot!
if someone is offended by that they should grow the fuck up and open their eyes, you tell em that.
Some techniques work better depending on the audience.
Kikes have to hide their true opinions, ours are but common sense and exposing people to them can have nothing but good results.
Just when you think CNN couldn't get much dumber
Look, I just want to link people a video about CNN without having to worry about someone random internet nazi's power level. This isn't muh PR, it's persuasion 101.
That smug, lying and arrogant fuck.
It would be so awful if he suffered a horrible accident and collided with some 5.56mm rounds
I hope to see you faggots out there one day
If there was one thing Mao got right, it was the public criticism sessions.
We'd have a field day
The (((media))) needs to burn.
And yet, this is how CNN is presented on (((Facebook)))
is this what living Soviet Russia felt like?
That faggot can not wait to get fucked in the ass by a rapefugee
That somebody actually talks and thinks like this Brownstein guy is fucking shocking to me. Unbelievable.
He should use that gun to end his misery.
"Freedom of speech was a mistake."
t. George Washington
This and waiting in lines for bread and meat.
Not advocating for it but technically yes it can work.
Exodus 20:3 "You shall have no other gods before me."
He never said anything about putting them after.
Oh come on
That is a faggot Mexican it will go back and Mexico will pay!
"Remember goyim, we own you, so don't try any more shit or we'll freak the fuck out."
Christ you can even see the half-arsed attempt at hiding his immense satisfaction and hand rubbing.
Jesus Christ, they're telescreens.
These idiots think they hold all the cards. As if people still trust them.
Is this Jew nigger for real?
Not legit because it comes from something named 'Real True News' which has no credibility, it ironically doesn't have good track record of publishing anything that's been confirmed real and true. It's probably just one guy trolling 4chan and a 4chan refugee took the bait and started a thread here.
If you're on Twitter promote this tweet it already has 20,000+ retweets
Its a good feeling to be able to just look around and think "this is my home".
Top comfy