13 years old and already has herpes

Hollywood pedokikes at it again


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say wut…

bet she sucks a mean dick

She looks 40.

Also how fucking vain is this fucking bitch nobody gives a shit fuck you

confirmed /ourgirl/

She's going to be in Godzilla II.

Wow another fucking shit tier movie that will be forgotten WOOOPPIIEIEEEEEEEEE

90% of humanity has herpes
You probably have it too

i remember godzilla 2014 quite well. outside of the pointless cock teasing of godzilla it was pretty decent. stay mad gayboiii

or maybe she's just a slut. thats what happens when you repress childrens sexuality.

Who is this boy?

Don't be naive. She's clearly of good character or else her parents wouldn't allow her to stream on instagram for fear of her saying something online that could ruin her career. It's only because people in positions of high power exploit her for sexual gains. I'm almost certain after she got passed up for Logan, it became apparent what kind of "favors" she would have to do for (((producers))) if she wanted a major role.

You watch trash so of course you remember a big trashy film. It was pretty much a waste of time.

It was probably this fucker, the writer of Godzilla II.


She didn't have to do anything to be in a glorified monster B movie, they are the ones using her.


Further proof that she is /ourgirl/: she didn't give some kind of pozzed answer like "gender isn't real" or some such shit.

All I've ever wanted in my life was pre-teen cunny. Hollywood kikes get it, chads get it, so why must I be deprived?

omg rude!

Hit up middle aged roasties on okcupid or pof that have daughters.

someone post "that" picture.


or maybe about 40% of all humans have oral herpes

It's like a racer's suit, with all the sponsors stickers. Only it's for pedos and zionists.

I've pointed out the Illuminati triangle but didn't think about the pedo symbols.

It isn't even subtle, innit.
And it's a very ugly shirt, so why would a fashionable little girl even want to wear that.

It's been said they love hiding in plain sight in the same way that we love to meme.

don't pay him any attention.
he's probably a eurotrash degenerate who thinks you're prudish for not having grown men parade their flaccid hairy dicks around kids faces.

I thought that was all Canada.

Also interesting to point out that the zipper in her pants is open. It also carries some symbolism of hyper-sexuality.

But everyone has herpes, user.

it's just a cold sore u guyz tee hee

She's American, what do you expect

No she's not, she's British. Americans aren't retarded you twat..

Anglo roastie, same difference


I got herpes by messing with a girl when i was like 10. You can get that shit from drinking from the same glass other people did.

those lips were so pretty too


I wonder how many times she had to get blacked for the kike producers ;_;

Oral Herpes ≠ Genital Herpes

but wut if she zuck ma dick

The you will get syphilis from a BBC in jail.
Unless you are a jewish Hollywood executive, of course.

oy vey, good to know

More streams


Feels good to be pure

Don't believe the memes, Canada could never hold a candle to Europe when it comes to degeneracy.
