Has any factual reason to hate fags?
without them, we would never have the achievements of Nikola Tesla, Alan Turing, Leonardo Da' Vinci and Isaac Newton.
Has any factual reason to hate fags?
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Reported for zero effort. Kill yourself.
Thanks for falling for kike propaganda, queer.
… and Alexander the Great, some of the greatest Greek philosophers, most Roman Emperors, Frederick the Great etc
Homosexuality is a behavior. Not an identity. Your argument is based on that Jewish premise, which is inaccurate.
Also Tesla liked pigeons, not dudes.
tesla was no fag, you piece of shit. he loved a pigeon. he was too busy being a fucking turbo genius for human love. fuck this slide thread
take identity politics elsewhere
no its just a joke bro lol
Comparative Data of Childhood and Adolescence Molestation in Heterosexual and Homosexual Persons
Drug Use "Seven Times Higher" Among Gays
Estimates of New HIV Infections in the United States, 2007-2010
Hell is forever!
I’m not copying all this out again. Fuck off.
And yes, it IS just a thumbnail. Do a goddamn image search for it, you fucking faggot.
High School Graduation Rates Among Children of Same-Sex Households
Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals
HIV Among Homosexual and Bisexual Men
HIV in the United States
HIV Increase Among Black Gays Called 'Alarming'
HIV Infected Man 'Hooking Up' on Websites Faces Charges for Intentionally Spreading Disease
Homosexuality in Ancient Greece - The Myth is Collapsing
Homosexual Men Have Fifty Times Higher Rate of AIDS
Life long bachelors they used to be called.
Yes, some men are born with lust for men. No, it should not be acted upon in any public manner whatsoever.
Men, as a group, are expected to contribute the most to society. The greatest contribution is well rounded children.
Homosexuals, as a group, have no such inner drive to produce children. This leads to waste, usually in the form of fraternization and hedonism (at least the visible ones)
If fraternization and hedonism are not implicitly'undesirable' traits in a human to your senses then I suggest you fucking lurk more and see the kali yuga in action. There is a reason ye olde Germans bogged the obvious ones.
No. I think gay males can be ok. But LGBT should be banned. And trannies given psychiatric treatment.
Anyone trying to claim Tesla and Newton were queers deserves to fucking hang. Not only is that made up to normalize fags, it's made up to erase the power of male celibacy from history. Newton and Tesla's celibacy was key to their genius and if you think they were fags you can never understand them.
Plenty. Google bug-chasing right now. I don't care about your hypothetically good "perfect faggots," their degenerate fetishes have cost the US several million dollars, and they are encouraged by the medical industry.
No they can't be ok.They should be gassed or sent to middleast.
TRS homo discord shills are at work today.
Holla Forums being bored on their ded wasteland of a board again, huh?
The ones that are OK, you would not even know they are gay.
The only way for them to be made "acceptable" is through abstinence. Period.
they already are; it's called transitioning.
also this
Keep telling yourself that. You sound like that grandma who's sure the reason her effeminate grandson isn't married is because he 'hasn't found the right woman'.
Actual neurochemical treatment would be giving them higher levels of their natural sex hormone, which has been shown to be effective.
Thanks for Collapsing The Rectum!
Yes, everyone who doesn't get married is homosexual.
I hope you understand that he had a hate for all sexual contact in general. This includes homosexual contact.
I don't know, I've lurked /monster/, bird girls are pretty cute
How does it feel to know that statement will never ever get dubs?
Lurk more
lurk moar faggot
You had one job OP.
Homosexuality is bad. Homosexuals aren't. There's a difference between a person and what a person does. Some people like to smoke even though smoking is bad for them.
Many older transitioners tried that, ended up transitioning anyways (after being further deformed). There's every indication trannies' brains are "wired" to run on Estrogen. A normal man put on T blockers and E will experience significant distress (see cancer patients who need their balls removed) whereas trannies feel much better.
Is there any actual evidence that any of the people you listed (excepting Turing) were gay?
Pro tip: There isn't