Kevin O'Leary is supposed to be this 'bad boy' that people are supposed to dislike but still respect for being rich, but he just seems like a fucking child to me.
Kevin O'Leary's family is former State Department. He forsook political power for quick monies, and he's still worth less money than Stephen King who is his ideological opposite.
The author? Maybe he's richer because he actually did something worthwhile with his life.
Well, I dunno. I'm not sure if you're familiar with the dark tower series, but a big antagonist in the series is basically a pseudo-Marxist revolutionary. darktower.wikia.com
stephen king is a socdem and a liberal
Stephen King has found a way to industrialize horror novel writting and get rich.
He has an ABC on how to write a story and just knows how to write it well.
He is the epitomy of industrialized entertainment.
Good advice
I concur lad.
Nice fake quote
I didn't know nepal was an inland ocean
This isn't funny anymore, comrades. The Emerald Empire is real.
Oke, we will. When we come for the heads of you filthy bourg scum, you will see true evil :^)
Do you have some proof for your claims?
well, I mean if he's telling us to be "evil"…
The guillotine is merciful, not evil. It's designer intended it to be a more ethical execution form, as opposed to hanging.
No, the bourgies deserve something like this.
Wait, I remember this guy…
Up yr edge game bro
we should not debase ourselves, porky is as much a slave of capitalism, a quick death is all he deserved
Hmm. Mother Nature herself tortures and consumes them. I like it.
Nah, fam. Considering that the bourgeoise seem intent on inflicting a very long and agonizing death on the earth and humanity, I don't think they deserve a quick end themselves.
That's dumb, we're trying to make a better world, not a worse one, there's no excuse for pointless cruelty. We should do what we have to to liberate the people, not wank off to torture.
Comrade pls, there's no hope for a better world. All I hope for is the fullest expression of my class hatred in the form of DIVINE VIOLENCE
I wasn't asking for the opinions of anarcho-edgelords
Now how's that for an anarcho-edgelord ;^)
I was just reading about Fallujah yesterday. Those mercenaries were killed in response to US troops firing on peaceful protesters, killing at least 20.
A classified report leaked by Wikileaks later revealed that Fallujah was not hub of al-Qaeda activity, but a beacon of hope and resistance to the occupation, which was why it was taken.
I know. I don't think they did anything wrong.
I was playing this yesterday, kinda funny
It's kind of amusing how much people on top like to fetishize their own ruthlessness, amorality and so on.
There was a time when the noblesse oblige of the bourgeoisie dictated that they should donate, set up charities, act nice and respectable in public, give "good advice", provide moral guidance basically, and lead people to believe that the system's inequalities can't be that bad since it leads to good, fair people to the top.
Nowadays they just couldn't give a fuck and like to show it.
And based on those covers this looks like a magazine for pretentious middle-class IT people and small-time investors who like to think they're part of an exclusive club of Patrick Batemans destined to ascend in society just because they're ready to loosen their morals for the demands of capital tbh
Meh, try to look at it from the bright side: stuff like this is great for accelerationism.
King can still spit out a pop culture icon if he puts some sweat and blood into it. That 2007 movie with the fog is still one of the best horror films of the 21st century.
O'Leary does absolutely nothing but be fat in the presence of other people with ideas.
Fucking pussies.
Tourniquet the limbs starting at the ends and working toward their torso. Cut off the limbs inch by inch with a circular saw. Keep adrenaline and a defibrillator on hand to make sure if they go into cardiac arrest from shock that you can revive them. Once the next piece is removed, apply battery acid to the flesh, electrical shocks to the exposed nerves, and road flares to the exposed bone marrow. Make sure to have plenty of blood on hand to keep them from running out.
Give them time between each severance for them to mostly heal, telling them that if they comply their pain will end (do not specify how or what to do, let them wonder), and put them in solitary confinement while not being tortured. Feed them the same bland gruel every day (by force if they stop eating), which contains biological irritants - extra points if you include allergens specific to your target. At random intervals, loud noises should blare out in their cells, making it impossible to get proper sleep.
For extra fun, lace their food with hallucinogens at random intervals and bombard them with frightening stimuli to cause a bad trip. Speaking of drugs, give them multiple chemical addictions and force them to go through withdrawal. Don't let them die, but maximize the suffering. As they finish withdrawals, give them other drugs to re-start withdrawal from that. Keep them in an endless state of drug withdrawal during all of this.
Do what you can to extend this as long as possible. If you manage to completely remove their limbs, start removing other non-essential body parts. Hook them up to life support if you have to. See how many years you can keep this up.
They don't read enough history to find out about their fates, not just in their time, but their fate in the history book.
Oh man I love these. Do you have that one about his mom getting beaten by his dad?
Nevermind I found it.
I know, right? They're so smug for winning, what is essentially, a game of roulette. And then present it as "hard work".
Is this stuff he actually said?
Of course not.
Before I understood capitalism I thought angel investing was good, you know? Like, there are loads of people out there with good ideas, but without the means to develop them very far. Surely someone who's able to identify good ideas and willing to help them get off the ground is doing something good, right? Tbh I was put off by the idea that these people would retain so much control, but I just saw it as some kind of necessary evil where they'd have no reason to do it otherwise.
But now that I've come to understand how the system works, all I can see is the bizarre deification of greedy assholes. People with ideas and a drive to work must grovel before these monarch-like rich fucks to kiss their feet and hope to be deemed worthy. It's exceptionally twisted. All that sets these capitalists apart is that they have piles of money and the "right" to decide how that value gets to be used in the economy. People who actually work hard and have ideas to develop production must first meet whatever standards are set by these capitalists. And because capitalists only stay capitalists if they maximize their profits, the market's property of natural selection means that standard is always profit maximizing. Your idea would improve the lives of millions with a net positive environmental cost, but only break even? Too bad. This other guy has a plan to mine non-renewable resources from impoverished countries to create a doo-dad that will sell like hotcakes to people craving distraction; it'll make me us millions of dollars!
But user, you can just not buy their bullshit
do you need a hug
and this is how capitalism justifies violent revolution.
A cannon filled with pennies is the only way to go TBH
Sew a noose together from bootstraps.
that would be beautiful. and lucky 7's for fortelling the future.
I say we tie their legs to edge of their penthouses and skyscrapers, let them hang there until either exposure, hunger or dehydration takes them.
or the birds gouge out their eyes
Death solves all problems — no man, no problem.
This actually comes from the novel Children of the Arbat (1987) by Anatoly Rybakov. In his later book The Novel of Memories (In Russian) Rybakov admitted that he had no sources for such a statement.
For future reference: provide evidence of a claim instead of requesting that someone else first provide counter evidence
Gather them together into groups of 6 or so and lock them inside rooms with access to running water, flushing toilets, kitchen (including implements, frying pans, knives, etc..) but no food at all
have air vents built into the walls to carry the smell of cooking meat into the room 24 hours a day
film everything
and you people still unironically quote max stirner.
you are the greatest spookcucks in existence.
I guess you can't fix stupid.
I know it's memeing but the first pic is actually pretty inspiring.
If people actually read Stirner they would soon realize he is not really anything like "le silly no morals meme man" that he is often portrayed as here.
meme Stirner is almost the polar opposite of real Stirner, lad
The joke of meme Stirner is that it's an exceedingly poor reading of his work, taking away an Ayn Rand like lesson. It's a parody.
Ye, sure. I can then kill him and take his money?
What if I am the next Napoleon and need his money to fullfill my role in history? Am I not justified?
Crime and Punishment, Dostoyefsky.
a fellow ghost in the shell fan i see