really makes you think.
Really makes you think
That is patently untrue.
Addendum: I am not at all surprised that natsoc white nationalist retards are lying.
This. All political ideologies that don't conform to my beliefs are composed of retards.
I read this full article (probably was on the .onion) before you posted the link and they never provided any proof that this happened. The article doesn't even mention this happening aside from the title.
and now
yo dawg i heard you like cuckflare flavored snakeoil so we cargo culted your snakeoil so you can snake while you snake
Did you know that according to our Jewish allies most terrorist attacks come from White Supremacists? Fucking lying White people!
The headline is a clickbait lie, the content of the body is a bunch of nonsense (Tor have frequently spoken out against the use of the service for CP), and this isn't the first time they've flat-out lied about being censored.
Remember the time "upstream shut them down" and they provided no proof whatsoever?
Fuck off, retard.
This just confirms it: We're really fighting the correct fight, contrary to Communists.
They're targeting us, bypassing all common sense (in the case of Tor, which precisely condemns White Nationalists but enables Pedophiles, Drug and Human trafficking and whatever else) because they fear our ideas will demolish them if diffused enough.
And that's exactly what's happening now, not so much in the White Nationalist sphere, but we're at the top of the pyramid of Conservatism and whatever we do, passes down multiplied: "Normal" Conservatism and more radical versions of that (but still not quite ourselves) are growing exponentially and having a boom everywhere.
I'm in Brazil and it is outstanding how in few year Holla Forums-lite rhetoric has been infiltrating everything and the Left here is at a point of fracturing and burning with no survivors.
Similar things are happening in Latin America (even in Venezuela, but it was literally shut down because it was growing too much).
We're winning, we're on the side of good.
On the note of this article does anyone actually use tor for anything regularly outside of the clearnet? Not that it matters to me, but I don't think .onions being used primarily for illegal stuff is much of a stretch. Maybe chinks actually use it regularly and English speakers just aren't privy to it or something.
It was the first time I even read it was made for Chinese dissidents. Sounds like a bogus justification to me.
Did you read the article, or the thread? Tor could not possibly do this
lol, who cares? Tor is Unbreakable!
Tor is pretty popular and very useful in China because it's a reliable way of getting around their internet lockdown. That's not new, or controversial outside the Daily Stormer's weird little corner of the web.
But Tor doesn't even work in China, at least not without doing more backdoors.
Weev, please quit trolling the Tor issue tracker.
Don't you get enough satisfaction in being able to get all of the Antifa pussy that you want? It's not fair, dog.
I think you're supposed to use bridges.
pedos and drug dealers never genocided anyone.
just saying.
the threat is not the same.
second, you can't block an Onion, there is no tor admin you fucking retards.
>but natsocs allegedly killing 6 million babylonian chaldeans is not acceptable at all
Ok its not real communism.
genociding people isn't part of the communist ideology.
Indeed, but killing 100 million people is part of paving the way to (((true communism for the proles))). How would you argue that the natsocs seperating the leavening kikes from everybody is bad? Whether or not this is by letting them gas themselves or just seperation into their own natsoc state of israeal babylon. Do you not see what has happened to the world because of them? Vidya related.
Read what you're typing out. You're so drugged up on this white supremacist media-driven hysteria that you're defending pedophiles. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Hello there fellow monkey. Be careful not to delude yourself, even though i agree with you, this only further proves that Marxists/commies/the-ends-justify-the-means on steroids people are scum. But to say that "we're on the side of good" smells much like them. We just as well compromise just like them and turn into them in the future.
Tor maintainers came out with a clear statement recently that they would not consider a suggestion to allow tor node operators to stop broadcasting onion sites they opposed, like the DS site. The Tor guys and the EFF guys are some of the last holdouts defending free speech, even if they oppose the content. And they've both mentioned Dailystormer in particular. It makes no sense whatsoever for DS to be attacking the only people defending their right to spread their obnoxious horseshit.
There is still some more people who allow discourse of words that disagree to happen. Although the list is shockingly low it is larger than two organizations.
You guys realize that every single communist government that existed, including those in Latin America and fucking Karl Marx, despised jewish people, right?
Your claims are just as retarded as "Nazi Jews" or "Black white supremacists".
This isn't surprising at all.
If stalin despised kikes. Why did he have so many in his leadership roles? Why was marx's friends mainly kikes?
Anyone know why autistic spergs always want to derail boards not dedicated to their favorite hobbies and interests, with politics?
Is it because they're just mentally ill subhumans, or is it because they're too fucking stupid to be able to segregate topics? Really, both the same in the much way, probably not best to make the distinction.
People who run the endpoints can. If you still somehow aren't aware that the endpoints are compromised you're retarded.
flawless logic right there
I don't think that applies to hidden services though.
Why would someone post this here? Not to make natsocs looks retarded by aggregating them with TDS, a group of people who probably never read a book in their life.
Where you're wrong is that they discussed it seriously in the bug report. "We should really end those Nazi bastids but Tor shouldn't"; the devs are just not corrupted enough, but this will come.
Endpoints can control the sites their nodes host content to. They obviously can't remove the original but they can nullroute whatever address they want.
Holla Forums please read a book about networking or something before you shit up the board.
endpoints have no control over hidden services, as accessing a hidden service only requires relays.
They did not discuss it seriously. One throwaway account trolled the bug tracker for a while, before being told the way the Tor software stack is designed makes this fundamentally impossible
Drugs aren't a race so we can't be racist toward them
You don't even realize how stupid you are. Holy shit.
self delusion at best
This article provides no proof what so ever that this is actually happening.
Sadly this. About the winning part.
The fags at the Daily Stormer should be imprisoned for declaring war on US soil, I give 0 damns what happens to that trashfire. Inb4 'muh Holla Forums'
The Left is being torn apart, the average citizen hate the Antifa types and Bolsonaro just keeps surging in the polls.
I've been reading Holla Forums comments in sites like TudoCelular, what are you guys even doing to not see this? Do you live in the Northeast shitthole?
Their new host is
Pic related is their statement about all of this.
how did this website "declare war "on US soil""?
Nice argument
is this satire? nothing in OP's article is true and even the biggest point that "tor condones CP" is retarded, as tor has a few shitty grainy videos of young girls having sex, while the clearnet has about 10000x as much and 10000x worse. your other boogeyman you list don't even exist and you have no idea what you're talking about. most criminal activity is a bunch of retarded thugs who can't even understand why they should use tor. similar to polniggers, they would rather pay for VPN than use tor because they can only reason on the level of politics 101 which tells them "if you're not paying you're the product". So they go on paying a single person to intercept all their traffic for them and have no security since all their traffic is from the same IP address and easily identifiable. for example in the warez scene, nobody uses tor, they just give each other access to their FTPs, and use retarded VPNs and similar nonsense like IRC BNCs.
I use .onion for the same reason you use DNS. except .onion doesn't make me pay some faggots to put a text record in a database. .onion can't be used over clearnet, but that doesn't matter since i don't use clearnet anyway
the only way for tor to block content is if _all_ exit nodes block it. an exit node can replace a website with some garbage without declaring that it blocks it, which happens sometimes, but that should be reported as a bad node
kill yourself
pick anything except the first
Are you out of your mind, Marx himself was a Jew you fucking nutter. The bolshevik leaders were all jewish, many of them changed their last names but even kikepedia documents this. The communist opposition of the German civil war of 1919 was also lead by jews. You're historically illiterate.
It is when you redistribute wealth and take over the means of production
Is the CSS broken for anybody else?
Kekd, more like during its entire existence.
Checked out their dw site, works fine. Searched for that article on the site and it does not exist. No proof offered, nothing. I call bullshit.
Zizek them!
So basically nothing happened on now the threads derailed?
how? was everything centered?
sage for offtopic
Holocaust never happend, faggot.
Because I'm sure the DS wouldn't have any DDoS issues without BitMitigate. Nope, none whatsoever.
I found you nazis via Vice.
The racism here is truly horrifying.
Charlottesville really opened my eyes to how dangerous white supremacy continues to be. Originally, I thought that their hatred for people of color only manifested in words, and while this is acceptable even if it's toxic, the violent act of running down a beautiful young women has made me concious of the fact that the threat of the KKK and Nazism continues to be very real and is a direct result of letting this ideology fester. I, as a Jew, have had expereiences with anti-Semitism in the past, but never have I feared for my safety until this. No one in a Western country in 2017 should have to be concerned about their security because religion, ethnicity, gender identity, and sexual orientation. Constitutionally, we are all entitled to the same rights as any other man. It's always been that way even if certain people didn't believe it at the time. Diluting this immortal declaration with fascist rhetoric, even jokingly, will only cause more pain and discourse for not only minority groups, but white people too. Equality is the only path to a truly happy and successful world. Now, despite all things, I don't dislike anyone here as I've been taught to love all, I just hope that you learn how dangerous your behavior is. Consider yourself in the shoes of a person of African descent and how you can't escape the racism even on a video game discussion board, and while I know that sounds really cheesy, it is a helpful exercise if you take it seriously. Ending here, I want to thank everyone who actually took the time to read this even if you are a troll, and to POC in particular, I apologize on behalf of white people for all these embarrassingly outdated and insensitive posts.
Sincerely, a jewish girl.
Oh man, this is delicious copy pasta.
Thanks user.
I don't know about american politics, but one person died. Meanwhile, unrelated to this, someone killed his friend because his friend liked AMD video cards instead of Nvidia video cards. White supremacy barely even exists as a concept and is no threat to anything. People will and do kill each other for any reason every day over trivial issues. Someone in a bar will pick a fight for any reason he can come up with, race included, regardless of any political climate. There are a few "white supremacist" wannabes on this board for some reason but they don't represent everyone here. The likes Daily Stormer is harmless and is simply the center of the media right now. It is not a significant issue.
t. POC
tbh imo the whole stormfront/unite the right thing is a psyop to cause more division and further the agenda of: "fight eachother, not (((the ruling class)))"
dailystormer lies just as much as cnn or any other lefty outlet. the fact that those at the stormer are national SOCIALISTS would make it more likely that they would lie as well.
I don't really care either way. Stormer is dishing it out to the left the way the left dishes it out to the right. They are a counter balance of bullshit.
It is there implicitly. people who follow communism assume that every population is equal except for their environments and that you can turn anyone into a productive citizen by changing the environment and incentives.
Because this is not true, genocide occurs. Rather than admit that people are hard wired to be different, communists choose to kill everyone who disagrees with "the workers".
What in the everliving fuck man, I know you want to counter nazi bs but don't do it by going full retard in the other direction.
There's no inherent reason why dissent for communism couldn't be punished with banishment. Genocide and communism do not form a causation.
"Society is undergoing a silent revolution, which must be submitted to, and which takes no more notice of the human existences it breaks down than an earthquake regards the houses it subverts. The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way."
Source: Marx Engels On Britain, Progress Publishers 1953;
Written: by Marx, March 4, 1853;
First Published: in the New York Daily Tribune of March 22, 1853 and republished in the People’s Paper of April 16, 1853;
So (((Marx))) confirmed for explicitly advocating mass genocide.
It's all about Ethnostates, if you're non-White, you can build one for you wherever with all the principles of the movement the end.
We have nothing against Africans in Africa, for instance, or Japanese in Japan and whatever.
But our countries are ours, and picking cotton doesn't make you eligible to be a builder of the nation or whatever, demographic displacement is real.
But yeah, our ideology is not group-specific, it can be applied by any race for themselves.
Well, every Communist country so far banished people from leaving, penalizing them with death.
Of course, if they allowed them to leave, everybody would just evacuate the country and the leaders would just rule over nothing, because they didn't get in power with popular support, but with despotic imposition.
No one wants to live under Communism but a fraction of power-hungry new rulers.
Why don't you fuck off back to europe then since the US belonged to Natives first? It's their country after all.
Right of conquest.
The US as it is today was built from head to toe by Europeans.
Without them, the Americas would be a huge nothing today.
Also Solutreans, also Thor Heyerdahl's Aku-Aku and Kon-Tiki. Also, New Zealand fairy people, etc etc
The list goes on.
From a shithole to a metropolis. sucking an already established society which is not yours.
From an already established society, a metropolis, to a wasteland. Go there to built civilisation from nothing.
Guess which one of these two models Europeans always practiced? Of course, Colonisation.
From the Indo-Europeans to Greeks to the Discovery Age.
No other people ever had this mentality.
Burger detected. Socialism is not going away. You might as well make peace with it.
New anthropological evidence shows that proto-Europeans migrated to America at least 15,000 years before the great migration from Asia to America across the Bering Straight.
Cucked again
So, AKEP is under ICANN and they did it again.
Did Holla Forums just gave 82 replies to discuss a claim made by fucking weev???
If someone comes to your house and say let me fuck your mom's butt, you guys allow it, right? Because that's the same fucking thing as even considering to take seriously anything that faggot says.
kuso thread
it is, which is why preemptively genociding communists is the correct course of action.
See 1965 Indonesia.
Read the thing they live posted during Charlottesville, they literally said "Make no mistake, we are at war" after antifa got run over
Why do you keep blaming ICANN for things the organisation is completely uninvolved with?
Nazrin is a mouse!
post an archive, website is dead.
ICANN has power over all these registrars.
They where just handed over to the UN by Obama. The same UN that says the USA must give up its 1st amendment to combat wrong think.
Maybe its not ICANN and all these shutdowns across all unrelated registrars in different countries is just (((pure coincidence)))
Because AKEP is Albanian, but still answers to ICANN.
AKEP is not even in the USA anymore and The Daily Stormer was following each and every rule of the Registrar. The Registrar itself said it was forced to do that.
You're full of shit. No society has ever existed in a vacuum and they exchange culture and science with other societies. A man walked on the moon thanks to the efforts and knowledge harvested by persons from all kinds of backgrounds.
Holla Forums please
He's not lying you know.
How does it feel to know that the US couldn't even get rockets off the ground even after copying all the notes of the nazi scientists post war. They ended up just giving them total control over the project.
Stop watching Hollywood movies. It was made possible by German rocket science and White Americans expanding on it.
You should probably pay more attention. The Americans straight up hired the Nazi scientists. They weren't notes, it was exactly the same people doing it post war on the opposite side.
Do you know about Indo-European history? Basically, every civilisation of the past was made by them, excluding Egypt, Sumeria, Akkad, Assyria and Phoenicia.
But even still, these civilisations were created by cousin-peoples of the Indo-Europeans.
Learn some genetics and you'll see that apart from these Caucasians, only the Chinese did something for the world (today the Middle East and North Africa are full of Sub-Saharan DNA carried there with the Arabs and with their millenarian African Slave Trade, they're no longer the people who created those ancient civilisations, same for India with Dravidian Invasions, Central Asia with Mongoloid Invasions, etc).
But who cares, right? Stop seeing exceptional "minorities" as the rule - their societies are shit primarily because they're made up of them, and that's why they desire so much to emigrate to our societies.
Send in the tanks.
buddy you need to read more, thats the origin, this is where it is now
1 October, 2016IANA Contract ExpiresThe contract between ICANN and the U.S. Department of Commerce NTIA, to perform IANA functions, expired. The expiration ended the U.S. Government’s authority to approve changes to the DNS root zone file. See NTIA’s announcement here.
“The successful transition of the IANA stewardship proves that the multistakeholder model can work.”- Lawrence Strickling, U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information, 2009-20176 January, 2017Last Formal Agreement with U.S. Government EndsICANN and NTIA formally ended their joint Affirmation of Commitments. See correspondence here.
They're not coincidence, but not some secret conspiracy. Registrars dont like domains for content like Daily Stormer. If it was ICANN's doing, somebody would've spilled the beans by now.
Daily Stormer pushed the limit to it's very breaking point, and this is what they caused by their own actions.
the limit was saying something bad about a fat jewess?
You realise that the last two Registrars, Namecheap and Bulletproof didn't want to terminate the Daily Stormer, right? They were forced to.
You're taking that statement waaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of context.
weev is jewish
dont know about anglin
Maybe not, but it sure is odd how it always comes down to that.
Neo-nazis, racists, dumbfucks BTFO
Daily Stormer is run by Jews.
We're only growing, stay mad.
I don't understand this thread. I thought Tor couldn't censor hidden web services?
What limit did Stormfront push? They have been online for 20 years. What has changed recently? ICANN.
Its not like the registrar said "well we don't want to do business with you anymore". Their domain was confiscated and LOCKED.
I've never visited that site, but now I'm curious.
They must have been saying something important and true.
Isn't it funny how every time weev gets involved, organizations get into trouble and dissolve?
It's almost as if he's doing it on purpose...
dstormer6em3i4km.onion is their tor address if you're curious
Organizations under ICANN have, sure, but there's no evidence that people from ICANN are making registrars shut down sites.
It's similar to saying Holla Forums is censoring "group x" because boards on Holla Forums tell "group x" to fuck off. It's not a perfect analogy since you can make a board on Holla Forums much easier, but it makes just as much sense to blame "Holla Forums" as it does ICANN. It doesn't.
It can't.
Stormfront, not dailystormer.
Stormfront was a forum that was online since the 1990s.
weev is a fed snitch. That's why his sentence was shortened. He's out there LARPing as a white supremacist, but he's forwarding all his info to los federales.
Do not trust the midget ginger jew.
The limit was encouraging people to commit violence.
Each of the last 4 registrars chose to terminate DS to protect their reputations. (Bulletproof aren't a registrar.) Do you have any evidence they were forced?
Shill harder.
domain registries already have rules about what kind of names are acceptable. for example many CCTLD registries will not let you use anything with "offensive" words like "nigger" in them. why are you surprised that such a cucked meme protocol would do something against dailystormer?
s/in them/in names you register with them/
Holla Forums got seriously triggered in this thread
cheers to the salt
But the Lefties are triggered. They wouldn't be in this thread if otherwise, they wouldn't be saying shit if otherwise, the list goes on.
you got a pic or citation?
SF was full of boomers and good goys. Heavily moderated.
DS was just troll shit.
Where did it cross over in to criminal activity? Do you have ANY proof or are you just repeating what you hear?
I found you Jews via observation.
The racism here is truly horrifying.
Charlotsville really opened my eyes to how dangerous Jewish supremacy continues to be. Originally, I thought that their hatred for White people only manifested in words, and while this is acceptable even if it's toxic, the violent act of running down an obese young women has made me concious of the fact that the threat of the Communism and Talmudism continues to be very real and is a direct result of letting this ideology fester. I, as a White male, have had expereiences with Jews in the past, but never have I feared for my safety, even after this. No one in a Western country at any time should have to be concerned about their security because of a fake religion shrouding an ethnogroup that purposefully defrauds Whites in their own countries. Constitutionally, Whites are all protected the same rights as each other, but this was perverted into Jewish inspired egalitarianism to subvert White civilizations for Jewish gain. It's always been that way even if certain Jews didn't believe it at the time. Diluting this immortal declaration with Jewish rhetoric, even jokingly, will only cause more pain and discourse for not only White males, but their White females too. White homelands are the only path to a truly happy and successful world. Now, despite all things, I don't dislike anyone here as all races have different albeit inferior characteristics, I just hope that you learn how dangerous your behavior is. Consider yourself in the shoes of a White man and how you can't escape the Jewish fanned racism even on a video game discussion board, and while I know that sounds really cheesy, it is a helpful exercise if you take it seriously. Ending here, I want to thank everyone who actually took the time to read this even if you are a troll, and to POC in particular, I apologize on behalf of white people for every embarrassingly retarded, childish, bi-polar "Semetic" writings in existence.
Sincerely, a White Man.
Fixed that for you.
t. sane white man