What do you think? How much of this do you agree with?
Leftypol approved?
a little masturbatory and whiney about the good old days of mass industry based employment and social democracy
This is some strain of Anarcho-Primitivism isn't it?
You should reign in the anti-tech shit. Stay on point m8. You can't drop anti-tech, anti-god, anti-israel, anti-urban shit and expect it to be representative of most millennials.
I'm a greenie and not a primitivist because I realize that tech is here to stay, so we may as well preserve and conserve what we can while cleaning up power supplies. Yes, Capitalists are "green washing" their oil money, but fuck it, global warming is an existential threat and I don't see us beating Capitalism before the clock runs out, so I'd rather them green wash their money than not.
It was sort of preachy and pretentious in all of the ways that all of the most annoying sorts of people are minus Christians and Capitalists: you've got the fedora tipping anti-god shit in there, the anti-intellectual "a book doesn't know better than nature" and "we need less technology" hippie granola girl shit in there, the organic farm vegan shit in there. I mean christ, are you trying to deliberately alienate most people from your most reasonable ideas? Because I agree with a good bit of it and even I'm fucking alienated.
In short the entire video was pretentious and preachy and guaranteed to never represent even a plurality of millennials.
dumb, they don't know shit about boomers either. I don't suppose they wasted any time asking boomers about what they are accusing us of. but hey, now that you're aware of the problem, I'm sure you'll have no problem fixing it.
Well, it's right about the evils of capitalism, but it also seem to be anti-progress, anti-science.
'we need less technology'
Yea fuck off.
on point green man
this video literally hurts our cause more than it helps, pls don't share
hey look, they just figured out something boomers have known for 30 years
congratulations kiddies
yep tech is good (as long its used for good)
also i wonder if occupy northwest is related to
the northwest front
Good catch user, the "people are tribal and distinct and we all naturally favour our own kind"
part makes me think you're on to something.
The impression I get is that most of you guys are not even leftists; you're just libertarians and want to be able to do whatever you want.
How different is the naked worship of technology and industrialism from the worship of capitalism? Technology is not even distributed, is primarily used a tool to gain further wealth, and is essentially the vehicle for the damage that capitalism does.
But as long as people don't touch your Internet, you don't give a fuck what Intel, Apple, Cargyle are doing to the world?
For major and modern problems, every environmental, economic, and social ones either directly derive from technology or is are aided by it!
You guys are fucking anarcho-capitalists!
Or, you know, it could be because it's from the PACIFIC NORTHWEST, but not just one city!
So you're a Communist totalitarian?
i said I WONDER
yes i'm like technology because its one of my interests and it helps billions of people daily, i must be one of those weirdos who thinks its okay to sell their children
also to qoute my self
"technology is good aslong as its used for good"
alienating Boomers is not a good strategy.
as much as I hate them with a passion
This is why I fucking hate your ilk.
Polio is a terrible example, you fool.
Besides, we need disease. Order from anarchy. There is NATURAL order and it's not discovered playing Pokemon Go.
Freaking armchair leftists. Wtf!
You made this to appeal to Holla Forums and liberals, didn't you?
Jeez maybe because we're fucking living in capitalism and not communism tard
I do want technology and i don't give a shit about living in an "organic", racial homogenous community. I much rather be as independent as possible and be free to join communities that share my interests, as well as leave any community if i don't like it anymore. Tribalism is slavery.
Fuck that ridiculous nature worship, too.
also typed it in the internet (in aircondition home)
billions of people on all continents.
and some of its just cool.
Did Varg make this video_
i have a feeling if you get sick, like deadly
you will go see i doctor
if you get sick you'll change your mind so fucking quickly
fuck armchair social darwinist's they talk about letring people die, cause muh eugenics
but you know if somethings to them they'll bitch moan and cry for help
You're projecting. I haven't been to a doctor in 8 years and I regret having gone that once (and what they gave me for a flu really fucked my system up). Most illnesses resolve on their own, the ones that don't are often made worse by medications or other treatments, and the most directly useful medical help is for serious trauma and can be learned in a week.
Yes, there are exceptions but don't fucking think I'm a hypocrite just because you're dependent and weak.
That was the most ridiculously naive thing I've seen for quite some time.
I think I threw up in my mouth a little.
anyone who seriously believes they are above tribalism are profoundly ignorant of human nature
This video is incredibly shallow and unsubstantial yet it still manages to come out as preachy and arrogant. Also the background music was annoyingly bad and sounded exactly like a caricature of what normie millennials listen to, so it didn't help.
You'll notice that around the 0:57 mark they mention how "capitalist" and "communist" are merely "labels". This is typical of the kind of people who sincerely believe they "don't subscribe to any particular ideology".
I usually refer to the kind of discourse this video espouses as "romantic anti-consumerism" in that it is definitely not anti-capitalist, largely based upon feelings rather than theory and irrationally opposed to technology. Romantic anti-consumerists are usually quite content with minor tweaks to capitalism, such as increased availability of organic and fair-trade food. Just like identity politics, they have displaced social and economic criticism with cultural sloganeering. Make no mistake: this is not socialism, this is a vaguely-defined (and easily manipulable) set of grievances with some aspects of neo-Liberalism.
You'll notice that around the 3:54 mark they veer into another territory and hardly sound any different from what some polite Holla Forumstard would advocate. And really, it's no surprise that there would be overlap between romantic anti-consumerism and ethnic nationalism, they are ideologically compatible. Actually, this leads me to suspect this video is used as a platform by far-rightists to try and take advantage through flashy PR of millennial dissatisfaction with the world they live in. The whole tone of the video is reminiscent of the European "New Right" rhetoric: focus on the cultural rather than economic consequences of capitalism, essentialization of racial differences, implied support for cultural segregation, veiled celebration of paganism, insistence on "anti-Zionism", etc.