Looks like a fucking rape victim trying to play it cool.
Looks like a fucking rape victim trying to play it cool.
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Never Forgetti
I just saw the new AVGN, was it good?
do we really need 3 AVGN threads at one time?
Bootsy pls go,
He just looks like a fuccboi
How did he fuck things up this badly Holla Forums?
Because of his rampant alcoholism.
Matei look good with Make-up
Just gonna post these.
We all know Mike is a cuck, but do you ever think his wife got
Um, have you seen Mike's dick?
He is the one who cucks.
Dont make fun of Mike he has hip-displacia and has to sleep with a harness.
I find it funny how you fags laugh at MOTHERFUCKER Mike and not James, the cuckold, who's wife complains about "toxic masculinity" and diversity on his own site and cheers up a nig nog kissing a white woman, while Mike has a better looking wife and makes decent videos. The age of MINEYCRAFTA has passed, so Mike haters = confirmed cucks.
Both are retarded, who both suck at games and have facebook-tier opinions about films. The real redpill is Bootsy, who could actually beat hard games in his sleep and was a way better guy than either of them.
ex-fucking-cuse me?
Really makes me think.
You see a porno where a pathetic beta male gets cucked by some nigger and you think out of me? No, I AM THE ONE WHO CUCKS!
good shit guys
so did this video come out post PenisGate?
He looks like he spent the past 2 hours crying before he built up the gusto to get in front of the camera.
What did he mean by this?
I found this old deleted video animated by Mike featuring everyone's favorite Bandito.
Holy shit, what's wrong with James' right foot? Can any medfags here tell us?
Poor walking form gained from walking poorly over his lifetime.
He's probably very self-conscious about it
I'd know because I walk like that too, just not as severely bad as he does, and I am fully aware of it the entire time and constantly trying to correct my walking, which leads to some self-confidence issues in my life
I just watched Board James yesterday. It's probably the most interesting thing he's done, a bit goofy but pretty fun.