therightstuff. biz/2016/10/14/the-ancapistanis-arent-assimilating/
Reminder, to get off my lawn.(archive you massive faggot)
therightstuff. biz/2016/10/14/the-ancapistanis-arent-assimilating/
Reminder, to get off my lawn.(archive you massive faggot)
Other urls found in this thread:
Well TRShills, I thought you would've learned by now…
Alt right comes to natsoc board complains of anticappers.
Go away TRSlimes
>hurr durt, OUR ""opponents"" are the real terrorists!
Look, we already know who's wearing the turbin, MKay?
That article was entertaining, but I don't think it's worth posting here.
But since we're on the subject, Lawrence Murray wrote a pretty good article outlining the possible futures of the US. It was kind of depressing to read, but he makes a good case for the various shitty directions the US will go in the next 20 years.
I advise anyone to read it.
shoo shoo trs goblin:
Not even a user of TRS. Just like some of the articles
Thanks for archiving, though.
Poor Wyatt, everyone on the internet knows he's a fag now.
That last guy in the long one seems to get it.
So did their buchanan poster. Too bad its less than 1% of their posters that understand
Reminder, kill yourself :^)
Funny how everyone is a kike accept the merchants selling your precious dildos.
Are ancaps even a part of the alt-right?
Alt right people are pretty accurately defined as racist lolbergs
The "Alt-Right" is whoever the admins of TRS are friends with this week.
Who cares?
TRS humor everyone! Bravo!
They're rent seekers.
Take Molyneux, a man who goes further than actual cultural marxists by propagating the destruction of every family that doesn't follow his ancappery, is now making videos about cultural marxism.
Do you even understand what you're saying or are you just repeating evalion memes about Moly? That whole defoo thing was blown way out of proportion as if he was telling everyone to remove themselves from their family.
Pretty much anything to the right of neo-conservatism are latching on to the (((alt-right))) label. The zeigeist happens to be on the right for now, but nobody with a brain wants socialism, even if its socialism for whites only.
Could it not be the case that we're both being D&C shilled to hell and back? Is everyone on both sites a millennial noob fucker? It's a crucial point in a nuclear political campaign and these are two sites both representing portions of the insurgent new vision of the right. Those glomming on to the intersite drama are either a conscious or unconscious tool of the opposition.
Fuck off faggot, if TRS didn't shill their articles here there would be no reason to counter-shill.
I can do socialism if its in a white society. It can't be done successfully otherwise however. Even Holla Forums fags admit that minorities ruin socialism.
You're free to go into the podesta thread instead cupcake. TRS is on our hit list and we have a big catalog.
Because every raid call here is totally legit and not pushed by kikes.
Where can I find our hit list catalog, fellow -POLL- user?
He did.
Literally, repeatedly and unequivocally.
Now you're probably going to give me the standard islamic excuse, that everything that doesn't fit the image that you attempt to convey is taken out of context.
What are you supposed to post to trigger non-retard Holla Forumsacks who want to see D&C kikes burnt at the stake?
Post that for me.
He said that you should consider dropping your family if they're a bunch of shitbirds. I've listened to all those defoo tapes since I have a shit family that I'm considering cutting off. I'm not a member of the Moly forums either. If you don't have a bad family then you will never understand what would lead someone to make this decision.
I want to be pissed, but I don't get the reference.
Who is doll man?
Why would sage spam piss you off?
I'm shitting up this thread before more anons give these alt kike faggots click-shekels.
So, are they triggering themselves in the OP article, or does it only trigger them when it's on an imageboard?
Why wouldn't it? not pos(t)ing at all would avoid bumps.
Here, I'll sage too.
Now explain why a civil war in the Trump base is essential at this point in the game.
Because only today I've seen (lol) Cantwell vs. TRS and the umpteenth Holla Forums vs. TRS thread with caps of TRS vs. Holla Forums posts from their forum.
As someone who abandoned forums about 4 years ago because of shills and shit like this, you'll understand my disdain for dramacunts.
god those threads were amazing
trs is tru tism
No he didn't. And if you watched the video, you would know that. He explicitly states that you should defoo from everyone who isn't an ancap.
You know with what type of person those who have a bad family so often end up with? Abusers. The same is true for those who are glued to molyneux. That's what the defoo tapes show, a malignant narcissist pushing every button, breaking them down and building them up, to gain power, control and donations.
That doesn't even come close to answering my question. Is this a bot?
Damn bulbasaur is such a cuck. Christians need to be exterminated
also inb1 >(1) i'm just tossing this out here before splitting
I must have missed that video, that is some dumb shit. I have a shitty family, what did I do to deserve an abusive family? I care less about moly really, as interesting as I find some of his vids.
Do you think I want to waste time sage spamming? If TRS didn't post their articles here or maybe used, I wouldn't give a shit.
I'm not an ancap fag but the TRS goys flirting with ideas of central planning and welfare state is retarded. Both are flawed concepts that wreck any nation - all-white or not.
This is from a Finn. Finland is (still) an ~all-white welfare state whose economy is being flushed down the toilet due to price fixing of labour, people slowly but surely losing any incentives to work because of welfare induced poverty traps, ridiculous taxation and general corruption and bloat of public spending.
I occasionally read their articles and think they're alright, and no amount of second hand information will alter my first hand experience with their content. Sage for boring D&C.
kys opee
I have a hard time believing that this is your only motive. Their decision to shill here pisses me off, too (and I have a hard time believing it's organic, as people here tend to share shit spontaneously), but pushing the fag-right civil war atmosphere seems to be playing into the hands of, for lack of a better term, disruptors (SRS, goons, CTR, JIDF, whateverthefuckerver)
It's funny, you fag-rightists always say the people against your AIDS support group are the D&C and not the people who were caught red handed shilling. Fuck off TRSlimes.
listen, the fag right needs to get the fuck out they are unwanted and impossible to allow existence with in a white nationalist society. The disruption is the kikes sending these faggots out there and funding them, there is absolutely nothing about the 14 words that enables faggotry.
Funny. They just described themselves.
This thread descended quickly.
The greatest shills are those that don't exist.
Believe what you want faggot. I already stated my reasoning. Also, I really can't wait until the election is over and you TRS faggots won't have this excuse. Full war begins Nov. 9th.
Fucking checked
Did you know BLM has fag leaders and thats funded by soros and friends, Now the ALT right has a considerable fag userbase.
Think about it for second. Maybe you're all being played by jews.
Yep. Just libertarians who figured out that niggers are bad for GDP. Just like NRx are lolbergs who figured out that democracy is bad for GDP. Both still worship the machine at the altar of Mammon though.
you are homosex.
the label is bullshit and 'big tents' are for clowns, agreed. spazzing out about their existence is, however, a waste of resources.
Bitch, I'm from here and you're a histrionic faggot. You need to pray away the OP-ism.
If alt-right = cuckchan, then no. Cuckchan isn't even racist anymore…it's barely (((civic))).
You're all controlled opposition anyways.
Too many fags, too many figureheads, MSM overused your label.
when the people promoting White Lite Nationalism are bonafide faggots and even prostitutes, as is the case with many TRS associates, it becomes a real big problem.
It seems pretty clear TRS doesn't get Holla Forums. Or how imageboards work.
To them, this is just a place to spam propaganda.
You who?
newfag here alt right has fag userbase ?
Isn't milo the only fag they have.
No there's a shit ton and it's full of jews as well.
you already know, your gay TRS ALT-KIKE shitshow that tarnishes the image of white people who want to make America more sensible and great for their children.
they have more than that, their closed TRS forums have a ton of faggots.
alt-kikeism is a movement by faggots, for faggots.
This is why they are so triggered by anime, they want those tight-ass nerd virgins m8
Oh, I agree. Spencer and all of the figures pushed forward are suspect upon presentation to me.
But why is this an issue? Above all, why is this an issue that warrants our attention with so many other plates spinning?
This seems like D&C distraction to me, being seeded both here and there.
Look at the >implications in the posts.
If you can't see that as seeding, you're fucking blind.
like who?
stopped right there, D&C kike.
implications and inflammation as a default… can't be more obvious.
Why are you seeding us? We know all about your faggy website and want no part of it. What you are doing is shilling, faggot.
screencaps were probably false flag posts. Nice try.
Me? are you a retard or just goon scum?
I'm calling out this jihad as retarded D&C seeded on both sides.
But do keep going, show off your moves.
why would I be a kike? faggots dont reproduce.
If you cant handle that shit then maybe you should fuck off to reddit where they will accept your degenerate lifestyle.
wow, you really hit the buzzword bingo there. do you get extra shekels for word hits?
Where are you getting this from? Who are you saying supports fags?
Its over, nobody is going to take your shitshow site seriously on 8/pol/, you can fuck off to 4cuck if you want.
Fuck off TRSlimes.
Your site, because it allows very vocal faggots a platform.
you get the gold star for implication excellence.
also, 4sham buzzword, bonus shekels!
Wow, for someone not affiliated with TRS you sure are devoting a lot of your time to repairing their image.
The only thing about that paragraph that interests me.
I just read the articles, buddy. Faggots need to die. Period.
sick naughties there.
I'm not affiliated, but seeing retards fight retards because some other retard threw a petard irritates me.
Alright that's reasonable.
dick suck all you want, support for that place after that shill thread was made on the TRS forums really shattered trust, and solidified your faggots as a liability.
Nice D&C, Shlomo.
watch this video. holy fuck.
Isn't Mike that Jewish guy who got outwitted by a buzzfeed blogger on one of their shows?
Natt, on the other hand, is a pretty cool guy. He throws subhumans in bogs and isn't afraid of anything. No wonder those assblasted faggots dislike him.
doesn't afraid of anything.
you had one fucking job/post
Reminder that the people saying that calling out reddit posting are shills and CTR trying to make it easier for themselves to bend int.
It's actually current year + 0.789 for your information.
I just think its silly that there is conflict between Holla Forums and that place over a handful of retarded autists. Especially at a time like this. Its fucking retarded.
I do not associate with any homosexuals, and I boycott any content I find out to be produced by unrepentant bum-drillers. I encourage others to do the same.
Hey Natt. Quick question, can you explain your reasoning behind paganism being obviously shit for getting rekt by Christianity, but Christianity not being shit despite getting rekt by atheism and Islam?
Good try. Kill yourself, lad
nah thats projection on your behalf, someone archived that thread and showed it here.
go back to r/cuckoldism you fucking crybaby nigger.
counting from un treu d'eau's current year of 2015.
I think ancaps are as retarded as the next reasonable person does, but niggers do not represent ideologies.
Go back to TRS faggot.
No Shekelberg.
wait, so one thread with plain raid content was taken as perfectly genuine by you and used as a gripe for eternal D&C… without a smidge of cynical doubt?
Goddammit, I LEFT 4chan over this type of credulous shit.
No. It perfectly represents them.
everytime. this stutter nigger never stops.
you need to go back you piece of shit.
You've already admitted that you go there you fucking retard.
Why is anything inconvenient just a false flag? There was nothing to suggest it was as such. What is the purpose of the TRS Expeditionary Force then anyway if its not shilling?
In case anyone needed a primer on the bullshit they keep pulling: >>>/polmeta/12189
These niggers are the recent influx of anti-Hitler/anti-Nazi posters. Call them out every single time they rear their ugly head. Vid related, this is who they want you to start hating like a good goy.
Bet I got here before you, goon.
Keep repeating that, I'm sure some anons will believe you. Your subversion is incredibly easy to spot.
The article is explicitly pro-Hitler. What are you getting on about?
Are you going to drop the new stuff? I remember you saying you were going to hold off until after the election.
at least you learned. i dont care about you. just this faggot
I bet you dont even know goons sell cp on their gay space game or realize that the people who funded eve online recently got jailed after Russia bailed Iceland out.
But no, you can throw blind accusations out like a cuckchanner.
I have no idea, but shilling the chans seems retarded. I assume most of their base came from the Holla Forumss.
What kind of retard would think this is terrain to be cultivated? What kind of kike would like to divide it? Which seems the more logical scenario?
Well, shit. Might as well start yelling at retarded cross dressing furry show hosts from the TRS network again. It was worth a shot.
Because what you're saying isn't true, you colossal faggot.
you are doing it wrong
t. slash bee faggot spammer in 2014
They still haven't apologized and they still haven't issued a moratorium on shilling, so they are our enemy. This is only on the backburner because of the election.
Those folks have moved way farther rightward since then.
I'm not butthurt, I'm just amazed at how much of an imbecile you are to act like I'm the one from TRS when you had already said you go there.
Thax fag
We're getting attacked by every MSM outlet and Obongo is threatening to centralize all media through google, so yeah I'll wait until election is over when the threats are gone, even though TRShills continue their bullshit ops. Most anons caught onto their kikery though, so the OC isn't that necessary
You look more subversive here, pushing a narrative hard.
My theory is that the narrative is your objective.
Seems a lot more logical than those faggots shilling the chans. That scenario loses per force, whereas D&C is always at least a distraction. Game theory, bitch.
A parrot squawking Heil Hitler isn't a NatSoc, and a nigger gibbering about NAP isn't an AnCap, because neither are human.
TRS supports alt kike, right?
And these alt kike faggots post here. They reddit space fuck all and act like we have to hop on their gay ass band wagon to give our shekels to fucking jews who D&C and are controlled op. So. Is that correct?
I've been found out! I suppose it's back to the bog for me.
Point taken, they need to address that. Pissing off either Holla Forums is pure retardation.
Further evidence for a false flag hypothesis in my view.
i was just trying to bully an cap fags. they use to be popular here early 2015. then they were BTFO.
rip ancaps
As far as I know that thread on TRS was deleted and the person who made it was banned.
Of course I have an objective. It's to stop sociopaths from the alt kike from co-opting this board. Your game theory observations are rudimentary so won't even ignite your autism on that. Continue on in your efforts to deflect from TRShilling.
You are a TRSlime who can't admit any mistakes from your own camp, and this is why we will never believe you. If the mods want to come out and make it public that shilling chans in bad faith is prohibited then the wounds might be mended a bit. Until that happens you will be told to fuck off every single time you rear your heads here.
top kek
Yes, that's correct. Now I'm confused as to why you even started arguing with me if you agreed with my initial post.
Holy shit, those do-nothing faggots actually call it "propaganda". What bottom-feeding retards. At least the last guy in the thread on the second picture seems to have a brain.
Because he was caught, not because he was shilling. Not enough, the well is poisoned already. The road to redemption is long but possible but TRSlimes never even attempt to fix their own shit.
What shilling has there been? This is the first post about their shit I've seen in a long time, and it's the article that pushed Cantwell over the edge against TRS… (((coincidence)))??
I postulate a D&C campaign, and find it more credible than your bleating.
That is exactly what happened. I will try to show you if you give me a moment.
You lie.
the old eat their young.
It was just friendly fire. nothing personal
Smug anime girls harm goons.
NatSoc images harm TRShills.
Merchants harm the JIDF.
Reddit spacing harms that one retard that's in every thread. Got it.
Actually there are many more of us here. It's spreading and we are fighting the cancer with dank memes and bans .
but do they? because the OP article ends with one particular Austrian
Good to know the 4cuck migration is making this board even worse.
I agree. That's why you have to go.
That's not accurate.
At least you're one of the better TRShills. Though you're doing the same thing the other phalanx fags have. If you're going to ignore all of the evidence linked ITT and on the metas there's no point in trying to convince you as you're already stuck in whatever feedback loop you've constructed.
Your posts are gradually showing your phalanx membership, so please continue in your damage control op.
Pics related.
Alt right fags are consistently against '1488ers'. It's a method of reminding them in whose lair they dwell.
Did you even read the fucking article? You are just lying at this point.
You arent a National Socialist, you are a liar.
I thought I was from TRS or Reddit? Get some sleep and get your story straight, you kook.
Please tell me what other homosexual groups you wish to imply my adherence to. Wrong on both counts, D&C kike.
I'll just be content calling you a faggot, straight, no chaser.
I'll show you evidence and who they are.
These fags are the epitome of alt kike cancer.
Natt is a retarded Danemutt who likes Common *whitegenocide now* spic he should be shipped to america to watch homo porn with the spic
why not both?
pretty gross.
I am 100% done with TRS until they apologize for the shilling and put up a moratorium on shilling this board. Until then I will spread the word of your subversive ways.
And by that I mean no, I didn't read the article, because I don't care. Putting a picture of Hitler does not make you natsoc or sympathetic to our cause, especially when you go against the Iron March people for being '1488er larpers'. I don't particularly care for IM either but the reasoning for purging them from your board is what I take issue with.
Wouldn't expect any less from a Dickie Spencer drone.
TRshills have used the DnC accusation on anons over 50 times in the meta threads to deflect from their demonstrated shilling ops, I'll be hglad to hear it another 50 times ITT.
This thread is the biggest D&C clusterfuck I've ever seen.
Never has there been more prima facie evidence of why e-celebs are inevitably cancer.
Is there anyone else we can namedrop here to shit on them? Metokur? Omniphi? Morrakiu?
What wars amongst ourselves can we start, to better aid Shillary in her apotheosis?
no. no one should ever do that. they don't fucking care about us. they just want shekels and e celebs to signal their faggot ass beliefs to validate their own belief in a big huge circle jerk that's pussy passive when it comes to actually doing shit.
Your bullshit is adorable. You try so hard.
You're one crazy guy, user. :)
The very definition of alt-kikery. They'd sacrifice anything for a big rainbow tent of edgy millennials.
The OP's article is pro-NS, faggot.
The alt-right isn't an ideological unit any more than Holla Forums is. But keep up the D&C, Shlomo. Let's keep the goyim fighting each other online so they don't actually do anything constructive.
I am a Holla Forumsack who has a TRS account and who reads the articles. Holla Forums is my home and I prefer this place over all others.
The cocksucker who made that thread was gotten rid of and those actions were never sanctioned by any mod or admin. Get that straight.
IM was purged because they were forming a clique and causing drama. That is the reason.
that carrot is for you. to remind you of your insufferable disease.
Definitely. Now they've done a reddit AMA
Denying reality won't make the Middle East Christian again, nor will it save European churches from getting torn down or converted into mosques. How you even got to the point where you're shilling for the jewish cuck cult is beyond me, but I suspect it's from hanging out with Closet Filth. You should really stick just to telling funny stories about pissing your pants.
Why hasn't anything been done about the mannchild? He's constantly shilling here.
Of course they don't like us. They put their voices online and want to sound all reasonable-like. We rant ad rave and give zero shits about making things presentable.
This brings fear into their equation, and they resent the lack of fear presented here.
But they reach ears, and we only reach jaded eyes… Writing to the deaf choir, as it were.
Nobody likes him. I dont like him. I dont like his posts, and I want nothing to do with him.
I dont know why he hasnt been perm banned. He constantly catches temp bans, though.
Does this look like TRS to you?
How does any of this impact the election?
Give me an account then. I promise to stop shilling as hard against TRS if I can make sure that you aren't doing shilling ops against us. I will respect your board culture and won't shill against the people you like on your turf either, which is how it should be.
Never trust a TRShill. They believe they speak for the alt-right, and they believe anyone to the right of Jeb Bush is necessarily alt-right. They will try to make you one of them, because their kike overlords need your shekels to make a media network.
Sorry user, all ecelebs are cancer. Your gradual subversion is still too obvious. Spout your DnC accusations a few more times.
It's hilarious to see the gradual increase in pro-TRS kikery ITT, as the TRShills link here for damage control.
It doesn't, this is just the way by which TRS faggots think they're the most effective in forging consensus.
TRS' behavior makes a lot more sense when you realize it's all a clique of people who know eachother IRL. They hang out in New York with Johnson and the counter currents crew and are loosely affiliated w/ Spencer and Red Ice, socially.
The reason why TRS is going to fall apart is their audience has moved much further to the right than the "core" group centered around Enoch, who just wants to be an edgy drunk.
is you sayin…
this is one faggot from a namefag forum setting all this off?
and he doesn't get the premaboot?
Because in that case I have to side with the fucking asshole faggots I've been arguing with here… if TRS doesn't police this shit, they're culpable.
>he's TRS
>he reddit spaces
more proof for you undecided faggots.
More like "need your shekels so they can get drunk for free every weekend." The "conference" they are planning doesn't even have any events or speakers, it's just drinking.
pic related
It's not reddit spacing, it's TRS spacing. We figured that out a while back. Look at how awyatmann on the forums structures his posts: >>>/polmeta/12189 (third pic)
The sperg TRShill in the meta even admits this.
You have to give me a burner email.
Fuck you faggot, I've been trying to defuse JIDF schemes since you were still playing pokeymans with the parish deacon.
But from what I'm reading from the forumfags here, TRS is really not following through on policing their shit.
You're still a prancing la-la homo man though.
Don't even bother, there's only about 400 members, and the majority of it is just stale memes and articles you'd see on Holla Forums.
He isn't the only one, but he's one of the biggest problems. Check the threads on /polmeta/. He's also in their private kikebook group (along with many literal faggots).
What the fuck are they thinking? I mean, I knew they were a pack of sleazy bastards (and Kike Enoch is certainly a Jew) but that's just pathetic. I preferred living in my little wonderland where they just plotted in a dark room so they could make PrisonPlanet2.0.
This is their hobby. They couldn't have known it would blow up like it did.
I think reddit spacing is just more encompassing. But calling TRS is still a must during a post.
This is the problem with IRL (butt) buddies.
They won't police their kith and kin.
This is why I prefer anonymous venues.
I don't know you, and that's just fine.
So they're just a group of losers who shitpost on our board because we refuse to assimilate to their jewish ways?
That's extremely pathetic.
I called the most probable scenario I saw, not being a TRS forumfag or dramamonger.
Suck a dick, e-drama addict.
so they are just listening to one guy and that's them "redpilling" everyone?
No, its a group of about 2000 who do regular things like shitpost, but there are a few dozen autistic cunts who do what autistic cunts do.
so these are the faggots spilling their hard earned shekels their parents/autismbux/job gave them to give to fucking jewtube conartist?
It was them all along ?
Is CC counter-currents? Is everyone outside of the anonysphere fucking gay?
I'm starting to understand why Spency made the faggot tweet… he's seeing only faggots all around him.
[email protected]/* */
send over an invite man.
When the only straight man in your life is Common Flip, you have to make a hard choice. Spencer made his, and it was the wrong fucking choice.
user, I have some bad news for you.
Reminder that this is the faggot from the /polmeta/ threads' twitter -
And no, he isn't "A. Wyatt Mann" the cartoonist.
More or less this, hence why all the Pinochet maymays flowed out of TRS rather than cuckchan and here
Yeah, but tbh they put out pretty decent articles and book reviews
ecelebs and the lime light are another part, as soon as someone comes out that has some kind of following people dig into them looking for anything to use due to a history of the Feds using honeypots on the far right pretty consistently
Chris "muh shekels" Cantwell fucked up the one good business contact he had for a 3/10 mystery meat that, if his previous relationships are any indication, will leave him until the end of the year.
Watch as he goes full Jack Hunter.
Johnson's lecture series on Plato is actually really great. It's from when he worked at a nigger college (and was likely getting the aids from his students)
It's hilarious that the closest thing they could find to a cool lolberg is a jew-controlled spic.
Like the ones in defense of sodomy?
Wtf I hate TRS now
I genuinely mean this, I'm not memeing right now, these fuckers are total cancer
On the flip side, at least the 1st Irregulars scooped up his viewers. Still a pack of edgy lolbergs, but at least they aren't steroid abusing alcoholic manchildren whose only progeny are rotting in a dumpster.
They host a ton of different writers you autist, take the good ones like Buchanan, MacDonald,etc and discard the bad
The cowardly thing is that Greg won't admit he's gay, but will vociferously defend it. He's supposedly trying to be all DADT about it but that doesn't apply when you're shilling for BP.
So just read other people's material that he reprints and ignore what he and his gang of sodomites put out?
You have a problem with this webm. Heck, even I am a "1488r" national socialist but they do bring up good points. Screaming shill in your basement isn't helpful.
Moly has evolved a lot in the past year.
Who do you think helped Trump more: alt right ecelebs or dedicated Holla Forumsacks savaging every enemy that crossed Trump?
In the same way Lew Rockwell "evolved" when he was ghostwriting Ron Paul's newsletter…
Never trust lolbergs
You know why I thought this was a D&C campaign?
-Cantwell is being bitchy because he thinks there's 1488 purity spiralling
-Anti TRS threads have sprouted here so continually that they look like sliding
-The caps from over there look so contrived and stupid that they seem like plants
The most probable answer at this point is that the "alt-right" is a retarded meme. I've said before and I'll say it again, Big tents are for clowns.
We've got to keep it all functional until after the election though. Pushing the same info consistently until victory. We can tear each other's eyeballs out once the Big Guy is in the Oval Office. That's when we re-evaluate trajectories.
No one dislikes lolbergs more than me, that you can trust.
I can agree to that. That said, if your shit gets posted here you better be ready to spread em.
They made an episode were William prece comes back and use memes
And then they murder him.
Probably not a hard thing to do giving how bad Christopher's radio show is.
Constantly begging for money, getting trolled by random callers, mocking/insulting what decent callers he gets, etc.
Its a miracle he actually gets payed by anyone when the only thing he delivers is quantity.
Ty for outing yourself. Any other anons that wish to bait TRShills just post that video in their next shilling thread.
I had already told you I only sage spammed this thread because they're shilling for click-shekels. If the OP had archived I wouldn't be here. I agree about the election, which is why I'm focusing my OC on wikileaks and shillary. After the election any mention of TRS will be met with my full sage force.
Too little, too late.
And the biggest issue with that video is that they say there's "room in the aut-right" for faggot kikes like Milo and lolberg crypto-jews like Lauren Southern.
Why is /polmeta/ getting hit with a shit load of slide threads? Look at this shit. You TRSlimes are fucking awful.
My shit? I only post here. I got forum burnout in 2006.
Took me a year of chan lurking before I started posting. Threads you can just walk away from, let me tell you, that felt liberating.
Fuck namefag forums.
In case you needed it spelled out for you, these were all made since this thread was put up on the catalog.
Goddammit trs
By the way, did Trump actually said that sometime ?
I think thats oc
It's almost as if TRShills are desperately trying to fuck up Holla Forums so we all listen to their podcasts and donate shekels to their e-begging t-shirt salesmen overlords.
alt right "ecelebs" as you like to call them, without a doubt
Holla Forums has been around for years and they did basically nothing, they sure like to claim the recent success of the more active and focused alt-right though. Funny thing is I was a Holla Forumsack before but I see where the future lays, and its not on an anonymous anime imageboard, its about networking irl.
Can they at least keep it on trs not here or should i start saying (((they)))
It's more likely that wyatt is being a faggot and can't let go of being mocked on the internet, which is why he still hangs out and identifies primarily with a site that constantly bans him.
Stefan wouldn't lie to me. He's our greatest ally, and a strong advocate for the truth! Who cares if he refuses to tackle the Jewish question, despite habitually shitting on Christianity? You're just being paranoid. :^)
Goddamit, I was all ready to agree and shit.
In case YOU need it spelled out for you, this is how D&C fucking coordinates.
Tell me, the fuck do TRSfaggots get from this? Can you into cui bono?
lol you seen the recent eps too? He called us all commies because we don't subscribe to (((ancap))) idealogy. Unsubbed and glad to move on, guy is a shitty degenerate anyway. Some lolbergs can't be cured, its genetic.
He did shoah some kike
How many of us would have to flag his twatter for us to get him banned there?
Yes what do they get out of this?
A pissed of Holla Forums?
wrong link
So basically nothing, as that's the status quo?
Mannchild (and probably other TRS fags) are trying to slide the threads where they got BTFO.
How many are there? I don't /polmeta/ much at all.
It's more about bringing it all here that bothers me. The only gain I can see is a borderline seeking attention, and this shit delivers.
So… well played, psycho slider?
I watched some minutes of him ramble on ( probably drunk ) about communist infiltration as weird people called him to suck his dick and tell him he is 100% right and should continue being a progressive free spirit that doesn't care about what other people say about the woman he is fucking.
What was a mediocre radio show that i just watched because it produced 3 episodes a week and thus alway had at least some content i could see turned into a weird cult i want no part off.
Iron March may be many things, but they're right about you people. You're the modern day Ron Paul voter; a flash in the pan movement which will fade away into obscurity after the election. Eventually, like the lolbergs, you'll be subverted and crushed by kikes, faggots and women (already happening). By the time you fight back in earnest, the damage will have already been done and your movement will be something unrecognizable.
Aww don't do that. Wyatt's an idiot and a genuine autist, if you do that he'll never leave us alone.
The majority of TRS' inner circle is literally Ron Paul voters and admits that.
Ron Paul i fucked up
Hold up.
So Seventh Son goes all sperg on people who have a diluted ideology of what he wants in the "movement", just after he sperg raged and kicked out all the "1488s" and Iron Marchers because of "purity spiraling".
Fuck this faggot enabler retard.
Wyatt is a compulsive shitposter, the last thing you guys want is he making his new life mission to shit-up this board, believe me.
Pic, text,??
The tense of the verb doesn't matter. They can't "unvote" for Paul, thus they are a Paul voter. Further, it makes no substantive difference in the line of argument presented.
SeventhSon is only in this to gratify his ego.
Okay, so why even identify with a movement that's in the process of being subverted and is going to die in less than a year? All I can see is a combination of vanity and money (like all alt-right faggots) so… Fuck those guys worthless cunts. Also, what kind of a narcissist do you have to be to take credit for Trump's hard work and America's love of him?
This thread is a proof that some 3-4 autistic spergs have some hidden agenda maybe ctr shills to divide us with their forced narative
Just look at the /polmeta/ these people are the ones creating these threads to false flag TRS mods please take a note
ID a9005f (29)
ID 511090(30)
ID 2167e2(15)
ID fded7e (40)
Jesus christ this is some extreme paranoia these people are suffering from and no wonder the board quality is going down just give it a rest you mongs.
Also you TRS people should really make your forums public and clear some doubts what have you got to hide ?
What was in the thread that they were sliding?
CC is the only aut-right source that's decent. Johnson may be a fag, but he doesn't promote the lifestyle, and his work is definitely the result of genuine passion.
Never Mind most there content is now anti jew niger and even anti gay
Still with Paul
awyattmannchild sperging out with 200+ posts claiming that Kike Enoch was going to "destroy" us.
He's written many articles in defense of faggotry.
Someone posted a call to raid Holla Forums.
nigger, I've been calling this whole thing D&C from the start.
Your post, on the other hand, is schizo. Calling D&C+paranoia+TRS conspiracy, all in one shot.
You need to take some time off, friend.
You're not even circling the point. The point was, Slavros was completely right in his assessment.
I'm just talking about it because I use both sites. This should be pretty obvious from the fact that I've been openly talking about the people involved in detail.
What assessment
Last time I called you out on this bullshit, saying how a few people increasing the number of natsoc topics wouldn't change the board in any way, and I got banned. I'm just not going to argue though, since Holla Forums is such a last bastion of free speech and nationalist values.
That they and their "movement" is largely equivalent to the flash in the pan conservative movements that tend to spring up around candidates in election years. TRS is manned by the same exact people who were part of the previous one.
Sometimes TRS goes brigading around the internet, the last time they did so ( i think they were mass trolling some liberal bitch that adopted 2 niggers on facebook ) a link to the thread on their then public forum was used as part of a mass report effort to their registrar, and it got their site off the air for some days.
Closing the forum was done to prevent that from happening again.
He's written about it historically, but I'm pretty sure he's never co-signed it as a legitimate way of life, (unlike Dickie "implicit whiteness" Spencer). Besides, there are other writers on there who are a good deal more based than Johnson if he seems like too much of a fag-lover.
Ok but there trying to be biger there trying to build up fashism
And trying to build a new type of fashism
Wrong. Find the TRS article about homosexuality from last spring and you'll see the a large portion of the comments are Johnson defending homosexuals, the modern homosexual identity/homocentricism and questioning if it is even an issue for the right to take up.
I gotta admit, their disqus raids on neocuck sites like National Review are pretty funny. Of course that was more than a year ago, I haven't visited trs in a long time. The podcasts became really repetitive, I only listen to Morraikus merchant minute on his jewtube channel.
Just tell the fags to fuck off
he banned people who were hostile to him and his website/forum which he pays for. he didn't give a platform to people who speak ill of said platform. pretty fashy if you ask me.
TRS won't because they hang out with a bunch of them, and they put their social circle before ideological purity.
I'll look for it, I'm more than willing to admit I'm wrong if he has indeed actively defended homosex
Sven's a pussy. His childishness is why I refuse to contribute money to them, or attend their events.
A marine who was actively serving overseas at the time, to clarify
Then try to get trs listener to get off trs
If they loss money they will stop being fagits
They're doing that themselves with Sven's poor behavior.
sage faggot
Florian a good guy and did nothing wrong.
and the post was deleted and people were banned. the same could have been done for Holla Forums. Posts out of context, etc
These big tent morons need to learn the history of gays in political movements. They are subversive immoral elements that are scandal bait. They are also easily recruited by enemies who can blackmail them for being fags.
I realize this.
you post is the definition of a straw man. he owns the site and gets to decide what's on it. muh free peach.
…B-but muh christkike, user. How will we ever reach the top of the pile if we don't use Christians as human stepping stones?? How will we do that if we accept their morality??
filtered, you've just outed yourself. into the oven you go.
And that means he's not a narcissistic faggot why? He got baited by the equivalent of an xBOX live troll and let it actually interrupt his behavior. He's an almost 50 year old man trying to meme with the cool kids.
I think even on one of the latest radix podcasts, his own guest mocked Richard "implicit" tweet.
He is never getting away from that.
it is svens petty bullshit that will be the downfall of the alt right
Dude is a musician, it can't be helped.
that is no excuse
Right, that's why they tell Cantwell to fuck off whenever he tries to push libertarianism and why Sven wrote the OP article saying he's thinking about banning libertarians. Because TRS is a 100% homosexual libertarian potsmoking civic nationalist site. Gas yourself, Jew.
What then for florian of Iron March?
Anyone who is outed as a fag gets banned.
Are they going to stop ending every show with le edgy helicopter spic's funeral march and get rid of the AnCap LARPers from Fash the Nation?
I thought most TRS users were originally from Holla Forums, where did the rest of them come from? It seems like this large group of people calling themselves alt-right came out of nowhere. Prior to 2015 I though Holla Forums was pretty much the only group of young people with far-right or third-posittionist political views.
So Millennial Woes, GRIDS Greg, and Ryan Faulk have all been banned?
Your typing style reeks of not being an imageboard user, read through all the posts you've typed, you're subconsciously trying to preserve your own cute little individual style and persona. Looking at your id or reading your post twice isn't necesarry, you're typing short snippets of a sentence or two and you're still easily identifiable due to your habit attentionwhoring attempt at preserving an identity. Lurk or fuck off, you're polluting this place.
maybe he is. idk, idc, thats not what I'm saying. straight up: his site. his rules. don't come crying to Holla Forums when you get booty blasted off twitter, too.
I don't care about the alt right. I care about trump winning, not petty Internet drama.
Face it fascists. You were merely a stepping stone.
Ah, yes, Dick Hertz, the pseudonymous Scots-Irish fellow, with the throwaway e-mail from Huntsville, AL, is at real risk of a doxing from contacting IE through that form.
The problem is, you can't run a political movement that way.
Ryan Falk posts under "dhozzile" or something like that. Was he really a male prostitute? Cuz he's an uggo.
No idea, I don't use the forum :^)
Bulbasaur's problem isn't his Christianity.
He is just a guy that wished really hard to live in a world where fascism wasn't necessary.
"How you found TRS ?" is a question that goes on a lot on the forum as they try to find out what recruitment effort has worked better.
Coming from Holla Forums is not a rare answer, then there is people that came from some MRA sort of blogs, people that come from the shilling done on Breitbart's disqus, people that came through facebook or twitter and lastly people that come from some sort of "conspiracy theory enthusiast" background.
He runs a site whose users are part of a political movement. He's not your boss, retard.
so youre a big-tent guy? let in all the fags and jews? or that you have to compromise on your morals to be mainstream?
let the Trs guys do their thing. if they fail they fail. there needs to be competition between us so that the stronger ideology prevails. if we compromise we lose. same can be said for them.
One, the fact that priest keeps paling around with that arrogant Nordlander is a fucking joke. I have spoken with that priest personally on several occaisions and he has told me the Nord's views on the solutions to the anti-white problem are unacceptable and against his moral. Yet, he still hangs out with him. Let me remind you that Nord was also the cause for the termination of Radio Free Skyrim, the man is so grating he caused he alienated all the other panel members. And he is a low agency snow nigger, there was a time when many people wanted to hear his new Alcoholocaust bit and after 3 episodes he has went into obscurity. He's like an eccentric band member, yeah his fame allows him pursue side projects, but it's the band that gives him notoriety and when he tries to go solo he becomes a minor act with a cult following.
In other words,
Fuck Natt
Pinochet did some things right - purging the universities and killing Commies, for instance - but I just like the music. TRS isn't pushing libertarianism or a Pinochet-style government at all. Read the OP article. They're ex-libertarians who are thinking about banning libertarians because their stupid ideas about society are unacceptable to the established Fascist consensus. It's just a song.
Fuck dude, you described like half of Holla Forums
Natt was the only reason anyone even listened to RFS
kek. not saying I agree, but he was always way too tryhard for me. the whole "i promise not all scandos are cucked" act.
personally, I liked perecletus more
Still a kike-puppet.
Stalin planned mass executions of jews (which is much more admirable than "muh helicopters"), she would start honoring him with Gulag memes and by flying the hammer and sickle?
They're "ex-libertarians" in the same way the Neo-Cohens were "ex-Trotskyites".
has Natt ever even attacked anyone who wasn't on the alt-kike? all he seems to do is cause infighting.
I remember he tried to btfo that pedophile Ian Freeman on chris cantwell once and he just stuttered and failed before getting shutdown. he likes his hugbox too much.
*should be.
No idea how the fuck I did that. Maybe I caught autism from this thread?
Natt's a drunken troll. Anyone taking him seriously is an idiot. He admits this himself.
That music isn't even about Pinochet to begin with.
Well, duh.
TRS and Holla Forums are the same social phenomena.
No, because if he actually goes against the real opposition in europe he'd get arrested. So he targets the alt right, who won't try to dox him.
*Should we
i'm talking about online.
Same is the case online.
why, was he dumb enough to use his real face and name?
What's wrong with killing all of them.
I don't remember the bible saying exterminating your enemies is immoral, I do remember God doing this several times in the Old Testament.
Sounds to me like someone smugged him too hard and he got butthurt.
It might be funny, the neocons would kvetch to no end.
The problem with the neocohens was their race, not their political history. Mussolini was an ex-Communist and Hitler was ZOG secret police. People change, blood doesn't.
How can a group to enforce a lack of government?
You don't belong here, redditor
Sorry, ancap; you’ll be killed right alongside the marxists.
Lolbergs just want no government so they can do drugs and rape kids. This is known.
I think he is pretty well know where he lives as some sort of drunk bar fighting hooligan.
Is Molineux posting the new avatar troll ?
I love these so much.
That's obviously referring to his homo computer.
That's not the real A Wyatt Mann, that's a guy larping as him.
One of the vols is called therealmoonman but that doesn't mean that he's moonman, the producer.
Reported for obvious kike shill.
They're unironically my favorite meme, it almost, [i]almost[/i] makes me want to be an ancap just for that level of smug
This, any time something potentially actually helpful comes through the shills make damn sure to drive a wedge between us and it. They have the full cooperation of the mods in this, thus they actually are able to cause some damage here and there.
L.O.L., try two apostrophes in a row on both ends of the intended text. Remove the text from your e-mail slot as well.
OK is OK without the spaces between them, new-friend.
are two apostrophes
Stop spoonfeeding the newfags.
Holla Forums is the last stand of implicit white identity.
Wut. You realize that's the exact opposite of what's happening here, right? Sven is purging all the actual right wingers from the groups to make sure they can keep their fags.
There's only one of them, plus it's Sunday.
So you just don't like the word government. Got it.
what the fuck we aren't gay
Ancap is a paradise for memetic development. IP laws must die.
That isn't very civilised, T.B.H.
Wew, glad to see TRSHILLS didn't get any quads ITT.
Daily reminder to report all pro-TRS faggots and to prepare your memes for Nov. 9th
Well, if there is one thing ancapism produced was a good meme.
He's purging the libertarians so they'll quit promoting civic nationalism and Jewish economics. Try reading some of the article:
that's not true tho. they ban faggots, and sven deleted the podcast because Florian had on natt, someone who countersignals trs. why wouldn't he delete that episode?
Learn to read.
meant for
They haven't banned GRIDS Greg, Ryan Faulk, or Millenial Woes. I bet this guy has an account on their forum too.
never change, OP. Never change..
Way ahead of you dude.
400 posts in
give me attention
sorry im in a time machine
Reported for obvious CTR.
That was so satisfying. I fucking hate libertarians.
screencap my posts more
fuck ive been found out
get all of TRS to admit they are flaming gay
So do they.
im gay for anime dude
Because those flaming faggots aren't stupid enough to attack the owner of the site they appear on as guests.
invite me back or Im going to kill myself
contributing to a cancerous thread
message one of us on the forums then faggot
I guessing you're all shills because you're using the really obvious tactic of slandering all of TRS because of a handful of forum faggots. No I'm not from there. I've hung out with my local pool patry because I met one of then randomly and they held the same views as me. All natsocs.
Sage for movement infighting you kikes.
go back to your 504um hugbox
>>>/jidf/ pls go
That's because ironmarch and dailystormer are both fbi, it's all mindless, captivating edge and sweet donations.
==Reminder: not all TRSHILLS are cancer, some are also kikes, trannies, and closet poofters.
Call in the private police and after putting in my login and 16 characters password i would inform the officer that there is a adult black male and a young white girl violating the NAP.
Violates the property rights of the road owner unless he expressly approves you can fire across his land.
hit me up on discord nigga let's talk about this
Ironmarch is the best friend the kikes could ever hope for
let me in girl
They're not racialists.
The best thing about the name fags over at Dickie's Dungeon is that they'll be the first ones rounded up by HRC if the globalists get her elected. Just being associated with Holla Forums , one of the most radical sites on the web, will lead to their incarceration/forced sectioning to whatever new asylums pop up. We should encourage them to shill their shit actually, I'm having a change of heart suddenly.
no matter how many macro images you throw at me, it won't stop me from chasing after you babe.
hit me up on discord for some erp
Anons, let TRShills go crazy here and take the fall when the meme police come to arrest us on hate speech charges. I mean they use discord to meet up without VPNs even. Let em burn tbh
not until i get a full name and pic of face with timestamp.
Stop talking with yourself mate.
What's NAP?
ok here's a selfie
Thnx for response :^)
Sorry sir but this respectable man of color has bought our LIFETIME immunity package, we cannot send our security personnel, have a good day!
I fucked up my spelling since I've had a few to get through a paper I'm writing.
Thank you for not being retarded enough to not get that.
Forum mod here. This is more b.s., I assume any channer with a sense of skepticism can see through this "they're all FAGS!" routine. You see people's problems with Seventh Son pop up throughout, and there's a reason. These are people, average age around 17, who showed up to the site talking shit, starting fights, lying, posting disgusting degenerate jpgs, whatever. They never had any intention but to screw with the site, and their method was to pretend to care about "fag enablers" or some other pretend problem so they could pose as the "extreme" alternative to peel off impatient teenagers who find Uzebeki "Eurasian hordes will crush the West" Duginite Slavros and his whole aesthetic appealing.
These people were given one chance after another, far too many, to show good faith and be part of the community, which is 100% against miscegenation, gays, Jews, etc. They weren't interested in it, they continued to bullshit and use dishonest screencaps here, make "they're all FAGS" memes and tweet them out, etc. These are not particularly bright, dedicated, or mature people, they're internet shitheads who spend 100% of their time trying to tear down movements that are 99.99999% to the right of the rest of the world.
When you see these responses of "Hey I'm here from TRS lol u Holla Forums guise are basement dwelling losers good luck with your dead Fuhrer lol," when that doesn't sound remotely like the views of anyone at TRS, you should know you're being D+C'ed. I know some anons take the bait because a few misleading screencaps are pretty persuasive when you don't know anything more about it, but the website is fucking solid, won't tolerate people trying to shill here, and if you head around the forum you won't see a single thing about shilling at Holla Forums, or "enabling fags," or any of these other spurious charges. Normally, I'd say "it's just Sinead and Renegaders and IM people doing the crabs in a bucket routine" is being too quick to blame, but this is actually how these people operate. They thrive on internet drama, they're upset that their websites are failures, so they lash out with this childish "but…but…you're all FAGS!" childish bullshit.
In terms of banning people who say to shill here, I'll damn well do it, but we're not browsing the fucking forum 24/7. If some dude posts some stupid shit and some other dude screencaps it to come fool gullible people here, we can't exactly stop it, we're just going to need people here to understand what's going on with these shitheads. I certainly wouldn't screencap Holla Forums and go around the internet using a few posts to make some dishonest argument that "all anons are x, here's clear evidence!" Holla Forums is love, Holla Forums is life, it's the progenitor of all great things right wing on the internet in the last ten years, negative discussion of it at TRS is ridiculously small and that tiny bit is about how it's unfortunate that the user system has advantages but also disadvantages from not being able to tell when you have fraudulent people pretending to be one thing but being another.
you guys still watching the thread over in the discord?
Nah, nobody gives a fuck anymore. I figured I should finish reading it first though.
kek, tell Hydro I said hi then
*bothered faggot mod enters the room with a useless diatribe*
Stay in Dickie's Dungeon and in heel to your alt kike overlords. We already have a growing tranny population here.
Hydro wanted to read someone saying hi, I posted the link so he could read it. But nobody really gives a fuck now. I'm sticking around to tie up this loose end.
They're still linking their faggot users here through discords!! Ty for another Screencap to add to collection
That sounds exactly like awyattmannchild.
And this is why nobody likes you.
KEK honors you for your sacrifice. Adding to the meta and should show any other anons still ITT, they're back to their normal TRShill kikery.
Awyattmann is a proud NEET, he would never say something like that.
Oy vey! A character assault on an anonymous board! How can I ever recover???
Ok, maybe not the "basement dwelling" part, but definitely the rest of it.
Your coping strategy seems to be working reasonably fine.
Stop taking this shit so seriously, jesus christ.
god bless you glorious nigger
wyattman did nothing wrong
*6 TRShills now enter the thread*
I'm an ancap and I'm less of a larper than trs fags. The article was probably about white-knight cantwell.
None of this makes it worthy of a thread, being namefags, this is basically e-celeb drama
I hope your shilling team has a better meme folder than the ones you've used on the meta. Anonso are watching.
they are all in voice chat now, still monitoring text chat.
Can you hear them?
Of course not you fucking retard, if he could we would have kicked him already
Great work user. I imagine they're running their talking points back with Sven and preparing a new wave of "kys nigger, muh purity spiral, muh DNC, basement dweller lmao XD go outside and enact change faggot, TRS is anti fag totally, hehe 1488ers get rekt".
they are talking about the chan and the infiltration of the discord
Honestly Holla Forums doesn't even disagree with TRS politically
The problem with TRS is that they're namefags and they thus their culture and the way that they structure their community is utterly alien and repulsive to anons. They have an invite only namefag fourm where there's a massive amount of hotpocketing.
All I want changed is them turning their forum into an imageboard and them admitting that we're the true source of 90%+ of their memes and culture instead of acting like redditors who pretend that they came up with memes while shitting on the culture that produced everything that they loved.
At least the Romans had the fucking decency of respecting and honoring the Greeks after stealing their entire culture
I inclined to think people that are here and thus escaped the multimillionaire propaganda schemes of the (((elites))) will also probably dodge the clumsy propaganda efforts of the group of shills who have voluntarily take upon themselves to write "TRS is gay" at every thread about the site.
But i guess your never know.
Those incidents with A. Wyatt Mann were instigated by ONE derailment troll, maybe two. Most of us know AWM is legit.
Wow, look at them upboats on dem shillposts.
The guys at TRS are REALLY liking that idea, yeah.
how many times do you want to repost these old hats?
I hope so, like always user culture has advantages and disadvantages. It's great in terms of avoiding e-celebism, shekel grabbing, upvote whoring, etc., but it also doesn't let you know when dishonest people show up unless they're really bad and obvious about it.
Their will be no peaceful resolution between the TRS namefags and anons. Once again they've been caught shilling here and obfuscate their true intentions through a concerted raid. After this election, TRS will understand why you don't fuck with the Internet hate machine
Go away Slug, before I come after your boi pussy again.
Not really, dude, there are people who want to make TRS look shitty so they intentionally "shill" it in an awful way because they know people here hate that.
Oh boy, the D&C shills came prepared this thread.
FFS, trshills are just being downright lazy now. Go regroup in Dickie's Dungeon
Lol, TRS is so infiltrated that if they were really as bad as its claimed there would webms of Enouch nailing Richard in the ass by now.
Well here comes the "muh DnC, TRSHILLS can do no wrong even if caught committing acts of wrongdoing"
I wonder why.
Reminder that this meme was started by Holla Forums and SA goons.
hi guys, I'm convolution from the chat
please don't screen cap us, we don't like it, it's weird.
If they stopped shilling their fucking site and podcasts here, it'd be a great thing. They are making money appropriating our memes and part of the culture, rebranding it the way they see fit then have the fucking audacity to flaunt their corrupted result in our face, calling us all sorts of retarded names when we call them on their bullshit. Fuck them, I hope they lose their hosting again. They could have avoided the backlash if they kept the retards who want to raid here on a leash.
You faggots just couldn't shill for three weeks, huh? Couldn't wait until after the election, so you force anons into wasting memetic energy on excising your cancer. Fucking despicable. Let's see all your faggot bottomboys storm in here with more "muh DnC"
hi its me, convolution
pls no screencap thread
it makes us uneasy
great! you and your shitty network can fuck off then
You fag-enabling TRshills can't even differentiate between cuckchan and full chan. Keep outing yourself as cancer.
Sure thing, faggot.
Completely disregard that this is some common filth level of "aut right combating", where he and his faggot foster children post the same fucking faggot spencer post, probably for all eternity.
I think this relentless drone of "TRshills, TRShills!" based on shitty evidence is enough to reveal these dildos as low rent nigger Jews with nothing better to do than sow problems among groups with identical political views. If that's your priority when the Jews are Jewing and the brown people are breeding, you're a fucking loser and you're wasting the precious little time that our race has left.
Glad Dickie Spencer approved your replies so you can post here now. You've been caught for the second time, continue to blind yourself to the facts. It shows the kikery that's embedded in your name fags forum that many old fags already spoke of
Hell is forever!
You'll pay for stealing quints from actual, more deserving anons.
All goons must be gassed. Including you.
SA must and will be purged.
You have nothing to argue anymore.
You keep re-using the same old shit.
Nobody approved of any of it on TRS, the people opposing the "shills" had the most upvotes.
Gas yourself, faggot. Now and forever. Gas yourself daily.
Checked and observed.
Kek desires chaos, I assume he's preparing capable anons for the upcoming war after the election. Keep deflecting that I'm a goon faggot, unlike me, you have no proof
Here are the discord snaps for anons that are swayed by TRS cancer. They're trying to slide it just like all the other proof in the metas.
So, where is your proof?
Is this another case of "it was real in my mind!" ?
Screenshots showing TRShills were shilling here once again and trying to damage control. Don't listen to their talking points, they seek dominion over you.
Goddamnit slug.
Right now these TRShills are in their discord, sneering, scoffing, likely masturbating to /cuteboys/,and planning their next talking points on how to discredit the veracity of these snaps. Thankfully the mods see their true nature
As if you didn't obliviously had an agenda yourself.
Should have been banned for shilling tbh fam.
Now we see the origins of the plebbit spacing meme, the increase in use of cancerous normal fag memes, and plebbit jargon like "lel". This is the cancer we must excise before it's too late.
Right now they are baneposting and talking about how 3D
Any concerted effort to stifle the freedom of expression of anons is unwelcome and your co-opting of board culture will not work.
I'm sorry, but aside from TRS peddling their shit, what is the problem? I don't mean to sound like a shill, but I don't understand why TRS is supposed to be a real shilling problem. I get that linking their article here is retarded, but why not just ignore it for being a shit thread?
you don't understand?
As TRS sends their 'proto-goons' into the thread on a useless damage control op, I remind all anons to see the screen caps above for proof of their malevolence. After one of their faggot ideologues was banned, I'm sure they're planning retaliation over the next week. Remain vigilant as they take energy away from pressing matters like wikileaks. Sage and report all TRShill threada
archive the thread. post it in each thread they come up.
they're infecting other boards now.
everybody is calling her a dumpster fire
TRS is pretty much anti-Evalion. That Mikey autist is also involved with people from their forum.
Nah, mostly they're just nervous, especially slug who is just a kid.
Oldfags tried to warn us but the cancer has now metastasized at an incredible rate. It will be an uphill battle of schizo character assaults, plebbit meme posting, cuckchan drivel, and identity politics. Let's hope some of us still have the will to fight after these upcoming weeks.
The only part I've seen out of that from them is >listen to this podcast, and now >read our shitty article. Also I thought the reddit spacing was from 4cuck refugees. If you can connect all that other shit to them I'm willing to listen, but I just don't see it.
The jew/goon cries in pain as it strikes you.
Maybe this is some 4d chess from the leaders of TRS and IM, they get the foot soldiers to shit at each other and shitpost endlessly making both groups more famous.
Keep deflecting and I'll keep posting proofs of your concerted efforts to shill.
TRS is a far right website, Holla Forums is a far right imageboard
You faggots do realize this kind of pointless infighting is what has killed countless nationalist organizations/movements right? Fucks sake.
Who am I kidding though, it's obvious the people pushing this division are kike shills/goons/feds/what have you.
again, I hate to be retarded, but I am not seeing the malevolence here. If you posted a thread on Holla Forums wouldn't you link it to other Holla Forumslacks that you knew from other sources? Or is this about something else? I'm not trying to defend them, I just don't get it.
This is now a National Socialist Hitlerite thread.
Look through the thread above. TRS fags excessively use reddit spacing to the t.
TRS cuck telling us to stop outing him like the kike he is.
no, it was TRS that divided themselves from us.
So, what did you get banned for?
You can call the goon all sorts of names, D&C agent, shill, shitposter, but if you call the goon a goon, he recoils!
"I have been found out!"
It's not a problem, There are a few illusioned idiots over at TRS that think Holla Forums pushing back against them is genuine. It isn't. It's shilling. With small exceptions like the dickie spencer debacle, 8/pol/ is entirely in-line with TRS's Goals and worldviews, and vice versa.
Most of the shills on Holla Forums have been here long enough to realize that gaslighting, disinfo and consensus cracking doesn't work, but what DOES work is countersignalling as hard and fast as possible against any ally or beneficial movement, as long as the countersignal is masked well enough to make anyone who is not interested enough to research and think about it themselves that what they're saying is the truth.
This user speaks the truth. This is D&C, through and through, and both Holla Forums and TRS need to stop buying their shit being pushed on both sides.
not banned
TRShills predicate their arguments on the declaration that all screen caps of their shilling operations are mere allegations. They've done this for the past two weeks. Now we have more proof of a concerted effort to shill their shitty podcasts and to damage control and they're using the same tactics. Now they're sliding the thread
t. TRS goon
Yeah they don't seem to the problem is their inability to act appropriately in our space, being here.
When we're their, we don't like shitposters. WHen they're here, they should respect the culture. EAsy as pie.
Seeing how they had so little upvotes and even got some downvotes, they might just be fabrications.
Fact is, you are grasping at straws.
You grasp at them now, you grasped at them before.
Nice strawman, faggot.
don't call it a strawman. it's what you're doing lad.
Kill yourself
Every single person I talk to from TRS came here in the first exodus. You're pushing pure D&C bullshit.
Gee, I wonder why a white nationalist website would post its white nationalist content to a site known for white nationalist belief and discussion? It's almost as if people here might appreciate the podcasts and articles. Is it shilling to post and share far right content now?
Ask yourself anons, will you deny such plain evidence of another effort to manufacture consent on this board? Watch as they try to shirk it off as an aberration or just a few dedicated autists, when now we have images of more than 8 of their users in a discord engaging in shilling operationa. Last week we had 10+ in one discord. Before that a whole group of 30+ shills shat all over thE meta and any other threads speaking ill of TRS faggots
maybe if
we do this
much more
we can understand
how much of a
gigantic retard
you are to have to use
reddit spacing to
compile your post
on this imageboard
Pic related.
Simply swap white with Holla Forums and jewish with SA.
It wasn't hard to see parallels between the alt-kike (which TRS loudly flaunts as being a part of) and all the controlled e-celeb cancer that surfaced and killed GG in 2014. This op is aimed directly at Holla Forums, unlike GG which was only tangentially targeting Holla Forums yet forced the exodus.
They're sliding it so you dont see these caps, anons. Why would they do this if they were transparent with their conduct and respected this board?
You just ignored every single point i made and equated my arguments into a false claim. You are using a strawman. I'd call you a shill, but that'd give you too much credit. you're just a fucking retard.
Please kill yourself
there is no evidence
but it was real in my mind
Yes it's frightening to me, as the children/bottom boys Dickie Spencer and his phalanx crew have pulled in are completely against anonymity and mimicking the ideologies of their neocohenservative forbears. Hopefully anons can see this before they're ensnared
Payment attention to the schizo accusations they love to parrot, just as the "muh DnC" accusation is their second favorite. It's a great form of gaslight ingredients as another user mentioned
Yeah, its the TRS discord.
there is no talk of shilling
but it was real in my mind
ok, you have a point with the reddit spacing. I will grant you that one. Now what about everything else?
I figured it could be that, whenever Holla Forums gets into conversations about any other site/eceleb/whatever that has any aligned interests with Holla Forums the thread seems to get really autistic about inane shit.
great, now I'm a shill because I don't see TRS watching a thread about one of their articles as being as big a problem as CTR, /int*/, SA, JIDF, or Applied Memetics.
Look, I like Fash the Nation as much as the next Holla Forumslack, but you really do need to condense your text a bit more. Also if you have the death panel's ear, let them know that nostalgia over lolbergturdianism is boring as fuck.
Fugging saved. Kek will shield you in the upcoming battle of Nov.9.
just look above the thread before it started being slide by TRS who jumped on this thread.
Ah. Now I see exactly who/what you are.
it's not working lad. it's over.
Get fucked.
The truth prospers anew. Anonymity breathes a sigh of relief.
Not only that. According to the other thread if you look at the current Dicky Spencer handler, it's showing links toward a new form of Bolshevism made to try and subvert Nationalists. No wonder he's all for Pan-European identity and very soft on degeneracy.
Hilariously, they called this in the chat. Women, not even once.
What am I supposed to be seeing here?
[9:39 PM] braunne: y u such a bitch tho
[9:39 PM] Pete: cuz u crazy
[9:40 PM] braunne: no.
[9:40 PM] Pete: yes
[9:40 PM] braunne: no, you know absolutely dick all, and you made this worse for no reason
[9:41 PM] braunne: you took a private conversation we had.. and extrapolate it
[9:41 PM] braunne: did you think i was posting on Holla Forums?
[9:42 PM] Pete: no, i just said you are crazy, if they are pinning other stuff on you that their doing
[9:43 PM] braunne: no.. the are pinning it on me bc i'm a woman & this is my first night even bothering to chat
you saw a fire & threw gasoline on it
for what, seriously?
[9:44 PM] Pete: whatever, you are unstable and not of any use to any political movement left or right
[9:45 PM] braunne: ??!
[9:45 PM] braunne: what is this based on
[9:45 PM] Pete: the conversation we had
[9:46 PM] braunne: dunno even know what to say
[9:46 PM] braunne: speechless
[9:46 PM] Pete: its a stab in the back
[9:47 PM] braunne: yea
[9:47 PM] braunne: a real stupid one tbh; particularly useless
[9:47 PM] Pete: i think it is for the best
[9:47 PM] Pete: you are not good for us, sorry
[9:48 PM] braunne: lmfao wtf are you, trs police?
[9:48 PM] Pete: no, hall way monitor more like
[9:48 PM] Pete: keeping the filth out
[9:49 PM] braunne: and who bestowed you this title…….?
[9:49 PM] Pete: me
[9:50 PM] braunne: bro
[9:50 PM] braunne: u say i'm unstable, but you're on a fucking message board being the moral police. take a look the fuck around
[9:52 PM] braunne: now i get wtf mrawesome & natt were talking about when was discussed you
jfc, i was just trying to be your friend
[9:52 PM] braunne: peace
[9:39 PM] braunne: y u such a bitch tho
[9:39 PM] Pete: cuz u crazy
[9:40 PM] braunne: no.
[9:40 PM] Pete: yes
[9:40 PM] braunne: no, you know absolutely dick all, and you made this worse for no reason
[9:41 PM] braunne: you took a private conversation we had.. and extrapolate it
[9:41 PM] braunne: did you think i was posting on Holla Forums?
[9:42 PM] Pete: no, i just said you are crazy, if they are pinning other stuff on you that their doing
[9:43 PM] braunne: no.. the are pinning it on me bc i'm a woman & this is my first night even bothering to chat
you saw a fire & threw gasoline on it
for what, seriously?
[9:44 PM] Pete: whatever, you are unstable and not of any use to any political movement left or right
[9:45 PM] braunne: ??!
[9:45 PM] braunne: what is this based on
[9:45 PM] Pete: the conversation we had
[9:46 PM] braunne: dunno even know what to say
[9:46 PM] braunne: speechless
[9:46 PM] Pete: its a stab in the back
[9:47 PM] braunne: yea
[9:47 PM] braunne: a real stupid one tbh; particularly useless
[9:47 PM] Pete: i think it is for the best
[9:47 PM] Pete: you are not good for us, sorry
[9:48 PM] braunne: lmfao wtf are you, trs police?
[9:48 PM] Pete: no, hall way monitor more like
[9:48 PM] Pete: keeping the filth out
[9:49 PM] braunne: and who bestowed you this title…….?
[9:49 PM] Pete: me
[9:50 PM] braunne: bro
[9:50 PM] braunne: u say i'm unstable, but you're on a fucking message board being the moral police. take a look the fuck around
[9:52 PM] braunne: now i get wtf mrawesome & natt were talking about when was discussed you
jfc, i was just trying to be your friend
[9:52 PM] braunne: peace
Great evidence there, 10 bux well spent.
And the game is revealed. Decisive Danish victory.
You mean that extremely butthurt faggot who got banned because he couldn't stop sucking CFs cock?
Brb making new meme
Yes that was an interesting connection of Dickie Spencer to Dugin. I'm more worried about these alt kike ideologues with each day that passes.
Notice how this TRShill continues to use the schizo/loon accusation to try and censor, yet won't acknowledge any of the screen caps.
Considering their hero's an anti-white beaner who "researches" gay porn for hours a day, I can imagine. They should all just convert to Islam and get it over with.
'muh reddit spacing' is a fucking retarded goon meme, don't give it any legitimacy for the love of fuck. In any case, it's blatantly fucking obvious there are shills on both TRS and here that are intentionally creating this divide. Either that, or it's the faggots like natt that got kicked off and have sour grapes about TRS calling them out for being retards and sucking common filth's dick. In either case, they should all fuck off and kill themselves for being worthless wastes of space.
Also they keep trying to deflect onto other bogeyman or use one of their autists as a sacrificial lamb, while not mentioning that not over 20 unique users have been implicated in their shilling ops.
TRS (a group of retarded alt kike faggots circle jerking) getting BTFO by revealing their operations to co opt the board to fit their very dumb e celeb idol worship
the forum software might be, but the people aren't reddit nu-male circlejerkers
Contrary to what uzbekistani-led D&C ops will tell you, an absolute majority of TRS posters have called for faggot purging before (it went through); and have consistently criticised Dickie when he has foot-in-mouth'd about things such as the whole "implicit" episode
every literal faggot on the forums has been banned
I've never seen anyone say to that effect
DR3ing? Never seen this on TRS
as for the spamming shit here, I wouldn't know anything of it.
The chronic snarkasm of ex-goons doesn't go well on TRS; you'll find them more on MPC
As for actual goons, apart from someone like laurelei those faggots couldn't organise an orgy let alone
oh we are? I guess I better attach them to my post. There's literally nothing in those caps:
obviously a shitpost
OwO using voice chat, dats a bannu tbh fam
I'll even link to them.
None of it is about TRS shilling (to recruit or slide) on Holla Forums.
It links to the thread and indicates the trshills chat users were complicit in a damage control op. If you can't see that it's because Dickie Spencer's cum is in your eyes
they can't handle the bantz
No it's fucking not you retard, we give a fuck how people format around here, that shit was used back on pre-2007 cuckchan because people typed out entire paragraphs and needed to break them up It's one thing to format like
to put one-liner shitposts all broken up with a goddamn space under the post you're quoting and breaking up every goddamn sentence or post you respond to with a shit tier-oneliner like a fucking faggot fresh off the cuckchan refugee rape-farm
You're that faggot mr awesome, are you not?
TRS really needs to work on their opsec, as this is the third time you've been caught (second time with verifiable proof) trying to coopt the board.
I don't know who youre talking about but I imagine it's another alt kike eceleb
That doesn't matter. There are more than enough reasons why all sand people have to be removed regardless of which ones are more responsible for blowing up a temple to Mammon.
Yeah, if it's not you, then it's one of your buddies in here.
Are you on CFs discord right now?
To what end? Both sites are already NatSoc.
Look, I get that if an actual shilling organization were observing this thread that it would be a problem, but aside from TRS having a reddit spacing problem, I'm having trouble believing you.
I will try to carry your torch fam
lol no. look at this thread you undecided mong.
[9:39 PM] braunne: y u such a bitch tho
[9:39 PM] Pete: cuz u crazy
[9:40 PM] braunne: no.
[9:40 PM] Pete: yes
[9:40 PM] braunne: no, you know absolutely dick all, and you made this worse for no reason
[9:41 PM] braunne: you took a private conversation we had.. and extrapolate it
[9:41 PM] braunne: did you think i was posting on Holla Forums?
[9:42 PM] Pete: no, i just said you are crazy, if they are pinning other stuff on you that their doing
[9:43 PM] braunne: no.. the are pinning it on me bc i'm a woman & this is my first night even bothering to chat
you saw a fire & threw gasoline on it
for what, seriously?
[9:44 PM] Pete: whatever, you are unstable and not of any use to any political movement left or right
[9:45 PM] braunne: ??!
[9:45 PM] braunne: what is this based on
[9:45 PM] Pete: the conversation we had
[9:46 PM] braunne: dunno even know what to say
[9:46 PM] braunne: speechless
[9:46 PM] Pete: its a stab in the back
[9:47 PM] braunne: yea
[9:47 PM] braunne: a real stupid one tbh; particularly useless
[9:47 PM] Pete: i think it is for the best
[9:47 PM] Pete: you are not good for us, sorry
[9:48 PM] braunne: lmfao wtf are you, trs police?
[9:48 PM] Pete: no, hall way monitor more like
[9:48 PM] Pete: keeping the filth out
[9:49 PM] braunne: and who bestowed you this title…….?
[9:49 PM] Pete: me
[9:50 PM] braunne: bro
[9:50 PM] braunne: u say i'm unstable, but you're on a fucking message board being the moral police. take a look the fuck around
[9:52 PM] braunne: now i get wtf mrawesome & natt were talking about when was discussed you
jfc, i was just trying to be your friend
[9:52 PM] braunne: peace
OK, you're fucking retarded.
This thread is shills shilling shills shilling shills shilling shills.
No I don't listen to kike elebs to form my political orientation or opinions. Really, it's TRS' fault at this point if people are exploring this fracture point as you've been caught once again doing what anons told you not to. Go ahead and catch these other kike Podcasters in the act and I'll save your caps and sage spam when they try to shill though
I bet that fucking queer-lover doesn't even know what the fuck goons are, how they post, what they think is funny, or when they "went bad"(read:got exposed as the freaks they are).
Hint: goons love shit like r.ulecuck hence why it's filtered here and "let's try and oust the 8ch moderation for doing their job"
calling out >reddit spacing is about as fucking fascist as it gets, stop formatting like a faggot.
For moar proof see: a fucking reddit spacing faggot talking about some social media bullshit on an anonymous imageboard in a thread about TRS shills.
They enable fags, this cannot be tolerated. End of story.
No, it's CF (who is a goon) and his cocksuckers.
Hey, be fair, some of us just want to fuck with everyone equally.
TRS is clearly in the wrong here, common kike and all his jewtube buddies can go fuck themselves.
Stop deflecting and throwing other kike ecelebs to divert any scrutiny on your namefag board. Fracture points will be exploited, go ahead and throw some proof of other operations by IM, CF, or whatever and I'll gladly save to use when they shill their shit
then he comes back again
To me it proves some nong wants to paint TRS as a homosexual circlejerk -which is patently untrue- by taking shitposts seriously, and out of context. Yeah, I did want to set the record straight.
Look I don't care if you reckon TRS is a shit, a big one, a grat one; as long as the infiltrators on our discord stop posting our shit everywhere, and put their efforts into attacking actual enemies rather than shit stirring and being fucking deceitful.
obviously a shitpost
OwO using voice chat, dats a bannu tbh fam
what, are you Holla Forums or just a random shit stirrer?
it is now an offence to even mention Holla Forums on TRS. autistic spurgs are getting kicked left and right.
pic for you
Neither. It's a saturday night and I've been video editing all day. Watch two groups of my friends fight over petty bullshit is hilarious.
>i-i-it was just a joke!
go here TRS goon >>>/oven/
Look at the OP, faggot.
feels good man
Fuck your discord, you namefags are so terrible at maintaining opsec and don't realize where allegiances reside of your members. Anons will always make chaos and this board their true home. You will be exposed once again by an honorable user if you keep trying these operations
as it is with me.
however i side with Holla Forums above any e-celeb bullshit any day.
Your autism is off the scale, man.
I don't usually post in these TRS threads, but it seems worth it to point out that every time TRS does this shit it is when Holla Forums has a sticky to a dig thread
Look, I'm getting out of here, this is retarded. For the TRS people in this thread, please don't link articles from your site any more. They are opinion pieces and don't really contribute to Holla Forums.
I'm actually a leader of one of the local chapters, so I'm more loyal to my local dudes, then Holla Forums, then TRS as a whole.
The majority of the organization is cancer, as is everything. C'est la vie.
>reddit spacing
>more >reddit spacing
yes, that is what I'm saying
fuck you
Aye, anons fight through the storm alone, but together in spirit.
They keep fucking up and taking energy away from better threads, that's what irks me the most.
Counterpoint: we've had a sticky to dig through pretty much constantly for the past six months, and TRS has only really been popular for three. So probably a cohencidence.
Nobody gives a fuck about Pinochet, it's a meme, dipshit.
Yes no shit, they are fucking shills, controlled opposition who's leaders time everything very conveniently.
THey made all the same mistakes gamergate made, adopted a monicker, leaders, and gave up imageboards in favor of forum 10bux faggotry if they even ever used them to begin with.
they need to fuck off back to their butt-dildo bog and fester.
they do this constantly. it will never stop. they are a foreign force that should be repelled. no fucking trojan bullshit here.
Nope, they did full shows about how great he was in the early days and less than a year ago tried to have the forum create an epub of some gay "Miracle of Chile" book from a scan on
Yeah, and I bet TRS made this thread, too.
CF truly breeds the worst kind of people.
mind if you brief me on them? i dont browse /polmeta/ because i dont see pleasure in butthurt shills upset they were BTFO by the mods.
Holla Forums is for politics. Opinion pieces are politics and are posted regularly here. I suspect the reasons articles from TRS aren't posted here as often as ones from ZOG site are that many Holla Forumsacks read TRS and don't find anything objectionable and that faggot shills reliably show up to claim that any post that's pro-TRS is some kind of attempt at subversion and they're secretly a gay cult - the same bizarre accusation leveled by Communists against nationalist movements in the 30s, incidentally.
Long Live Holla Forums!
Read my posts faggot, common kike belongs in the same bog you do, what kind of full sickfuck "researches" gay porn for Jesus. Ant-white "christcuck" of the highest degree and that's coming from an mystic christian
Nice reddit spacing and baseless accusations made in a poor attempt to discredit me on my homeboard, TRShill.
>knows exactly what the fuck >>>/polmeta/ is
wew, well here's a link, read TRS threads on there. Should be in the catalog still if you fag-lovers didn't slide them.
Nobody even supports CF kikery here, your deflections won't work. Even if this was an elaborate ruseman OP, you faggots just had to rear your cancerous heads here and get exposed. Again, get better at OPSEC and stay the fuck off this board with your shit content.You might as well concede defeat and regroup with your fellow TRShill discorders to launch an attack another day
It would appear they've changed their minds since then.
top kek is that really a problem, u seem a little
my friend ;^)
See if you can see what's wrong with this one!
well actually because when i remembered /polmeta/ it was dead and the only fags that were there were bitching that their slide thread was deleted
You're forcing me to respond to your deflections. I've already responded I'm not a part of any of these alt kike outlets, just a dedicated autist trying to protect anonymity and the board from cancer. Again, nows the time for you to give me some OC against whatever alt kike establishment you have qualms with and I'll save for sage spamming when they launch their shilling operations on the board.
>>knows exactly what the fuck >>>/polmeta/ is
It's pretty obvious, that's what all meta boards are. There's a reason moot had to shoah /q/: people like you.
>says literal TRS faggot who hopped in this thread
prepared to get swamped back to the bog, goon.
Yeah, I'm holding a gun to your head and making you denounce CF even though you could just ignore that if you're not affiliated with him.
((( coincidentally ))) the entire energy of the thread vanished once y'all got called out.
CF is a Midas of the modern age.
Only, whatever he touches turns into shit, instead of gold.
The first time I saw Pinochet in a meme it was when the whole Right Wing Death Squads thing was starting.
You know, I don't think the Holla Forumsacks on TRS are going to figure out a way to end anonymity any time soon. Maybe you should learn to write code instead.
Before you disown them try moving a decent distance away. It's no good when years later you're showing up the day after for all their funerals.
missed it
In the meta there's a comment saying they banned someone for posting National Action vids, is there more context to that?
The 'energy of the thread" died out when most anons realized it's just you, the last trshill, left. As I said, give me your CF Screencaps or OC and I'll save. Have to work for a bit, so now's the time to bring your cronies to forget consensus.
Surely letting namefags control discourse here, the board won't slowly disintegrate into the allowance of tripfags, namefag measures, and so on.
Apparently they banned the leader of National Action temporarily due to the Iron March drama. That alone makes the mods of TRS look like fucking idiots.
Newfuckingfaggot, click my ID and read my replies ITT.
After that do pic related.
your friend
drowned in the bog. you are next.
you first.
ctrl f fucked me
Former Holla Forums here,
As a lesbian Jewish socialist, I couldn't cope with the recent influx of antisemitic Stalinist shitposters over there, so I switched over to the TRS forums and I just have to say it feels like coming home. I finally found people who share views similar to mine. Nothing like fashin' out with my gay Evola bros from TRS, pure keks on these Tinder/Grindr threads I'm telling you. Anyway, I just think you shouldn't mess with the TRS gang since they won't hesitate to fuck up a sorry bunch of weebs like you and I swear this on my grandma Hazel's maiden name.
There is no threat of that happening. Namefagging is only common on RP boards and small boards. Other sites are better suited to established identities than chans are.
Tripfags are allowed, there just aren't very many and there's no point in tripfagging.
You're delusional if you seriously think people from TRS, who are mostly from Holla Forums originally, have any interest in infesting Holla Forums with namefags, or that such a thing would have any chance at success.
Oh, yeah. The energy of
is dependant on "TRS shills" posting, too.
Also, speaking for "most anons", again.
((( we whites )))
Autism level: still off the scales.
Is the entirety of TRS a collective lolcow? I remember when they tried to hijack this place back after the second exodus and it turned into some huge drama with faggot admins sperging out and /cow/ had a field day with them.
Honestly how hard is it for these kike to understand? We don't want identity. We don't want them to push their eceleb bullshit because it hijacks shit. We are not a group with a fancy label. We are, for the most part I like to imagine, a group of extremely autistic individuals who see how fucked up shit is and spend some time arguing with each other to get a better understanding of our own positions. We are not some demographic that can be put in a box propagandized to, and expected to behave according to models.
It isn't paranoia, it isn't tinfoil, it is common sense to anyone who isn't a filthy normalfag that popped into some social circle to virtue signal with an avatar. We learned our lessons with how badly everything 4chan tried to do getting co-opted. If we (and I use the term very loosely) do not have an identity, we(again very loosely) can not be steered as a whole in a direction.
A big part of this is constant vigilance on the hotpockets and attacking them the moment they abuse their power to push a narrative.
Fuck I don't know. I am tired and rambling and a little drunk since I fucked up my squats this morning thinking I was going to get to shoot a nigger.
wtf i love homosexual intersectional Maoism-Hitlerism now
TRS are clearly fags. Yet MurdochMurdoch Hold back the Night and songs from Walt Bismarck are good shit.
What is this post supposed to mean?
If you're grabbing a new ID, also grab a new writing style and a way of expressing yourself.
I'm sure the murdoch murdoch faggots = TRS. Some words are overlapping and I don't know if it's just common speak.
Another thing. They did a fucking reddit AMA. also please donate and buy their t shirts.
Have some TRS themed music
This is an extremely GG post. That's not to say GG was all bad, but it's very weird seeing autistic Holla Forums language used on Holla Forums to denounce another group of Nazis over some fever dream plot to make us listen to podcasts and become gay or something.
webm related, for you
There's nothing wrong with that. Reddit has a lot of users and a lot of lurkers.
TRS are not Nazis. They are pushers of a lolberg white ethnostate
Are you retarded?
The OP of this thread is an article by Seventh Son saying the lolbergs are getting obnoxious and they need to shut up and get on board with Hitler or get b&.
We at TRS believe that a civic approach to nationalism is the most realistic solution. But pls no SJW's lol
post for clarification
They want to be e celebs. They want provenance in the "alt right" community. They've always been shit channers with their early episode of "redpilling" some girl he sends her a link to cuckchan's /pol
There is no point in MUH REED PEELS if you remove and strip so much of the original message it no longer has the same meaning.
You should read the thread.
They hate Hitler and "1488 larpers".
READ the fucking thread before posting.
nice reddit spacing
what a shit fucking thread
you forgot they are pro family values.
No I am not grabbing a new ID. I wandered into the thread because I wandered into Holla Forums to relax for a bit and it was at the top of the catalog. I got a couple dozen posts into the thread and started giggling because of how fucking retarded it was and how transparent the shilling was.
TRS are kosher as fuck. Controlled opposition from top to bottom.
Welcome to 8/pol/, a place full of people who want to save white people from
We are fighting an uphill battle like sisyphus was.
Part of reality you're going to have to accept is you can't accomplish much in politics without identity or leadership. If they're willing to step up and lead, good. If you think you could do a better job, try. But tearing down everyone who's trying to help our cause because you think it's arrogant or impure to not only shitpost on chans is not a good option.
That's where I would send a stranger. It's where I started.
Screencap these posts and tell your doctor you have autism, holy fuck.
Meant to sage.
Go to /polmeta/ if you want to see true TRS stomping, this thread was extremely incoherent and shitty.
On /polmeta/ there's 1 trs shill with 63 replies.
His replies, in order:
They are Milo-tier of insane.
The article the OP links to is specifically attacking libertarians and defends national socialism. Why are you being so disingenuous?
That guy was such a fucking piece of shit.
That is totally great. Here is the problem.
they back down like bitches. why even pony up for the task if you're just going to crumble and poke holes in your own ideology.
let me show you
thats why.
they're great. they oust the faggots who never understood and were never loyal.
Everyone saw /q/, dipshit. Meta boards are cancer; their only purpose is to allow people who want to fuck up the boards a place to build fake consensus.
we had to fight multiple TRS fags and multiple people were coming to grips to what TRS is.
the /polmeta/ one is just a gang rape slaughter.
I'll be hard pressed to believe that. Seeing the insane levels of
Exhibited here.
Nice post
No, you are fucking retarded. Nowhere in the article do they expound on any topic other than economics. National Socialism is not only about state power over the economy you dumbfuck. Their rejection of libertarianism does not equal National Socialism. How can you faggots actually be this dense?
haha. nt. back to the bog boy.
what's this TRShill? care to explain?
or you just going to ignore it like the past 30 post
Bunch of fuckingCommon Filth Emmaly's, is what you are.
TRS. you are afraid aren't you? how about you give us an updated picture of that thread?
Tell me more…
Keep in mind that that's posted on "TRSEF" - TRS Expeditionary Force - which is a group specifically dedicated to shilling; not all of TRS is like this.
[citation needed]
is not part of the alt-right and never was. Spencer thinks he might be useful, everyone else thinks he's disgusting. Nobody likes him except the kind of fags TRS is telling to fuck off right now.
seems like a good guy but he needs to cut back on the drinking because it's causing him to destroy good relationships by, for example, calling everyone he doesn't like gay and everyone who tells him to calm down a fag enabler.
It's bizarre that the only people who think Milo is part of the alt-right are people who are obviously the core of the alt-right themselves but are convinced the label is a Jewish homo trick.
Why? You are the specialists, after all ;^)
Go get it yourself.
Can you though?
Mostly it's for raiding comment sections and twitter.
The Daily Stormer has the same thing.
holy shit look at this
Name one heterosexual he accused of being gay.
Richard Spencer
Their type didn't 5 months ago.
That is what I'm on about.
I don't know why anyone would run with the title "alt kike".
no i can't. because i dont fucking lurk there. with all the information gathered we dont need to anyways.
they're sending their missionaries here. we'll crucify them.
Because it was real in your mind.
Yeah, very convincing.
Is that what you mean with
Ohhhhh, so many views, so many upvotes, TRS stands behind this, so many posts.
I can already hear the jackboots stomping and marching around
maybe if you close your eyes. the evidence will disappear!
Yeah, post it again.
This time it will work.
There is not a SINGLE new picture/shot of anything that hasn't been posted and jerked off on a million times now.
Same fucking shots.
With the same fucking measly upvotes.
Just like CF and his "ever growing alt right collage" that will have the same Richard Spencer quote in the year 2063.
And you'll still be dancing around it like a golden calf.
I'm not saying you shouldn't care, I'm saying don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. TRS is a decent site, produces a lot of good content, and allows a lot of right-thinking men to network, which we're going to need more of as we morph into a proper political force.